ChatGPT AI Content Detection Tips (Pass with Ease)

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all right welcome back to AI content creation today we're going to be looking at AI content detection tips and how we can pass the AI detectors now I will preface this by uh saying that uh it's up for debate on whether AI detection is even a big deal or not obviously Google has announced and published that they don't care where your content comes from but they do care if it's a valuable helpful quality content factually based human sounding or human written basically so even if you um write with AI writers that's fine but it needs to basically be valuable helpful content and in factual content so they don't really care but here's my opinion is that I don't think that everything that Google publishes just because they publish that and say that it doesn't mean that they don't have a different opinion in the background they do not have to share everything they obviously don't share their algorithm with everybody they choose what they want to share with the general public and so how do we how are we supposed to know that whether they're stating that and they could be stating that because they are themselves going to be using AI in the search engines so they can't legally tell you you can't use it but they can but if you were a multi-billion Dollar business and the um world's leading search engine for the last 25 years um you know you obviously are not going to share everything with the general public so that's my opinion is that they could be putting that in there for legal reasons but they still could actually have ai detection tools and um you know if it was a if it was if you asked me they definitely have the capability of knowing if you wrote your content with AI and they may penalize it they may be penalizing it you never know but of course there's also going to be a lot right now of I have a lot of AI um that is ranking uh I have ai generated uh content that's ranked number one on Google for months so um you can basically you can argue um many different points but for those of you that are still concerned and want to pass AI detection tools that was a very long intro to say that there are ways to do it I think some of the videos that are are are out there that are saying that you can use uh chat gbt and tell it to write more burstiness and more perplexity and the way that humans write shorter sentences more complex sentences use stories in your writing all those things well I've tested it for weeks now and it doesn't work I don't it may have it may work if you find the right prompt but in general if you prompt chat gbt your it you may increase the AI detection a little bit but not enough to write home about not enough to really change uh like you know send that off as a sop to your writers or your process so we're going to be looking at some different ways uh one of the classic ones I have it in one of my prompts over here I'm going to go open that up real quick so I have one right over here and we'll be able to see uh right over here I've added this in I'm talking about AI sentences uh when writing the following content um able to ask it to create I need it to have a good amount of perplexity burstiness so when you are writing instead of always writing the next word blah blah so you can do that and then you know you may increase the AI detection a little um or reduce it I should say a little bit but not you know getting a hundred percent or anything like that I haven't been able to pull those numbers uh in your guys's text testing leave a comment below if you've been able to find any kind of command or prompt in here that's gonna that's going to spit out 80 90 100 human readable or human generated content using originality and so forth right so we'll go over here to originality AI we can also use content at scale AI detector right here so we can test those out but for now I can tell you right here so we have add your main keywords here so I've got my main keyword we're going to just go and prompt this real quick so we go back over here to chatgpt and we write and we come back over here I'm going to grab step two and this is where I'm not telling it I'm educating AI about perplexity and versiness and please use this in my writing we're going to come over here and also throw this in and push enter and it says it understands it's going to write like that okay so we're going to keep coming through here we're going to test this out and then we're going to say right over here we're going to copy that and come back over here and paste in my just my work um my workflow process right here and then we're going to go and grab business going to start writing for us right here I'm going to throw this one in right now enter and then we'll go back over here at the blog post title will be right here I'm going to go back so it's getting us some titles which is pretty cool and Title One um has the exact match so that's the title we would go with um I'm gonna actually go with that so 10 best tents and we're going to go like that we're gonna go back over here to my prompts and we're going to say that this is the title of the article I'm going to right click and put that in a formatting and there we go so the blog title will be that now keep in mind and we're going to go ahead and start writing so all that work right see if we can get the best article created using chat gbt we're writing an in-depth very detailed uh article outline right now and then we're going to go back in to my prompt and now we're going to take all these and write so here we go we're going to finish up and actually write the article right over here so we're ready to go right boom so there's a lot of things that are going on right here and if you guys know the answer then let me know because um you know is do we already have too much text in here all the way up here that chat GPD can't reference what's going on can it not answer or you know go back to where we're talking about the complexity and the burstiness of the sentences up here um because I've heard that it only goes back a certain amount of times but I've seen I've heard that a lot of different um a lot of different numbers it only goes back 600 characters or a thousand characters or so forth right so right here we're going to need to push continue and so it can continue writing our article for us so um pqr tent is durable so um it I don't think it picked up actual products right here um XYZ tens that's probably not a thing so somewhere it messed it it messed up and it's really not um writing about the actual tints right over here but either way we're going to be able to go in and so let's go it's adding this frequently asked questions and that's what's funny too is that you can have this command I didn't tell it to write