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thank god for the refuge of the lord the bible said that the lord's name is a strong refuge or a strong tower and it said the righteous runeth into it and are safe our god's refuge and strength the very present help in the time of trouble aren't you blessed abigail come up here help me we're going to say one talking about say like briscoe darling did on andy griffith he told andy he said just find your part and hold on at one and two and that way we go amen i just need me a jug it's what i need like briscoe had all right never been this home sick before you know this song don't you yeah you know this song amen praise god give me plenty of light here there's a light in the window a table spread in splendor someone standing by the open door and i can see a crystal river so i must be near forever or i've never been this homesick before see the bright light well it's just about home time and i can't see my father's standing he's at the door this world has been a wilderness i can see the family gathered sweet faces off [Music] no one's old nor people anymore my god you know my lonesome heart is crying i think i'll spread my ways for flying lord i've never been this home sick before now i see the [Music] now he's at the door and this world has been a wilderness sick people [Applause] hey man she grabbed the part and hung on you almost sounded good jimmy swaggart on that oh praise god if i just talked in tongues a little bit i've been right there with him i'll still on the way up man but i need something with your body honda hallelujah so i'm going to tell you what my grandma and papa one night i was down there at their house because five six years ago and it was uh they had that sun life tv on jimmy schweigert's tv station and uh they uh it was camp meeting week and uh man their choir got to singing and they sing a lot of the same stuff we saw and they just got to sing that old time stuff i don't know if they do that all the time i started feeling pretty good about that praise god i started crying and shouting sitting right there in the living room and then they started talking in tongues they said well i can't go that far with you i've gone as far as i can go with you but i can't go any farther anyhow all right i want you to take your bibles turn a real familiar portion of scripture we're back in the book of first samuel tonight but we're going all the way to chapter number 17. first samuel chapter number 17. now uh this this is going to be our diving board off into the message tonight this will not be the pool where we land at but it will be the springboard we'll be hanging around this area of the bible we're not going to run way far off we're just going to be here in chapter 16 and chapter 17 tonight but uh we'll read these portions of scripture and then we'll run into the message first samuel chapter 17 and we'll begin reading in verse number 48 first samuel 17 48. real familiar uh this story that i'm telling you i i guess there's probably not anybody in this congregation that doesn't know this story front to back left to right uh everything surrounding it and encompassing it and um so i'm going to use this and then get into the message first seven 17 48 and it came to pass when the philistine arose and came and drew night to meet david that david hasted and ran toward the army to meet the philistine i like that you'll find four times in first samuel 17 where david runs uh and he's always running to something not from something verse 49 and david put his hand in his bag and took thence a stone and slang it and smote the philistine in his forehead that the stone sunk into his forehead and he fell upon his face to the earth so david prevailed over the philistine with a slang and with a stone and smote the philistine and slew him but there was no sword in the hand of david therefore david ran and stood upon the philistine and took his sword and drew it out of the sheep thereof and slew him and cut off his head there with and when the philistines saw their champion was dead they fled i want to preach on this thought tonight i'm preaching on how to whip giants how to whip giants there's not one of us in the congregation tonight that does not personally face giants in our life we can call them all kinds of things you know there's all kind of different illustrations and stories we call them mountains we call them valleys we call them storms call them whatever you want to uh but here in the text we're using the thought of giants obstacles that are immovable uh enemies that we can't beat by ourselves or on our own and tonight i'm going to use first samuel 16 and 17 and highlight to you how to whip giants in our life your your giant may be some sort of addiction that you cannot seem to get over your your giant maybe some sort of mental hurdle that you've dealt with for years and years of your life your giant maybe some sort of uh uh character or emotional hang-up that you've got that's every time you seem like you've got it whipped it comes back again i don't know what your giant is i know i have personal giants in my life uh that i've had to deal with and it seems like sometimes giants come back and then i found this that the older you get with god and the longer you walk with the lord they'll always be new giants uh you know if you study the life of david goliath ain't the only giant that he fights uh he ends up fighting