Turn Yourself into a 3D Character with Midjourney V5!

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mid Journey version 5 just came out and the results are absolutely unbelievable all of the images that you're looking at right now are not real photos they are entirely generated by AI in this video I will teach you how you can use AI to make these images including how to turn yourself into a 3D character from a Pixar movie in 5 minutes for basically free let's get started so let's get started by going to midjourney.com and sign in start your prompt and write something like photo of a quirky red hurricane girl and then you can add some more details that you want and at the end you want to write dash dash AR Space 3 2 so you can have an aspect ratio of three by two then you write dash dash V Space 5 in order to get version 5 which is the most photorealistic result we're going to go with the third result here this is our first photo and as you can see it is super realistic for the next prompt we're going to repeat the same thing but instead of photo we're going to replace it with poster in the style of Alphonse mucha I'm going to delete some of the details here and add detailed floral ornaments I'm going to go with number two and there you go this is the result now for the last one if you'd like to turn yourself into a cartoon what you do is you drag and drop the photo of yourself into the Discord Channel and then you hit enter and then you right click on that image and click copy link and then I'm going to start my prompt again and paste the link as the first thing into the chat box and then I'm going to add the description which is for example cartoon 3D render of a guy in the style of Pixar for this one I'm going to add dash dash IW which stands for Image Weight which is how much the render is going to look like your original image in this case I'm going to go with 0.5 so that it looks more like a cartoon and less like a real human being send it so I'm going to go with number one and there you go this is yourself as a cartoon pretty cool alright I hope you've enjoyed this video if you did make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on the next tutorial and you can also follow me on these platforms for more
Channel: Tony Aube
Views: 89,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, art, artificial, intelligence, midjourney, midjourney v5, v5, dall-e, dalle, artificial intelligence, easy, tutorial, cartoon, character, 3d, pixar, disney, you, photo, edit, quick
Id: TPpu3-OOrLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 3sec (123 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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