The Law of Consistent Corresponding Action

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise up to what he said [Music] it's time to rise well it's good to see everybody here today we're going to continue on with our laws of spiritual growth one thing i want to say about these is that if you remember last week we talked about the law of progressive overload which is essential now all of these laws are essential that means if you leave one out you won't grow i'm not going to say you won't grow at all but you will grow very very slow if at all so these are vital these are things that you have to put into practice in your life so they're essential most of them when you hear me go oh yeah okay and i didn't know it was called that but yeah that's i get that but it's not just enough to know what we have to do that's the the thing that's been lost in a lot of christianity is that people think that knowing is all there is to it and it's not just knowing it is knowing and believing which means you're doing see if you're not doing you either don't know or you don't believe either either or both that make sense so these have to be put into play now um yeah i'm just going to get started with it because there are some other things i want to bring out but we will do that here shortly so first off and you can make notes on these if you want or possibly can make these available for you also laws are things that are always in operation they're always operating now you know you may take a break but spiritual laws don't they they never take a break matter of fact one of the things uh especially when i was starting and it's been with me all these years is i realized that for an example uh i was we we were talking some people about them working with me and traveling with me and that kind of thing and you probably heard the story before but the the lady did not want her husband gone during any holidays or anything like that whether we were preaching or even traveling to or from she wanted him home for every holiday and we there were several other demands that she was making which i already knew wasn't going to fly anyway so and my wife and i were sitting across the table from and as they as she was talking my wife could tell that i was getting more and more upset and it's funny because she she would we were sitting across the table so they couldn't see her hand and she was tapping my leg like that trying to go calm down calm down because she knew what was happening and um then finally i just reached that boiling point and i just like boom you know i just let her have it and i told her i said you know you know why you have your little house and your you know 2.3 children and your dog and your cat and you have your white picket fence and you have us you know everything the way the american dream the way everybody thinks and while your husband is taking off and you're taking breaks for christmas and taking breaks for holidays that cancer is still eating away at somebody's life it's still killing people and people are going to die on every holiday and they don't have to and i said so you're gonna have to decide but as far as i was concerned uh i mean i was almost at that point but then you know people don't know it but actually i do have um feelings and emotions and um so i just don't show them very often but but but i you know i knew the call on this young man's life and i wanted to help him and so i agreed he could travel with me uh we went i think up to branson or somewhere when some meeting and um at first off he said you know would you because he had a wife and one child at that time or maybe even two at that point but he said you know my wife wants to come along i'm like no no me and you were going on this trip and because i wanted to get to know him talk with him some that kind of stuff and then i wanted to see how he would function you know by himself and so he he agreed and we went and then went to the first day of the meeting and came back to the hotel and he was staying in the room next to me and when we got there her car was there so she had showed up at the meeting and they went home right after that and so uh i made it very clear now we're not doing this and so this is a lot of stuff too but anyway uh you have to realize this isn't play time this isn't games uh you know if you wanna there's a lot of things you can i guess preach and a person could be a preacher that only preaches those things and maybe they're not life threatening or you know life prolonging they're just stuff that doesn't matter if you do them or not that's not us what we what we do what we say what we preach what we practice uh people live or die based on what we do with this message and so it at times it can get very heavy but at the same time we know who actually carries the burden and so uh there was this whole situation and the whole point of that let me tell you that story was really just remind you that these spiritual laws are always in operation they're always working and they're always either just like in spiritual warfare they're always working for you or against you one or the other and if you're not making them work for you they are working against you so in saying that now remember a law is something that will work for against you a law is also something that if you violate it there are consequences and if you uh obey it there are benefits it's just the way it is now as i said last week we talked about the law of progressive overload which simply means that effort and or pressure must increase progressively if there's going to be growth now that doesn't mean it's going to be fun it doesn't sound like fun at all when you talk about pressure and all that kind of thing but guess what you're going to have pressure no matter what might as well make it work for you amen so you know as they say you can curse the darkness or light a candle well either way you're going to have to do something for it to affect your life now this week as i said we're looking at law number two and law number two is simply this originally i was going to call it the law of consistent action but actually god at the last minute put in another word which is fitting it's exactly right but it's the law of consistent corresponding action now this is one of those mirror i told you for one of the most um that probably the two main principles that have affected my life and that i found and operate in that um are to me are the most important one would be the law of what people call the law of confession what you say because what you say and believe is what you're going to have in your life if jesus said that that's the way it is whether you believe it or not doesn't matter you will experience it and so you might as well just agree with jesus now