Who Do You Say That I Am

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[Music] [Music] sixteen this morning we're going to be talking about who do you say Jesus is who do you say because what's important is who you say he is amen Matthew chapter 16 verse thirteen now you can also find this in mark chapter eight yes and verse 27 that starts here but we're going to be working out of Matthew chapter 16 in verse 13 it says when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the Son of Man and and they said some say that you are John the Baptist some Elijah and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he saith unto them but whom say ye that I am who do you say I hear what they're saying but they don't know me right I just heal them and cast out Devils out of them and feed them and work miracles among them but you guys know me who do you say that I am right then he says in verse 16 and Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven that first off notice that flesh and blood in other words he didn't figure this out this was revelation because there had been other prophets they did things pretty amazing also right so here he says now watch this he says but my father which is in heaven he's one of this revealed it and I say unto you you are Peter and upon this rock what rock though not okay you have to realize what he said is the revealed or the revelation or the revealed knowledge that Jesus is the Christ because he said upon this rock I will build my church I will build my church right so he builds the church why because the church is people right he builds the church now we we work with him but he builds the church and he said and I will build my church and look at this next part apart to hardly anybody believes but Jesus said it he said then the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it it what the church now who and here's the church then what does that tell us the gates of Hell cannot prevail against you is that right not just as a group individually because any organization is only as strong literally as its weakest link right that's why I preached the nine o'clock session like a bit what because I'm trying to make the weak link stronger amen all right now notice he says here and I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven now notice that the kingdom of heaven and that we teach we actually have an entire teaching on this we have a book on it called behold the kingdom but we also have a teaching right but I want you to realize that the kingdom of heaven is specifically the the way the system of God you might say how it works and he says I'm giving you keys of how this system heaven the kingdom of heaven works I'm going to give you these keys and with keys you can do what open doors and locked doors you got that so he said I want to give you the keys to heaven watches to the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven what's he saying whatever you open it actually starts with saying whatever you closed we closed whatever you open will be opened is that right he said also whatever you bond will be bound whatever you loose will be loosed whatever you literally what he's saying is whatever you permit will be permitted and whatever you forbid will be forbidden you give that now I just answered your question God why'd you let this happen why because it wasn't God and let it happen he said you you determine he said I'm giving you the system I'm giving you the king the keys and he said and you're going to decide what gets bound and what gets loosed and what goes on on earth well you bind on earth that's what I'm gonna bind in heaven whatever you say I'm going to agree with you one because you're my representative and I'm going to back you up do you get that so I should always answer that question God wanted you let this happen no question is why did you let it happen he said well but but how was I supposed to stop it pray believe stay in the Word of God the Holy Spirit will show you things to come he'll tell you about attacks that are coming you don't always have to be reactive you can be proactive and then you can start to set up a defense what did I say about Jobe the part everybody forgets you've said a hedge about him and they're right God put a hedge about him and then Joe basically tore the heads down to the most degree by saying oh look at this oh look at that look what's going on with it and then he had a crazy wife too said just curse God and die and then well I mean you know he outlived his wife alright okay now notice he says here look at the verse the next part in verse 20 then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ now that right there proves that Jesus didn't heal to prove he was God because here even said don't even tell him may know that I'm the Christ don't tell him buddy what you know about me he said listen Peter just give a revelation that I am the Christ don't tell anybody else do you see that Jesus hid it many times people get here he goes don't tell anybody what does that mean that means he didn't heal to prove anything he healed to set people free amen just remember these remember these points these are just extra you know by the way things but not part of the sermon themselves but just a little notes to remember then he said now watch this from that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go unto Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and the chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day and then amazing first off you're the Christ you know they all got excited about that he's here and Jesus says no listen don't tell anybody really yeah I know this now I can't tell anybody else yeah that's right matter of fact I'm gonna be killed I'm gonna be buried I'm we raised a third day and now you think good news bad news and it right first it's good news while he's here second news is he's gonna be killed and he's going to be taken away and all this stuff and he reveals all this to them is that right if any now you get situation that they were in there watches he says in verse 22 then Peter took him that means he pulled him aside not not in front of everybody else necessary to pull him aside and began to rebuke him can you measure rebuking Jesus can you imagine it's really the only person ever did and they're right so he could stand up and say I guarantee and have any process I'm the only one ever got to do that because you know Peters attitude hiren t he did that right so and he began to rebuke him saying be it far from the Lord this shall not be unto you no far from me no no good Jesus Jesus you don't say this is not the way to build your church right is it in the way right because Peter is so much smarter so notice he says but he turned verse 23 but he turned and said unto Peter get behind get thee behind me Satan okay thou art an offence unto me guess they just went from bad to worse alright for a youth savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men now notice let's just take a moment here look at this first off he says he turned and said to Peter get behind me Satan now Satan wasn't I'm sorry that Peter was not demon-possessed but he gave influence to Satan to speak through him do you get that he didn't all of a sudden change his voice and you know surf frothing at the mouth and nothing okay he didn't do that he said get behind me Satan in other words you and he caught it but Satan really means adversary okay he said getting behind me wide cuz you're an adversary to me he said you're an offence unto me in other words what was he telling don't try to tempt me with this why cuz we know later on in the garden what happened he sweat drops the blood God if there's any father if there's any other way and here Peter was trying to give him another way right for one of the reasons he probably had the hard time he did in the garden was because the words of Peter probably echoed in the back of his mind no no it shouldn't be this way because Jesus had to deal with the same temptations the same human frailties that we have too and they're right he was tempted in like manner every area that we are right but without sin amen now watch he goes on and he says no watches he said get behind me Satan adversary he said you're an offence unto me right then he says because you savor not the words you're not enjoying you're not working with the things that be of God but of men notice he called him Satan because he thought like a man why because the way normal natural man thinks is the mind of Satan you do that now now I'm not talking about the serial killers those are demon possessed people right and they got that way usually because they wanted to to some degree they had to cooperate with the enemy to get that demon possessed all right I'm not alleviating their responsibility all I'm saying is that there is levels of possession in that sense that can take a person to that degree but the average everyday human thinks with the mind of Satan what because there's two kinds of wisdom there's a wisdom which is from above which is what divine God's wisdom and there is a wisdom which is what earthy devilish here only two kinds you have the mind of the devil or you have the mind of Christ that's it now to a degree everybody is operating under one of those two months actually probably more or less under both those Minds at different times to the degree of spectrum to the point or the degree that your mind is renewed the Word of God and the more your mind is renewed of the Word of God the more you think with the mind of Christ and the less you think with the mind of Sigma so when we say the mind of Satan one things you'll notice about the Bible there was no gray no gray area it black or white either hate me or love me anywhere jesus said and he said if you if you love me you love me you keep my Commandments he said if you don't love me you hate me is if you're not gathering you're scattering in it you see how the the contrast between the two there was never a middle ground well you know listen if there could have been a neutral say we want to get people to been for the doubt right for the most time we want to get people to benefit the death well I say well you know really deep down deep down deep that really deep down he's really a good guy right okay if you got to go that deep he ain't a good guy right think about it it ain't he you got to go that deep he's not good right but everybody's what I said well you know what you can talk about all that but he's got a good heart hey what makes you think so what makes you think he's got a good heart well because I don't want to think he may have got a bad heart okay so it's your opinion because you don't feel bad about how you feel about people you don't make yourself feel bad about thinking bad about somebody right but Jesus said well and Paul said speak the truth in love so there's time what was Jesus love manifest in the flesh yeah he's God manifest in the flesh right and God is love is that right so everything Jesus did was in love is that now right but yet he rebuked he woke the Pharisees he didn't Wow he woke him okay he was over and over in woe woe unto you in their right why because he loved him he loved them he can some people listen you can go wake up and they'll wake up other people you have to slap okay hesitance he said don't don't be like the horse that you have to put bits in their mouth and lead him around no no he said listen get my thoughts in you amen and we don't have time to go into all these but you've been to the DHD you hear you know some of what I'm talking about now just just off the end I know this is kind of over there real quick how many of you need healing in your body you need healing okay all right that's one know for sure okay just had an idea so now notice this he said get behind me Satan you're an offense to me you savourest not the things of God but those that be of men so you think like a man therefore you think like the devil because you're not thinking like God so think about this he's telling Peter because you don't want me to die you're thinking like the devil what because who wouldn't want Jesus to die the devil why because if they had known what was going to happen then the princes of this world would not have crucified the Lord of glory because they were having a hard enough time dealing with one Jesus right imagine if they had to deal on a Penant Christ had to deal with a hundred and twenty right and so it just kept growing what because his spirit was in them you get that had that had the devil known that he would not have crucified Jesus that's what the Bible says right now notice it says the princes of this world and there's some debate