18 Common SLANG WORDS Beginning with i: #9 BRITISH ENGLISH SLANG

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hello everyone and welcome to English like a native with me Ana English and today I have a very special surprise for you please welcome all the way from the States Gabi go natural English so if you don't know Gabi already she has and wonderful English YouTube channel very successful with lots of fantastic lessons which I'm sure you will benefit from so after this session then please do go take some time to check her out thank you so much so Gabi and I have just been shooting a couple of videos about the differences between American and English pronunciation but also some of the differences between our vocabulary like the different words that we use and how funny they can be and so do keep an eye out for those videos coming out some on my channel and so one of my top and one in your channel and maybe future ones yes definitely so let's get on with today's lesson today we are looking at the letter I slang words that begin with I I've already got quite a few of you coming in here if you are a regular then oh my god Gabi if you are a regular here then you know what to do I love a thumb so please do click that like button and if you are new here then welcome please make sure you click Subscribe and the Bell notification button so you don't miss any future lessons so I have my patron chat room open as always so patrons do feel free to come in and ask ask your questions here and you will be answered and I've made lots of notes so anyone who wants to contribute towards the channel will receive the notes as a thank you so let's get started the first word we're looking at is the word Ikki do you know this word I do yeah we use this one use this one so it ki just means unpleasant it's icky it could be an unpleasant taste it could be feeling unpleasant or if something makes you feel a bit weird you don't like you'd say I feel icky yeah you could describe a person as a big offensive thing to say oh really oh yeah that that guy is so icky it's oh okay now sometimes if I'm not feeling very well I might say I feel a bit icky oh yeah kind of because it sounds similar to feeling a bit sicky oh yeah all right so I feel a bit icky and I don't feel very well but weather is icky yes the weather's icky and the example sentence I've given here for you to remember is it's hard to explain why I don't like your homemade bread it just tastes icky just don't make bread anymore okay okay I hope everyone can hear and see me all right if you've got any problems do let me know I did setup in a rush today okay so icky that's a nice easy one to remember so the next word we're looking at here is the word ID it should be quite straightforward most of you must have come across this at some point in your life while you're while you're using English it's short for identification and we very rarely actually say identification we normally say ID so for example make sure you bring ID with you otherwise you may be turned away and following straight on from that is the phrase or the word sorry ID'd have you been ID'd or you will be ID'd and this is to be asked to provide identification to be ID'd Gaby when was the last time you were ID'd oh I get ID'd a lot when I go to the supermarket if I'm buying some beer for example okay it's like stock groceries beer weekly grocery yeah like every week I get ID'd cuz I'm buying beer I never talk about here but this is like the perfect example because your ID drink when you when I buy all my beer oh yeah but you know the last time I was ID'd because it's different actually in America isn't it the age for buying our college 21 whereas here it's 18 so if you get ID'd in the UK like you know that's that's a real compliment then I think when you're an older woman they think you know they always ID you in the u.s. it's like law even if they know you look over 21 the cashier still must ID you yeah because some people just look old somebody don't they so it's hard to tell but I the last time I was ID'd was actually in a supermarket buying a cheese board why it's why it was a Christmas gift and in the cheese board with lots of different cheeses and a knife for cutting the cheese and because they were selling a knife they had to make sure you were over 18 are you kidding no it's true I was shocked I was like it's Jesus I mean I might go crazy and overdose on cheese anything you know but yeah that was quite fun so the example sentence I've given is actually that example I've just given you from my own experience was I can't believe I was ID'd at the supermarket today buying a cheese board great okay the next one we have here is the word or the phrase I always mix these up idiot box idiot box and this is it means television or TV rather I actually haven't heard this phrase very often is it quite common in America oh I have heard it before but it's not very common and I can't remember if I heard it in the US or maybe here yeah I know what it is yeah but it's not so common not so common I guess it would be common within groups of people but it in my research it kept coming up time and time again so now you know if someone says idiot box they don't mean a box full of idiots they mean the television and the example sentence I've given you here is if they are happy to spend every waking moment in the lounge with the idiot box then leave them to it okay good how is everyone everyone okay it's such a pleasure time to have Annie Anna and Gabi in this lesson oh thank you lots of love from Gabi here wonderful it's great to see your comments and if you are here with us and you're enjoying it then why don't you do as a favor I got to get more people to the party so just click that share button and let's see if we can get those numbers above 100 the moment we've all got 82 people and we normally have more than that maybe I'm a bit early with my lesson today but click that share button let's grow this lesson up and and while you're doing that we'll move on to the next one which is a fun one and commonly used it's the word iffy if he'd use this in America absolutely yeah I like this one too let me show you guys