i like instead of call it the law of confession i like to call it the law of agreeing with god because that's basically what confession is supposed to be so now um in the law of consistent corresponding action well actually the second principle i didn't tell you but the second law uh was the law of sewing and reaping sewing and reaping works it always works it's always working and you can either work it or have it worked on you if you violate it you will suffer the consequences if you obey it then you will benefit from it it's just that simple uh jesus made it very simple whenever he gave the parable uh if you want to call it a parable i guess it would be listed there where he said that there were two people and one man built his house on the rock and the rock we know was jesus's words it was not jesus himself even though he's the word so we could say that it's the same but he built his house on the rock and when the storm came it stood the other man did not build his house on the rock when the storm came his house fell there is nothing in there about god willing for one man's house to fall in the other man's house to stand there's nothing in there about the man being led to hear and obey jesus's words but that was the essence of it he said if you hear my words and obey them then you're a wise man and you build your house on a rock and your house will stand if you hear my words and don't obey them then you're a fool that's what jesus said and your house will fall now notice both people heard the same word but one did something with it and one did not and that's the only difference it wasn't god willing and you know god wasn't saying you fall you stand he wasn't doing that he said i'm giving you my word do something with it and if you do you will stand and if you don't you will fall simple as that nothing about being led by the spirit to do anything are you listening to me this is vitally important you got to get this because this lines up with the law of consistent corresponding action all right now you know we have a sign that said it's not what you do every once in a while it's what you do every day that matters uh you know if you only tell your wife you love her on your anniversary that you've forgotten had to be reminded it was your anniversary that probably doesn't mean that much right it's how you do it whether you're saying it or showing it on a regular basis amen and it's the same thing with everything if we are to love god love our fellow man then we ought to do it every day not just on the anniversary of when we got born again are you here amen all right so turn you can turn me or you can just listen but in ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 11 it says i returned and saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong neither yet bred to the wise nor yet riches to men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill but time and chance happeneth to them all now i believe this was my mother-in-law's favorite scripture at one point and basically what it says is what you the way things go is not always the way you think they should go and you would look and think of the race is going to go to the swift and all this kind of stuff so it doesn't always do that but what it says basically is this time and chance happens to us all now what that that's not just saying well whatever happens happens he's saying that as you go along with these things you're going to have setbacks you're going to have problems you're going to have things now does god want you have setbacks no he wants you man he you know the minute you get born again you are born again perfect and he would love for you to walk that way the rest of your life and i mean if you did that now you would never eliminate persecutions and different you know some of the different things like that but you would never have to be sick another day in your life you'd never have to be begging for food or begging for anything or going with your bills and paid why because god is a good father and he'll take care of you right and he doesn't always do it through your job and you know if you look to your paycheck as your only source from god that makes your job god and that's not a good god all right i could tell you stories where god did things outside of both when i was working what people would call a secular job and even while i've been in ministry see it doesn't just work for me because i'm in ministry there's a lot of preachers that it ain't working for them and that's why they go on tv and beg you for money right and so that's why we never ask for money we don't ever do those things we never tell you if we need something we tell god why because he's our source amen now but notice and i want to put these things together we've all heard the children's story about the tortoise and the hare has everybody heard the story about the tortoise and the hair isn't that right and who won that race the tortoise right the slowest so the race doesn't always go to the swift right sometimes it can go to the slowest why what made the difference between the tortoise and the hair well first off the hair was lazy and distracted right he kept getting lazy and distracted but the tortoise just kept plodding along right that's why people look and i know that jesus is called you know the the lion of the tribe of judah and that's a great imagery that we have of him at the same time when you look uh say like in revelation well actually more in daniel and uh and even in ezekiel talks about it too there there's a different four animals that they talk about and it's funny because they're not necessarily pretty animals and but the one animal that stands out is the ox it's the ugliest thing right but proverbs talks a whole lot about the ox right it doesn't talk a whole lot about beautiful horses and all that kind of stuff even there even though they are amazing majestic animals it talks about the ox why because the ox just keeps plodding along it just doesn't stop and if you get this principle i promise you all the scriptures you hear about he that endures to the end that you must persevere that's the character of the ox that's the character of consistent corresponding action amen so i'm going to try to get to the details here and get it now um when i first started i'm just going to read this because this is well what i wrote down to read so that's what i read so there you go uh when i started i knew lots of young ministers that were smarter smarter than me better speakers than me knew the bible better than me had a better pedigree than me if you want to consider natural pedigree some of them were sons and some even daughters of famous preachers and they had every advantage they had a father in ministry that was well known they could