over whether that is talking about the earthly princes you know the humans or the principalities princes and things like that in the spirit realm it doesn't matter what because if they're earthly they all think alike right the prince of this world thought the same way that the devil thinks why because man natural man thing fact the devil just real simple right now he says watch us I want to bring you some points let's go back real quick to what they said about him who do men say that I am and they said well some think you're John the Baptist right some think you're Elijah some think you're Jeremiah or one of the other prophets is that right why would they say that about him the Jews didn't believe in reincarnation they didn't believe in that right but it but now watch this watch because if you if they we could say they but let's say they saw John the Baptist a little bit just like Jesus at times acted like John the Baptist what because there was times that he preached some pretty fiery sermons and warned them write whitewashed sepulchre and there right sounds kinda like John the Baptist who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come and they see they preached alike there were times when Jesus preached fiery like John the Baptist so we would go away you know some people think you're John the Baptist right why cuz you know word travels slow and some don't know it and he's dead and don't know this and don't see so because they didn't believe in reincarnation but now notice then some said well some think you're Elijah well now why would they think he's Elijah he dim it what notice so here at the beginning here what would he say he said because they saw him demonstrate power like Eli gen yeah right now notice this next one some think you're Jeremiah and what do we know about Jeremiah who's Jeremiah though weeping prophet what does that mean that means that they must have seen Jesus crying at some point weeping to be similar to Jeremiah to be able to say well you're like him and they're right what well we know he wept over Jerusalem we know there were other times I can't I can get it we stop we know he wept at Lazarus - in there right so they saw him do these things so there had to be these these analogies or these characteristics that were like these other prophets that they were saying so but now here's a question a what how do you see Jesus who do you see him like who do you say is do you get the weeping prophet do you get the New Age Jesus right do you get to John the Baptist Jesus but he's something what how do you see him what do you who do you say he is because who you say he is is who you allow him to be to you he cannot be more to you than you say he is to you right now watch this let's keep going okay so first off death yeah go to Luke chapter 10 Luke 10 verse 17 it says and the seventy returned again with saying Lord even the Devils are subject unto us through your name and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven all right I mean he was thrown down so fast BAM I mean it it didn't take a second right I mean he was kicked out right now watches and he says behold take notice don't ignore it notice I give unto you authority right what is authority pre permission I give unto you pre permission right to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the ability of the enemy and here's another scripture most Christians don't believe and nothing shall by any means hurt you boy if we could just get a handful of Christians really believe that can you imagine what that would look like a handful of Christians that say you know what he gave me pre permission to cast out Devils to tread upon serpents corners overall the ability of the enemy and nothing can hurt me think about that I have total power of the enemy and nothing can hurt me what do you think you're gonna do with that you ain't gonna slow down you gonna speed up in there right you're going to wade into it when I was in Africa several years ago the pastor a great man of God is awesome man of God people when we get when I got done preaching we called for an altar call place filled up and over on the side was over 300 people you may for her story 300 people that all had HIV and they had their little pieces of paper they had to write HIV positive on it and they had to keep it with them because they could not mix with the other people because they kept them separated and they had to win a whole section by themself and it was hot believe it or not Africa is not always hot they have a winner over there that is really cold - there's penguins in Africa South Africa right whether you know it or not penguins all right down in Cape Town you go down here and you can see penguins walking around right and so but we're in this place and it was a big building but it was really hot and everybody's already sweating and he's in the past 20 minutes and now you want to lead the people through prayer for you know for salvation or do you want to go minister to the sick he said whatever you want to do I'll do the other and I said well you know these are going to be here people here you're gonna have to deal with these people so you get them born again you know we've already given already cast a net they've come forward so you talk to them I'll take the people over here with the HIV and so I jumped off the platform walked over there well I didn't jump as it steps but in my mind I was ready to go so I jumped but there and walked over to Munster and just waded into them it was the most awesome thing because all of a sudden they jump up they start to grab me and I start laying hands that grabbed my hand and kissed my hand over they'd grab me hug me hand me their babies that were burning up with fever because the baby had HIV also and so I mean they're they're wringing wet with sweat and you know two minutes in I'm already sweating from the preaching and then I'm in there amongst them and they're grabbed me and hugged me and kissing me and all this stuff and I had absolutely no fear one because greater is He that's in me see where we're divine devil zappers Amen it touches you it just burns that I meant I heard a preacher to the other day as a matter of fact I got one of his CDs were listening to it and he was talking about a missionary in South area stalking about John Lake but the problem is he didn't know he was talking about because he said John lake was over there and he took there was a bubonic plague outbreak and they took two how many of you heard the story okay partially true okay yes people died of a massive epidemic and plague and they did take the phone from a person's mouth they examined it live little critters in there floating around and all that kind of stuff from the disease and then he held it and he put it back under the slide on the microscope they looked and they were all dead right and they said how did you do that and he said because the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death he said life in Christ is both creative and destructive against the works of the devil right now the preacher was that he was saying that this man there was a bubonic plague well problem with that is there has never been a bubonic plague outbreak in Africa right there's been a bola but the very thing that they were talking about they used to call it Blackwater fever or black fever sin and in England it was called black fever and that was bubonic plague but in South Africa they called it Blackwater fever which is malaria okay but a particular strain of malaria which killed thousands of people in an area during the outbreak so it was actually a malaria outbreak that was killing people and those were the germs that he held in his hand so please you know we did a Christian mythbuster thing what we just did another one okay so and that but and then this preacher said and whenever they asked him how do you did this he said because I quote Psalm 91 that's not what he did right the preacher got the stories all messed up it's just amazing you know if you're going to tell a story get it right and then for for those of us that are historians and that kind of stuff is like boy nothing nothing's more aggravating than hearing stories that are you know messed up chopped up wrong or some of it plus it didn't do any good God can't back up a wrong story he can't confirm not truth amen so let's come on let's just let's keep it right keep it accurate let's brag on God for what he does and if we wanted to do more bragging for he does and he'll do more if we keep it right we don't have to exaggerate for God our God is big enough we don't have to exaggerate amen so I waded into these people start going through huggin ease people they're kissing me hugging on me all kinds of other yeah I was drinking a coke just before they had a bottle of school there at drinks in my coke and they said now brother Curry's coming and so I couldn't drink it all so I put the lid and toss in the trash can and went and these kids jumped on that thing got it out and passed it around because they want to catch the anointing I'm serious I'm serious that's not the annoying okay how's that okay but sometimes it is safer to drink coke and other countries and it is to drink the water so we just think that's it right so because coke is manufactured under strict conditions whereas sometimes they don't take your water bottles and refill them up under the tap and then put the lid back on them so just tell me if you go overseas make sure it snaps when you open it alright just say thank it now or trust God one of the two okay now turn a notice this I went in started and then that was our first stop on the way and we had to go around the rest of the country for three three weeks and then they want me to come back there and speak when I finished when I got there they started sure the pastor showed me all these doctors reports that 300 people had been healed of HIV during that one service amen what because we are divine devil Zephyrs Amen I wasn't worried about catching what they had first I might actually that was the time I want to first time and my mother-in-law said you're going to go over there and catch something bring it back it's going to kill us all okay I said I'm not going to catch something I'm wondering there to kill something and then what and I've gone in and I'm telling you I've laid my hands on every kind of disease every kind of illness you name it we've touched it it's been healed and I never caught it amen why because greater is He that's in me than his in the world why because nothing shall by any means hurt me is that right now listen I'm not saying that cuz I'm a preacher I'm saying cuz I'm a believer now you got inside if you're a believer because if you're a believer I was true for you too amen you have to realize we're all good okay you're either a believer an unbeliever it's real simple and you have to decide if you're a believer that means you have to believe you can't be an unbelieving believer amen it's an oxymoron we got a whole lot of unbelieving professing believers yeah but not a whole lot of believing believers amen so it's time to the church listen we've got to grow up we've got to get to the point where we actually believe this walk in it and start defying the the standard rules that the world operates by amen and we have to decide this is truth not just true truth right because what's true today may not be true tomorrow but truth will always be true no matter what amen yeah so now watch this we go on let's finish read he says in verse 20 notwithstanding in this rejoice not in other words listen I gotta get it in my name Devils are subject to you but listen don't get excited about that because they only know you're only seeing part of it he said rather okay but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven near that why because you you can have you can believe God to cast out devils and not know God didn't know what John was thinking about well ago like he says nothing about how many people you get healed right it's knowing him when you when you know God and you walk with him people get healed and you don't even know they get healed and they got healed because you were doing something right because you were there because you touched something you walk off think about this what if now heard we had a test what was that testimony from target one ago it wasn't what I heard Taylor from Target what are you two good to go to Walmart what no I'm good no we got spreaded gotta go into all the world all the world amen okay I get but nothing about that what if you actually believe that what you have is contagious Peter believed that what he had was contagious he said what I got I give you any