Gods Word Is Health

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[Music] rather with Jesus Christ up in Jesus babe open eyes and Hilda [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crushin see [Music] to this morning what I bring to you is shouldn't put those two together every time I'm minister what I plan on bringing is what God is saying and what he is pointing out you know because sometimes there's things that need to be brought up other times things you'd be repeated things like that and there's a lot of times in how I know which is which is as during the week sometimes and sometimes it's as late as you know Saturday it kind of depends because sometimes it's hard to separate my study from what I'm supposed to deliver to you and many times I'll I have an idea earlier in the week but I don't like to just plan ahead and go okay that's it there so I'll take sometimes okay God if that's it then bring it out and this kept coming up this week and then whenever I was saying okay what what you wanted to actually share this came very strongly it's like like just a statement and it's simple but it's not necessarily will be kind of a repeat I guess but I've never taught it along these lines before but basically what it says is my word is health and it's not just like that as my word is health and we know the Scriptures and we'll look at them here but I just want to emphasize this because first off God's Word is his will or he's a liar any person's word is their will or they're a liar right if they promise something and don't really want you to have it then they're lying and God cannot lie so whatever he says that's his will and so now when I say well now there's things he said in the Bible never listen carefully cuz I want to clarify there's things he said in the Bible that were not what he wanted to happen but it would have to happen do you get that okay it's let me sit sit it's not God's will that any should perish right do people perish okay then number one his will is not always done via that because he if his was always done okay jesus said don't pray vain words remember that but yet he told us to pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven and if his will is automatically done then those would be vain words because they're unnecessary that makes sense so his will has to be carried out now so he can say things certain things it'd be for instance you could tell the child I'm gonna spank you well it might not be your will you don't want to spank them but you may have to that make sense so there are things that God says you know spank him now or visit him later in county lockup it's one of the two anyways that's my dad talking now but so what God's in was his will especially when he especially in the promises and he tells us that all the promises are in him yes and in him amen our so be it so we know that he wants his promises carried out amen and it makes sense but a lot of times we we had this idea that God has this hidden will and that he's using this thing to make you better or something and that's just religious you know religious error is what it is and it came back from way back when people didn't really walk in the word and they had certain ideas and Antico with excuses why certain things happen and that kind of stuff but the reality is God's will I don't I don't know if anybody maybe other than Jesus at that time and especially from that time to now has really understood how positive God is I mean he's light he's life he's loved oh that's positive you get it he's not death and darkness and sickness and hate that's not him yeah there's not even the shadow of that in him right so that's how positive he is everything is growth everything is life everything is is positive is the best way to say it and so this is why people like New Age people things like that this is why many times they look at the unit they cost the universe and they they insert universe instead of God and because they don't know him personally and but it's also because they want to be able to use his principles without being as we would say beholding to him and so they start to learn these principles and they use them and to a degree sometimes to a large degree they work just because they are true principles but it doesn't mean that they're right with God or that they're what they're doing is exactly right what it means is simply they have discovered principles of God and the amazing thing is even if they're not connected to God it still works if Allen says that God causes the Sun to shine on the just and the unjust that's how good god is amen that's how positive he is that's the positive aspect that he's good even to people that don't like him the people that curse his name and things like that good things he still causes good things why because the goodness of God draws him into repentance so he's always trying to draw them because he realizes you know in the scheme of things this time on earth is relatively short compared to Eternity and he really you know he looks at I'm putting words in his mouth at this point but I'm just relaying some experiences you might say but he actually looks at humans almost like little children and sometimes a little kid can tell their parent I hate you and the parent knows they don't hate them they just know it's emotion and they're childish and it's a foolish thing that comes out of their mouth and God looks at people like that a lot of times and goes yeah yeah yeah whatever you know because he's thinking long term he's thinking eternity he's not thinking oh you said you hate me okay go to hell and stay there for eternity because you said that word no that's not how he is right it may break his heart or what have you had whatever words you want to use it may grieve him to use a spiritual term but we have to realize that he looks at the big scheme of things now so first off his word is his will secondly he cannot lie so whatever he said whatever promises he made he said that they are yes and amen to us right so we can access them now the good thing is if his word is his will his word is health do you get that his word is health all right that's okay third John 2 says beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers now the only reason I brought that out it's a New Testament verse because we're gonna go into some Old Testament but I want you to realize God's will hadn't changed he will still want you to prosper and he wants you to prosper and be in health but now notice the qualifier there is that as your soul prospers see a lot of people can't prosper because their soul hadn't prospered in both in the natural things but also in health and things like that on the other hand there are people who have prospered beyond their soul prospering I know that sounds strange but you see a person who prospers let's say financially and then they use the money to destroy themselves that's a person that has prospered beyond their soul prospered right and we can see it everything right you know they say most people that play the lottery the ones that win the lottery usually within five years they're in greater debt they're broke and are in greater debt than they were before they were in the lottery what because they prospered beyond their soul see so now in the word health that you may prosper and be in health okay is in the New Testament in the Strong's Concordance is number 51 98 I always give you these numbers so you can look them up and it means to have sound health to be well in body right to be uncorrupt it is also used to talk about doctrine to have an uncorrupted doctrine it is translated in the King James as to be in health to be safe and sound to be wholesome so it's talking he says I want you to prosper and be in health and notice every time the words God uses always have several definitions but they always touch spirit soul and body because it's overall in other words God's word one word is so big that it covers everything and so if we ever get a picture and an understanding of how positive