easily put him in ministry and instantly they would be in worldwide ministry and here i was nobody a kid from texas nobody knew and here i was saying things that went against everything everybody else had ever heard and so believe me uh we had some disadvantage and for about the first honestly about the first 15 years of preaching we had no um acceptance i mean it was bad right like i said we get we got invited to a lot of places one time so that was the thing but the but the amazing thing is this with all those with the these young ministers smarter you know better pedigree uh knew the bible better better speakers i mean ev you know uh a face and build for television i mean they had all this stuff right and the funny thing is they had all these connections but now without fail every one of them are gone not one of them is still in ministry that i know of why because they did not understand the law of consistent corresponding action that's the one thing i think that has mattered more than anything else we've done in ministry is we just won't quit we just keep going we may cross flow sometimes but we're still crawling we're still moving sometimes we're running but sometimes you gotta you know it's just like running a long distance race there's times when you put it all out and there's times when you pace yourself amen but a lot of these people for whatever reason i'm not even going to say why they did it all right well i can tell you one one thing there were some of these people that i knew that had a calling i mean they had supernatural experiences with god that i almost envied just of how they talked with god and how god talked with them and their walk with god and some of these things and it was amazing and even their calling you know they're calling with some major supernatural event and they would talk about it and you listen to them and you knew it was true i mean you know some people can make things up but you knew these things were true and yet it was what the amazing thing is these these supernatural encounters with god did not keep them in ministry and see that was the difference they had a calling i had a mission and that mission burned in me and that mission kept me going when i wanted to quit there were many times i told god i'm done i'm done that's it i'm done and then he you know thank god he didn't listen to that how many of you know he doesn't listen to doubt and unbelief he won't listen to it right because it's sin right and so he didn't listen to that and i'm sure he's just just like you do with your children sometimes like yeah yeah okay you never you know i see these kids i hate you when they talk to their parents and the parents know okay you don't really mean that you're just being stupid right and so they do whatever they do to remedy the stupidity but regardless uh they still can say it well i think god does that sometimes to us kind of like yeah yeah i hear you but i'm not hearing you you know you're just being stupid and you do this um so but the difference was that they had a calling and i had a mission now calling is a good thing obviously but many are called few chosen so it's not always just a calling right it's not always just an experience uh that's actually part of it matter of fact i wrote down here one of these is that they let people talk them out of their destiny they would let people tell them oh you ought to go into business you ought to go into this thing you ought to go to the you got a wife and kids now you got to settle down you know you can't you can't just be running all over the place and doing this and they get out of ministry because of it i'm getting ahead of myself but oral roberts said once you've heard from god do not confer with flesh and blood once you've heard from god and so there comes a time where you have to turn off all the voices that are around you that's saying you can't people will always tell you that you will fail they'll always tell you why you will fail amen but you have to know what you're doing and why you can succeed at whatever it is that you believe god wants you to do now as i said um one of the things that i noticed too about them all of these people almost that i can that i can check on put it that away they almost all had an experience and they spent the rest most of their ministry the short time they were usually in it trying to reproduce that experience and they were always trying to do that now the bad part about that is like a drug because every time you do it you got to have a stronger one next time and they were waiting on that experience to give them the fire to go rather than relying on truth to keep that fire stoked and when you relate when you go with an experience then the next experience has to be stronger greater bigger it's just like people giving prophecies you know everybody's a prophet the day after and they say oh yeah i prophesied that well where was that give me give me a you know a time stamp thing right and they always want to be a prophet and the thing is they can prophesy something and next week they got to prophesy something bigger because there's a whole lot of the voices out there that they are competing with they shouldn't be but they do that's people that are in ministry business right and they think that they have to have a certain level because they want to be number one or they want to have the biggest following or whatever it is or biggest bank account i don't know but something like that well um now there there is a quality that separates success from failure in following god and that is this that's the ability to not get bored doing the same thing every day isn't that simple i mean can you imagine see that's one of the things um my wife has made this statement before especially about like with me and george uh we can eat the same thing every day i don't have to have something different every day i can eat the same thing you know you can do it a different way or you do it the same way i don't care it's just food right and i don't have a wide palate you might say that would you know matters what i eat that much i mean there's things i like there's things i don't know if i would like because i never tried them i'm not going to start now so you know quit praying for me to try vegetables okay i have no desire to do that now and and you know i just i just have no desire for that but um i will say this i was going to say this actually i don't mean to say it but i need to say it now before the dht because if you're coming to the dhd and you're watching this i'm telling you now please do not bring me cokes i quit drinking cokes december 31st and so i have not amen i've not not drank one and the amazing thing is no withdrawals no headaches all the stuff everybody told me i was gonna