reached out and took him by the hand he's in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and they're right he believed what he had was contagious you need to start believing you're contagious you need to believe that what there is more to you than within the eye can see amen and so when you realize that what you have this light this life and the love of God which is what you have if you have listened if you have light life you have love you understand and if you have love you have light and life you get that it's all in there together now you might have to learn how to demonstrate it but it's in there and because it's in there you need to realize that light eminates right that life emanates say that's why whenever you when you there's spirit in you leaves your body your body gets cold why because it's the life in you that spirit in you that keeps your body warm amen it keeps the things keeps all the organs working keeps everything going and your body is producing energy and it puts off this light and there's life off of you and when you start to realize that you actually have something in you doing that then you can actually go into Walmart and you can pick up you know a can of I'm the one you pick up a can of green beans or some I don't know why you do that but if you did that okay you probably need to because I will tell you I will never do that but you might need to pick up one okay but if you pick at it look at it you just say you don't want to put it back the next person touches that are to get healed you say this sounds crazy then I'm out of your mind not out of mine right in there that's what David open you always say I'm I'm matter you're out of your mind not out of my mind do you get that what couldn't it be what's the difference bring that look I wear these right here we just got these I've been wearing them yeah we go somebody start with it Jude did that the first time the other day and hit a lady in the eye that has got to pray for what take one over there how's that oh there you go well I'm catching you by surprise and I got I got two more it's done you just tiny it's coming your way all right let's see how far this one goes there we go oh yeah oh I almost hit the same person again all right we'll give one more here we get we get yeah there we go okay I got we'll get more look at more yeah but listen there's no difference between that and claws aprons handkerchiefs that came off of Paul's body one because life emanated from him amen life emanates and so if you can do that with claws and aprons and handkerchiefs neck of it we can do it bracelets already got testimonies back from bracelets that we we just got them just because we is riding on it and we knew that it would be good for people but then we started wearing them and started giving away and people are getting healed and so now we do that amen and you can take it in the hospital and put that on there let them keep it where as a handkerchief or somebody might not let them keep it and so we're what we're being wise as serpents and harmless as doves unless you're of the devil if you're the devil we're not harmless as doves and then we destroy your kingdom amen what because that's what we're here for this is one of the seven God was manifest you might destroy the works of devils right and we are also sons and daughters of God and the reason why we manifest as sons and daughters is so that we can also finish as we would say to enforce the defeat that Jesus has already done amen so that life emanates right so there's no difference between that and picking up a can of something that Walmart or Target or anywhere else or looking I mean come on you're okay you ladies you ought to go to Target and Walmart and you ought to go to the clothing section and try on everything hmmm and then just hang it all back up no no I don't think I'll take this and you what next first puts it on gets healed it comes out it leaves there came these or crutching the in the dressing room amen you said I just don't get that will you will you watch right you want you to watch enough other people do it you'll get it what because there there are early starters mid starters and late starters right and so you just have to decide well if you're going to be a pint doesn't your either be a pioneer a settler or a museum keeper I need to decide if you reapply 'near then you're going to jump in with the pioneers and you're going to pioneer right if you're not gonna be a pioneer what you don't want to be you definitely want to be a settler just settling Amen if I'm going to settle I'm gonna settle only for everything God has provided for me I'm not gonna settle for less amen and I ain't gonna be no museum keeper I told God that from the beginning when he said when he started Pat when I sent this stuff to me and said we're passing the ministry to you I said God if I can't carry the same power John Lake did the thing will die because I'm not building a shrine or museum to a man this has to be by the Spirit of God the same God that answered John Lakes prayers will answer my prayers amen saddest story I ever heard was a roderick lake which was john lake seventeen year old son two years after lake died roderick is lying in bed in a hospital dying and his last of his last words were this if i know that if my dad were here I could get healed that was his son it should have got passed on but it did not get passed on to his children other people saw it but they didn't catch it right his own kids didn't catch it that's what it is most of time that's why God almost always say listen my last name is Blake it ain't Lake close but it ain't saying yeah I mean first I went to Africa actually several times to go over there they give you the ticket and you they tear off part of it you know tells you where you sit and it has two parts and where they tear your mind if you look at my ticket almost every time it'll say Blake curry are right and if you when they tear it off you know what it says like it tears off same time so my name is actually B Lake okay amen but do you realize the whole point of that is this it did not get passed down so God had to go outside the family to find somebody else that was hungry enough to go after it right same thing I'll have in my family if my kids don't pick it up that's a sad thing shouldn't be that way amen every generation I get stronger than the last but there's somebody out there maybe in this room it's just hungry enough to go you know what ask for me I'm gonna run with this I'm gonna pick it up and I'm gonna go further why because every generation has to surpass the previous generation right otherwise we start going downhill and the path of the righteous path of the just shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day amen so now let's get back in the scripture notice what he says here and he says do not rejoice it's as such as the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names written in heaven you settle for getting excited when demons get cast out or when somebody gets healed he said don't settle for that go for the whole thing your name is written in heaven the whole kingdom is yours it's the father's pleasure to give you the kingdom don't just settle for sickness being healed don't just settle for Devils being cast out don't just settle well Lord us for no more you know as long as my fame was taking care of it no no go further than that amen let's don't let Jesus die for anything in vain let's get the full measure of everything he provided amen so he says here and watch this in verse 21 in that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit hear that he got happy what because they were out casting out Devils in his name and now he just told them and he said don't rejoice anything I can I'm rejoicing the fact that it's subject to you but I want you to realize your names written in heaven amen and he rejoiced in spirit what just in said know what just I thank the old father today's prayer I thank the O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that you have hidden the wise and prudent and has to revealed them unto babes now think about that right there in the midst of his disciples he looks at them and he says father I thank you I thank you that you have hid this from the wise now how would you like to be standing there when he said that and he said and instead have given it to these because that's what he's saying and they're right can you imagine that there yeah yeah what what you say givin it to Bates even so father for it seem good in your sight all things are delivered to me of my father and no man knows who the son is but the father and who the father is but the Son and he to whom the son will reveal him and he turned him unto his disciples and said privately blessed are the eyes which see the things that you see you hear that blessed are the eyes that see the things that you see now watch this and for I tell you that many prophets and Kings who that the prudent and the wise write that this got hidden from have desired to look at this see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and if not heard them now how many of y'all were here at the nine o'clock I have not seen nor ear heard you never in the image remember the myth Christian myth right here Jesus is telling listen there are people Jesus is disproving the way most people preach that because he said there were people in back then that that they wanted to see these things and they wanted to hear these things and he said they said he said but they didn't see it or hear it but you're seeing it and hearing it what because it hasn't heard into your ears it hasn't your eyes have seen the things that God has prepared for those that love him you see that he's tying us directly into that now watch this he I will tell you I did not see this whenever God was putting the the messages together today both the nine o'clock the Christian myth and then the ten o'clock I did not see this but here he is actually tying that scripture where he said I have not seen her near hadn't hurt he's time that right there Jesus is actually bringing the seven saying listen that that group they didn't see it you get to you're better than that group what they were wise they were prudent but now you're babes what because you must become as little children to see the kingdom do you see how this ties them together okay no you notice he says for I tell you that many prophets and Kings ever desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them now watch this in the Old Testament times okay and even in the New Testament times of the early church and why do I just say it that way because these are also New Testament times right the New Testament times didn't end at the end of the first century right that was just the early part of the church now we're the latter part of the church which actually and we always look back at the early part of the church and that was the early reign and we look back and go wow that was amazing but he said there's also a ladder ring right and the latter rain according to most scholars started in 1900 with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit again and so there was an earlier but that's not even as good is it well we're in the latter rain that's awesome no it gets better he says in the latter days the latter rent the early rain and the latter rain will be joined together see we haven't seen that yet do you give that there's an early rain and latter rain so far all we've had is the latter rain right and that was last century that is so oh that is so last century you know I don't think so we have to realize it but yet there is coming a time of early and latter rain together which means that we're going to only not only see what was done in the early church but also what was done during the Zeus's street and everything else all the things you all the stories you've heard about and it's going to even be more than that why because for the first time the people of God the church that Jesus is building are going to start believing that nothing shall by any means hurt us they're gonna start believing that we actually received power miraculous ability after that the Holy Ghost will come upon us and we're gonna start actually believing what the Word of God says that the whole earth is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God and we're them and we're going to start manifesting as sons and when we do we're going to see the early and latter rain together and it'll be just like Jesus how many of you know even Jesus's ministry was better than the early church's ministry do you get that what Jesus did there's nothing in the early church that says that they multiplied