the uh the brothers of goliath later on down the road it seems like the devil will always throw new giants your way it doesn't matter how big a giant you whip today there'll be another one that'll come down the road somewhere tomorrow that will try and hinder you and try and harm you and try and stop you from doing what you should for the lord jesus christ so you say preacher i i know i know how to whip jobs it's right there in the text we just read it preacher i know how to whip giants if we're going to whip giants we got to do like david you got to have your sleigh if you're going whip giants you got to have you uh a stone in the sling to throw out if you're going to whip a giant you got to have a sword david takes his sword and he cuts his head off uh and and the truth is i i would agree and understand uh by saying that yeah there's a sling in the story yeah there's a stone in the story yeah there's a sword in the story but can i say to you i do not believe those are really the objects that whip the giant amen really the object that whips the giant is not what david does on listen what i want to say please don't miss this this is the whole message it's really not what david does on the battlefield that gives him the victory it's what he did prior to the battlefield that gave him the victory it was preparation that led to victory and deliverance preparation in david's private life preparation in david's life before he ever stepped out on the battlefield in front of this big nine foot tall man killer is what gave david victory when he got out there now i want you to understand something it seems like a lot of christians expect that giants are just going to fall down in front of them because they have a bible and because they come to church a little bit and because they claim to be a christian the giants are just going to fall down and they miss the parts and they miss the essential elements of preparation that leads to victory tonight do you realize victory doesn't happen by accident victory happens because you have prepared you have trained and you have made things ready in your life so that when you do face a giant you've got something laid up in store to be able to come back with tonight y'all realize that there's not one boxer that has ever stepped in the ring that did not do a lot of training physical training mental training uh uh different exercises and skills they train on the bag they train on the hanging bag and the big bag that they they train with the gloves on they spar they train so that when they get in the ring they are prepared for what they're going to find uh brother kevin back there was active duty for many years they did not just all of a sudden suit brother kidman up send him out on the battlefield over in desert storm and say here you know now you're here we give you an m16 we give you some fatigues you know we give you some ammunition you ought to be able to win it don't work that way brother joe was airborne amen and uh brother joe they didn't just all of a sudden tell him well here here's your parachute and uh you know jump out that plane out there you know here's your gun you ought to be able to shoot at them no there was preparation there was training there was areas and hours and time of life where they ran and they took them to the limit and they showed them how to use their uh skills and use their weapons so that they might gain victory when they do step on the battlefield listen to me i realize this i realize many times preparation is boring you know what you know what a lot of what you're doing tonight is preparation it's sunday night church it don't seem to be real exciting you know thursday night church sometimes i don't seem really excited but you know what this is what i'm giving you tonight is preparation for a giant that you might fight monday tuesday or wednesday on the job somewhere what i'm giving you is preparation for something you might end up facing later on this month or later on this year and brother what you store up now will be what you can get out later on i find that joseph fought and he faced the giant of lust y'all remember over there in genesis that joseph is down there in egypt mama's not around daddy's not around his brothers are not around he's a young good-looking guy he's all by himself and potiphar's wife lays eyes on him obviously from the story i'm sure she's not bad to look at either i'm sure she's been enticing him i'm sure that she'd been wearing the right stuff around the house to try and get his eyes set on her and about the right time when it was right and nobody was in the house she she hopped up there you know laid out on her little bed and you know kind of batted her eyes and say hey baby won't you come over and lay with me potiphar ain't home the sermon stayed home you know nobody's gonna know about it and old joseph looked at that hag and he said i'm going to tell you something honey he said how can i do this great sin against the lord you know what caused joseph to be able to whip the giant of lust it wasn't because he made his mind up right there on the spot but brother way back in joseph's private life he had already made his mind up he had already got things set up he had already prepared himself that if this here happens if somebody entices me to do something against god i'm not walking that way i'm gonna live for the lord i find where daniel daniel was enticed to try and compromise daniel