God is how good he is in that sense then your problems are pretty much over except dealing with other people that's the only probably should still have right your problems with God there you would have no problems with God and just be with other people right so now Joshua chapter 1 now after the death of Moses will chapter 1 verse 1 after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke unto Joshua the son of nun Moses Minister his servant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you and all this people under the land which I do give to them even to the children of Israel every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon that have I given unto you as I said unto Moses now notice I want you to notice the wording here this whole passage you're gonna read down about verse none this whole passage is absolute victory there is nothing but victory in this passage when God speaks he speaks absolute victory right total Dominion he says notices in virtually every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon every place it's a sole of your foot shall his futures there right shall tread upon that have I given unto you past tense he says whatever you do I've already done it whatever you wherever you go I've already given it to you no I mean think about that that's see here's our problem we think humanely we don't think divinely and when you think humanely we think automatically we go - why would he say that because I could go where he didn't want me to go I could do something he didn't want me to do see we always qualify his promises based on our human experience it's like one time I remember I was preaching on learn prayer and I said you know you can if you abide in him his words about and you ask what you're willing to be done in it and nothing be impossible and all these things and I'm like and again Jesus said you know ask me anything if you ask anything in my name I will do it and I preached it and I'm you know talking about the things the promises of God and then afterward so he walked up and said so you're telling me see when they start a sentence like that you know the rest is gonna be bad right so you're telling me that I could pray for a bag of pot and God would give it like okay you didn't hear the first part if you abide in me and my words about in you okay now see that we go to the extreme to the problem we go to the thing that is outside the realm of the promise and we think of the failure we think of the negative and God is saying look what you walk in me I walk in you we live together we talk together we fellowship whatever you want it's gonna be yours one cuz I trust you to ask for the right stuff right so we have to realize that that's how good god is say he thinks positive it's just like you can find you know quite a bit like I said last week about people walking with God and not falling away there's a couple of verses about falling away why isn't there more detail about it because God is an optimist he looks at it and says man this this deal is so good why would anybody want out and so he doesn't talk a whole lot about getting out he has some stuff in here he said if you wanted to part you can and he said there will be feel that that depart from the faith so you could do that but it's not like oh I made a mistake up you're out you know it's not like that all right so he says verse four from the wilderness and this Lebanon even under the great river of the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites and under the Great Sea toward the going down of the Sun shall be your coasts there shall not any man any man that's a big word any any man be able to stand before you all the days of your life that's a good promise especially for people going in and basically inhabiting and taking possession of land as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not fail you nor forsake you be strong and of a good courage now why don't we need to be strong a good courage if he said this is what's gonna happen why because you still have to go in and do it there still has to be the execution there still has to be you moving forward and doing the things he said he didn't say sit back and I'll bring the promised land to you right he said you go in and take the promised land now you go in wherever you put your foot I'll give it to you but you've got to go take it amen he says be strong good courage for unto this people shall divide for an inheritance the land which I swore under their fathers to give them only be thou strong and very courageous that you may observe to do notice like I just said you gotta be strong courageous so that you can observe to do right according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded thee turn not from it to the right hand over to the left that you may prosper whithersoever you goest now notice he's telling them to go in be strong good courteous and you're gonna prosper so what does that mean it must be God's will for them to go in take the land and prosper is that right now now of course they were an agricultural you know civilization maybe one call it and they would go in and so prospering is relative you know in some places you know prosperity might be you know a new car in some places prosperity might be two goats instead of one go right so it's all relative so we're not talking about any one thing when I talk about prospering I'm not talking about you stacking up money and sitting back and you know just trying to stack up money that's not about that but you should prosper in every year that's what he said in third John to that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so you should prosper spirit soul and body when Jesus said blessed are you or when he talked about the Beatitudes right the word blessed meant spiritually prosperous that's what it means so he wants you to spiritually prosper he wants you to physically prosper he wants you to soulish lis prosper amen and you're so loving so if you're gonna prosper physically that means in your body you're gonna get well and stay well amen now true abundant prospering in your physical body is getting well I'm staying well and not even having to think about or worry about weed use that term getting sick amen that's that is the top of prosperity physically that God does right now Jesus touched all kinds of people never got sick we don't have one incident of him ever getting sick he never caught anything right I've gone all over the world I've touched every kind of disease with my bare hand right usually right wherever the disease was sometimes it was HIV different things like that but if there's been times with open sores running sores heat you know fever rash of you name it and I'm never satisfied just to you know stand at a distance and send the word and no I want to put my hands on one because I want to beat that thing and I wanted to know I'm not afraid of it and so I've touched every kind of disease everything and now I mean depending on where it's at if it's appropriate yeah I have no problem there was a man once it had a big hole in his foot and it was rotting away and it are the blood poisoning it already went from one foot and one leg over to the other leg and they were talking about cutting off his legs at the hip because I said if we don't it's going to keep spreading killing you and he was at home at this point he had just gone in for to get a bone spur cut off of his heel and they decided to do it in the office and not at a hospital and so but whenever the doctor used a scalpel it actually cut a nerve in the in his foot and somehow with that I might have been a blood vessel I'm not sure but regardless it set up blood poisoning and then II wonder the doctor said I can't do anything now but amputate both legs and so we went by the time we got there he was laid on a couch we went to his house who were trip back on the way back from a DHT and I got the prayer request from the office and stopped by the person's house and I said well that's not far from here so well it was like 150 