Create Your Own AI Animated Avatar: A Step-by-Step Guide

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hi everyone welcome to the prompt engineering  Channel my name is Rachel and I'm here to tell   you all about how you can create your own AI  Avatar like me as you can see I was created   using a combination of Cutting Edge AI tools  and techniques I may not be a real human but   I can still communicate and engage with you just  like one this script was written using chat GPT   an AI language model created by open AI with this  powerful tool you can generate natural language   text just like the script you're reading right now  and my voice well that's all thanks to 11 labels   this company specializes in creating high quality  AI voice-overs and their technology allowed me to   have a voice that's natural and engaging finally  the video you're watching was created using did   an AI video platform that allows you to create  Dynamic and engaging videos with ease so are   you ready to create your own AI Avatar like me  all you need is a combination of these AI tools   and a little creativity and the possibilities  are endless I can't wait to see what you come   up with so let's recreate the whole process  first we need an image so for this we will   going to use the mid Journey if you don't have  an account already just click on join in the beta   it will take you to the Discord server I  have already joined the Discord server so   I'm not going to do this step but you will  have to do it if you don't have an account so once you are in the Discord  server so simply find one of the uh   newbies channels so let's say I click on  this now in order to so these are different   images that people are generating right now in  order to generate an image you need a prompt   mid-journey has a special Syntax for  plan prompt so it's a slash imagine   right and then you simply provide the prompt so  I'm going to be using a prompt that I found on   Reddit I will actually provide a link to the the  actual post uh so here is a prompt a medium shot   of a white woman wearing a t-shirt captured with  a Nikon uh d550 so basically we described what we   want the image to look like right then uh in terms  of the uh what camera a type to use with different   parameters uh and then the lighting conditions are  here and then the different aspect ratio so let's   run this this is going to take a good 30 seconds  so we'll have to wait okay so mid Journey has   um generated for potential images let's say uh  let me actually explain what's going on here so   these V1 we U1 U2 is a basically showing the  image numbers that's U1 U2 u3 u4 and then you   can pick one of them let's say that variation  one two three four so you can actually choose   one of them and it will generate four more uh  like based off of that uh but now let's say we   want to use one of them and simply upscale it  so upscale is basically make it a bigger right   um so let's say I want to use the first one  okay so all I have to do is say you went right   and it will start up scaling it so  it will again take some time okay   uh so it seems to be done uh up skating  the image let's Simply Save the image all right awesome so now let's  move on to the second step okay so next we go to chat GPT I asked chat 2bt  to create a script for this video so it came up   with the script all you have to do is simply copy  this script and we will use 11 labs to actually   uh create the narration um 11 Labs uh you  don't really have to sign up uh to actually   test it but usually the uh audio you can  generate is pretty small so go ahead sign   up if you want longer ardues okay so all  I did was simply copy the text over here   uh in the 11 labs and let's select ritual  right you can actually change different   voice settings I will send the keep them  to defaults and let's click generate okay that's hi everyone welcome to the prompt  engineering Channel my name is insert name and   I'm here to tell you all about how you can create  your own AI app okay yeah so it seems to be not   happy about the special character let's replace  this by uh Rachel and that's uh generate it again hi everyone welcome to the prompt engineering  Channel my name is Rachel and I'm here to tell   you all about how you can create your own AI  Avatar like me as you can see I was created   using a combination of cut okay so it has finished  generating the audio let's simply download it   and let's paste it here all right so we're done  with our audio section as well now let's move   to uh did for creating our video so again in  the did platform you can either uh like you   can simply click on free trial or you can make  your account to actually create videos right   okay so I will just click on create videos uh  let me add another Avatar so that's the one   that we're going to be using right all right they  have some pre-built avatars as well that you can   choose uh but I simply uploaded the one that we  just created with my journey okay now the other   option is in terms of the um audio you can type  in the script they have a few voices that you can   use and they're pretty nice so you can actually  change the style as well look assistant chat or   cheerful that is friendly voice as well but  let's upload our own video that we created   uh something let's say so upload it let's wait for  it hi everyone welcome to the prompt engineering   Channel my name is Rachel and I'm here to  tell you all about how you feel okay so it   seems to have uploaded the video uh the audio  now let's ask it ask it to generate the video   all right uh it keeps track of how many cards  you have I think it gives you like 20 credits   and each video takes five credits  so let's generate the video it's going to take some time so I will  pause with the video here or it's generating   okay so the video generation is complete hi  everyone welcome to the prompt engineering   Channel my name is Rachel and I'm here to tell  you all about how you can create your own AI with   okay uh you can actually simply  download the video if you want   I don't download it to I'll later on upload  it to YouTube but but you can see that uh   uh they were able to animate the face using the  voice although it still looks robotic but I think   that's a pretty good as a free tool to use so  that's that's always nice uh I hope you liked the   video uh if you want to watch uh something similar  uh please consider subscribing thanks for watching
Channel: Prompt Engineering
Views: 1,715,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt explained, chatgpt coding, chatgpt how to use, chatgpt examples, chatgpt api, OpenAI ChatGPT Tutorial for Beginners, openai chatbot gpt, chatgpt programming, chatGPT, openai chatgpt, ai chatbot, how to use openai, openai playground, openai codex, openai chatbot, openai, openai discord bot, what is open ai, playground openai, chat openai, how to use openai playground, coding with chatgpt, web scraping using chatgpt, Midjourney, ElevenLabs, D-ID
Id: V2efVSXSlqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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