how it's spelt it's AI double F Y V and it means either uncertain or it can mean not very good basically if it's iffy then it might be bad so for example here I've given the fish smells iffy so the fish smells bad and so the success of tonight's dinner is looking a bit iffy uncertain at the moment so the fish smells iffy and so the success of tonight's dinner is looking a bit iffy at the moment and use it meaning exactly the same thing I'm saying and your example made me remember last night I was supposed to bring some snack to a party and I happen to have some dried squid which is very common in Asia right but I forgot how it smells and so I opened the bag and I thought oh no this is a really iffy decision did you did you open the bag you didn't open up the tube or the Train no no just when I arrived at the party and I thought I don't know if people are going to like the smell this is really iffy yeah but it was ok we tend to talk about the weather being if we as well so I might say Gaby let's go for a picnic just check what the what does the weather look like and you say it looks a bit iffy mmhmm yes we use it that way great do you use iffy in your country let us know or do you have a well obviously you wouldn't use iffy if you're not speaking English but I've heard of it yeah yeah ok so the next word that we have here on this list is ill it's always odd when they don't when they don't line the top of the eye it looks like an L it's very bizarre but this is ill to be ill now the reason I've included this word on the list is simply because many of my students get confused when I use different words for being unwell so I'll say I'm sick or I'm ill or I'm unwell and they all mean the same thing they just mean to be in bad health I'm ill I'm sick I'm unwell so I thought I would include it just so you know what ill means if you have any confusion I'm guessing you use ill absolutely and in the u.s. it can be slang for cool like what ill hmm that's so ill but it's it's not very common anymore I think it was more used in the 90s huh but it does mean cool there it's very much slang yeah I definitely had a sick oh that's it that's wicked yeah yeah kind of similar to that yeah yeah okay so and the example sentence I've given here is he had been feeling ill for a few days he had been feeling ill for a few days Oh came to a doctor okay so the next one is very simply the word in now in some cases the word in means fashionable and the example sentences I've given here is these addresses were great last year but it's the jumpsuit that's in now so it's the jumpsuit that's fashionable now interestingly enough in our video that we've just made and one of the videos when we're looking at the differences in words we covered the word jumpsuit because jumpsuit yeah jumpsuit in British English is a it's like a jumper that then is also attached to trousers like what babies wear like an all-in-one a jumpsuit but in American English you guys call it jumper a jumper but to watch the jumper is just the top half like a jumper Oh later a sweater using right so definitely look out for that video or Gaby and I discussed those differences okay so to be in to be in fashion nice and easy okay so the next one we have here is in deep so if you hear someone saying I'm in deep they just mean they're deeply involved in some cases it can mean to been in big trouble but what they're doing is just missing off the word Shh hmm which is a bad word so we're not gonna say it but if you are in deep Shh then you're in big trouble so deep yeah you got it but generally if you say I'm in deep it means I'm very much involved so it's very hard to break away from something because you're in deep and the example sentence that I've given here is I can't walk away from this situation I'm in too deep now okay so that could be a relationship or some sort of contractual agreement and you're too involved to walk away okay so lots of you are throwing questions and comments through and we have got over a hundred woohoo well done guys you brought everyone to the party you guys are awesome guys if you have any comments or questions please save it to the end and I'll try my best to answer you but we are in a very tight time schedule because I use a schedule yeah yeah we say shed you oh like a shed in the back garden I'm so excited for a pronunciation video to come out on your channel yeah yeah so yes we're on a tight a tight schedule and so I need to get all these words out first and then we can do comments so without further ado the very next phrase is in the know to be in the know is to be knowledgeable Gabby are you in the know yes about something something um yes so to be in the know to be knowledgeable here is the example sentence if I can highlight the whole thing talk to me whenever you need advice on British English I am in the know it's a very presumptuous of me but there you go that's true it is true okay so the next phrase is in your face or in your face if you are being very very specific with your speaking but generally would say in your face in your face and this means to be loud very obvious or obnoxious and confrontational so if someone is in your face it's usually not a pleasant thing they are being brash they might even be physically quite close to you you they'd be shouting like I gather in your face like hey get out of my face yeah okay so you don't want to get in someone's face it's not a nice thing behavior wise and the example sentence I've given here is normally I don't mind him but last night he was so in my face that I had to say to him Leo get out of my face and that of course is Leonardo DiCaprio who is always in my face he is very obnoxious I was calling I know he just won't leave me alone he's like either can I please be on your YouTube channel do you have this problem yeah he keeps calling me too I just I wish oh my gosh wow what generosity hello strong wit thank you so much you're always so kind and you're saying thank you for your fantastic work with a 20 is that 20 euro euro soup chat thank you so much for those of you who don't know soup chats are tips and donations to the channel and every super chap that I get goes into a pot