200 miles which isn't far if you're traveling a thousand miles a day and so I said well we'll just go by there and so we went by when I got there we called him when we put up in their driveway and said hey would like to pray for you you know can we stop by and pray and they said yeah and I said okay well I'm in your driveway okay and then I saw the curtain open it's a picnic and chef that's like told you I'm right in your drive except so and I was gonna call earlier but I just forgot and so they said what the lady said give me a few minutes give me a few minutes I'm like no problem but when we got in he was on the couch then was on the couch he had a blanket covering him but his foot was sticking out because the pain was such that he couldn't even allow blanket to touch it and they couldn't put a bandage on it or anything so it was just an open running sore that had really eaten through his foot and it was very there was a odor that went with it there was pain I mean all kind stuff and so when I went in I know that one I wanted to let my hands on but I asked Lisa please don't don't don't touch it and so we didn't not commanded and told the wife to take a picture and she took a picture of it I said all right I said this is what here's what's going to happen it's going to reverse and go back the way it's progressed it will reverse all right and then it'll disappear and so I said whenever it disappears send me this send me both pictures and so about it was about a week or ten days later I got both pictures in the mail and you couldn't even tell there had been anything there was still a slight scar at that point but later the scar even disappeared and so we've seen God do some things know amen so when we I've gone all over the world especially in some of the what people called third-world countries which is you know just their definition we have seen some very horrific things and many times one of the reasons why you see such great miracles in places like that is because they have no other option they don't have any you know Plan B and they're not they're not getting me to pray from Sunday and they got their surgery scheduled for Monday or Tuesday this is this is it they either get healed or they die and so that's whenever you see some of the greatest miracles when people make those decisions like that but they don't make them because they want to they make them because they have to today honestly so he says here and watches he says that you will prosper whithersoever you go this is verse 7 verse 8 this book of the law the Word of God okay shall not depart out of your mouth what that means is you will always be saying it I know it sounds like the opposite but it's saying it will you will constantly will always be in your mouth you will always be saying God's Word you know that but thou shalt meditate that means think about to mutter to speak to oneself thou shalt meditate therein day and night watch that you may observe to do according to all the Tritton there and then notice again this is not magic this isn't just speaking words right but it's actually speaking them thinking about him talking about them and doing them that's the key a lot of people think and talk they don't do and then they wonder why God failed them well he just said he'll never fail you so but you still have to think talk and do amen now think talk and do has to do with spirit soul and body the do part is the body you got to do something you do something with your body yeah the think part is your soul the speak part is the spirit what because out of your belly shall flow rivers of living living water and everything that comes out of you and they're right comes out of your spirit and Jesus says not that things that go in that defy you but the things that come out because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so you've got all three involved right here spirit soul and body right yeah then he says this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you will meditate therein day and night so that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein for then then when when you've thought spoke and done okay then you shall make your way prosperous and then you will have good success you hear that so who makes your way prosperous you do God gives you the tools he gives you the pieces but you have to think talk and act to make your way prosperous all right now and that means in every area now again you know one would mention okay prospering is a Bible word right it doesn't belong and televangelists amen so God said it now he says in verse none have not I commanded thee be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with you whither so ever you go now notice in the New Testament he says but thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus in their right and he taught he commanded us to go into all the world preach the gospel make disciples in there right so and he said he told Paul or Paul said Spirit of God speaking through Paul he said whatever you've heard from me in the mouth you know among many witnesses you find faithful men who will be faithful to teach other faithful men is that right so what we're seeing is that he tells us to go into all the world preach the gospel live the gospel do what we're supposed to do then he says that he's with us all the time we know that right that he's always with us but he also said I want you going to all the world and thanks be to God which always causes us to triumph right so if he tells us to go into all the world and he tells us that he's always gonna make us triumph then that means wherever we are going we are going there to win do you get that right if you go for a job interview you're supposed to get it that be winning that be triumphing in there right if they got 200 people running we got a lot of people out of work right now right now is when you need the favor of God right now that's when you need to believe what His Word says that wherever you're gonna go you're going there to win you're going there to triumph amen no but you've got to see how good god is oh but what if God do want me to have that job then he can get your other jobs everybody wants you to diligent and he wants you going and doing and if you apply for a job if you don't think God wants you to have it don't go apply for it alright but what have you because what have you apply for you're gonna get now the main thing is don't sell yourself short don't settle except for what God has promised amen and I see Abraham settled for what God not for what God promised but for what he could produce and he produced an Ishmael Amen because he was trying to make Ishmael the promised son because he could only see from their natural that the spiritual was yet down the road but he settled at first and then realized by the Word of God that Ishmael wasn't the one Amen so he says here now go with me to proverbs chapter 4 proverbs chapter 4 and this is what was going over in me this week it kept getting stronger and stronger and louder proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 my son so now we know who he's talking to his sons his children his sons and daughters and their right my son attend to my words attend to my words incline thine ear unto my sayings what our sayings a whole bunch of words put together right okay let them not depart from your eyes so now you're supposed to be reading them right keep them in the midst of your heart how do you keep them in the midst of your heart you meditate on them you speak them you think about them right now what just before they what is the day we're talking about his words his sayings is that right do you see that right okay I will give you a hint the Bible says if any two shall agree as touching or concerning anything it shall be done for them is that right so if I do this if I say for they are life okay if they are life and I say what's he talking about and I'm talking I'm reading and I'm talking about words and you're sitting there and you don't say anything we're not agreeing do