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in this video tutorial i'm going to go through a complete beginner's guide to getting started on canva so whether you're a student a teacher a coach or marketing expert whatever your role may be i want to help you get started to using canva and get your start on the right foot so that you know the basics and know enough so that you can create your designs marketing collateral or whatever it may be so keep watching this video hi my name is aurelius i'm a canvas certified creative and on this channel i share my tips tool reviews and tutorials to help you get started with digital business digital marketing and overall help you get more familiar with online tech so if that interests you be sure to hit that subscribe button below turn on notifications too so you don't miss out on anything all right first things first if you don't have a canva account go ahead and sign up for a free account either using google facebook apple or sign up using your email address once you've signed up you'll be presented with the canva homepage for this tutorial demo i want to show you on my free canva account versus a canva pro account which i'll also explain the difference between canva and canva pro getting around the homepage is quite simple to understand you've got your search bar here where you can search for whatever type of template you're looking for at the bottom you've got tabs such as recommended social media events marketing documents so these are kind of a bit more categorized if you will looking below you've got your designs so these are designs that you've already created on canva you can expand your designs by clicking your designs or going to all your designs by clicking here now that'll bring up all the designs that you've ever created on canva on your account on the left you can see shared with you so these are designs and templates that were shared from other users of canva on the brand kit page this is where you control your brand colors and your brand logos so you can actually upload it and add your brand colors this isn't so much an issue if you're just trying to create random sort of designs but if you do work for a company and they've got a specific color palette then it will be very time saving since once you create a new canvas a new design it will bring up that color palette if you have team members and collaborate with others on designs then you can use the creator team and give your team a name that will customize the home page a bit more and gives a better feel once you create a team you can access your team's shared designs keep your branding consistent as well as provide feedback on designs directly under all your folders this is a way to organize your designs so we can actually create a new folder and give this a name so let's say instagram create a new folder now that my folder is created called instagram i can organize any instagram related designs right here in this folder your trash includes anything that you deleted you can recover it straight here let's now go back to the home page so i can explain a bit more of what you see right here so at the top you've got your navigation these are templates categorized by social media personal business marketing education and trending on the right you've got designs that are more categorized based on let's say photos or icons print products apps and explore under learn this is where you get to learn more about how to use canva so feel free to go through that at your own time and pace pricing gives you more details as to what the free pro enterprise education and non-profits plans uh that's all for the navigation you can also change some of your settings such as your password and your email address under account settings now with that said let's create a new design there are actually a couple of ways on how you can create a new design first way is to actually search for what you want simply enter what you want let's say logo which is what i've got in my history there and that'll bring up all the logo templates the second way is to browse through their categories such as the recommended social media events marketing and so on but let's say if we can scroll here we can see logos and other types of designs going down we can also see all the other options so that's another way to look for what you want to create the other way is to go to create a design and to search for what you want or pick from one of the suggested as mentioned before now if you do have specific dimensions for your design then click on create a design and click on custom dimensions enter the dimensions such as the width and the height this is in pixels by default but you can also change it to inches millimeters centimeters now the great thing about canva is that they already know the optimal size for certain marketing collateral or certain social media posts or channel art so if you actually go to social media we can see for instagram stories it knows what size is the most optimal which is 1080 by 1920 pixels for this demo i'm going to just work on an instagram post so if we search instagram post there's actually one there already as i suggested so we're going to click on instagram posts we've got 1080 by 1080 pixels click once and now all these templates are brought up based on instagram post scrolling down you'll see some of the templates they provide i'm just going to choose this one right here where it says sunday mood that'll preload all the elements such as the text the images now one of the caveats that you'll see right away is that there's this watermark that says canva over the images this is because you need a canva pro account for some of the elements and images used on these templates so if you do see that watermark there on any of the templates then that means it's a canva pro feature or element for click once we can see remove watermarks and then that will show you how much it's actually going to cost if you want to purchase it once off so you're given the option to buy it once off or you can click on start your free trial which gives you a canva pro account and unlimited access to all their elements and their photos their stock images in their database now obviously you don't want to use the default images and some of the elements that are on here so we can actually delete these elements and let's talk about some of the tools the features the options the shortcuts that you can use on canva let's first talk about the interface and the design tools that you'll see here at the top we're going to start and rename this first to our instagram post or whatever you want to title yours as so this could be instagram posts that's inspirational on the left side you've got templates so if you do want to add more templates to your current design or canvas here you can do so by selecting any of these or searching the templates database in the upload section you can upload your own images videos or audio files as you can see and really all you need to do is just drag and drop to this section or straight to the canvas right here now under photos these are stock photos that are in the canva database