frequently asked questions or anything like that that's actually what my next kind of thing was going to be but it seems to be you know it's just it'll it can go off in its own Direction whenever it wants to right but we're going to grab all this content right here and we're gonna go test it out copy this it's still going to be you know worth looking at in Tech testing I'm going to go ahead and go to a new scan to paste this in it is in markdown language that's good and right here continue writing please I'm going to take that part away and then match this part up right there and we've got our article we're going to scan that real quick and we've got two percent original 98 AI I'm going to take this content we're going to go over to the other AI detection tool content at scale and check for AI content as well right here and see what it has to say so it's 55 unclear if it's AI content but definitely not good enough to be positive to if this is what your main thing is you want to really not have ai content on your site then you would need to go and look at this right so what could we do with this content there's a lot of things we could do and there are a lot of different patterns or prompts that you could um you know we could go back over here and we could say now rewrite all this using less commas or no commas you could do different punctuation we could rewrite this and see if we can get better scores we're probably only going to do a little bit let's go with like okay so we could take this it's too much content at once to rewrite anyways because we've already had to do a continue so you're going to really have to hone in on your process if you're going to do this right you're going to take a certain amount at a time and ask it to write with less commas we can also add up here in our very start of the prompt to write with less commas as well um and so forth but I don't think that that's going to yield a you know reverse this to 98 original content right so there's a lot of different ways that we could still go out and try to get this to sound more um human and pass AI detection but I think that it still goes back to using uh rewriter tools so we could use quill bot and let's go check a quill bot out I'm going to come over here and we'll go to the paraphraser and we have our content over here and we're going to easily just paste this in right here and then now what we can do is we have all kinds of different ones over here we can be more creative expand we can shorten uh we can go simple let's go and I need to sign in real quick so we're signed in to our premium account over here and I'm going to go with simple because I know that simple is also in most niches with blogging the more simple you can write and the the lower complexities are better right if you can write in between sixth to eighth grade more of a middle school maybe up to ninth grade at Max then you're doing good once you get into you know like 11th 12th grade or higher it's too complex of sentences for the general population of the United States or the world to understand and it's not recommended to write that technical right yes of course there are topics that uh college level writing or High School level writing is a appropriate you do want to look at what the top 10 ranking articles are to see what the um what your read readability score needs to be okay but right here we're just on the first Notch right here and it's already going to replace all of that it already did it automatically this is actually a brilliant tool um and so you can see right over here we have 1300 words we actually have more words now 1451 words right over here and we can copy this it'll go back over to originality right over here and we had a two percent original score let's go in here and let's go with a start new scan and I'm going to paste that in and I'm going to say scan now and we're going to see if it improves so it improved to three percent original 97 AI so let's continue to use quill bot and see if we can do even better so we'll move the notch up right over here it does look like the synonym slider is disabled for simple mode so we were able to only able to increase it a little bit on that one but we have a bunch of different ones over here right so fluency I'm going to go with fluency and let's leave it on this first Notch right here and let's see if that is any better so we'll go back over here and I'm just going to uh paste that in but remember we had a three percent score right there and you could keep a log for yourself and already look at that a 41 original score super cool stuff now you can keep a log in a Google sheet or an Excel file um that basically uh and then once you okay let me just kind of demonstrate this for you so we could go over here open up a Google sheet open up a blank sheet right here and just call it you know um quill bot AI detection rewrite test something like that right and so we're going to say originality Ai and then we'll go with um content at scale and then we're gonna go with um I'm gonna move those over I guess we can just go with the the score right here and then right over here you're going to say quill bot and you can put in here that this is uh symbol score and then you can put in here the um quill bot fluency and then you could even do um like fluency part two so if we wanted to make this even stronger so we'd go back over and we got a 41 percent right here right so we got a 41 percent and then right here we wanted to go fluency two we would say um second notch copy and paste and then right over here third Notch right so so now you have we're going to be testing this right so then you're going to really know which ones and you can test it multiple times on different subjects and then you would finally get to a point where we got a 41 right over here um I guess this one needs to be moved down right over here so and then content at scale we could come over here and let's test that out real quick the one that we put over here and test it out in content at scale so I hope this makes sense now we're testing out the human content score as a 79 so I'm going to just go back over here so this is a 79 and this is a 59 or a 41 okay so it's 41 original score and the other one is a 79 okay and you could do an average you could also come over here and do average boom like that and so forth so you can come up with this nice chart I'm going to go ahead and zoom in as well all right so you guys can see it better okay so I hope you guys makes sense the content at scale got a 79 so we'd go back over here and we would say okay so we'd say 79 right there and then we did we would do the second Notch okay so I'd remove that real quick so we're going to move this to the second Notch right over here under fluency and we're going to now copy this and we're going to go back and retest