have none of that just done and drink coke and usually unsweetened tea or something and every now and then i'd drink some sweet tea but i've just been going more with water so i just drink water and anyway so whoever's praying that your prayers work just stop it [Music] but seriously it was the easiest thing uh when i when i stopped one time once before for a year uh it was tough this was the simplest thing i've ever done it's like it's amazing and the one thing i had noticed is that i had habits that when i say if i went to walmart then while because we're going to be in there well then i would go over to the drink machine and get a coke and you know drink it walking around there and i catch myself going that direction and luckily there's water there you know so it's kind of like oh okay we'll go this way and grab something just just saying but but there's no desire for it but there are physical and psychological habits that is not it has but there's no pull all all you do is recognize it and it's the simplest thing so anyway so there you are so now getting back into this okay um that's one of the things the ability to do the same thing every day and not get bored is vital you've got to develop that that's called discipline right being able to do the same thing every day see what i do every day in my life is the exact same thing and i don't get bored at it because i enjoy what i do for one thing that that helps by far but you have to be able to do it every day and not have something different see the idea for different and having something different every day that's the root of idolatry it's the root of greed it's why you got to have more of this and more of that and more this thing and more that thing and it all goes into that and so you have to be able to do the same thing every day and be good with doing it every day just like like we would say earlier confessing the word of god you need to do that every day and you can't get bored with it why because it's just like what do you okay can't really use this example but you may get bored eating every day but you're going to do it every day so even if you do get bored you still got to do it right now maybe you eat something different every day and every day is an exciting culinary experience for you i don't know for me that's not the way it is and and believe me i live with the best cook probably in the state maybe even in the united states i don't know right but a lot of the stuff she fixes i don't eat but everybody says it's the best they've ever had so i'm taking their word for it for most of it but everything of hers i have eaten is good right which makes it not really that fun to go out and eat because it's always a letdown so anyway there you go so i'm sure she's watching so trying to get some brownie points if i can no that's all true you can ask people to know me i've said it all over so all right now so it's the ability we didn't make 43 years by me being stupid so now um but the the ability to not get bored and doing the same thing every day is the key now think about this how many of you know water is soft rocks are hard is that right and yet you can take a rock and drop it in the water and no matter how many times you drop rocks in the water the water's not going to break what i mean by that is it's going to move out of the way isn't it right it's going to be pressed out of the way it's going to move out of the way but you can take a little drop of water and consistently drop water in the same spot on that rock and eventually that rock will crack open isn't that amazing what does that say consistent corresponding action i can't tell you how important this is because it is just it has to be part of your life so as we tell you these things about spiritual growth you're going to have to be able to incorporate them into your life and we plan to show you ways of doing that also and taking it through each of the laws but now this is the reason this works even with the rock and the water is because of consistent action consistent action causes water to chip away the rocks that simple so what is another word for consistent action routine you have to be able to withstand a routine right that's why in the military everybody wakes up certain time everybody gets up and you have a routine that you go through every morning especially in basic why why do they do it in basic because they are trying to drill it into you to get it to be part of your total character and so they they emphasize that and you think why are they really drilling on this stupid little detail it's because it's the details that matter when you put them all together and so it's routine now let me give you some scriptural biblical basis for this number one is hebrews 13 8 jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever amen he's the same aren't you glad he doesn't get bored i mean imagine if he got bored healing people that'd be bad wouldn't it imagine if he got bored saving people that'd be pretty bad but he's the same yesterday today and forever and he said if you've seen me you've seen the father well malachi 10 or i'm sorry malachi 3 6 says for i am the lord i change not and after that he even tells him and you should be glad because i changed not because if i did change you would have been consumed think about that so he said you better be glad i'm the same every day which means i'm quick to forgive and long suffering and all this kind of things that are the characteristics of god in matthew 10 25 it says it is enough it's right that the disciple be as his master well if jesus was the same yesterday today and forever we should be the same today yesterday today and forever amen now i've told you know made no i've not tried to hide anything ever and i've told you how there was a time in my life in my christian life when i was a roller coaster christian up one day down the next and as i began putting into practice we would say the consistent actions that i needed to my life started to actually level out and became what most people today would call stable all right now if you look at my life it's still very hectic okay but at least i'm stable right i'm following god walking with god and i talk with him and he hears me amen so in first john chapter 3 verse 2. now today i know this is more of a kind of a teaching session not it's not a you know pep rally like we said about the last one these are things you have to do you have to you have to put into play in your life and in first john 3 2 it says beloved now are we the sons of god and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is now what does that mean that means we're going to be like him if we're going to be like him then we're going to be the same yesterday today and forever there's going to have