food walked on water all those kind of things nothing like that right Peter got to see it he got to do it but it never says he did it again in there right jesus's minister was still bigger what because he was still the son the son of God at that point and then they started trying to figure out or started figuring out what it meant to be a son of God and we started seeing it in Scripture and through the writings of Paul but there is coming today and it's coming soon amen it's coming soon now listen it's about the Spirit of God there is coming a day and it's coming soon said the Spirit of God that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and my people will hear and know the things that have been hidden from past generations and they're going to come forth in newness and they're going to walk in power such as never been seen before but they're going to do it but with humility and they're going to do it because of service and in the name of Jesus father send it quickly letter Simon wake up your people arise amen why because this is the will of God it is the will of God that we manifest that sense of God that we it is no longer we that live but Christ who lives in us and then that we get our focus on the things that matter the problem is we we've switched into cruise control as Christians and we're just going through the motions and yes we're saved and yes we're feeling the Holy Spirit maybe we've speak in tongues maybe we do different things but listen there's the the one of the key things about the early church and about the early days of Pentecost in 1900 was that everybody that got filled with the Spirit of God they all became missionaries they didn't all move but they all became missionaries and they went into every part and they went into all the world they went into the banking world they went into the grocery store world they went into the car sales were they went into every part of the world and they took the light of Jesus Christ there and that same things going to happen again today it cannot just be just gold dust and oil coming out of people's hands and oohs and aahs we've got to reach the world we got to change the world and we're going to have the boldness and the and the ability to stand up and go this is the way it'll be amen and you start declaring these things listen it is time for abortion to stop in America it is time for the stock it is time for sex trafficking to stop and it's only going to stop when the church puts its foot down because it's the church that makes all the enemies of God under the footstool of Jesus Christ the world the government listen governmental forces are never gonna be able to stop the evil that's in man's hearts it's going to take the church to rise up and become the people of God amen then when you see the things that are being done because people in power turn a blind eye to it because they're getting paid off and we start by the Spirit of God calling these things out and start revealing say all you want to know where the dirt is I'll tell you where to look like because the Spirit of God wants that person out of office and they started looking for this stuff and we don't have to go digging the Spirit of God can tell you why because he wants someone righteous in that position why because whenever the righteous rule the people live in peace amen but the way to do that is we have to quit being divided and quit fighting amongst each other and quit deciding whether we got a D or an R you know after their name whether we like them or not and we started saying you know what I like you if you line up with the Bible if not you'll soon be out of office amen because the church is the ecclesia the church dictates the church is supposed to take his position to be able to be the counsel of God and the Governing Council of God on this earth amen so he says here watch us he said no here's what I want to get her in the Old Testament times in New Testament times they didn't have Bibles they didn't have Bibles they had some of the synagogue you know they had some of the local temples I was a sinner got local synagogues and in the temple they didn't walk around with the scrolls why too many too big right so what did they do they had to teach them their to memorize them they had to memorize them and they memorized usually before they could even be considered part of the the local group you might say the local town that they had memorized at least the first five books of what we call the Old Testament they had to memorize think about that now that years ago when I was in just north of here I was in a little church it's called Dripping Springs Church and had a pastor there that was an amazing man it got amazing teacher and I'll never forget because he man you know he was he was the reason one of the reasons why I did this was that we would go to church on Sunday night sometimes and all of a sudden I could almost tell what he was going to do it if I'd noticed his pulpit because there was a flashlight on his pulpit I knew he's going to do it and what he would do is he would all of a sudden hit the lights if the place would just go black it would just be dark and even flip on that flashlight he had the microphone on he'd say it is Dripping Springs cave and the year is this right and he'd say now all Bibles have been confiscated and so the only Bible we have is the Bible that's hidden in our hearts and he said so we're going to reconstruct the Bible and he would flip that flashlight on and put it in somebody's face and go quote me a scripture and said we got to read we have to reproduce the whole Bible by being able to quote scripture you know and you know the first one is always John 3:16 it's gone you can't pick that one and and then of course so you know there's you know and Jesus wept you know so real I mean if you wouldn't like the first three that got picked everybody sitting there trying to dodge and hide in the dark right and so but I decided you know it could happen it could happen the Bibles could be confiscated and I didn't see how back then and I could see it a lot more clearer today to be honest with you but I said well you know what if they come get my Bibles I know what I'll do I will write the New Testament in a notebook and that way they wouldn't think to look right and so I rewrote the entire New Testament I didn't know what God was doing but he was getting a New Testament enemy even better than I had known it as a child and so I completely rewrote the New Testament in notebooks now we have to realize to say here's the problem we should use technology but you should never be bound by it or rely upon it why because all it takes we got people that work in technology fields all it takes is a flip of a switch and all your eye books you can't access right and so when that is asked tell people all the time you need physical books right you need physical books because now admitted they can still be confiscated and tore up on our kind stuff but you need God's Word hid in your heart I mean don't rely on technology get in the Word of God focus on the Word of God quote Word of God speak the word of God think the word of God meditates the word of God why because nothing else honestly matters I mean I understand you might have to do some things for your job but if you're not doing your job you know not working at your job your other time ought to be spent on things that are productive like what studying the Word of God getting the Word of God in your heart don't let this word depart out of your mouth keep it in your mouth night and day meditate day and night I don't know why I'm having such a hard time I don't know why my business failed meditate therein day and night then you will make your way prosperous then you will have good success one because you meditate the Word of God amen you want to know why most of problems are not because of this attack of that attack listen the problems are not the attacks attacks are going to come the problem is you don't know how to defend against them but when you know how to defend against the attacks the attacks don't matter right but mostly we're just been most of life trying to avoid attacks you can't right all you can do is make the devil wish he'd never attack to you right and you do that by making sure you know how to react and how to respond and how to build that hedge first and how to get the Word of God into you the part where the enemy does not want to mess with you amen so now look at this so they had to memorize all the scripture they had to memorize these things I mean so now think about this the way that this was done and I realized this years ago when I was still in martial arts I realized because in some martial arts the way because they didn't write things down either and the way you memorize things your forms and things and the principles of the art that you were studying is that they would create a poem and the poem would actually be the techniques or principles you had to remember and if you memorize the poem you had the principles right and then you look at the church what did the church q the church created creeds which is simply the principles of the Word of God written down in short form and if you know back then especially the Apostles Creed things like this it covers all the basics that you could remember the principles amen we now go back before that because if we talk about Creed's now we're talking about the New Testament and they talk about you know the Creed's in but the problem is the Creed's became more important than the principal's out that the Creed's had in them and when that happens you become Pharisees you get it and so it's not the Creed the Creed is just there to help you remember what you have to remember is the principles that you put into play in your life they only listen man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God right so we were supposed to live by every word of God is that right but how many of you know now let's take it in in the world how many of you know that most of you do not live by every law that's on the books right but so what laws do you live by the ones you practice every day is that right you're living by the laws that you actually practice and if you don't practice it you're not living by that law well I Got News for you you are living by every word that you practice of this word if you don't practice this word you're not living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God you are living by some of them but you're not living about all of them but we're supposed to live about all of them I'm not talking about a heavy thing where oh em I'm messing up another if you're born again and you have the Spirit of God the spirit of grace is there to help you and to move you forward the things that when you realize you're not doing something you should be doing are you doing something you shouldn't be doing you don't go oh and you get crushed no you say father I just I see it and I apologize and then you start doing it or not doing it okay does that make sense to you that you just listen you you you you rectify the situation don't get hung up on the fact that you were wrong fix it move forward can't you can't fix yesterday amen you can only fix tomorrow amen so get you know don't don't worry about what you've done wrong in that just move forward do what's right now right plant a new seed so that you're not reaping old harvest right now watch this yeah think so in the Old Testament God gave the people an easy way to remember of how to know him easy easy way have you want the easy way you want to know the easy way all right okay some of us three okay now rest we want the hard way okay no now the easy way okay the easy way is to remember a series of names that God gave the Israelites that was his names names that he said listen here's Who I am this is my nature this is my character this is who I want to be to you right so you didn't have to memorize everything I mean think about that Majan if you had to memorize the entire Old Testament that would be the hard way right but he didn't say that he said listen if you know my name's know that in it okay what if someone anyone say he talks about the person it runs into the name of the Lord with and the name of the Lord is a what a strong tower and there right favorite and he says the righteous run it into it and there what safe the name of the Lord the name of the Lord you get that so the name of the Lord is your fortress and you run into it and you're safe yeah amen so if you know the names of God he said and and I will deliver him what because he has known my name right and trusted in me is that right so think about this if you know his name and you