How to Use Reference Images to Create AI Art (in Midjourney)

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the journeys of research lab widely known for developing an air generator to fully enjoy the power of mid-journey you need to understand how to craft effective prompts in this video we'll explain how to use reference images like these and use mid journey to create an air image like this stay tuned to see exactly how we did this if you're brand new to mid-journey click the link in the description to watch our beginner tutorial for getting started otherwise you can head over to and hop into the Discord server we can create our own server using the mid Journey bot to kind of avoid the busyness of other users within Discord you can click add a server and then go on to create my own from here I usually just like skip this question and then you can give your server a name from there to say create and that server will be generated now if we head back into the mid Journey server you can go into one of the newbies rooms then if it's hidden you can select show member list up in the top right corner all these rooms will have the mid-journey bot available within the chat so you can just click onto their username hit add to server and then you can select that new server you just created and continue so then from there it's just going to ask you to authorize and ultimately that mid-journey bot will now be in that new server you created now the server is created we can upload the reference files for use to create the art images within the chat you can click on the plus sign then go to upload a file and you can select the individual images once the image is loaded just make sure to hit enter so they're present within the chat if you'd rather use an image from Google or Bing just make sure that the file ends in a JPEG or dot PNG rather than redirecting you to a website now the images are loaded we can go within the chat and type in forward slash imagine and then hit tab from here you can click into each of the individual photos then right click on them and select copy image address from there you can just paste those two addresses or however many reference images you have paste them within the prompt that you're currently building out so for this example we can type in some more keywords within the prompt such as you know futuristic ultra realistic and then we can do cyberpunk and at the very end since we're using version 4 mid Journey you can do double hyphen v a space and then the number four and then from there to hit enter using reference images may make the mid-journey bot take a little bit longer to finalize your image but we can see it coming in now with these reference images mid Journey essentially takes elements from however many you upload from all those different images and tries to kind of fuse them together to create something original so you can see here we have the character built out all kind of within the cyberpunk style so I like this first image we can upscale it and see it loading very very impressive the version 4 of mid-journey has come a long way honestly from the beginning okay so let's use these same reference images again in this instance for the prompt we can do comic book style and then happy and I'm going to change out the background and see how that kind of works out so we can do sunset in the background and then that double hyphen V space and then four for version four so here's the final result you can see it's in that comic book style very very high quality images and you can see the background now kind of has that Sunset look hey I just wanted to interrupt quickly to say if you're enjoying the video so far make sure to subscribe and hit like all right let's go back all right so for this last one let's only use the image of the man again you know do imagine prompt and then just paste in that first URL this time and let's do Pixar old man and then make him angry and again doing the the V4 as the image loads you can kind of see it seems to have the same sort of facial structure and the same background really just kind of in the Pixar form okay I really like that first one again so we can upscale that by hitting the U1 okay so here's the result of that you can also use the images outputted by mid-journey as reference images so let's use that old man we just created and add to the prompt female and then put happy and again V4 okay so there there's the final result a little bit frightening to be honest with you but kind of just showing the power of this version for mid-journey and how you can take reference images and create something entirely new now it's time to jump into mid journey and see how you can use reference images to create some amazing AI art as always thanks for tuning in and look forward to more content coming soon
Channel: Feasible Creative
Views: 602,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney, midjourney ai, how to use midjourney 4, midjourney art generator, midjourney hacks, midjourney tips, midjourney image reference, midjourney image url, mid journey, midjorney, midjourney v4, midjourney v4 prompts, midjourney image input, midjourney image link, midjourney v4 tutorial, midjourney v4 image prompt, midjourney image to image, midjourney combine 3 images, how to combine reference images in midjourney, midjourney img to img, midjourney v6
Id: IF9R-Aca2EI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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