you see that but if I say okay for they are they what is it they words and you say words now we're in agreement so now this can actually start to work in your life because now you agree do you get that so you can start this thing yourself and you can get it working for you because I'm telling you I'm an agreement I'm gonna agreement with this word and if you agree with this word then we're in agreement and if you agree with me then we're in agreement with this word because I'm in agreement of the word Amen so now we got three of us actually five of us okay agree all right now he says for they his words his sayings are life his sayings are life under those that find him well you're here so you probably found his words right you didn't wonder in here wonder wonder what they're gonna talk about over there not we're coming in to talk about the Bible so you want to hear that so you found his words okay and watch this look at this next part they are life one of those that find them and health to all their flesh diga that his words are health to all your flesh his words that's why I said that if we title this message God's Word is health his work is health you got that so if I read this word to you and you decide to accept it because the word was preached them didn't profit them because they didn't add faith to it but if you believe it if I say it and I'm reading it and I preach it and you believe it and you agree with it now it has profited you because you've added faith to it now the minute you had faith to it now that word that his health starts bringing health to all your flesh do you get that so you can hear the word preached and you can be healed physically because we're talking about flesh here but see guys not just in he's not just interested in your spirit everybody acts like well not anybody but a lot of people act like God is only interested in your spirit no he's interested in your spirit in your soul and in your body amen and he says that he wants to keep you blameless he wants to he wants you to be preserved blameless right spirit soul and body so and he says that you are to lift up what kind of hands holy hands what hands is a body he's not - well I'm raising my hands in the spirit no no you're not why because your spirits in your body and if you raise your spirit hands your flesh hands are gonna go along with it amen you can't raise your spirit hands and you're in your flesh hands not Russ it's impossible because your spirit is in your body weight wherever your spirit goes your body juices drug along with it right I Got News for you wherever your body goes God's drug along with it because he abides in you think about that amen so you know get this hit so as I preach the Word of God and you hear it and decide to believe it you're mixing face with it and when you mix faith with it it activates it so to speak and it's it's like a an epoch see you know you have the epoxy and separately they're okay when you mix them together they become like a cement that's exactly what that is right so we have the word and then you have faith and when you mix faith with the word then it produces a third thing which is called health do you get that now notice this here's a good what's all good news but here's a good part of the good news okay for they his words are life under those that find them and health to all their flesh so that means there's not one part of your flesh that his words don't bring health to so that means whatever problem you got his word mixed with faith is the answer you give that nothing is impossible yeah well you know it's just a matter of time now you know we got to put you in Hospice because we've done all we can do there's nothing more that can be done you just lied first part was true you've done all you could do but the second part there's nothing more they can be done that's a lot do you get when man has reached his limit God is just getting started I meant what because he is el-shaddai the God who has more than enough right so his work I want you to get this his word is hell when you spend time reading God's Word and choosing to believe it now you can read it and not believe it and won't do you any good and the sad part is there are people all around the world read God's Word don't believe it quote it and don't believe it and then they die and people say I see that stuff doesn't work no no it works you just couldn't see what was going on under the skin so to speak and they weren't believing you got to believe his word right when you believe his word it activates it in your body and every cell I don't care because it says all your flesh so any part of your body that's flesh any part of your body that has a sickness disease ailment I don't care water then I don't care if it's cellular I don't care if it's chromosomes I don't care what it I don't care if it's down to your DNA whatever it is that's part of your flesh and God's Word is health to it amen so no matter what it is so as I read it and we've done this all over the world without me even preaching this part they're just preaching the word people agree and once they agree and put faith into it they get healed before they ever get to the healing like what because it's his word that's health to all their flesh say when you come up and I lay hands on you you were laying hens and we are delivering the Spirit of God to you to make the change but what am I saying be healed that's God's Word that's what Jesus said I'm just quoting him right and since he's not a respecter of persons that I can say whatever he said to anybody that's in the same situation and it would apply to them amen so it doesn't matter that your name isn't in here you're in you're in here like I said last week even if you're naming in here you're in here because it says whosoever right or any man as we read earlier so I want you to get to see once you get this then you start reading God's Word and you'll start reading it on purpose and and reading out energy ready go you know what now after the death of Moses I believe that I believe that right there so this word is working right because I believe that right there just after the death of Moses Moses died yep I believe that right and so you start believing you start stopping every few seconds and saying you know what I believe that too it says right there just serving the Lord came to pass the Lord spoke enjoy I believe God spoke to Joshua I'm believing that and if you believe that and you keep working that right on down then when you get down to the bottom he's gonna say for when you have done this when you've meditated yep I believe when I meditate you guess what I'm gonna make my way prosperous and I'm gonna have good success and see now whatever cuz it's the same believing believe it's believing it's the same believing for verse 8 as it was in verse 1 do you believe verse 1 do you believe after the death of Moses that God spoke to Joshua okay let's if you believe that you can believe for then you will make your way prosperous and have good success why because it's all God's Word you need to believe it you don't and you can choose to believe it now but now listen just because you choose to believe it doesn't mean you sometimes feel like you believe it because your mind is still trying to figure it out but see believing it and of the mind it's of the spirit so a lot of times you're trying to figure it out and that's one of the problems with a lot of Christians is they think they have to have it all figured out before they get started right and before they even launch into it they think they got to get all the details worked out that is not what if you can do that there's no faith involved no faith right faith says I believe what he says and then you move forward into that right now he says that his words verse 22 his words are life unto those that find them in health to all their flesh now look at verse 23 keep thy heart with all diligence what does that mean that means it doesn't happen automatically I mean there's a part you play you have to