to come a point in your life where you are doing the same thing routine every day and those things actually some of those things that if you want to want to look them up even in the dht we talk about the secrets of spiritual power and these are certain things actually there's seven things that you can do every day that will cause you to walk in spiritual power and the the key to that is doing those routinely doing them every day now the remember jesus said don't say idle words don't say vain words isn't that right vain out of words non-productive words so he says what he's telling you is you don't do this in a way that you just repeat it even if you're confessing god's word you don't just repeat it you actually believe it when you say it you choose to believe it that means that it doesn't get monotonous why because it wouldn't be monotonous if you were okay let's put it this way if you were in prison trying to chisel your way through the the concrete okay you would not think it monotonous every day when you got a quarter inch further along right that's right right well look at it the same way when you are confessing god's word you are chiseling your way out of whatever thing still has you in bondage amen and you are moving your way to it now i'm not saying that you have to it's going to take a long time or a long period am i saying that at all i'm saying you can start free and then live free but many times people's experience are not always exactly the same amen so now go with me to james chapter 2. in james chapter 2 verse 14 it says what doth it profit my brethren though a man say he have faith and have not works now see people get all upset there oh oh you're preaching works and not grace no i'm preaching works through grace but the works you actually have to understand what this means because there's dead works and then there's living works dead works is anything you do to try to earn favor or credit with god right that's dead works living works are the things you do because you have favor with god amen now he says can faith save him if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto them depart in peace be ye warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit do you hear what he's saying there in the word your christianity has to have something backing it up not just words right verse 17 even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone now let's look at this word works now the greek word here is ergon which just means simply putting forth effort and what we have to realize is that when it talks about works here he is literally and this is where we got the term for the title is that he is saying if a man even so faith if it has not corresponding actions your faith must have corresponding actions right and so these corresponding actions these works the works or corresponding actions in other words the things you do must correspond with what you say you believe do you get that this is not just well i said it and that's it no now your life begins to correspond with what you said you said you're a son of god then you need to start acting like a son of god you say well but you know i don't i wouldn't want to fake it uh you're not faking it if that's what you are amen matter of fact you're faking it when you don't act that way think about that you're faking being a christian when you don't pray for the sick because the bible says to because that's what jesus did amen do you understand this you're faking it when you don't trust god but yet you say you trust god then you're faking it right if you're worried about how you're going to do this how you're going to do that how you're going to pay for this or whatever it is if you're worrying and trying to come up with a solution you're faking being a christian because god said i've already got the solution in fact if you quit being so busy thinking about these things and just worship him some he would tell you the answer and it'd be faster and easier amen all right he says here even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone yea a man may say thou hast faith and i have works show me thy faith without thy works and i will show you my faith by my works you hear that what does that mean that means that your faith can be seen and if your faith can be seen notice it says that faith can be seen it doesn't say it's heard now you can hear faith but i'm saying here he says that he said you show me uh you know you talk about your works you talk about jesus you talk about your faith but i can see your faith by your works and you can see my faith by my work so you can see when faith is in operation right he says in verse 19 thou believers that there is one god and you do well but now look at this next part the devils also believe and tremble and yet they ain't saved i always say it's amazing because devils believe that there is a god and they tremble in most cases they're ahead of most christians say they believe but most christians don't tremble and yet these devils still ain't saved is that right so believing isn't enough why aren't they saved because their corresponding actions ain't there their corresponding actions correspond with what they are in their nature amen do you get this now i'll be honest with you what we're talking about right now this is usually better suited for a bible school because here's where we would take some time and and really talk about these things because this is a big deal the difference between faith and and or works which is really not a big difference people are going to make it a big difference when they don't want to do anything for god when you want to do something for god works are not a problem right and you will do the works by faith so now he says but in verse 20 but wilt thou know o vain man that faith without works is dead faith without corresponding actions is dead do you get that when it says our works what does it mean it means action corresponding action consistent action one translation as i already said says corresponding actions if you look it up so your actions now now we're going to get to the heart of it your actions must be consistent and they must correspond with your faith do you understand what i mean by that okay in other words what your faith is what you believe and what you say so your actions must line up with what you believe in what you say now we have a statement of faith for this church and it's based on scripture and we can say well we believe this and we believe this and we believe this and we go down but if your words and your actions don't correspond with that then you don't believe that see you believe how you live how you live is what you believe right if you believe and get all you can get and store it up and you know hang on to it because