How to Find CONTENT IDEAS for Social Media I Save Yourself Hours of Work!

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You forgot to post, don't know what to do and have  no ideas whatsoever 😅 If this ever happened to   you you're going to want to stick around for this  one. I'm talking how to have a never-ending flow   of great ideas for content. LET'S DO THIS! 🔥🔥 Hi my lovely people, it's Natalia and welcome   to my channel where I share super actionable  ideas on content creation for entrepreneurs   and creatives! In today's video, I'm solving one  of the greatest issues that creators have which is   HOW THE HECK DO I GET IDEAS FOR CONTENT. Let's be  honest, I've been there, you've been there, we've   all been there where you're sitting down to plan  out your posts and you blank. *Scrolling ensues* Sound familiar? Fear not, I'm  here to give you tons of ideas,   tips & tools to never run out of content  topics so grab a notepad and let's dive in! Before I kick off, one thing I need to  emphasize is that in order to be super   efficient in your content marketing, it's  crucial to have these three things in place:   a marketing strategy, a system  for planning & scheduling content   as well as a database of ideas. Once these three  are in place, you no longer scramble to create   valuable content and your marketing ventures  are actually bringing results. Have a look at   this playlist which I created for you to learn all  the important steps to create content effortlessly   and transform your business. 1. CREATE A DATABASE OF IDEAS And I'm starting off with the most important  one which is to start putting your ideas down!   This might seem like a no-brainer  but hear me out. I rarely see   companies or creators have an actual system  for gathering, retaining and reviewing ideas   for content. This is super important  because nobody is always very creative   and sometimes when you have great ideas they can  slip through the cracks and you're loosing these   precious thoughts. Treat your ideas as a  well-organized resource rather than just   a fleeting spark of inspiration which comes and  goes. Of course, the hardest thing is starting   from scratch, but once you establish a foundation,  it's only going to make your work more efficient. There are tons of ways to get your ideas sorted.  You can have a notebook, a running list, a   whiteboard in the office or you can rely on apps.  Trello is an obvious one, I used Asana in the past   but now we're working in Notion which I can't shut  up about, it's just too good. I have a few free   templates for you to start your own ideas board  so check out the link in the description box. Once you have that system  to gather ideas in place,   you'll see how effortless your  content creation workflow becomes. 2. ASK YOUR AUDIENCE This is a true gold mine of ideas! Not only  can you keep a constant stream of ideas going,   but it's also a fantastic way to really serve  your audience. And you know what happens when   you do that! You get authentic engagement and  turn your followers into clients. There are   multiple ways in which you can check what your  audience wants to see next. Utilize any of the   platforms you're focusing on in your marketing  strategy or where you have the biggest engagement.   Ask questions on Facebook, Youtube,  on your blog or even your newsletter.   You can get a Q&A going on Instagram  Stories asking what their biggest hurdle is   and create content around that. Polls are  also a great way to get ideas from them and   differentiate between the types of content they  enjoy or what content they prefer. This way,   your followers feel heard and are encouraged  to engage with you which in turn plays into   the algorithm as well and helps your account  in general. Moreover, studies show that when   you partially participate in creating a product  or service, you're more likely to enjoy it, opt   for purchasing it and actually stick with it for  longer. Basically, you value it more. This is a   super interesting cognitive bias that we all have  and it's called the IKEA effect - check it out! If you don't have an audience yet, don't worry, I  have a lot of other ideas for you as well so make   sure to watch till the very end. At this point,  you should also get creative and ask yourself   what your potential dream audience might want to  know from you. Think what you're good at, what   you can share that someone might find valuable  or what things do people ask you for advice on? 3. BRAINSTORM Before you look for ideas externally, utilize  your own creativity. First of all, identify main   categories for your content. So for example, if  you're a chef, you can have recipes, ingredients,   techniques, presentation, nutrition, **CATEGORIES  HERE** . I mean, definitely not a chef here so   you'll know best what your core pillars of  content actually are. Aim for anything from 6 to   12 categories. Make one of these YOUR STORY which  consists of anything personal that relates to you,   your values, your mission, what drives you, what  inspires you... Get what I'm saying? This way,   you're message is unique because there's only  one YOU in the world. Make that voice heard! Then, make yourself a cuppa coffee, get a big  piece of paper and start writing down anything   that comes to mind on each of these content  categories. Start with a minimum of ten each. And   at this point, don't you dare censor your creative  mind. Any idea, big or small, dumb or super   smart is valuable because you never know where it  drives you and what actual value you end up with. Once you have a neat list of ideas, this is what I  like to do next which takes me out of that initial   halt. Imagine a roadmap that your follower might  take when consuming your content. Think of the   individual pieces of content as small and big  steps that they take to get to a desired goal.   