so now we're on second Notch I'm going to scan again and we got a 44. so we'll come back over here and we can put 44 here and we can go back into content at scale and then finally when you're done with the testing and you could test as many of the tools in quill bot as you want we got an 81 so obviously the higher we go with the notch generally speaking the better outcome we're going to get now remember of course using a spinner or paraphraser you're going to want to spend I would recommend handing this off to a trained uh virtual assistant or Rider hire an editor and you already have all this content written all they have to do is go spend 20 minutes reading through this and correcting any errors any factual content and any errors or things that just don't um sound right as far as just from a grammatical standpoint too but you can also take this and do one final step and put it through grammarly to really start to try to tighten up that Grant the grammar mistakes right so we would do one more we'd go over here and we would now go to notch the final Notch right and we're going to go over here and copy that once it's done we're going to go back over here and paste scan again and we're going to get a just a 44 so it didn't really do much different on that last one we got a 44 and so and this will give you data this will give you important data because um why would you go to the third option if you're getting an 81 as well so if you're gonna if you're not going to improve this score here using the third uh notch in I'm calling it a notch but the third dial or whatever you want to call it the third level right it says more changes less accurate right you wouldn't want to use that last one if you're going to get the same result you're going to want to bring this score down Okay if that makes sense so now you've got an average right 43 and 80. right here so on content at scale and then you could have a final number or something like that so then now you could go and test out different test the content out on standard formal simple creative uh shorten I could go and test the shortener and go down to maybe like right there and then you could go and it shortened it to 700 words right so you could copy that and you could go back in and do a new scan on a short on the shortener and see what you get now you get a 54 right here okay and then you could go back to quill bot and you could go back to standard and then go for that third option right there and once it's done we gotta wait till it's done over here it's rephrasing still and then once that's done with the circle right there then we'll copy that text we'll go back over here and we'll do one final test right here scan this and see what we get right over here so now we have an 83 percent with standard which seems to be probably the best option so we'd come back over here and maybe we would add in another option over here for standard and it was on the second so we got an 83 percent and then we'll go and test it out over here in content at scale real quick a 95 percent okay so now we're cooking and then we'll try the final option if you really wanted to get past it we'll go for the um the last option there let it rewrite real quick Copy that originality throw that in and we've got an 83 percent right there so it didn't change much and so that's what this testing is all about but because if it's not going to change much then there's you want to do the minimal amount that you have to do obviously to the content in order to get a pull a better number so let's just showing the 95 as well so so if this makes sense guys we just tested this we know we're getting a really good number with using quill bot standard rewrite right here so using the standard rewrite tool on this third this uh option right here there's uh you can go all the way down to here one two option and then the third so the third option right there on the dial that one is yielding 83 percent unique content right here and 95 and it's still tested the same using the full Max one right so then what you would do is you would take that and now we basically made this you know anything probably 70 or higher I would say is going to basically pass as that you know and we're only talking about AI detection guys of course there's a debate if it even is relevant or not but for those of you that are still following kind of a I'm still going to exercise my blog content with caution so I do want to pass these AI detection tools because it is all we have to go off of right then this would give you data that which one rewrites the best and we would use this and we'd be able to pull scores like this the 83 original right here and then you could even go and put take this further if you really needed to so the next thing you would do is that once you get these high scores like this 83 you would want to definitely read the content and fix anything that's either not accurate not factual or grammatical errors and you can do that with hiring someone to do that and you're going to get a lot more bang for your buck hiring someone to edit um multiple posts that was already written by AI which is you're going to get a lot more value out of your worker or you can also put this through grammarly and do it yourself and spend about 15-20 minutes per article editing so those are my recommendations and these are some tips on passing AI content generation tools but I think that this is gonna still um the most effective way other than going in and just spending a bunch of time trying to prompt chat gbt to get you um you know to spit out you know higher content I'm not seeing any content right now in the last week or two coming out of chat gbt no matter what prompt I use I'm not seeing anything uh pulling even more than 10 percent uh unique scores so I do think you have to work something else into your process so I hope that this video was valuable if you're new to AI content generation uh YouTube channel make sure to hit that like button on this video and make sure to subscribe so you get more details more tutorials on how to use chat gbt and other AI softwares I'll see you in the next video
Channel: AI Content Creation
Views: 1,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai content creation, chatgpt, ai content detection, ai content detection tool, bypass ai content detection, how to bypass ai content detection, ai content detection bypass, seo with ai, ai content writer, ai content, ai content detector, ai detection, make money with chatgpt, chatgpt detection tools, pass ai detection, how to pass ai content detection easity, method to pass ai content detection, easy way to pass ai content detection, how to pass the ai content detection easily
Id: BLNfJrpsB8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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