and that money goes towards buying equipment to help to increase my productivity and make quality of what I do better for you so thank you so much that's on behalf of the whole community that's really helpful thank you okay so we were talking about Leo being in your face yes we wish and the next the next little word is something you've probably heard but in case you haven't the word info info is basically short for information we use it all the time in formal and informal situations and yes just using the same way as information do you have any more info about the flights very simple and straightforward now the next one do you use this in America in it we would say more like in it isn't it in it would you say in it yeah both so ain't it I guess we'd say ain't it as well but in it and it is definitely a slang term you would never I just heard you saying it ain't it yeah yeah we would never we'd never see this written like you you wouldn't write this but people would say it quite a lot and it just means isn't it isn't so I'd say it's cold today in it it's just it makes you sound more native it's a little bit lazy but that's what slang is it's a natural way of speaking it's called today innit it's called today innit in there yes yes it is actually well it was it got a little warmer the weather in London that moment doesn't know what it's doing now it's a bit iffy the view there we go okay the next one is another really quick and easy one and that's the word intro which is short for introduction and the example sentence I've given here is their names were mentioned during the intro but I can't remember what they were their names were mentioned during the intro but I can't remember what they were very easy but you would never shorten it if you were saying let me introduce you to someone so you wouldn't say let me introduce um one that would be weird oh hello so I've got a patron talking to me hello patron and David hi how are you can you pronounce I walk to the work we wouldn't say the work you'd say I walk to work I walk to work so there you go I'm guessing you're struggling because of the vowels or an a walk work I walk to work I hope you found it helpful next word is the word itch now Gaby what what does it mean in general in general when you're scratch yeah so that is an itch but if we talk about having an itch in a slang way we mean a general desire for something a strong desire to do something so for example I might want to quit my job hmm so I have an itch to quit my job it's a strong desire to quit my job an example sentence here is I feel like quitting my job and changing career I just have this itch and similarly that's a mouthful similarly similarly you can say itchy feet which is a strong desire to go somewhere we also sometimes say flat feet I'm getting cold feet really yeah that's new to me getting itchy feet we also get itchy palms if you have an itchy palm it means you can sense money coming in that's new to me as well mmm interesting but um with itchy feet you can just say I've got it chief eat I got it chief eat that's terrible English Anna are you an English teacher that's how people talk I got it I've got it she feet so I booked my flights to Italy yeah which I actually have well I haven't it's my birthday in a few weeks yes and my boyfriend has bought me a flight to Italy to Venice amazing not for him just for me sending me off wants to get rid of me I'm joking he's done it for both of us so we're going to go to Italy for my birthday which is nice that's amazing okay so the next one is the word item speaking of yes speaking of couples it's very good nice technique there I see that and so an item is inside time you can refer to a couple or you know a boyfriend a girlfriend or two people have got together they are an item yes not much more to say about renessa and the example sentence I've given here is how long have you two been an item nosy Eureka oh my god I'm awake oh good good morning or good evening maybe you've woke you I hope not so the next phrase which you will if you've been following any of my Beller and beans stuff if you have young children my channel Bella and beans we released a video called MC went no itsy bitsy spider which is a nursery rhyme now some people say Incy Wincy Spider and some people say it's the bitsy spider what do you say itsy bitsy itsy bitsy I think it's you bitsy is more of an American English term and Incy Wincy is more British English but they're interchangeable we use yeah and it means very small so my example sentence here is can I please have an Incy Wincy bit of sugar in my tea and incy wincy bit of sugar do you use itsy bitsy in general chat itsy bitsy yeah like just to say a little bit of sustenance you went a bit I don't personally use it a lot but I've heard it right I use it a lot but maybe that's because I'm a big child it's a funny thing yeah I like this yeah and the final one oh we've done so well I'm not only five minutes for comments Ivory's is the last one and Ivory's the first thing that comes to mind when I say ivories is a piano so the keys on the piano used to be made out of ivory I assume that's where it comes from and besides which their ivory white and so if you tinkle on the ivories you are playing the piano however they are sometimes referred to ivories can be referring to teeth but mostly in the UK to tinkle on the ivories is playing the piano do we have any piano players here do you play piano no no really no do you well I have the piano in the front really but you play I play a little I do chords okay that's about it that's nice yeah I like to just kind of hit it hard and pretend that it's something special or hit the demo button so it starts playing and I pretend I'm playing [Laughter]
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 20,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, british, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Anna English, Accent, slang, british slang, english slang, slang words, go natural english, gabby english, 18 common slang words, common slang words
Id: AVoYSwup_2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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