How to write an entire Novel with the new ChatGPT 4

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how's it going everyone it's donji Kong and today I have some exciting news chat gpt4 is here and oh my God it is Bonkers I mean I'm having so much fun it's the best it's insane so one of the things that I was experimenting with in 3.5 with the paid version is I was building a prompt for a 20 chapter novel and I wanted the chat I wanted the prompt to be built in a way so that each chapter would kind of tie into the one before it and it would memorize certain plot points and it would be kind of a more cohesive story 3.5 it didn't really do that well sometimes it would be daytime and then the next chapter it would be night time and there'd be this character Larry there who disappeared out of nowhere and just as pretending like he's known me forever in the you know in my character in the story and I'm like who's Larry where did you come from and so the reason why chat gbt4 is so exciting is you can generate entire novels that are cohesive without having to do any editing afterwards as long as you build the prompt correctly and that's exciting so today I'm going to run you through how I built this prompt for generating a novel in chat gpt4 let's get into it okay so let's get into this prompt this prompt is a three-part prompt and the first part of the prompt sets up the chapters the second tells the beginning of the story and the third tells all subsequent chapters after that so let's get into the first one it's can you tell me a story about an adventure named donji and his Adventure so this is the part where we start setting up the story and we just give the premise next we say but before you tell me a story I want you to make a 20 chapter outline with chapter titles but don't tell me a story until I tell you to and it should look like this chapter X title okay we're going to copy that and we're actually going to select the chat gpg4 model because it's chat GPT four time so we will paste this in and as you can see it'll start generating it in the format as specified the next part of the prompt is then give the story from chapter one from a list below now you're wondering what list is below well what we're going to do is we're going to copy all of this and then paste it in this in the bottom of the second prompt so it knows exactly what to reference and the reason why we do this is chat gbt doesn't always remember stuff perfectly from way back in the chat maybe if you're down 30 chats it might start making up stuff to fill in the blanks so we need to give it a local memory that it can always refer to so in all of our prompts we will always remind it of the chapters and next part is we say don't include anything from chapter two the next chapter so we if you leave chat GPT to its own devices it will just start telling a story with all of the information given so it'll draw from chapter 1 through 20 and it won't be a good story because it'll just ruin everything right away we also want it to foreshadow later chapters without telling us explicitly what's going to happen in the future and so we have to specify that because it has all of the information it needs to know to ruin the story in the current chapter for later chapters and we don't want it to have access to that so we say do not give anything away that would be relevant to later chapters only foreshadow things that could possibly happen in the later chapters do not tell the ending of the story or wrap up a story every story should end without completing the narrative the reason why we put this is in testing if I said do chapter one every chapter would end like and then they went happily ever after we don't want it to have that kind of ending to a chapter after we fix the way the story is being told through these things up here we then start getting into formatting the text and you'll see something interesting here and I'll go over it first off we start off with the chapter title and the chapter number then we go into the body of the story but then we do this thing where we put the end stats and I'll explain what that is at the end of the story it will give stats that happened like the location at the end of the story all characters mentioned in the time of day and the reason why we put this is we're going to recycle this information into the prompt that comes right after it and this helps bridge the gap between prompts and lets things become much more cohesive because it'll take key information and make sure that that key information is being addressed in the next prompt chat gbt left to its own devices will do any number of random things so while Chachi bt4 is good we want more control over exactly where it's going to put the story let's take a look at what this generates we see chapter one donji's Quest begins a lot of beautiful language the language and Chachi pd4 is much better than chat 3.5 I've noticed and then we get the end stats followed by these four lines the the four dots that I've told it to put four blank lines dot dot dot the reason why that's there is sometimes when the N stats are down like this it's hard to copy because the regenerate response and this text box especially if the text box is multiple lines long makes it hard to copy the end stats and then I end up copying the regenerate response stuff and it just kind of gets in the way so it having the four dots is only there because it makes it easier to copy the end stats hopefully they improve this in the future releases and then so now that it did everything that we want we're getting into the third prompt and this third prompt is generating everything after the first chapter so for chapters two three four five six seven eight all the way till 20. and basically what we do is we take these end stops stats and we plug them into this section right here the thing that's different about the third prompt is it it starts off with a recap that takes this information and puts it right at the beginning of the next prompt so we're going to have it do chapter four so basically what I'm going to do is copy the end stats from this paste it here and I'm going to say chapter four and chapter five and as you can see it starts recapping what happened before and then it goes into chapter four which we can see is Fizz an unexpected Ally and that's about it for how this works that's the overview about how the three different prompts work and how to use these prompts to tie in various parts of the story and kind of weave them together into one novel with 20 chapters one thing that you could do to enhance this is to add in a little Clause that says in the storyline I want you to make a foreshadowing of certain events that should happen later and then just like we did with the location time of day characters you can also add a new section to that that says past foreshadowed events and then you can also add in a new Clause into your prompt that says I want you to include pass foreshadowed things in this chapter when it makes sense and then at the end of that story you'll have location characters time of day and then past foreshadowed events and then so every single time you generate a new story it'll pick up on those foreshadowed events that happened in the past and I think adding this Edition is one thing that you could do to make a much better story moving forward so that's one Improvement that I'm going to experiment shortly after this video so that's it for today's content uh if you guys liked it please drop a like And subscribe and I look forward to you know having you join my community and you know there's probably going to be many apology videos where I'm crying and sobbing about the a million things I'm probably gonna do wrong in the future of this channel um so if you're looking forward to all of that subscribe have a good one oh wait one last thing um in the description I linked both the output from chat gpd3 and chat gpd4 of Bose novels and so you can compare and contrast the two outputs that's it guys
Channel: DonjiKong
Views: 5,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT, GPT 4, Prompt, ChatGPT 4, New, Just Released, Chat GPT, GPT-3
Id: gTphyWyNVMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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