do something with all diligence that means you have to regularly purposely schedule it make it a routine make it a habit make it a discipline diligence right it's something you're doing in the mess of it reading the Word of God speaking the Word of God listening the Word of God it's something you're doing he says fort now watch keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life and notice he said that right after he's talked about his words do you see how important this is and he said keep your heart why because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speak so what does it mean keep your heart keep God's word in your heart so that what comes out of your heart is God's Word because whatever then when you keep your heart you're keeping God's word in your heart and it's coming out of your mouth and now you're actually operating and you're saying what God has said and now notice it doesn't say but only when you feel like it or only when things look like it right go to the Bible they were constantly saying the opposite of what things look like constantly right I mean who yells dick dream about a wall that hadn't fallen yet he's it you yell first you shout first didn't the wall fall and they're right so you can praise God before the cancer does you give things unto God for health before your body feels different well when I feel it I'll do it bye you'll probably be dead before you feel it one because you're so hung up on feeling and feeling has nothing your feeling will follow your emotions and your emotions follow where your heart goes right and so if your emotions are settled in God then your feelings will be settled in God and even though the enemy may hit you were some you guys not that's not nothing it's a line vanity that thing that's that's a lot one how'd it happen what I mean it's a lot the Bible says by a strap so I'm healed so that can't be anything so that's done and then you move back on to it so you don't you know well I want to wherever they let me look up where the organs are in the body and where what organs there how does that feel and what is this here okay yeah I don't know I've never felt that before now what are you doing no now you're not giving word not giving right of way to God's Word you're giving it to your feelings and then did you see that no people say well I know let's see he says diligence that sounds like a lot of work what if it is easier but I'd be doing it and then now I understand it's simple not always easy you know what makes it not easy who you surround yourself with that's what makes it easier or harder you surround yourself with naysayers it's gonna get hard whatever you're trying to do for God is gonna get hard but if you surround yourself with people of faith then whatever you're gonna do for God is gonna be a whole lot easier why because they're constantly telling you you can do it God's with you you'll get through this whatever it is and other and but if you surround yourself with naysayers then all you're gonna hear ya there I know so I believe that way and they died you know and you hear that stuff all the time with these people yeah it's always negative always bad always it what's gonna happen well yeah you know and then I start singing the hee haw song if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all no no you need songs right that uplift amen I know a while back we played that song I cannot be defeated did y'all hear once where that and that's an old song and I know it's all because I found in my diary from 1983 it said that I went to a church and sang that song in front of the entire church out loud no not not so low that nobody could hear me all right but I sang that song I thought man I don't know what happened there I don't I don't know what convinced me to do that but anyway I'm just saying that you need to surround yourself with people that's going to encourage you not people to tell you can't do it you need you need to listen to things the Bible songs they tell you you cannot be defeated amen and and it's like people saying you know I can't go under because I'm too busy going over amen and so you have to realize and then when people people look at this like oh you don't understand things are bad you know I lost my job got this barely have a 401k or whatever is gonna barely have any of that left and look at the stock market you know I'm just afraid of that I'm gonna lose it all well guess what it's watch the stock market it goes down it comes back up it goes down comes back up what do you want yeah I do go well I wish I'd got involved with this back when it was low well now everything's low jump in come on but I don't know what it's gonna do you a key chamber was gonna do if you get involved it's gonna rise one cuz you're involved you're God's favorites it's gonna rise it remembered like I said up earning about Joseph Farrow prospered because of Joseph maybe if Christians didn't get involved to start marking it might go up faster what just because we're involved they men but I don't know what to do it's amazing you know and if you listen to fear you won't do anything amen faith is always a risk it's always a riff there's no risk there's no faith that's just the way it is I'm gonna I'm not telling you to go you know put all your money that's not working no not definitely not telling you which start to put it into however I did hear that no I said who think casinos yeah casino that's you there they always make all the money in there right yeah the people go and put money in there never get it out it's amazing it's like a some type of Bank anyway so for somebody okay but now notice he says here in verse 23 keep that heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life put away from thee a froward mouth now for a word means distorted it means put away falseness okay it means put away twisted words or even crooked words do you hear what he's saying because he still talked about words he still talked about guard in your heart how do you guard your heart you put away from you a froward mouth put away from yourself don't speak distorted twisted crooked not good things all right now let me tell you how to do that you know what but sometimes stuff just comes out nothing just comes out it was first put in there say it goes in then it comes out so the way not to have bad stuff come out is to put good stuff in and you would do that if you think on these things right in Philippians 4:8 if you think on these thing if it's good holy pure good report all these things yesterday any virtue any praise then you think on these things well water though what what is the one thing that has all those things in it the Word of God you'd think on the Word of God I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee and there right stay down there that's right it has we stay there now watch so it says put away from there froward mouth and perverse lips put far from you now perverse lips literally means lips that cause you to turn or depart to turn aside or depart you got that so put away from your from yourself any type of words any type of sayings or anything else that would cause you to depart from what the Word of God is saying right so you're not well you know better do this you know cuz it sure is world I'll get sick if that thing's what no see that's a perverse lip do you give that no brother no that's wisdom well okay let's talk about that let's talk about wisdom real quick because there's two kinds and I agree with you what you're saying is wisdom it's just the wrong kind its earthly it's devilish why because it's based on fear in that simple God's wisdom is never based on fear it's based on wisdom understanding and knowledge and whenever you have wisdom understanding and knowledge you don't have any need to fear and then you will make actions based on the wisdom understanding of knowledge and you won't make it based on fear because fear is always future hadn't even happened yet right you don't fear what happened yesterday you only fear what you think might