faced the giant of compromise in his life you read daniel chapter one daniel gets down into babylon and nobody's around with old daniel mama ain't there daddy ain't there and daniel's right there and the bible said they laid that portion of the king's meat out in front of him they laid that meat out they laid that wine out and daniel being a jew daniel knew those were things he could not partake of and be clean before his god those are things daniel knew he could not enjoy and still have fellowship with the lord and daniel looked at him and daniel said i can't do it and the bible said this daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king's meat tonight you know what david or daniel did daniel had already had a purpose with god a long time before he ever showed up that i'm going to prepare my heart and my mind that when compromise knocks at the door my preparation will answer for me and i find that if we're gonna whip giants there's some preparation in david's life that led to winning against these this giant can i show them to you three things real quickly and i'm gonna turn you loose number one i find the first thing uh the first preparation that led to victory was he was steadfast in his place he was steadfast in his place you say what do you mean steadfast in his place we'll turn back to chapter 16. and we're going to read some verses from chapter 16 all the way to chapter 17 chapter 16 and verse uh number 11. samuel has showed up at jesse's house in chapter 16. he wants to see his children god has already told samuel that one of the children of jesse one of the sons of jesse will be the king that will replace saul and samuel has showed up at the house and and and jesse's made all of his sons except david seven of his sons has passed before samuel and the lord said these ain't none of them none of these are the ones that i want and verse 11 watch what it's saying steadfast in his place verse 11 and samuel said unto jesse are here all thy children and he said uh there remaineth yet the youngest i mean surely surely he wouldn't be interested in him there may have been the youngest and behold watch what he's doing he keepeth the sheep and samuel said unto jesse sin and fetch him for we will not sit down till he come hither come down to verse number 19 verse 19. verse 19 said wherefore saul sent messengers unto jesse and said send me david thy son which is with the sheep come to chapter 17 chapter 17 verse number 15 but david went and returned from saul to feed his father's sheep here at bethlehem here we find even though david has already been anointed to be king even though david has already been singled out by saul to come and play his heart down at saul's palace david steele is steadfast in his place you say what's he doing he's doing a menial task it don't seem like much to nobody else but there's a god in heaven that's watching him do things that nobody else thinks there's much to old david's out there feeding them sheep david's out there attending them sheep david's out there watching over them sheep making sure they don't end up out yonder somewhere in the bushes or in the weeds or falling off a cliff david's making sure no robbers or no thieves get them david's making sure the bears and the wolves and the lions don't eat them david is doing some things that other people don't think is that important he just stayed steady doing what his father said to do now you want to know the first way you're going to whip giants you got to be steadfast in your place wherever god has placed you at whatever god has told you to do you need to stay steadfast right wherever god has told you brother stay steadfast in your place as your as a husband as a father as a mother as a child as a church member as a christian make your mind up i'm gonna stay steadfast in the place where god put me at it may not always be fun it may not always be glamorous but i realize if i'm gonna whip a giant down the road somewhere i've got to be faithful in little so that god can make me ruler over much down the road you want god to use you in something big you got to be willing to be used in something small if you're not willing to be used in something small then god can't use you to do nothing big you know why god used david to do something big because david didn't mind hanging out on the back side of the wilderness with no fanfare and nobody knowing his name and just doing something small tonight i i remember my own personal life and i can remember many many times uh getting up on sunday morning and wednesday night after i get in from work in my job and me and my wife would load up that little yellow church bus that we had it was the short bus that we got picked on because that's what we had it literally was it was a short yellow buzz we got picked on for driving the short bus around but anyways and we'd drive the short bus around and we'd pull up into the projects and uh the trailer parks that nobody else wanted to go to and we'd pick up all these little mexican kids and kids that nobody else wanted and take them to church and it wasn't that big a deal you know it didn't seem like that big a deal until now one of them fellas that we used to pick up on the bus route as a little boy he's fixing to marry my step-sister my knees he's fixing to marry her here in october uh on top of that i just got a private message on facebook the other day somebody i didn't even know who it was grown