some of these images that you'll see are free and you can tell by just hovering over any of the images and you'll see the little tab there searching their database is very straightforward click the top here where it says search millions of photos so let's say sunglasses we can see all the sunglasses that come up here and you'll see as well that there are some pro images that do need to be purchased or you can also grab your canva pro account under elements you'll see some animated sort of stickers you've got charts shapes frames lines and we'll run through some of these and insert some of these to this design just to give you an example scrolling down you've got more vector images so you can add objects as well and all sorts of things depending on what you want to add to your design clicking on the text tab you'll see the option and the ability to add your own text so let's say heading or a subheading or some body text you've also got some pre-designed sort of headlines as well so you've got also font combinations that may be handy based on your design canva also allows you to add music to your actual designs so if you have let's say an instagram story or you have a short video or whatever the case may be you can add it right here on top of music you've got videos where you can add stock videos to your design too you can add a background to your design by clicking background and searching the database from here folders is a way to organize your designs but to create a new folder you do need a canva pro account under more you've got other apps that are built into canva or integrations from third-party apps with the interface now explained i'm going to go through how to actually edit this template right here add your own images text elements and things such as that so first things first what you can do is to edit the existing text that's on this template if you click once you're given more options in terms of the font style at the moment it's using playfair display but by clicking it you're given more font options some are free fonts to use while others require a canva pro account changing the font is as simple as clicking the font that you like and as you can see now it's changed and updated if you don't like it you can always undo and that's one of the things that is great about canva you can just click undo doesn't matter if you made a mistake now you can also use your keyboard as a keyboard shortcut to undo and that's simply ctrl z or command z on the mac and that should do the trick so it's intuitive in that way that it does take in some of the most common shortcuts that you would expect if you were to use any type of design or publishing or kind of document processing tool the one thing that canva can't do is that it can't do what photoshop can do and that is things like removing and erasing certain parts you can only crop and resize certain elements and that's about it so they don't plan on being like a photoshop it's meant to be easy and intuitive to use i'm going to change the text by clicking and then entering what i want so let's say monday mood instead so that looks good but it's not aligned yet right so what we can do is just click once and then just drag where we want as you can see but there's there are guides as well this purple guide that shows and you can tell where the center is so that helps in that way you can also expand the actual size of the text block but as you can see it's now left aligned or it was left aligned from the beginning but if you do want to center that all you need to do is just click here where it says alignment and that will align it based on where you want it so i'll click on center you can also add certain effects such as the shadow effect so let's say shadow that gives a nice pop to it or a lift you can do a hollow or outline splice or echo so let's say shadow and we can actually change the settings more precisely so the offset the direction the blur amount and the transparency so those are effects but for now i'm just going to choose no effects to change the size of the text all we need to do is just click once click the size option and then selecting what size we want so 72 looks like that the other way to resize any particular text or element is to just click once and you'll see a lever we're going to just drag the corner like so drag it how big or small we want so that's the text there what we can also do is delete what we don't want so i'm just going to click this one once and then on my keyboard i'll click on delete and i also don't want any of these images right here so now we're left with this so instead of this text here we can actually put something else or completely remove it so that we can add our own text so i'm just going to click this once delete it for the existing elements we can change the colors so if we don't like the gray here we can click once on that element click this and then click on let's say black here or we can actually choose a custom color by using this color spectrum here and then going and selecting what color we want so if we just click on green here and then changing where we want just like that and that's what it looks like but of course you'd use your own brand colors you can do the same for all the other elements so let's say this one here choose the same color or slightly different color or shade the other element behind we can also change by clicking once and then clicking the color and let's say i want this gray instead but instead of the gray i want to change it a bit lighter so from here i'll just change it a bit lighter from there and that looks pretty good now let's add a photo by clicking photo and from here we can search for what we want so in this case what i want to do is search for a laptop or someone that's working and these are all pro images but if we scroll down we'll also find some free ones like this one here this one looks pretty good actually so if you once you do find the photo that you want to add just click once that will add it to the canvas and from here we can align it resize it too using the drag levers here we can also crop it by just dragging on the side so let's say we just want that part right there and then drag to the center we can also do is flip it let's say horizontally so that it's the other way but let's undo that if you have an image or images that you want to add from your computer then it's as simple as just finding the image that you want to add and then dragging it to the canvas and that in my opinion is the easiest way to add your images as opposed to going uploads and then upload media which you then need to browse for so i found just by dragging and dropping is the easiest way so now that it's uploaded i can resize it and let's say i want it in this corner or somewhere here now let's go ahead and add a couple more elements to this design we can add let's say a triangle i just want to show you as an example in case you want to add your own elements so click on the shape that you want we can also see all but i'm just going to choose triangle at this point and that'll insert it we can change the colors by clicking once changing the actual