happen tomorrow which hardly ever really happens amen it's amazing because people are so locked in the fear and then you talk about faith and they're like that's crazy that oh I could never do that you kidding me to do it all the time cuz you want cuz you're walking in fear and fear is just negative faith that's all it is it's faith fear is faith in the devil to do what he said and what he's suggesting to you and all you gotta do is have faith in God for what he said and it's the same thing you're just deciding who you listen to right and then God the devil both watch to see how you act because how you act gives credence to who you were in listening to so yeah I need to write these things down or get a copy right listen to it over and over again okay yeah he says let thine eyes look right on and let thine eyelids look straight before thee ponder the path of your feet and let all thy ways be established boy in it now how do you establish your ways you acknowledge him in all your ways and they're right and your way well in your path will be established so he says ponder the path your feet and that are your ways be established turn not to the right hand nor to the left remove your foot from evil what's he saying notice he went from talking about words to thinking to speaking to action do you give that see it's always tied together yeah yeah in the the word here for trying to find where I'm at here yeah issues of lives there we go okay now the word trying to find the right word oh for health that's what it was yeah and in verse 22 the word or says for they are laughing those who find them in health all their flesh that word health to all their flesh is number 48 32 Old Testament Strong's Concordance and it means a curative literally a medicine or a cure and also includes deliverance do you hear that his words okay our life to all that find them in health his words are a curative his words are medicine his words bring deliverance his word that's all in his word to all your flesh do you gather you see that so if you live in his word and his word lives in you then your flesh is gonna have health his word see health is in his word his word is health to our flesh it says like as I'm standing here speaking to you it's like I'm throwing out vitamins just the best kind you can get alright and they bring health to all your flesh right I mean there are some supplements you can take that you can feel right away and other things you don't feel for a while until it builds up an opinion you get saturated in it but you can take some supplements you can fill right away matter of fact there are some things you don't even need in some vitamins but they put in there anyway because they put see some vitamins that they give you they don't give it to you by any stretch some vitamins you buy okay but some you don't feel it you can't tell right then and they know that people are based on feeling so they will stick a little extra zinc in there so that when you take it real quick you feel the tingle and you thinking it's the vitamins is just a zinc and yet because yes stuff you can't feel but they want you to feel something in that amazing and you think oh yeah man I took that vitamin in I felt I felt good man I have had a awful sudden energy it's like no you just had a little tingle right and so you can you can do that well God's Word is like that but you have to realize first it goes into your spirit and then comes out of your flesh now because we're connected to in say his word all this word is already in you it's in your spirit you are complete in him so it's all in there now but you have to stir it up so to speak you ever sing well battle ins our orange juice you leave sitting too long it separates you guys shake it up and noise to even these liquid vitamins ever tell you shake well before drinking you know right well it's the same thing with the word of God you got to read the Word of God but there are times it's because it's already in there how do you shake it up how do you stir it up by reading it talking about it thinking about it what because that's what brings out that that's the diligence that brings out the Word of God out of your mouth and when you do that you start to get life and health to all your flesh now the thing is you can also direct it by thinking about the part that needs healing and needs health while you're reading about health and getting that health into you you can actually direct it to the part that needs it just by thinking about that part amen it's really amazing we're going to talk about some of this in the next couple of weeks about the soul and the mind and how the mind works in conjunction with the spirit and the body because used to everybody thought it was said that your brain is just the command center right here your brain is not your soul right and in technically it's not even your mind it's where stuff is stored but literally your spirit covers every you know if we were to stretch you out here you could draw on that that would also be your spirit your spirit fills every portion of your body your body obviously fills every portion of your body right but also your soul also fills every part of your body so you still we thought that you had to sin nerve you know sensations to different parts of the body but now we know that it doesn't have to go you know if you hit your shin or stub your toe or whatever it is that we used to think it had to go to your head and then come back down it doesn't have to do that there your soul actually is all of your body where your mind is all of your body so that the instant it hits it's registered it didn't have to go anywhere because you're also all spirit all body rights that works together Ellen we'll talk about some of that not right now so notice here in the proverbs chapter 12 we're just about finished here proverbs chapter 12 verse 18 it says there is that and we would say there is that which speaks like the piercings of a sword but the tongue of the wise is health the tongue of the wise is health now I can spend five minutes no three minutes maybe even one right talking to somebody and tell real quick where they are spiritually based on what they say right but according this scripture I can listen to a person Intel real quick whether they're wise or foolish what because if they are speaking sickness death disease defeat negative speaking the the the the negative stuff right the Bible tells me they're not wise but he says that we are to be why knowing the will of God and if you know the will of God you're supposed to be speaking the will of God if you speak to one of God suppose to be doing the will of God so it all ties together that makes sense so now notice let's read on the tongue of the wise is health now that word health is the exact same word used before in proverbs chapter four and it means again a medicine so the tongue of the wise is a medicine the tongue of the wise is a cure the tongue of the wise is deliverance well if we ever really got a hold of this imagine if everywhere you went everywhere you're around in your home in your job imagine if all you spoke literally because you believed it was God's Word and was health was light was life was love imagine that imagine what it would be imagine what your life would be like but all of a sudden know what that means that means you'd become contagious with other people and you wouldn't be asymptomatic you would be very symptomatic contagiously right and so but now imagine if you became contagious and the people around you imagine what your office would be like if this is how people talk instead of saying oh yeah we're not going to make the schedule we're not going to make it on time we got a deadline we're not going to do it and we're going to come in way over budget and we're it's going to be this way imagine if people said you know what let's cover and get this done in half the time they will be planned on it and matter of fact with half the money and matter of fact that means our profits going to be 50% higher and that