man got a wife got a child his name was ryan and and he sent me a message and said hey brother's arm i just want to let you know i'm praying for you i think he lives in tennessee or something like that somewhere now and he said i appreciate you and i love you i thought well god bless you amen i got no clue who you are but god bless you i appreciate that and then my wife walked in because our phones are linked up on messenger and she said do you know who this is i said some guy named ryan she said look at him closer and i pulled his picture up looked at him closer and showing up it was a little his little seven eight-year-old boy that i hadn't seen in near about 20 years that we used to pick up on the bus route he's married god's called him to preach he's doing a work for god and i looked at that and i thought well glory to god man just staying steadfast in your place and doing something menial and you stay faithful over something small and god let you do something else down the road just be steadfast in your place tonight and you say but preacher i'm not training for giants if i'm just being steadfast in my place you're wrong watch what david fights while he's in his place being steadfast look at chapter 17 and verse number uh verse number 33 verse 33 watch what david says he's been doing when he's been steadfast in his place chapter 17 verse 33 saul said to david thou art not able to go against this philistine to fight with him for thou art but a youth and he a man of war from his youth but david said unto saul thy servant kept his father's sheep see there going back to where he was steadfast in his place and watch what it said and there came a line and a bear and took a lamb out of the flock and i went out after him and smote him and delivered it out of his mouth and when he arose against me i caught him by his beard and smote him and slew him thy servant slew both the lion and the bear and this uncircumcised philistine shall be as one of them see and he hath defied the armies of the living god david said moreover the lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paul the bear he will deliver me out of the hand of this philistine do you see what i'm showing you here because david was steadfast in his place god let him fight smaller enemies before he got to a bigger enemy if you'll be steadfast in your place god will allow you to fight smaller enemies that will allow you to have confidence in the lord your god so that when a big enemy does pop up you can say bless god almighty god brought me through that god brought me through that trouble god brought me through that heartache god delivered me from a lion and a bear and if god did that back yonder in my life then god can deliver me this way in my life tonight how do we have jobs you got to be steadfast in your place secondly secondly not only was he steadfast in his place but he was scorned by people he was scorned by people now i'm gonna i'm gonna show you something uh later in the story so that i can go backwards in the story look at chapter 17 here and verse number 41 1741 david's about to go fight this philistine now watch this and the philistine came on and drew near unto david and the man that bear the shield went before him and the philistine looked about and saw david and he disdained him he's marketing making fun of him for he was but a youth and ruddy and of a fair countenance and the philistine said unto david am i a dog that thou comest to me with staves and the philistine cursed david by his gods he's cussing david not only has he made fun of him he's cursing him and the philistines said that david come to me and i will give thy flesh under the fowls of the air and to the beasts of the field now i got a question for y'all how come when this big nine foot tall joker is looking at this little fella and he's cussing him and he's threatening him and he's telling him i'm going to cut you up and feed you to the birds how come david don't look and say peace out brother i'm going no no i'm tangling with that that guy he seems like he he ain't just talking he acts like he really going to do something i mean this guy man look at him he really going to try and hurt me this is the real deal how come david don't run off i'll tell you why he's already been prepared with people saying things to him to try and discourage him literally go back to chapter 16 look at chapter 16 with me chapter 16 jesse is causing his sons to pass before samuel and it said he caused the firstborn to pass before him and then watch verse number 10 verse 10 said this again jesse made seven of his sons to pass before samuel do y'all see this poor old david his daddy don't even got no confidence in him his daddy thought so little of him he didn't even call him from the field to have him come in to be one of the boys that passes before even his daddy has scorned him but it ain't just his daddy look at chapter 17 his own brother scorns him david comes down to the battle he's seeing what all's going on in chapter 17 look at verse 28 verse 28 chapter 17 said in elia his eldest brother heard when he spake unto the men and alive's anger was killed against david and he said look at the sarcasm dripping here he said why camest thou down hither and with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness i know thy pride and the naughtiness of thine heart for thou art come down that thou mightest see the battle you want to know why david was