The BEST Free Text-to-Image AI Generator (Goodbye Midjourney...)

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today I'm going to be challenging mid Journey as the best text to image AI tool and show you three different other options that you can use now for each of the text image generators I'm going to be using the same three prompts so that way we can accurately compare them so you can decide which is the best text image AI generator for you to use now that being said let's look at the first text image AI generator that we're going to be using which is Adobe Firefly and here we are inside of adobe Firefly now it has a number of AI tools that you can use but for this video we're just going to be focusing in on the text to image generator you can go through these and get some ideas of what you're looking for and you can also hover over the image and it's going to show you the prompt that created it and down here in the bottom middle is where you're going to enter your prompt now like I said each of these generators we're going to be using the same three prompts for each one so for this first one I'm going to use a panda sitting on a tree during a storm eating bamboo and just like that I'm going to press generate and let's see what Adobe Firefly creates now I'm super impressed with the four images that Firefly created as all of these look super super realistic for each of these Generations I'm going to pick the best image in my opinion so I can compare them to the other text at image generators they all look similar and there's not a lot of variation between them which is a good and bad thing I'll just use the third one here because I think it has a nice front shot of the panda so I'm going to save it and let's move on to the second prompt and it's going to be a happy painter holding a work of art now I'm giving the AI some freedom of what the work of art is actually going to be so that will be interesting to see let's go ahead and generate the second image now here are the four images that adobe Firefly created none of them are actually holding a work of art which I asked the prompt to do and to be honest I did try refreshing it a couple of times but I never got someone actually holding a work of art but besides that obviously the images look great and they're all hyper realistic looking and I wouldn't be able to tell if it was AI generated or not just by looking at it here on my computer screen I'm going to go ahead and keep the first one here to compare to the other text the image generators and with that said let's move on to the third prompt which is going to be a group of cartoon dogs running towards the camera in a hyper realistic world and this is going to test the ai's ability to differentiate between different styles and combine them into one image so for this example it's cartoon and Hyper realistic let's go ahead and press generate and see what Adobe Firefly creates and this brings up a con of using Adobe Firefly which is that it can only really create a hyperrealistic image or an art image and you can see here over on the right where it says content type you can either choose photo which is going to be more hyper realistic or you can choose art which is more like the dog pictures here so although it is a group of cartoon dogs running towards the camera it's not in a hyper realistic world so it wasn't able to create two different types of styles in one image now that said I'm just going to go ahead and choose the second one here to save as the comparison image so now that we've gone through all three of the prts let's move on to the second text image generator which is going to be do E3 now you might be wondering why I'm in chat gbt but this is actually how you access dolly3 you simply just ask chat TBT to create an image and it will go go ahead and use Dolly 3 to do that so getting right into it let's start with the first prompt of the panda sitting on a tree so I'm going to say create in image of and then paste The Prompt a panda sitting on a tree during a storm eating bamboo and then I'm also going to put at the end 1: one ratio so that way it's going to be a squared image just like the Adobe firefly images were I'm going to press enter and let's see what Dolly 3 creates it only created one image but that one image is super impressive you can see here exactly what I asked it to create a panda sitting on a tree during a storm very obvious by the lightning behind the panda and then it also looks like it's eating bamboo and overall I'm very happy with this first image that Dolly 3 created so I'm going to go ahead and save it and let's move on to the next prompt so a happy painter holding a work of art 1:1 ratio I'm going to press generate and let's see what Dolly 3 creates for this one it's going to be interesting to see what Dolly 3 creates for this work of art and just like that we have a image of a happy painter holding a work of art super impressed by this one especially because of that work of art the painter is holding it has a lot of detail and the person also looks really good I will say that in just my opinion Adobe Firefly creates more realistic humans than Dolly 3 currently creates I'm going to go ahead and save the image let's move on to the next prompt and see if Chach BT can create an image with two different types of styles which is cartoon and Hyper realistic I'm going to press generate let's see what it creates overall not bad I will say that the dogs do look cartoon I wouldn't really say the world looks hyper realistic but I also don't think it looks cartoony at the same time so overall I think it did a very solid job creating this image and with that said let's go ahead and take a look at the comparison so far from Adobe Firefly and dolly3 first we have the image of a panda sitting on a tree during a storm this is just a basic image and really just testing to see how accurate the AI generator is in the second prompt which is a happy painter holding a work of art which was interesting to see what the AI came up with with for that work of art in the last prompt which is a group of cartoon dogs running towards the camera in a hyper realistic World testing to see if the AI can create two different types of styles in an image so you be the judge let me know which one you think is better Dolly 3 or adobe firly so let's go ahead and look at the third one which is going to be Runway now when you create a Runway account which by the way is free and you go to the dashboard this is what you're going to see now keep in mind that Runway has a number of different AI tools but for this video we're just focusing on the text to image one so I'm going to go ahead and click on it and it's going to pull up the AI tool and in the middle here you're going to see some inspiration of images that the generator created and if you hover over one of the images you can see the prompt that created the image but going over here to the right you're going to see the settings which includes ratio resolution style and number of outputs and beneath that is where you enter the prompt now with that said let's go ahead and put in the first prompt which once again is the panda image I'm going to press generate and let's see what Runway creates now here are the four images that Runway went ahead and created so we have a wide variety of images here I want to say any of them are hyper realistic they just look like General images now if we're going to go for accuracy it's going to be the bottom left because it looks like a panda sitting on some sort of tree or Branch also eating bamboo and now the other three images don't have the panda eating bamboo so I'm not going to use those for the comparison image with that said I'm going to go ahead and save the bottom left image and let's move on to the second prompt which once again is a happy painter holding a work of art let's see what Runway creates for this work of art and how well it can create a human now we have a variety of images here the two on the right are people holding work of arts over here on the left we have just a person standing in front of a painting beneath that is something interesting I'm not sure quite what it is I mean it looks like two people holding some sort of art piece it looks like a painting of somebody I'm not sure how Runway came up with this but hey it's AI at the end of the day now if I had to pick one I'm just going to go with the top right image because the work of art does look pretty good it looks like some sort of nature scene with mountains in the background so I'm going to go ahead and save it and move on to the third prompt which again is that more trickier one which is where we're going to see if the AI can do two different styles in one single image so the group of cartoon dogs running towards the camera in a hyper realistic world go ahead and press generate let's see what Runway creates so here are the four images that Runway created I do think it overall looks more like a cartoon image because we do have the cartoon dogs and I do also think the background looks more cartoony at the same time it is kind of blurred out so it's difficult to tell but for the accuracy it did do good because it is a group of dogs running towards the camera I'm going to go with the top left image because I do think it looks most like cartoon dogs in a realistic world but to be honest they all look similar so I'm just going to choose this one now it's time for the comparisons once again let's go ahead and bring up the images first starting with the panda in my opinion I think that Dolly 3 created the best Panda image just because of of how accurate it was with the prompt now the second image here which was the painter holding a work of art and the test here was to see what kind of work of arts with the text to image generators create and then lastly we have the group of dogs running towards the camera in a hyper realistic World testing to see if the AI generators would incorporate two different types of styles in a single image but the final decision is going to be up to you which you think is the best text to image generator from these options and I hope that this video gave you a better idea of which one you should use if you enjoyed this video please go ahead and leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Carson Crockett
Views: 5,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney alternative, best ai tools, ai art, ai art generator, free ai tools, ai tools for creators, ai content creation, text to image generator, best text to image generator, best ai generator, adobe firefly, ai image generator, dalle 3, dalle image generator
Id: hJDra2UAsh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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