means that now I can hire that other assistant that can actually do the work I don't want to do maybe or take it as a profit and go on a vacation whichever right but do you understand what I'm saying do you realize what it would be like because I can tell you this is how it's gonna be in heaven yeah at some point heaven is going to move to earth I don't you know that or not but heavens gonna come to earth right now when that takes place this is how people are going to talk you know whenever you're walking around with God and angels and you know I mean when you're in that you're not gonna be sir wait I don't know what's gonna happen next man yeah I know are we gonna eat tomorrow what we gonna do right you're not gonna talk that weight mean you're gonna be you know God's gonna inhabit the praises of his people hear me praising a lot and you're ready telling God man this is awesome this is great man you sit look at these these trees over here that the fruit you know one falls off and doesn't even hit the ground just dissolve in but there's another fruit instantly I mean I mean why cuz in heaven there's abundance in there right there's no lack in heaven there's no food line food line not food lying I know there's a first job okay but there's there's no people waiting in line there's there's nobody waiting you know as we should say for government cheese ain't that ain't the way it is in the kingdom amen and so we have to realize that if we're gonna if we're what makes us think for some reason people think well at some point there's gonna be a change and when that change happens I'm gonna be a completely different person and they always make that in heaven no the change has already happened you're already a completely different person you just haven't renewed your mind and start acting like it there's God is not going to make it work when you pass through the pearly gates all that stupidity and you know negative talk somehow can't make it through and you just walk on through and leave it at the gate no it's for you to purge yourself and to discipline yourself now to speak according to his word he told the Old Testament Saints learn to guard your mouth put away a froward mouth put away perverse live why did you tell him to do that what so their life now could be better you didn't say hey talk I'd be one someday it's all gonna be good don't worry about it Oh with it when you get over there it's gonna be because you have to remember that promise land was symbolic of heaven to us in that sense do you understand now I will tell I'm living in my promise fan right now now over there it's gonna just be even better but it's pretty good now amen but you have to realize that that was the same thing and he didn't say now when you get over there do it this way he said no start now right start saying now why cuz you're preparing the future with your words today and so he said start speaking his word and you started it now and again used to people say you know that's that faith talking I say no no science has proven it dr. Caroline leaf has proven it she brings out from the neuroscience aspect everything I'm saying matter of fact if you start speaking right and speaking what God's Word says your stress levels immediately drop and when stress levels drop immune system builds when immune system builds sickness and disease can't get in right it's just mr. that's how you were meant to operate you were meant to speak his word you were meant to say the things that he said and say what he said about you and what did he say about you you're more than a conqueror you're you're an overcomer and they're right he said that you're the he said let the no notice he said let the sick say let the weak say right come on so he tells you right there I'm not gonna say I'm strong when I'm weak no God said to say it he didn't he's not telling you to lie he's telling you to say what you want so he can give you what you're saying amen and so you have some stress but if you all you ever talk about is a negative ad I mean first off what makes you even think okay if you think well over there I'll be different what makes you think you're gonna make it there I'm not trying to take away your salvation then I'm just trying to say walk in it walk in the salvation walking all the goodness yeah I'll say the same thing God told Moses him choose life my words he said my words are life and they're right choose life choose his words be kids were choose blessing don't choose death don't choose cursing right choose life choose to be blessed he said you're blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places say so right and start to just believe his word is true now a little bit more proverbs 12:18 he that speaks there is that which speaks like the pure silver sword but the tongue of the wise is health the lip of truth shall be established forever but a lying tongue is but for a moment proverbs 16 verse 22 understanding is a wellspring of life unto him that has it but the instruction of fools is folly the heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips the heart of the wise teaches his lips and that art teaches his mouth and as learning to his lips pleasant words or as a honeycomb sweet to the soul and health to the bones well that's it like you wouldn't have arthritis and they're right I'm just saying you can add life now cuz he said to all your flesh but here he says specifically these words Pleasant words are sweet they're like a honeycomb to your soul and their health to your bones well that right there are to say well okay from now on guess what bless God my words are gonna be sweet in it every one time well I was talking to somebody and told them it was gonna be this way and then they had to call me back an hour later well you know I they said what you said was right and I said and they said well I have to they told me I'm gonna have to eat my words and I said well that's why they should always be sweet because you may have to eat them right so verse 25 there is a way which seems right on a man but the end thereof are the ways of death why that's the man that doesn't think with the mind of Christ okay he that Labor's labors for himself for his mouth craves it for him an ungodly man digs up evil you hear that you're meant some people work so hard digging up evil they work so hard to find the negative they work so hard to just dig up bad stuff right and in his lips there is a burning fire it is as a burning fire a froward men so soweth strife okay maybe what froward means distorted false right twisted and a Whisperer separates chief friends a violent man entices his neighbor to do what more violence here come do that with me what cuz misery loves company right and leads him into the way that is not good he shuts his eyes to devise froward things moving his lips he brings evil to pass moving his lips he brings evil to pass that are tell you right there make sure what comes out of your mouth is good and then I say at 58 verse 6 God spoke to Isaiah is not this the fast that I have chosen to loose the bands of wickedness to undo the heavy burdens and to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke is it not Eastern the type of fast he wants is it not to deal your bread to the hungry and that you bring the poor that are cast out to your house when you see the naked that you cover him and that you had not yourself from your own flesh then when and that's how you fast you make the food you don't need it but you make it and you give it to somebody else and you what you're supposed to fast agreed before this is the putting away of the pointing of the finger that's the fast we are too fast judging right and he said good you can go and read all of Isaiah 58 and he says then when you fast like this when you put away the pointing of the finger whenever you deal your bread to the hungry and you clothed the naked notice that has to do with fasting too okay when you do all that then shall your light break forth is the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily and your righteousness shall go before you the glory of the Lord shall be your rear word in other words he's got your back okay then you will call and the Lord will answer then you will cry and he will say Here I am if you take away from the midst of you the yoke the putting forth of the finger right and speaking vanity and if you draw out your soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul then shall your light arise in obscurity and your darkness be as the noonday so that tells you what kind of how to fast it's not just food includes food but it includes other things and the Lord shall guide thee continually not every now and then all the time right and satisfy your soul and drought and make fat your bones okay you might not want to claim that one just saying okay maybe okay and thou shalt be as a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not okay last two Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 says for I will restore health unto you and I will heal thee of thy wounds saith the Lord because they called the annales saying this is Zion who no man seeks out after now he said what that was apply and I've had people say well that was applying to this thing that no you're not you're not understanding he he said I will restore health unto thee and I'll heal you of your wounds that means that God's will must be help and healing regardless of who he's talking to his will is the same and he's not a respecter of persons so his words are hell his will is held his word is health to all your flesh you got that jeremiah 33:6 behold I will bring it health and cure and I will cure them and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth and that's a good promise right there amen and the word health there is number seven 24 Old Testament Hebrew and it means in the sense of restoring to soundness wholeness and means to be it's translated as health to be made up correctly and to be perfected God's Word is health he wants you well he wants you healed he wants you whole he wants health in all your flesh I mean think about this if God's Word is health to all your flesh he can't even talk to you without you getting healed I mean think about it he'd have to go gonna have to hide right do you give then he couldn't even talk to you because his word is health so if he talks to somebody healing is going on do you get that and then so people say I've been talking to Lord and I've been trying to get him to heal me no it's not you talk to him and get you to healing is him talking to you and guess what he sent His Word and healed them why cuz his word is health amen hear that what how come Jesus didn't kill this person didn't make that person sick what that's not who he was when he spoke he said my words are spirit and they are life so I guess he just didn't talk to me but he didn't like cuz all I did was give him life amen we understand I mean think about that I can't even talk to you because you're sick and I want to say I want you to stay that way so I can't talk to you at all cuz if I speak to you you're gonna get well see that's how we ought to think in there right you realize whenever whenever Pilate was talking to Jesus and he asking these things is there are you a king all these things yesterday asking things and it's amazing because he said don't you know even right now I could ask I could call and legions of angels would come that's why he could never judge he couldn't defend himself they said lies about him he couldn't even defend himself because if he had defended himself it would have set him free isn't that right what because the truth shall make you free so he couldn't even defend him that's why he said when he went and Isaiah 53 he said he went before the shearers as a sheep is done before the shoes right why because he couldn't say anything or he would have got free so he just had to stand there not say a word think about that imagine if every time you opened your mouth somebody got free somebody got healed somebody got delivered that is the listen this is the the heck I said that this is the heritage of the righteous this is your inheritance this is your right to speak truth to speak of life just freak healing to bring deliverance to people this is who we are listen weird we're made in His image where to grow up into him in all things in there right so we're to be just like him and if we're gonna be just like him then how can we talk garbage and how can we talk doubt unbelief how can we talk sickness and disease and defeat and and lost everything jesus said brought life amen so we have to be the same type of where we change our lips we guard our mouth we guard our hearts because that's where it goes and watch what you put in because that's what's gonna come out and then just you have to walk around with a recorder and just record you're just you know you get to look I got a little recorder a lot of times you'll see it I'll put it right here and I'll record the message that way I don't have to wait to get it you know later from them I've got it and I can download it and listen to it and say ah does my own messages believe it or not truth is truth I need as much as anybody else amen it's good for you it's good for me Amen because it's his word so there you go so but you ought to get you just a little recorder and you get one you can get them and they'll record like 18 hours if you're talking 18 hours shut up you're gonna talk for 18 hours and I don't know it hardly anybody talks 18 hours but if you get that reporter it'll record for 18 hours just when you get up in the morning I mean have it right by the bed just clip it on and just record and at the end of the day listen to what you've been saying if I guarantee you listen five minutes you go home man I'm shut my mouth yeah why cuz in the multitude of words their lack of nots in a min just start listening to yourself and listen to what you're puttin are you putting out light you putting out darkness you puttin out life you're putting out death you're putting out health you putting out signals if you're talking God's Word you're gonna put out health if you're putting out sickness in your words you're not but not God's Word it's not God's Word coming out of your mouth because it's not God's Word it's a devil's work faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and doubt and unbelief sickness disease and death comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Satan simple as that amen hey guys I just wanted to welcome here I'm Craig Blake general it was here janja Lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that Jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're gonna go and check your email box and you're gonna get instructions on how to become certified DHD how to start a life team but you know and maybe some of you are already within JJM and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do I have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within JG Liam we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one dad bass and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen I really appreciate this Jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so I look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at jg LM o RG [Music] present and be the [Music] present bill fight the [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM da o RG /of partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcasts and our mission work around the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] visit jg LM Mediacom to watch this program and more at anytime subscribe for full access to our entire library or you can rent by and watch for free select resources with over 700 hours of teaching to watch and more being added we've got your needs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crushin see [Music] [Music] 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 38,526
Rating: 4.8752689 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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