able to take ridicule from the giant that stood before him because david learned how to take ridicule and take scorn from people that were in his own family and in his fear of close associations before he ever got to the job let me just say this to your heart real fast to every christian in the building if you cannot take criticism constructive or otherwise because there is some criticism that's constructive and there's some criticism that's absolutely destructive but if you can't learn to take criticism you might as well quit because i promise you there will be people that will say things to you or about you or behind your back that you're gonna find out ain't real nice and if you can't if you're gonna turn into one thing well you you don't know what they said about me they hurt my feet and i'm not going back you know i'm done if you can't take a little bit of criticism when the sure enough giant shows up and starts trying to cut you down for real you are not going to make it david made it with the criticism of the giant because he had already faced scorn from people in his past before and when they scored him in his past he said i gonna let it get me down i ain't gonna let it knock me out i'm gonna brush that thing off i'm gonna set my face like a flip and i'm just gonna keep on going forward tonight now i mean brother this applies to everybody in the building but you young men down here you young preachers and you young men you only listen up if you think people ain't gonna say things about you it's gonna hurt your feelings you wrong you better go ahead and make your mind up you're gonna get a hide like a rhinoceros you're gonna get alligator skin make your mind up i'm gonna live for god look here i didn't start out living for god for nobody but jesus i didn't get called to preach for nobody but for jesus and brother y'all sitting here tonight if you're gonna live for god you can't do it just for the pastor you can't do it just for the members you better make your mind up i got in this thing for jesus and he ain't never done me nothing good god am i he ain't never done me nothing but good he ain't let me down he ain't turn his back on me i'm not turning my back on him because somebody else said something he's worthy he's still god he's still good and i'm gonna live for him come hell or high water tonight make your mind up just because somebody says something now it ain't gonna stop you because i promise there's some giants coming that's really gonna try and cut you up they're really gonna try and cut you down this is david's preparation i'll never forget i've told you this before but it's been a long time so i'll tell it to you again i'll never forget uh god had called me into evangelism when i was the early 20s somewhere along in there and um i remember we had a revival at our church we had a preacher from south carolina a fairly well-known preacher where we were from come and preach for us great great man of god he just retired his church pastored it for 45 years great man god and i'll never forget after the service was over one night i'd already talked to my pastor about it and the preacher said well i'll tell you what let's talk to this preacher and maybe he can give you some words of wisdom maybe he can give you some encouragement maybe even because you know we know each other well who knows he might even give you me let's just talk to him and get his advice because he's an older preacher and uh i'll never forget brother fred we out i remember where we were standing it was dark it was after service we were standing out in the parking lot in our grassy parking lot out there at my home church down in south georgia and it was me and my pastor and this uh preacher that we had in this older preacher and uh i preacher said tell him you know what god's put on your heart and i told him and he looked at me this is what he said i'll never forget long as i live he looked at me brother cliff and he said boy you ain't gonna make it that's the first thing he said to me he didn't say well god bless you i'm praying for you man i'm fair no he said boy you ain't gonna make it i thought he was joking turns out he wasn't he looked at me and said i'm gonna tell you there's two reasons why you won't make it one because of who your pastor is said you pastor he's been married and divorced before and you know how the independent baptists feel about that they're gonna cut him to shreds and because they don't like him they ain't gonna like you now that turned out to be true i've lost a lot of meetings just because of who my pastor was people shot me down and cut me off not because i'd ever been divorced remember but because my pastor had man i'm telling you i've faced that all my life but anyways said they're not going to have you in because of your pastor is and then he said this he said not only that he said you ain't i'm telling you god's own truth he said you ain't even got the right name for evangelism he said i'm serious i'm telling you true man he said zorn what kind of name is that it's the only one i got doc i don't have another one that's all i got i mean i realize it ain't the most flashy thing maybe when i got married i should have took my wife's maiden name that'd been greater my name was king i could have been cody king praise god got me a doctrine could have been dr king could have went and preached design and me churches they thought dr king had showed up praise god