trust in him so God gave names that we are to know him by that he says here's who I want to beat to you here's who I am and I want you to know me this way right now let's look at it okay first off let's look at some of these things and we know him as that your holistic names there's a lot more right but and I'm gonna give you a couple of them but now notice the Jehovah names they call him the redemptive names these are God's names that he gave the Israelites they says here's Who I am in my nature and character if you know these names you know my nature do you give that if you know my name you know my nature so what's the first one well you know it depends what order you put them in I just wrote down several first off Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Jireh and they're right what does that mean I am the Lord God that provides for you in there right okay let me just read the way okay Jehovah Jireh I am the Lord God that provides for you nothing but what is that saying well if here's what got a saying if I am who is I am God if I am your provider then you need never suffer lack is that right you need never suffer like so now think about you don't have to know every every scripture you you you beat the devil whenever he owns you with one scripture John 3:16 right you got completely out from under his kingdom you got translated out of the authority of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear son what just by knowing that God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son and that right you made him Lord and you got yourself out of his kingdom and was translated into God's kingdom with one scripture you didn't know every scripture you didn't become a theologian right did you get that if you have been a theologian you probably would never got out of his kingdom what because you'd have thought it had been by knowledge rather than by grace and by faith in him that's nothing mark 11:22 jesus said have faith in God and I've heard all kinds of preachers change that up have the faith of God have god-kind of faith have that listen that's not what the scripture says the original read says it very clearly have faith in God amen it's not about what kind of faith right it is to have faith in God not to have the god-kind of faith who cares what kind of faith it is it doesn't matter what kind of faith to do is faith works just have faith in God and if your faith is in you it probably won't work or at least it will fail at some point but if your faith is in God then your faith will not fail if your faith is in God and not in your own faith say a lot of people have faith in their faith Bible doesn't say have faith in your faith that's why people say I don't know if I have enough faith that's because you have faith in your faith see if you think I don't have enough faith then you have faith in your faith and guess what you will never have enough faith if your faith is in your faith amen I'm gonna have to get the CD from this and listen to it later myself okay amen but do you get that but if your faith is in God what because God is so much bigger so you have limits in your faith but if you have faith in God then once you understand your listen if your faith is in your faith then you can only believe God for what you can ask or think but if your faith is in God he can do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think how're we ever supposed to get to the point where we can believe him for more than we can ask or think if we only relegate him to how we can pray because to pray you got to ask and then or think and then well some people ask before they think but you got to you got to think and then ask does that make sense doesn't make sense to you at some point we have to get beyond faith in our faith and go you know what God is bigger than my faith what because I have faith in Him that's what that's what got Sarah into Hebrews 11 she believed God that he was that he could accomplish what he promised and God said oh that's faith when you believe that God can accomplish what he said he would accomplish that's faith right not whenever you believe you have enough faith to buy it from God because people look at faith like currency well if I get enough faith I can get this by get enough it's a good know your faith is just your relationship with God how how well do you know him do you know he'll keep his word you know he's drove adjara do you know that he's the God who provides for you because if you don't then he won't be able to provide for you unless you can realize you know what your God and you keep your word so you've got to get past the point where it's faith in your faith you gotta have faith in God and who does God say he is he said I'm Jehovah Jireh I am the Lord God your provider what does that mean that means you never have to worry about suffering lack you know what he said in Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd what I shall not one in there right now think about that he said but my god Philippians 4:19 but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus isn't that right he's gonna supply all your needs so you have no need did he had in supply amen then then so you shouldn't listen you shouldn't even have to pray for your needs you said when you say that cuz Matthew 6:33 he says why don't be like the Gentiles don't be like the heathen don't be like those Gentiles that that don't have a God he said they seek after these things what things what you're gonna wear what you're gonna eat where you gonna live all I can say he said that's why that's how people who live who don't have a God they got to worry about themselves he said would you have a Heavenly Father who knows that you have need even before you ask him in that right and he says my God shall supply all your needs so you don't have to ask for that then he says matter of fact he never says and when you stand praying ask for whatever you need he never says that he says ask for what you desire you give that he didn't say asked what you need God takes care of what you need if you recognize he's God and he's your provider he takes care of your need I don't ask God I never asked God to provide my needs what he said he would I believe him from me too that'd be like a child saying are you gonna feed me today I mean you're my parents but are you gonna feed me because I'm not sure okay have you ever noticed how kids always have the ability to ask a question like that in front of other people you ever notice that they will say the most embarrassing thing and make you seem you know like you're gonna beat them or something you know and just like where do you come up with that it's like you're making me look but have I ever not fed you you know you know and they and you think I feed them all the time I really I feed them I see them right but but they say these things in there right that's like what that's how people treat God Oh God I have my needs though God I need my needs money is that my needs not met God gotta meet my needs I'm God said have I ever not met your needs whenever you have trusted me now when you lean to your own understanding and you're on your own but if you trust in me guess what I've never let you down in there right that's why you have to acknowledge him in all your ways you acknowledge him you are my provider you provide for me I don't have any needs I don't have any listen but okay listen everybody has needs right but I don't have any needs why cuz he meets my needs so they're not need to have to think about amen so what I have to think about is my desires and whatsoever things I desire when I pray believe I receive them and I shall have them so I get to spend my time on my desires right and God gives you the desires and right he gives you the desires of your heart now some people think that that means if you desire you know this kind of car he's going to give you that kind of car no that's not what he says he says he gives you the desire he puts the desire in you to desire the thing and whenever you walk with him your desires are not the desires of the world listen when I stand praying guess what guess what I don't ask for I don't ask for cars I don't ask for stuff when I stand in praying and I believe that I was for whatever things I desire you know what I pray for you wanna pray for God more Bible schools being launched God more churches being planted got more missionary we want we want to put out 800 missionaries on the field and be able to support them you want this going to cost guess what see it's my desire and he's going to give him out desire and I shall have it what because that's my desire why cuz I know my desire and I get this we ask okay for what we desire not for what we need say he takes care of the needs is that right but we asked and if we have not we have not because we ask not but what am I asking for I'm asking for my needs and for my desires my desires right but he says but if you ask for something that against God's will you're not going to get it so we have to ask according to his will well how many of you know his will it's the Brant Bible schools and you know his wills to plant churches his will is to have missionaries into all the world didn't that right so is there any why in the world what I doubt that he's that for some rate he's not going to give me those things what because those are this those are his desires he gave me the desires of my heart you get that my desires are his desires what because he put his desires in me because I have his spirit amen I don't have my own desires in the sense of separate from him I have no that's why you know people say well my birthday's come tomorrow and all that and they're like you are the hardest person to shop for you know could you you know you know why I'm hard to shop for I don't want anything I don't want anything amen peace and quiet that's good because every now and then you know but honestly my desires or his desires because he put them in me and those are the things I've got every person I lay hands on healed see that's my desire because it's his desire I mean that's what I pray for that's what I say now watch this here's how you get there let's get there okay so what's the next one Jehovah Rapha I am the Lord God that heals you right so now what does that say if God is my healer what does that mean if God is my healer that I need never suffer sickness or disease you get that because if his if he's the healer and his healing life is always flowing through me I don't have to get sick and get healed and get sick and get here and get sick and get healed I just get healed and stay healed what because he's my healer he's constantly healing all the time even if I don't need it his healing life is flowing through me amen so now watch this Jehovah sidqa new okay I am the Lord God that is your righteousness what does that mean well if I'm this is God speaking remember when I read this God's me if I'm your righteousness you need never suffer rejection I'm not saying people won't reject you you just want suffering why does it won't matter to you because you've been accepted in the beloved by him guess what people rejecting you don't mean nothing right all they're doing is cutting out what God's for me if you're not for me then guess why you're not for God because me and God we're in this together amens that make sense sorry okay and watch this and if I'm your righteous you need never suffer rejection guilt shame condemnation inferiority none of that what because God treats us all the same so we're all the same amen in that sense now we can be obedient disobedient but next one jehova shamma i am the lord god that is what ever-present oh man if people would just start believing that they God is ever-present we don't have to call him down we don't have to conjure him up somehow wouldn't have to work him up or bring him down or get him to show up or beg him into showing up no he is God he is jehova shamma the God who is always present amen whoever I wherever I'm at guess what he's not only present here he was present with me yesterday but even better NAT he's to be present with me tomorrow matter of fact he lives outside of time so he's already in tomorrow he already knows what's coming tomorrow he's already made provision for it so all I got to do is get there amen and when I get there guess what I'm gonna be providing for what because he's drove a Jarrah a minute does that make sense so God is always with me you guys now next one okay what does that mean that means if God is ever present then I'll never have to be lonely amen you never have to be lonely just but you think what everybody left me everybody's gone I don't have Hauser's no you know the