It can also be ideas that might lead them to  a specific mindset. You can think of this in   so many different ways as long as it is a  road leading in some direction. This way,   you can identify any missing steps  and create content on these as well.   So for example, on my channel, I create videos  relating to creating content. You might find that   actually a lot of my videos form a sort of path  for you to take you through a successful content   creation process that delivers actual results.  And this is exactly what we're aiming for.   But don't stop on just the main road and think of  other smaller branches that might lead from it.   In the end, you end up with a handy tree of  content that will get you going for awhile. 4. RESEARCH TRENDING TOPICS The best way to create value and stay fresh is  to mix evergreen content with trending content.   And trending subjects are an amazing way to  insert yourself into popular conversations and   get discovered. There are multiple ways to check  what's trending in your industry. First, you can   try Google Trends and Exploding Topics which are  both free websites. Then, check some platforms for   what's hot at the moment. This can be checked on  Twitter where you can switch between locations,   Linkedin which suggests trending subjects  in the industry, Youtube with its Trending   Tab on different categories or Tiktok with  trending hashtags and sounds. See if you can   create content on these topics but remember to  be authentic and do it natively to the platform. 5. SEEK OUT SEARCHABLE CONTENT Searchable subjects are another rich source  of ideas. Similarly to asking questions to   your audience directly, you want to tap into  all the questions they might be typing in   in their free time. It's actually very easy to  find these and here are some tools you can use   yourself. Ubersuggest is a free keyword  tool where you can find various content   ideas. Another website that I absolutely love  is Answer the Public. It gives you a variety   of different phrases that people are looking for  which are organized into questions, comparisons   (so versus, or phrases) and prepositions (like  for, to, without). So for example, if I enter   gardening, you get questions like "why  gardening is good for the environment",   "gardening where to start", "which gardening  magazine", then you have "gardening with kids"   and "gardening vs gym". It's completely free to  use so check it out yourself because it's amazing. You can also look into suggestions given by Google  or Youtube when you search for different subjects.   For example, I searched a few different  phrases related to gardening and I can see   that people are looking for "gardening tips in  june", "gardening tool sets" or "garden storage".   Try out some of the subjects you think your  audience might be interested in and see what   is suggested. Watch out for the numbers though -  check Ubersuggest for how many hits the phrases   have. What you want to do is create content around  the topics that people are often searching for. 6. REPURPOSE CONTENT Repurposing content is a life saving approach  to content creation. Although I always advise to   focus on one or two platforms to begin with, once  the company grows or when you're a professional   marketer, you need to be on multiple platforms  at the same time and it can be a huge struggle to   create fresh, valuable content for all of them.  That's why repurposing existing content is so   crucial. This can be done in a few different  ways. First of all, if you're creating an   evergreen piece of content, say, a blog post, you  can turn it into bite-sized pieces for Facebook,   share a direct quote from it on Instagram  or record a video on that subject and share   it on IGTV, Youtube, Facebook etc. Think about  how you can take the value from that one piece   and translate it to other platforms to provide  value for the audiences there without spending   time on creating a completely new post. Make  sure that it feels native to the platform. Another great way is to refresh your old  content. Have a look if anything changed   and create an update, especially  if the original piece was popular.   For example, if you have a great video  from 2017 on tools you loved to use   back then (by the way, are we still on about  gardening?), record a new one for 2020 with   things you discovered since then. Same applies to  blog posts. You can be honest and open and tell   your audience you're refreshing this subject  because there are things that changed since   then. The subscribers will then feel well taken  care of as you're providing up to date knowledge. Have a look at other older  popular pieces of content   and check for feedback. Were there many  questions about something in particular?   Maybe you can go deeper on the topic as well or  touch on some points mentioned in the comments. I have a video coming up all about repurposing  content so subscribe and hit that notification   bell to be the first one to know when this  one is out. It's going to help you out a ton. 7. CREATE COMPARISON POSTS People are always looking for what's best out  there and comparing two products, services or   tools is a great way to showcase your expertise  and give your opinion of which one is better.   