color right here let's say we want this dark gray now we drag the corner or one of the corners to the size that we want so let's say here what we can also do is rotate so right here that little icon we can rotate to however many degrees that we want so let's say somewhere here like so now the next thing i want to share with you is positioning on canva because sometimes you want this image or whatever element or text to be behind a certain element or elements so in this case let's say we want this behind this green one here we can click the actual image once right here where it says position we can click on backward or to back so the difference is to back will bring or put that image all the way to the back of all the other elements and layers so let's say to back that's going to bring it all the way to the back and now obviously we can't see it so let's undo that but we want it just behind this green element right here so click this image once again click on position click on backward and now it is behind the element now if we choose backward again that'll then put it behind the layer behind that so backward so as you can see as you click more and more it'll bring it back another layer but let's undo that but of course this doesn't look good so i'll undo it again but just wanted to show you how to use the positioning feature now referring back to text i do want to show you how to actually add text without going to text and then clicking what you want all you need to do really is on your keyboard press the t key so if i press t now on my keyboard that will insert some text to the canvas and just like that i've got new text that i can add so let's say today a good day all right and that kind of goes well with the monday mood and what we can do now is to change the text change the colors too so let's say we want white instead since it stands out a bit better against these other elements and then what i'm going to do now is just to resize it like so and somewhere here even though it doesn't really stand out so much we can add some effects such as shadow but let's change the color right here changing it to black and that stands out a bit more but you get the idea in terms of photo effects you can click on the photo that you want to adjust or edit click on either filter and then choose a certain filter to add to it so let's say epic let's let's actually use this image here choose epic and that'll apply the filter and you can add how much of an intensity to you want to apply to that particular image so you'll see that there's different filters that you can add so this is a great little addition if you do want to add a bit more effect to your image if you want to fine tune the brightness and the saturation a little more and all sorts of things we can go to adjust click on brightness and adjust the lever that goes up and down and you can see the effect of it there's also contrast and you've got your saturation now looks a little ridiculous so we'll just click on reset but you get the idea there you've also got your blur effects so either blurry or sharper and there's also the x process right here and lastly the vignette to add a bit more of that shadow around the edges now let's say you want to create multiple images for that same project or design you can go back to templates and actually add one of the templates right here or you can click on add page at the bottom and that will add a blank canvas now you can alternately if you are just working on the same template just click on duplicate page that will basically make a clone of that and then you can edit as you wish now if you want to create a new design but on the same project we can click on add page so do that now and then what we can do is go to templates choose one of the templates that have been pre-designed right here so let's scroll down and select which one that we like we've got this easter cell one so let's say you like that one even though it's not easter at the time it's recording we can actually apply it to this new canvas so click that once that'll apply it right there so if you're creating things such as instagram carousels then this may be handy by creating multiple pages but still sticking within the same design and project now once you're happy with your design it's time now to download the images you can click on download and then select the file type so png is what the canva suggested so we can also select different formats such as pdf if that's what you want some of these features are for canva pro users and at the bottom you'll see select pages so let's say you only want page one you can select page one and then click done once you click download it'll only download page number one now that i've gone through some of the most common features and tools of canva i want to show you the difference between canvas free account and a pro account first and foremost if you are a student or run some sort of non-profit then canva is free but at the moment the cost in australian dollars it's 17.99 per month but in u.s dollars that's 12.99 per month the major differences is the availability of the templates and the stock images that are included when you are on the canva pro account you can see there's 250 000 plus free templates versus 420 000 plus free templates the other benefit of a canva pro account is that you're able to save your designs as templates so that you can share it with other team members too all in all canva pro is worth every dollar if you do design on a regular or daily basis and especially if you run a business or if you're in some sort of creative field and you need some of the more powerful features that canva offers so there you go i hope this video has given you a better insight as to how to use canva and get started using canva for your designs where i really see the benefit of canva is in its templates where it's all pre-designed for you so that you don't need to be creative or artistic yourself it's all pre-designed for you so all you need to do is just choose from one of the templates it's already sized for you and all you need to do is just edit it now once you've warmed up to using canva i do have a couple of other tutorials that will help you become a better designer and make the most out of canva so i'll link it up right here right now for you to check out but in the meantime be sure to hit that like button if you got value from this video and subscribe below turn on notifications too so you don't miss out on any tutorials that i post up here on this channel thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aurelius Tjin
Views: 234,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use canva for beginners, how to use canva, how to use canva like a pro, how to use canva tutorial, how to use, canva for beginners, canva for business, canva tutorial for beginners, canva, canva design tutorial video, canva review, canva tutorial, canva tutorial 2020, canva tutorial 2021, canva tutorial video, easy canva tutorial, learn canva, what is canva, how to use canva 2020
Id: kunvwC1AMkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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