only God is with you amen I mean come on even where you go you got the Father Son the Holy Ghost there's four of you right there right I mean you and God as a majority right so you never have to worry about it there's a and the Holy Spirit is always thinking the father is always speaking come on this is a simplest thing in the world it actually gets good it matter of fact as I enjoy spending time talking with God more than I do most people I'm in you don't still what I mean by that I'd rather spend time alone like driving somewhat that I'd rather spend time like that with because that's time I spend with God more so than just go into a family reunion Amen or whatever else it is why because all the other stuff that's going on and what everybody's talking about I don't care about that stuff you know and people say what but but you don't understand what I'm going through yeah you got to understand I don't care now I'm not saying I don't care that you're hurting I don't care how you got there what because I don't have to know how you got there to get you out of there I know who can help you this this skip pass on the part when you get me all the D I don't have to diagnose your case Amen I don't have to know he said okay well I'm gonna pray this way instead then no I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna lay hands we're gonna command it's gonna be this way the life is gonna go in whatever is of Darkness whether there's sin sickness disease whatever it it's gone it's gotta go what cuz it cannot withstand light and then I don't have to go there and make darkness go I just got a show with light when you show up with light darkness please yeah you get that if you resist the devil he will flee how do you resist him show up right I told somebody that day man I feel like Jesus's chauffeur I just carry him all over the place and get there and then I get to watch what he does when I get there and then the waiting is to take them all over that little boy we prayed for in Louisiana today when we got there it was a pathetic situation he was dying I mean they'd already said it's over right and he had a thing to her and I had a patch on his eye and it's a pitiful situation breaks your heart to see this little boy in that situation right and we go in we ministered to him we say this is the way it'll be and I told me it's gonna reverse this way to go back and then before we got back started getting testimony he started more and more and more and now now he couldn't even walk couldn't even get up had no energy nothing couldn't get up couldn't move and now he's out running and playing why because he's healed by the stripes of Jesus amen it's not it's not because I have you know some magic power it's because I know him believed the Word of God and he said who I lay hands on they shall recover end of story there's no way if answer what brother you don't understand though this is only 400 children only 400 people have this disease they all died similar some are living longer than others but this no no I don't care who told you that right who told you you were naked because I'm telling you same person said that that's right amen so you don't have to listen to that this word of God is true amen and all you have to do is decide to believe it and when you do things start changing amen you want to live around the whole you don't understand how it's bad old serous as terrible there no I'm not I'm listen I don't have good bedside manner I'm in you know I'm not gonna sit and hold your hand and cry with you I'm not gonna do that now you know we mourn with those who mourn I get that but I'm saying I'm not gonna sit there and cry oh yeah you're right it's so terrible it's so bad it's a bad master and sound like Bill Clinton it's so bad well you know maybe as a reason to always sounds sad I don't know anyway no thank you but do you give it so when you realize that you have the answer it's kind of like look let's jump okay how many do you want well maybe there's some movies you want to watch over and over again you want to watch the whole thing but most of its like won't you sing it you know what the end is kind of guy already seen this right it's the same thing with sickness and disease somebody comes well you don't understand what I'm good I don't even know everything I already know how it's gonna end let's just get there let's get to the end right let's get to the good part see they overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony not by the word of their troubles and then not by their whining and moaning I have a sign in there says this this is no whining excellent no whining right I told people I said man sometimes I think I work at a winery you know what because all they want to do is whine no no whining amen we declare the glory of God we declare the victory of God who do we say that Jesus is that's a problem people want to tell you their problems they never say who Jesus is they only tell you who the devil is in their life it's time to quit talk about who the devil is and what he's done start talking about who Jesus is and what he's done amen you never get over something by talking about the person who brought the problem you talk you get over it by talking about the person who brought the answer amen now so Giovanni see ya in the next one Jehovah Nissi the Lord God that is my victory banner that's what that means victory banner not just a banner of victory banner okay so he says if I am your victory you need never suffered defeat you're that what does that mind you thanks be unto God which always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus sometimes are always so you're going to decide always see the problem is in the middle of the battle you think this is the some time and not the always but in the middle of the battle you've got to remember always that means now that means this problem well you don't understand how big this not always always amen never watch always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus he gave us these names as well as others Ella Yong l olam I mean there's a bunch others right yep sure long yep yeah over Shalom God who is your piece right the one the one who provides peace for you not dr. so-and-so it provides pills that will kill you you know you have peace at some point just because they knock you out and you have bad nightmares right or you wake up and you're bleeding out of your eyes or something whatever it is the thing they give you right everybody's give another name why that we might know his nature and his character and who he wants to be to us you get that he didn't just come up with these names and goes oh hi my name is what I've always been known as no he said this is what I want to be to you I want to show this my character this is the kind of person I am right yeah fine I'm trying to hurry here that clock is obviously wrong okay numbers chapter 13 who do you say that I am jesus said not in numbers 13 but we'll see it numbers 13 verse 26 remember up to this point Moses had sent spies into the promised land and none of he sent them to the land that God had given them God had given the land the gland was already given it was theirs all they were they're just supposed to go out and spy out the land right they're supposed to go in the land and come back say here's what's there but we know 12 went out 10 came back in with a bad story and then 2 came back with good stories and they're right the now notice what he says here and they went and came to Moses and to Aaron verse 26 and to all the congregation of the children of Israel under the wilderness of Paran to Kadesh and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation showed them the fruit of the land and they told him and said we came into the land where where you sent us and surely it flow with milk and honey and this is the fruit of it nevertheless know so what everything you said is true however nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land and the cities are walled and very great and moreover we saw the children of anak their Giants right the Amalekites dwell in the land of the south and the Hittites and Jebusites and the amorite dwell on the mountains and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and by the coasts of Jordan and caleb stilled the pea before Moses and now everybody's getting all upset because they're hearing all the problems and he still do people and said let us go up at once hear that and possess it here all these strong people that's right hear how good it is and then we just got these few people here that are in our way cuz God already gave us this land let's go take it let's get it we can do it right he says therefore we are well able to overcome it but the men that went up with him said we be not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we where they are but not stronger than you and God right see that's the problem people forget God when they hear someone else tell them something and then they're just trying to stand against that thing by themselves and they brought up an evil report of the land why was it evil because they went against what God said you that which they had searched under the children of Israel saying the land though through which we have gone to search it is a land that eats up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it or men of a great stature and there we saw the Giants the sons of anak which come of the Giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight because we saw ourself as grasshoppers they saw us as grasshoppers well the agents already pointed out the problem the problem was how they saw themselves right it wasn't how the giant saw right I think cuz I mean think about this later on we saw what how much how a giant sees you matters right when he met David say it wouldn't have what David looked in Goliath eyes it mattered it's how Goliath looked in David's eyes and how David looked in his own eyes amen so he says here and we were that in their sight then he go into the numbers chapter 14 next verse down and all the congregation lifted up their voice and cried and the people wept that night so what does that mean that means they believe the majority and they started crying they didn't believe the - they believed that in the majority is always wrong remember that majority is always wrong any of that but with God you can do something about it amen don't weep because you think the majority is right because they're wrong don't we eat and talk about way I don't know what we're gonna do you know we can get the majority no more no don't don't worry about the majority God go to God God this is what's right this is what's wrong amen so you go to God people whip that night and all the children of Israel murmured against Moses against Aaron and the whole congregation said unto them would to God that we had died in the land of Egypt or would God we had died in this wilderness no words always if we just die before that wouldn't be this bad because now we're gonna die anyway you hear that they're already they're killing themselves with their mouths okay and they hadn't even met an enemy yet oh they've heard is a report right so you don't even know you got that doctor's report it says it's terminal you don't know you hadn't even seen all you got it's a piece of paper right from a test that could be wrong amen but you believe that though it's cancer and you all the wind's taken out of your sails soon as you hear that when you ought to be gone huh no you don't understand God was with me with the migraine God was with me when I had the flu he's going to be with me in this cancer amen and we shall overcome Amen do you get that you've got to see it do God's eyes not to the eyes of somebody's gonna know it's bad and you need to sit down not understand what I need to do is stand up and I need to tell you the way it's gonna be amen well here brother you're just in denial you bet I am I deny that cancer the right to live in this body I deny that cancer the right and I deny you the right to put in my ears so I hear it later right what cuz I'm gonna say what he said amen so he says here and wherefore hath the Lord brought us into this land to fall by the sword that our wives and our children should be a prey were it not better for us to return to Egypt let's go back to bondage let's just go back to bondage it was better there yeah we were beating with it but you know what we knew what was coming to tomorrow well because bondage always know what's coming tomorrow more bondage right amen and that's what they're saying it's going to Egypt and they said one to another let us make a captain okay we need to get rid of Moses he's always so you know