times are going to get bad then guess what that's what you believe and you don't believe that god will take care of you no matter what right so your actions must be consistent so what is this okay we'll go back to we'll bring in what we talked about last week what is the secret to growing larger muscles well i'll tell you consistent action that corresponds with what you desire to achieve it's just that simple what does that mean okay what now think about this what do they call those consistent corresponding actions repetitions you have sets and you have repetitions right see when you get bored of doing one exercise and you try to change it and they call it cheating uh that's usually when you get hurt just saying okay so they call it repetitions uh reps for short as most people know and and then there has to be progressive overloading of the muscles but that is a it is a repetitive experience and you and not only is the exercise but even the going and doing it has to become repetitive right that's why a lot of people work out one time in a week one day and then they're sore for three days and they don't go back and then next week they're ready to go again and they exercise one week out of or one day out of each week and they never grow they just get sore and talk about how much they're trying to work out right and yet everybody can tell ain't no difference in you because we can't see a difference does that sound spiritual i hear what you're saying but i don't see a difference why because no corresponding action and or words amen so if you believe in healing then you have to have corresponding action maybe the action is the main action you can do is the action of moving your lips and saying i agree with god's word let's say you're lying paralyzed in a bed can't do anything but all you can do maybe is mouth i believe god's word by his stripes i'm healed then that would be your corresponding action and then you should test it out regularly and see how much advancement you're making in it amen does that make sense see now here's the thing you there has to be consistency in everything now you men you may know something i don't know anything about construction so i'm going to say something but i want if maybe you understand construction all right i don't all right but you women maybe you understand cooking i know that sounds sexist i know there's men here that understand cooking too right i have to put out all these disqual you know these these disclaimers you know make sure nobody's going well he's a sexist okay yes and i believe there's only two so anyway so simple as that okay so i guess that means i'm leaving 56 others alone i don't know what it is i don't know but anyway so but in concrete and cooking if you have a recipe it there has to be a consistency if you're making cornbread you can tell i'm hungry when i start bringing up food okay but if you're making cornbread and pinto beans and you've got now now i'm getting way off in there no anyway but if you're making cornbread there has or cake batter there that you you keep stirring it mixing it until the lumps are out why you want consistency isn't that right consistency why because if it's not consistent when you eat it ain't going to be consistent which means you ain't going to need it very often also inconsistent all right so now in concrete you want concrete to have a certain consistency you have to break up all the the concrete dust that's in there and not have pockets of it isn't that right you have to break this stuff up so there has to be a consistency if you want it to function uh the way it's supposed to because if you don't do that and you try to use it as a foundation you're gonna have a problem amen so there has to be consistency in your foundation it's amazing how just work all that together okay so now so now remember for any type of growth to happen okay of any kind there has to be three things nutrition exercise and rest and they're right i don't care what it's in everything has to have those three things to grow exercise which is what consistent corresponding action and then right then there has to be the uh first off like i said the exercise the corresponding action then there has to be the nutrition and then there has to be rest but you have to be consistent in your nutrition you can't you know drink protein drinks and eat i don't know gravel bars whatever they make that stuff out of i don't know i think dennis did it so you'll break your teeth when you eat those things i don't know but anyway because i hadn't really found one that's chewable yet you know i have found a way to put it in water and let it dissolve and then drink it you could do that but that's about it but you have to have the proper nutrition and you can't binge six days a week and then have good nutrition one day a week and think that's going to do you any good amen and so you have to have these three things and so the exercise part is and you have to have consistency in all three you have to have consistency and rest that's why god said seventh day what was he doing he was making sure every week they rested isn't that right and when now we know that christ is our rest and that whatever we're going through we can rest and we are to walk in that rest and literally walk in that rest seven days a week and we can rest while we exercise see people tell me family and everybody was always telling me you know you need to take a break you need to take a vacation need anything i'm like you know especially like we'll do a dht and go through and sometimes we'll do dht's and different meetings back to back and they'll say well you need to take a break now you need to take a rest i'm like are you kidding me i'm more charged now than before i did them why because that spiritual energy is so much stronger and it's better for me when i preach every day i love to preach every day i would do it every day no problem and so and it's better for me even spiritually even result wise i get better results when i preach every day why because it helps me stay stirred up you can't preach the gospel and not get stirred up you can't do it that's why i you know and we're going to look at some things in the near future with the life teams and things like that that some are already doing this but even here locally here in this building we're going to be able to do things and i've done it before uh what we called a homogeneous translation do you remember that you remember homogeneous translation remember when i did that there's one hand back there he he was awake through the whole thing but it was it's very simply this when i go overseas i always a lot of times i have to have a translator actually i've used the translator more consistently here in america than i have in other countries