anyways and i thought man well maybe maybe god maybe i was wrong i mean it discouraged me and i remember my pastor took me aside he said brother cody don't let it bother you maybe he was on some medication or something maybe he had a bad day here's what he said he said just listen if god put it in your heart you do it and brother i i remember hearing that and i thought to myself and to myself i thought man maybe it ain't going to come to pass and i i'll never forget i wrote in my bible over there i believe it's in philippians it said faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it and i remember i took i still got in my bible just come across it the other day there's a blessing of reading your bible for years put dates by prayers you make in your bible put dates by the prayers because down the road somewhere you're going to go back years later and find out god answered them prayers and i wrote i wrote next to that verse i said i claim that promise faithful see the coffee who also will do it i claim that promise all my life and the ministry of god's given me and i wrote the date down and brother i've gone back now and looked at that thing many times and i've seen where god did everything that he told me he's going to do and that he put in my heart and brother i thought to myself if i would have just quit when somebody tried to discourage me for no good reason i would i wouldn't be your pastor today i would not be here today at the bible missionary baptist church the reason why i'm here today is because god taught me something way back then that if you're going to live for god you better have tough hide brother look here they've been places i've preached on the street before where people have rolled up right in front of me and i mean got nose to nose and called me everything but a white man i mean brother cussed me out up one side down the neck i mean brother called me all sorts of dirty vile ugly things you say what did you do i didn't poke my lip out walked back down i was like i don't want to hear what i got to say you know what you i've lived long enough for the lord do you know you know what this kind of stuff does for me it's motivation i think i think some people think that that a certain amount of criticism to some people makes them quit to me i use it as fuel it's my fuel if if i if i ain't getting a little bit of a fight every once in a while with some criticism i feel like i ain't doing something right it gives me fuel to keep going it gives me fuel to say blessed caught them honey i quitting you might quit but i ain't gonna quit i'm gonna live for god anyways hey if you go whim jobs you don't just got to be steadfast in your place you gotta learn to be scorned by people and lastly here's the last thing it's almost seven o'clock coming through we see not only was he scoring by people he was steadfast in his place but lastly we find he was standing or he stood in his position or on his position he stood on his position you say what do you mean by that well look here david shows up to the host we read where a liab tries to hurt him and cut him down the size now watch verse 29 watch what david said in chapter 17 verse 29 one of the greatest verses of the bible this is one everybody needs to know it's a good one uh it's first seven of 17 29 and david said what have i now done in other words i what what are you talking about alive i'm not hurt you i'm not trying to hinder anything that's going on then he says this i love this jack house preached an amazing message on this very verse years and years ago that helped me a long time ago he said is there not a cause and then like verse 30 and he turned from him toward another and spake after the same manner here's this big joker walks out you have to read that earlier in the text this big joker walks out and he starts cussing the armies of israel he's defying the armies of the living god and old david's son he gets his dandruff i mean he gets a good man on and he said bless god almighty who is this uncircumcised philistine that defies the armies of the living god and after a lie breaks him over the coast he looks around and he starts looking at people he turns to one and then turns to another and this was his battle cry this was his rally cry is there not a cause is there not a cause is there not a cause you know what that is david knew what he believed and david knew why he believed it david didn't have to wait till he got to the battlefield to figure out there was a cause worth living for that there was a cause worth dying for that there was a cause worth serving for david already had it settled in his heart before he ever got on the battlefield there's a cause friend there's a cause worth standing beside he wasn't scrambling to try and figure out his position when the giant got there david knew what side he was on before the giant ever showed up you know what's funny to me some people watch the news and some people see what's going on today in in all kind of areas and facets of our country you know be it uh black lives matter be at the lgbtq uh be it you know abortion uh be it you know it all all kind of issues that i could just start naming off and listening and not just in our country then even in our church world you know they're all kind of issues about contemporary or non-contemporary king james or non-king james only ism i mean you know all kind of and so many people are tossed to and fro that the