positive people and and we need to get rid of him we need to find somebody that is more realistic right somebody that can take us in tonight and somebody that didn't always constantly believed in every boy stay here in their head right then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces for all the assembly the congregation of the children of Israel and Joshua the son of nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh which were of them that searched the land rent their clothes and they spoken to all the company that you're the visual saying the land which we passed through to Sergent is an exceeding good land for another say why are y'all listen to them they tear their clothes they fall on their faces why are you all listening to them it's a good land God gave it to us let's go take it don't listen to the majority we can do this all right then he says verse 8 if the Lord delight in us then he will bring us into this land and give it to us given us a land which flows the milk and honey listen verse none only rebel not ye against the Lord don't rebel what listen is he's there saying we can't do it and he said don't rebel in other words saying you can't do what God said you can do is rebelling against him you that so he says neither fear you the people of the land for they are bread for us no that's how champion talks their bread for us yeah we we're gonna eat them up you watch we're gonna take them I ain't gonna be a problem right and he says their defense is departed from them they got no defense right and the Lord is with us fear them not I mean no Dina says but all the congregation never they heard all that everybody got quiet and says but all the congregation made stone them with stones so he just pours his heart out cuz we can do this and I go now get the stones let's get the stones and so they're getting ready to stone him and the glory of the Lord appeared in the tabernacle of the congregation before all the children of Israel and the Lord said unto Moses how long will this people provoke me notice they're provoking them by not believing him here that you don't believe in me provoke it get behind me Satan what you're in a fence unto me he said why because you're not believing what I'm telling you God has sent me to do do you get it I'm telling you God told me I got to come down for you and you're saying no it's not coming so you're an offence unto me because you're provoking God and you're saying I don't have to do what God said you you think you have a better way you got it and how long will it be err they believe me for all the sons which I have showed among them I will smack them with the pestilence and disinherit them and will make of thee a greater nation it might in other words is it listen Moses now you got it it doesn't say anybody heard it but God spoke right and the glory of the Lord appeared and he said listen I'm gonna wipe all these people out and I'm gonna start all over would just you all right you'd and probably Joshua and Caleb we'll start with them but we're gonna everybody else we're going to wipe out now think about that God is willing to do that right now you can you know spin that any way you want but that's what he said okay and watch he says I will smack the with Pesa disinherit to make mate and make of the a greater nation and mighty of the night you know all right we're gonna get rid of these I don't give you better people and I'm sure you know Moses goes hmm let me think about that sounds pretty good so far all right and Moses said ah now then the Egyptians shall hear it for you brought us brought up those people in your mic from among them and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land for they have heard that you Lord that you Lord are among this people and that you Lord are seeing face to face and that your cloud stands over them and that you go before them by day time in a pillar of cloud and in pillar of fire by night now if you shall kill all this people as one man no word you going to wipe them all out at one time then the nation's which you have heard the fame of you will speak saying because the Lord was not able to bring this people into the land which he swore into them therefore he has slain them in the word in it so it got listen you can't do this this is bad PR you know this is bad right you cannot do this good he said because they're gonna think that you can't keep your word know what he says in verse 17 and now I beseech thee let the power of my Lord be great according as us spoken saying the Lord is long-suffering and of great mercy forgiving iniquity and transgression and by no means clearing the guilty visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children under the third and fourth generation now watch he says pardon I beseech thee the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of your mercy and as you have forgiven this people from Egypt in Orland God you've forgiven us up to now do it again right partner and the Lord said now watch how fast Lord said I have pardoned according to your work all that and he says ok I have power it's already and it's already done even before Moses got done God says okay I'm ready done alright here quick that is and you got people that make a mistake and they drag around for two years will you understand messed up mud and do-right get up dust yourself off and go again amen don't let the devil keep riding your back but as truly as I live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord because all those men which have seen my glory my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the world just have tinted me now these ten times and have not hearkened my voice surely they shall not see the land which I swore to their fathers neither shall any of them that provoked me see it but my servant Caleb because he had another spirit with him another spirit where he wouldn't like them he said he could do it right and as followed me fully him while I bring you to the land where into he went and his seed shall possess it now the Amalekites and came last well in the valley tomorrow turn you and get you into the wilderness by the way the Red Sea the Lord spoken to Moses and Aaron saying how long shall I bear with this evil congregation now notice now there an evil congregation what because they believed an evil report you you become what you believe right which murmur against me I have heard the murmurings of the Journal of Israel which they murmur against me God say here that God hears you God hears the things you say stay unto them next telling Moses saying to them as truly as I live saith the Lord as you have spoken in my so will I do to you what you say about me that's how treat you what you say about me that's what you allow me to do in your life you say oh god why are you trying to kill me hmm God says well look you know now that we live in a time of grace as we would say yeah we could say God didn't kill us but guess what he can't help us if you're saying God won't you help but he ain't helping right why don't you help God why'd you do this why are you allowing this God says because you're saying I am he said okay God what should I say well you ought to declare the works of God you ought to say what he has said amen watch he goes on and he says in verse ya look at verse 29 your carcasses shall fall in this wilderness and that's not a good word from God alright your karke when he stops calling you a people and calls you a carcass that's not good right and all that were numbered of you according to your whole number from 20 years upward which have murmured against me doubtless you shall not come into the land right and he goes on to them then in verse 32 he says but as for you your carcasses it says it again they shall fall in this wardens that words I'm going to take Joshua and Caleb in the next lamb but not you you're gonna die out here why because you said you work you hear what he said you're gonna have what you say you see this is way before mark 11 22 and 23 right if you're gonna have what you say would you say about me that's what you're gonna have right and watch and the men I want to take you on - yeah he says in verse I want to go to verse 33 yeah and your children shall wander in the wilderness 40 years and bear your whoredoms notice he got important work what whoredoms they had chosen to believe other people and not believe God okay until your carcasses be wasted in the wilderness after the number of the days in which you searched the land even 40 days each day for a year your that each day for a year so the 40 days you're out there you're gonna spend 40 years in the wilderness what because of what you're saying it increases the time of your destruction shall you bear your iniquities even 40 years and you will know my breach of promise i the lord have said i will surely do it under this evil congregation that are gathered together against me in this wilderness shall be consumed and where they shall die no very quick last place I'm thinking you all right Joshua chapter 14 and behold verse 10 and now behold the Lord has kept me alive now this is Joshua 14 this is way later after the 40 years they've been wandering around now these are the leftovers these are the people that live Joshua and Caleb okay these are people to live and he said this is Caleb talking and now behold the Lord has kept me alive as he said these forty and five years now ever since the Lord spoke this word into Moses while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness and now lo I am this day four score and five years old I'm 85 years old you get that 85 years old and look at verse 11 as yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me here I am at 85 45 years ago right I was 40 and I'm as strong at 85 as I was at 40 hear what he said as my strength was then even so is my strength now for war you know I can fight as good now as I ever could amen he's in both to go out and to come in now if you ever heard me teach them that that's talking about going out to war and coming in to praise God for the victory he's and so he's talking about his being connected to God he says now why because of this therefore because of this give me this mountain give me the mountain God promised me 45 years ago he said now I've made it through and now I'm and I'm strong and I can do what I did back then and I'm ready taking my mountain and I'm ready to go in and possess my promised land right give me this mountain where the Lord spoken that day for you heard in that day how the Anakin's were there and that the cities were great and fenced if so be the Lord will be with me then I shall be able to drive them out as the Lord said and I'm 85 years old and it was tough back then but guess what if I could do it then I can do it now if God is with me I can do it now you notice he didn't say it's just my physical strength he said if God be with me that because that changes everything amen so here's what I'm asking you now you have to decide are you gonna be the part of the ten that bring up an evil report Oh God we're going to over lose their job over and lose their house over they're gonna repo the car oh god it's bad you don't understand oh god they said the doctor said I got this thing and that thing there's a thing and they don't and they're give me medicine for this and that that causes a side effect over here and everything is medicine to offset the side effect and you're good and God you don't understand why I don't know why you ain't helping God why don't you happen what are you trying to teach me something you're trying to kill me or something what do you do it is that going to be you or are you gonna be one of the two that says no no no no we are well able we were well uh well able God is my drove John he has provided the means he has provided the way he's provided the power he provided the word he provided me with his spirit he is jehova shamma the Lord who is ever-present with me and if he's ever-present with me he will never leave me nor forsake me amen he is Jehovah Jireh the Lord Frey's as I said he has drove a Ruffa the Lord who heals me and I don't care what the this report says with that report but who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed well I believe his report and because of that your honor the Lord has revealed unto me and because of that he is Jehovah Rapha to me he is my healer and he ever heals me always constantly hearing me and that's who I say and I will say of the Lord he is my healer I will say of the Lord he is my provider I will say of the Lord yes I was weak but guess what let the weak say I am strong so what am I gonna say I'm not gonna say I'm weak no I'm gonna say I'm strong it doesn't