okay just saying so uh but when i would go they would translate for me and i never knew what they were actually saying i was hoping they were getting right and then we had some people with us that understood the language and they said man that last one he butchered that no you gotta you gotta teach that again and you gotta get him to say it right because he took it another way because a lot of times my translator has never heard this message and so they interpret it the way they've been taught and it goes back to kind of what they've already heard and so we have to be very careful about it well and i started thinking about that one day and but what i started noticing was the translators that work with me it was amazing because you can tell when they start getting the message they get on fire all of a sudden they get excited all of a sudden they're like and and they get real energetic and even more so than i am you know because i'm not like a running screaming preacher i mean i'm pretty calm and pretty straightforward but i get excited and in my spirit and usually i start talking faster and that kind of stuff and then it sounds like tongues at one point so but as they get it as they get the message you can hear them because they just light up and now they're more animated and they're getting it and then and during the breaks they start asking me questions whereas before they didn't do that and you can see they're getting it why are they getting it better than the people sometimes because they're saying it they're preaching it and then it hit me man then why don't we do that at home you know it doesn't have to be in another language and then so i came in and we had our live team and i brought some people up one at a time on the platform and i said say exactly what i say just repeat after me what i say and i would say things and i'm used to working with a translator so i know to say a statement and stop and wait and then let them say it and go on and it was the funniest thing because i would say something then i'd wait for them but this time i can understand what they're saying and they didn't say what i said and all they had to do was repeat word for word and they didn't do it and no matter what if they almost always translated or interpreted something else and i'd stop and wait wait did i say those words oh yeah yeah i'm like did i say those words no i'm like and if that can get messed up how much more messed up can it be in another language right and so but one of the things is i'm gonna start doing this again maybe maybe on sundays who knows but i'm gonna start pulling people up here and having them interpret translate speak homogeneous translation and say exactly what i say in english right after me and you watch those will be the people that get lit up and they'll be the ones you start seeing this message work in their life faster than people that just hear it go oh that's interesting and then go home so anyway all right so for consistent growth and i'm about done here for consistent growth your consistent actions must be corresponding actions that match what you're trying to achieve what does that mean that means your speech words the words you use must be consistent with what you say you are believing that's that's huge right and they must be consistent every day not just on sunday okay not just when you're in church they got to be consistent when you're not in church when seeing here it's convenient to agree out there it's not always convenient but you have to stand your ground and say what you know to be true and i'm telling you it'll do one of two things it will shut doors or it'll open doors and it's amazing when you see people how they react and it's a religious people that it usually shuts the doors and it's the non-religious people they go what do you mean and they will talk to you about it you know when people say oh if you got your used to it was the flu shot now it's all if you got your covered shot right and then so have you got there you know flu season's coming that's what they used to say now everything's covered i guess every other disease in the world died and and only covet is out there today right anyway so you know but i would tell them uh no i i don't take shots and they say really no i don't need them i don't get sick and they're like what what what do you mean and see it opened up but religious people religious people like oh you're one of those yes i am yes i am and you should be too you hypocrite no anyway okay so okay your diet your nutrition i'm not talking about natural i'm talking about spiritual your nutrition should be the word of god not the news channels right your nutrition should be the word of god and what you are studying and reading and going into and digging out must be consistent with growth that you're trying to achieve if you want to if you're having a hard time in finances then you are to go to the bible and see what the bible says about finances not what some televangelist says on tv about finances because i can make it a short story for you they're going to say for you to send it to them that's what they're going to say there you go don't have to watch them i already tell you so if you're going to go along with them just write your checks out and send it to them don't have to watch them they'll be glad so and your rest must be consistent with growth that rest means there are times when you have to purposely realize that you're not resting in christ and you have to go wait a minute wait wait this ain't right i shouldn't have i shouldn't be under this pressure right here so i cast this care onto you this is yours and you take care of me so thank you and then you walk peaceful right because you can't walk in nervousness and faith at the same time faith is always in peace right so there must be corresponding consistent corresponding action now that means that you must regularly do these things that means that you have to develop a habit of doing these things that and before something becomes a habit you have to discipline yourself and discipline eventually becomes a habit right you have to assimilate it it's like especially when i was training martial arts and stuff we had to do repetitions we had to do certain things thousands of times there there are books of john lake his sermons not just the books but the sermons that i have read of his that i that no joke i know i've read them over ten thousand times i mean just gone through the some of the different books some different things and it's funny i always go to the old guys you know f f bosworth uh t.j mccross and uh charles finney all these people tl osborne i go to these older guys and read their stuff right and i've read it and read it and read it and as a matter of fact when i first