newest thing comes out and they just don't know where to stand they don't know where they're at brother you need to already have things settled in your heart and mind that when a giant steps out whether in our country or whether in our churches but you already know where you're at i already know what side i'm on i'm not looking to pick sides i'm with the lord i'm with the book i already know whom i believe that am persuaded that he's able to keep that which i've committed unto him against that day i'm steadfast unmovable always abound in the work of the lord i've made my mind up giants are not going to shake my foundation i've got a foundation i've got a good firm foundation and i'm going to stand on it and the giants aren't going to shake me off of it the problem with a lot of christians they they've never anchored themself enough to the cause to be able to know what the cause is so when the giants come they're able to shake their cage and then they're well i don't know or are we in the right spot do we believe the right thing no no you need to make your mind up there are some things that you are not going to let go of i mean bulldog to a soup bone so the giants can't shake you off of it the giant could not shake david off of what he believed he said there's a cause and i know what the cause is and i'm standing for the cause i mean brother it's the it's the classic alamo illustration he drew the line in the sand and crossed over and brother blessed pearl david's heart he was the only one that crossed the line didn't nobody else cross with him if david had lived in 2020 he would have crossed over the line saying something like this i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus i have decided to follow jesus no turning back no turning back he would have said this though none go with me still i will follow though none go with me still i will follow though none go with me still i will follow no turning back no turning back brother if you're gonna whip giants tonight child of god if you're gonna whip giants it does not start when the giant shows up it starts in preparation and i and and i'm so bothered by so many christians so many times that they they think they think that personal obedience to the word of god and preparation in the things that don't seem to matter they say well it don't matter no big deal when the giant shows up no wonder they're wiped out no wonder it throws them off their rocker and they out of church and their homes are busted up because they wait till the giant shows up to start getting a foundation it's too late it's too late get your preparation now now that's why that's why reading your bible every day is important that's why praying every day is important that's why being faithful to the house of god every time you can is important you say what are these things preacher it's preparation it's us getting prepared for what's coming brother there's stuff coming down the tracks right now that's just downright scary are you prepared have you been storing anything back i think some christians are like the proverbial grasshopper you remember that old cartoon about the grasshopper all the ants and storing stuff up for the winter all the ants are storing stuff up for the winter and the old grasshopper he's just sitting on his log sawing his fiddle having himself a good time and singing his song but when the winter time come he was left out in the cold and he didn't have nothing the maps did they've been working but the old grass has already just been playing you know we find out when the giants show up we find who's been playing and who's been preparing who just been playing around and playing church and having a good time and who's actually being setting themself up and getting ready and preparing for what's coming make your mind up i'm going to start preparing to whip giants when they come just don't do the basic menial stuff that people look at and thinks menial but it's not it's big it's big let's pray tonight father thank you so much for the word of god thank you lord for the instruction we receive out of god how we gain and glean things that help our soul and help our walk with god god tonight help us to make our minds up one and all each and every one of us in here young and old front to back left to right that we're gonna make our mind we're gonna start preparing we're not waiting till the giants of our lives show up to start dealing with them god we're gonna start preparing so that we've got ammunition to deal with them we've already got something in our soul that we can use to deal with them god help our church make us a strong church god i pray that you give us souls for our labor let us see sinners saying lives changed thank you lord for what you're doing around here god what a blessing it is to see your people this morning and tonight i appreciate them i love them i ask you to bless them meet their every need god tonight i pray that you'll help those among us uh that are sick and not able to be here you know who all of them are pray that you'd touch them and help him in jesus name we pray amen all right church i love you i'll see you thursday night seven o'clock thursday night seven o'clock you do smith
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 617
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: TcDryswK3HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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