say let the weak say I'm weak it says let the weak say I'm strong that would be a lie well it is if you're not connected to God but if you're connected to God we ain't talking about your strength we're talking about the strength that God gives you but to get the strength that God gives you you got to say something about him because how you talk about him is how he will be to you how you talk about him is what you allow in your life through his power amen so you need to know him as Jehovah Jireh you need to know him as Jehovah Rapha you need to know him as Jehovah seeking to put the Lord who is our righteousness and the devil tries to bring accusations all the time about this with that do your own head in your own mind you need to be able to tell your mind to shut up and then you need to do like David talked to your soul and that's what he said all time and then he said he was constantly talking to say oh oh my soul you know I will bless the Lord at all times so shut up shut up talking to nonsense and bless the Lord okay so you start talking to your soul amen you tell to shut up and you start saying what God has said about you he said I've not been given a spirit of fear so this timidity this spirit has to go I've been given a spirit of power love and a sound mind I have clarity man they say I'm crazy I'm not crazy right why cuz I walk with God and I have power and I have soundness of mind and I think right and they think like the devil but I'm thinking like God amen and he said imitate God has dear children and walk in love amen this is how you live every day and you start saying of the Lord then watches no we say his jehova shamma he's always president we say he is droven 'i see he is my victory he is my victory now he's gonna be my victory he is my victory amen and finally what so what did Jesus say and who do men say that I am well who do you say Jesus is do you say he is the Christ because if he's the Christ he's with you then the anointing is always present amen David mourning is always present because he is worth right who is Jesus Geneva is the only one in there right who else is what it was what is the name Jesus mean Jehovah is salvation he is my salvation he is my deliverance amen he is my peace salvation means all those things deliverance healing peace all of this provision that's who Jesus is he's all of those names of God wrapped up in one one because at that name there's no other name under heaven whereby men might be saved healed delivered that's what saved means might be made whole no under the name under heaven other than Jesus there's no other name under heaven whereby men might be must be saved that can you say might must be saved amen that's who Jesus is and you sort of saying that's who you are to me you're my god you're my deliverer you're my provider I'm not subject to the to the standard operations of this of this earthly realm why because I'm not of this kingdom I'm of God's kingdom right and it's his pleasure to give me the his kingdom and his kingdom there's no lack amen it no lack of power no lack of a the ability to think clearly no lack of finances no lack of whatever it is that I need God is it to me because I have Jesus and if he gave me Jesus then with Jesus he would give me everything else and it all came at the same time so I just thank you Father that's how you live your life amen you have to step over you're not trying to get to victory you're in victory amen and you just start thanking him now for what you've got by His stripes I I was healed and because I was I am amen by His stripes I'm healed by his crops I'm free by His stripes I'm delivered and they're right it is because of his blood because of his stripes hid the chastisement of our peace was upon him so I can have peace I don't have to have fear on earth I don't have to worry amen so he is the anointed one he is my lord he is always present with me so this is how you have to learn to live amen so I will say of the Lord let the weak say I'm strong I will say of the Lord he is my rock he is my defense he is my shield and my buckler amen he is a strong tower he is a fortress that I run into and the enemy cannot even touch me or find me why because my life is hid with God in Christ and the enemy can't even find me to touch me amen is this you amen amen well if this uses what you got to start saying right whatever it is you say the end result whatever you're going through you say the end result don't talk about the problem talk about the end write this I love dr. Summerall when I used to hear him hit he'd always say yeah all right this way and he'd pray for somebody all right you be healed now in Jesus name right now can't you have to go now don't mean maybe I'm like I've never heard anybody pray that way and then years later after we left there I remember first time not first time pray for somebody but there was I remember the first time pray for somebody like this and I'm sitting I'm like in the name of Jesus right now cancel you will leave this person and I don't mean maybe and I'm like oh Cory to God you know dr. Sommer I'll just showed up hey man hey man that's why I tell people all done my wife says you know living with you is like living with Patton sometimes because I could listen I don't have the the bedside manner I don't have that I just it's not it's it's in me to win it's in me to overcome the enemy and not to tell you how bad you got it I'm not going to agree with you oh you don't understand how bad it is I can't agree with you or it's going to get worse because what I say comes too fast amen I can't agree with you how bad it is I see it I'm not you know oblivious to it I get it it's bad now do you want to stay bad or get worse or do you want to get better if you want to get better I can help you but if you want to stay where you are get worse I cannot be a part of that situation amen why because that's not who I'm meant to be that's not who I was born to be so I have to disagree with what you're saying and get past that and say this is the way it'll be right and my wife gets upset at me sometimes and she should say well you understand this person saying there's a saying something and I said you don't understand yeah I'm deaf we've had this conversation a lot of times and and and honestly if it wasn't for God in my life it would be arrogance but I tell my wife I said you'd understand I'm gonna get what I want I'm gonna get it it will end up this way what because I desire it do you get it I don't have to settle but but you don't stand sometimes no Nosa always causes me to try me to try amen so be with me if you're with me you're gonna trump if you're against me sorry right yeah I'll pray for you and you're gonna need it because God is with me he's for me amen and if you don't understand this you you honestly you might need to get born again I'm not being mean I'm just saying this is how a person speaks who has the righteousness of God it's on these on this is how righteousness which is by faith speaks it's in your mouth it's in your heart the Word of Faith which we preach it's not what if they did in a camp it's the truth of God's Word amen and so that I took that all time it will be this way what because I have decided that amen what who do you think you're that really doesn't matter as much as who I know God thinks I am that and if I think if I agree with what who God says I am things are good amen but when I started disagree and that's when things getting messed up so we have to decide listen what I'm saying you should be saying it's good for me is good for you if it works for me it works for you what because God is not a respecter of persons he wants a body of overcomers he wants the entire church to be overcomers he wants you ever wonder you to realize nothing show by any means hurt you and then so quick time my walk can hurt you and start talking about how God can protect you amen it's all stand up it's all stand up drunk anything out of this this morning amen amen I know we went a little long but don't blame it on me it's custom I didn't set the clock okay let's say this is my father your word is true I believe your word be it unto me according to your word you are Jehovah Jireh you're my Jehovah John you provide for me all my needs are met in Jesus Christ you are Jehovah Shema you are always present with me it doesn't matter where I go you are with me we are inseparable father I thank you you are Jehovah Rapha you're my healer by the stripes of Jesus I'm healed right now in Jesus name sickness disease you've got to go and I don't mean maybe this is the way it will be I will live I will declare the glories of God and tell him his wonderful works because greater are you Father in me then he that comes against me because you are for me and you have given me everything that pertains to life and godliness you have blessed me with all spiritual blessings I am complete in you made whole healed delivered prospering Father I thank you I thank you that you put in the scripture that you desire me to be in health and prosper as my soul prospers and today my soul has prospered therefore I prosper therefore I'm in health because my soul is prospered and your word is true and you watch over your word to hasten it to bring it to pass in my life I thank you Father that you are God to me you are it you are the sum total of all I need you are El Shaddai you are the Magnificent God and there is none like you and you are my god and the enemy cannot touch me because he has nothing in me and you said that I can keep myself as I keep myself in your love so I abide in you Jesus and your words abide in me and I can't ask whatever I will because my will and God's will are the same because he put these desires in my heart in Jesus name I believe it and therefore I say it and I will say of God this is who you are to me and so be it unto me according to your word in Jesus name Amen get my shot now I know some of you think I preached wrong okay but but the fact is Paul preached deep into the night Jesus preached all day even several days would why they couldn't go get food because nobody wanted to miss his sermons right and so he preached a long time so I'm just in keeping with the DNA of the Spirit of God that's in me amen yeah and it says that for a quarter of a day the people of God stood and made confession of their sin and confessed to God who he was to them for a quarter of a day now that's anywhere from four hours to six hours depending on how you want to look at it think about that imagine we say here's six hours not me preaching six hours of all of us saying the same thing together saying this is how we live this is how the we our Bible school is what we do every morning what we just did we do it every morning for 3045 minutes right and it's how we live our lives why because that's how you build into you the truth of God's Word and and what you say about God he becomes to you amen so what are you going to say about the Lord are you gonna say the stuff you heard today are you gonna say what other people say that he's not able he's not able to deliver you that your God has gotten weak or he's on a vacation or someone no you got the wrong God if that you say that's a god of the veil that's what they did that's not our guy our God is always ready he's always present amen now I'm just giving you time because we're even as we've been speaking it's pretty God's already been working some of your body because I know you need healing we're gonna lay hands on whoever knew be healed we're gonna just men but what I'm talking it's getting the Holy Spirit time to work it's about time you get the front you already know she already healed because I would much rather you get healed where you are by God doing it then you having to have hands laid on you because then you will glorify Him and you won't connect me to that because to what we got to get beyond that amen some God wants you free he wants you healed you already check out right now and just what you know whatever you came in here with it's probably ready gone anyway amen pain all that kind of stuff whether it was a just be free just be free amen amen amen because you don't have to preach healing to get healing or you got to this preach the word he confirms word with signs following amen so we don't have to we don't have to do this and we can lay hands on sake but I would prefer not to if I don't have to why because I want you to know you are connected to God amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 25,265
Rating: 4.8487711 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 31sec (6211 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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