started i sounded just like them because their word patterns their words the words the terminology that they used it was so much a part of me that i used those words and even though they were older words people didn't always get it and so i had to start purposely changing my terminology to say it in today's language but i'm i would take their words and gradually it became more of a part of me so that i can speak it out even though i'm saying the same thing they did it doesn't sound like them now sounds like me that makes sense how did i get that repetition there were times in in training it's called muscle memory well you need spiritual muscle memory you need to develop that so that if someone physically if someone grabs you you know what to do i mean my kids did it all my time my kids were growing up they would come up they'd grab me and even if we're in the store they'd grab me something and i'd just you know and just get them loose right why because that's what i had trained and trained it was part of me i didn't have to think about it and so no matter what happens you don't have time to think and it's the same thing in the spirit realm whenever you're under attack you don't have time to think you will not rise to the level of your expectation you will fall to the level of your training that's a fact and so you have to train yourself while you are at some degree of peace so that when the battle is hot you don't have to think about it and there's not a choice to be made because you've already made it and the choice you have to make has to be consistent with what you say you're believing amen this is why the early pentecostals i'm just going to be blunt here this is one of the early pentecostals john lake smith wigglesworth uh we could go on and on with a list of names smith wigglesworth once he believed in divine healing he said no knife will ever touch his body why because that was an action consistent with believing in divine healing so there are certain things that would absolutely alter your lifestyle if you actually had corresponding action to go along with what you say you believe i remember one time telling god you know and you might have heard me talk about this i was in the back of the pickup i was walking on the road it was hot i was going to walk all the way i used to come get a ride down to uh from sherman denison area down here to dallas and then walk home just because i like to walk and you know that's a good little distance and so one one day it was really hot and i was walking back and i'm like nah it's too hot i need a ride and so i just pray and say god i need a ride and this pickup pulled over and i started getting he said no get in the back i'm like okay so i can pray instead of talk and so i got in the back of his truck and we're going down the highway going up highway 75 and i remember i was praying and i said the most holy sounding prayer that i could come up with and i remember telling that oh and it was almost like i was kind of oh god when will i ever live what i believe didn't that sound holy i mean i was expecting god to you know tell all the angels quit singing listen listen listen listen to this prayer this prayer man this is a prayer i want you to listen to this prayer go ahead go ahead son just because i'm praying and and i'm i'm waiting to hear something back you know and what i hear is not what i expected what he what he said back to me was very simple you are living what you believe you just don't believe what you think you believe you know and that's one of those times you're kind of like is there anybody else i can talk to up there because i want a second opinion you know but anyway but how you live is what you believe it's just that simple you can try to get around it but the fact is how you live is what you believe and if you're not living godly you don't believe in god if you're not living holy you don't believe in god because he's a holy god so you have to live and if you don't live by faith then you're not pleasing to god i know that's you know what can i say it's blunt but it's bible amen and the way you live what you believe is you start with corresponding action find out what you believe make sure you know what you believe didn't find the scriptures that back it up and obviously that should be what formed what you believe but then you have to start saying what agrees with what you say you believe amen amen y'all get anything out of this this morning all right amen amen all right well now usually a lot of times at this point we would ask people to accept jesus as their lord if they haven't now but here's the thing and and we still do if you've not accepted jesus as your lord he is lord you need to make him your lord he is savior you need to make him your savior and your lord and you make him your savior by making him your lord that's the way it works and to make him lord that means now that you're going to start having corresponding action according to what he said to do that's the way it works now so the key with that is this uh if you'll never notice or if you will ever notice i don't lead people through a particular type of prayer what people call the sinner's prayer because i really can't find that so much in the bible but what i do see is people being convicted and then converting once they make jesus lord of their life saying they will follow him and follow means to walk in his footsteps it means action it means corresponding actions with your words so if you're going to make jesus lord it's not a prayer it's a decision to follow him and become more and more like him because the minute you believe in him you get changed inside and then your life now is making sure that inward change is exposed on the outside or comes to the outside does that make sense so it's not about leading you through a certain prayer it's about you making a decision to actually live the life you decide to live which is following him amen and if you have not made that decision only you can make it so make that decision to make jesus lord and from there you start getting in the word find out what the word says get in a good bible believing church and do do you know what the bible says and live that way isn't that simple and if you do that you'll you will be born again you'll be changed inside and you'll start to see changes on the outside if people around you can't see the change it's probably because you're not so maybe it's time to change amen you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 17,013
Rating: 4.9432626 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: jB61jaBvhLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 58sec (4618 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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