This saves a lot of time for your audience and  aids in their decision making process. Moreover,   by showing your perspective and discussing  different aspects you liked or disliked,   they get an idea of how this relates to their  situation. A lot of Youtubers are creating   comparison videos on cameras, lenses or mics and  these are hugely popular types of content. It's a   great idea to create a This versus That video  or blog post for your niche to provide some   guidance for your audience. They work really  well and since it's a type of content rather   than a singular post, it can be used many  times to talk about a variety of subjects. 8. CHECK SIMILAR CREATORS Before I discuss anything here, that's not to  say go ahead and rip off someone else's ideas   completely. That's a huge no no, it's 2020,  we're better than this. Have some respect!   Now that that's off my chest, let's see how you  can identify what's happening in your niche by   looking at similar creators. Take the time to read  comments on their posts, look around at Facebook   Groups, check out forums and Linkedin. See what  questions are being asked and where the interest   is going. Moreover, look at other popular creators  in your industry and research why they're doing   well. Are they being authentic? Is there anything  they're focusing on? How are they providing value?   This can all inspire you to create wholesome  content for your audience. And remember,   everyone is different, everyone has their  own unique characteristics and selling points   so focus on how to serve your  audience in a similar way. 9. EXPLORE OTHER CREATORS We're not stopping within our industry. Expand  your scope and see what other creators are doing.   Analyze what gets traffic, see how this can  work in your niche and do it better and more   thoroughly. Maybe there is a specific format of  posts that drives a lot of engagement for these   creators. Maybe there's a cool trend within  that industry and you can think of a way to   translate it to your niche. Create content  using your voice, knowledge and perspective.   You can have a look across various platforms  for this and apply it to another platform.   But again, remember to make it feel native  to the platform you're using it for. 10. CHECK OUT OTHER SOURCES You know what my two other favorite sources  of inspiration are? Quora and Reddit. Quora is a question and answer based website where  experts and regular folks share their knowledge.   You'd be surprised how many amazing questions are  posted there daily. They're usually more in depth   because you get a short description below  the question and the answers are often very   insightful too. It can give you a different angle  to a question you might have been asked before. I don't think I need to introduce  Reddit to anyone. It's literally an   ocean of ideas. Just go to any subreddit related  to your industry and see how many questions or   interesting posts are out there. There's  a ton of inspiration there all the time. For both Quora and Reddit, go  ahead and type in the subject   your audience is interested  in or keywords for your niche,   and you'll be flooded by questions. These  can be turned into content straight away. 11. DOCUMENT WHAT'S AROUND YOU This is a great piece of advice from the one  and only Gary Vee. Again, another person I   probably don't need to introduce but if you  don't know him, check him out right now.   Gary always says to document what you're currently  doing and this way you're creating content in and   of itself. And you don't need to always do amazing  unique things, go out of your way to put yourself   in amazing situations which you yourself deem  worthy of your viewers attention. This can be   a good thing but is not necessary. Focus on  the behind the scenes and actually capture   what's currently happening. You don't know  how interesting someone else might find it.   For us creators, the daily stuff around us  can sometimes feel boring or uneventful.   But remember, what's obvious and prosaic for us,  is not necessarily so obvious to someone else.   Document your process and journey and see  how your audience responds. For example,   if you're a photographer who just painted  their own backdrop, show a hyperlapse or   describe it in a blog post. It can provide some  insight on the value of what you're creating and   make things even more personal between you and  your audience - after all, they've just seen   the behind the scenes of how something in your  studio was created and the fruit of your labor. 12. COLLABORATE Collaborations are a great way to boost your  following and put yourself out there for another   audience to discover you. As long as they're done  in a supportive and authentic spirit, by working   with another creator, you can both help each other  out tremendously and create interesting and fresh   content for your respective audiences. Reach out  to other creators who have a similar following,   either from your niche or another industry which  might go well with your brand. Direct collabs can   be one way of approaching content creation,  but you can also do roundups. If you get in   touch with other experts to accumulate their  knowledge on a single subject, you provide a   lot of value for your audience and help enforce  the expert status of these creators. This can be   in the form of their opinions, favorite tools,  trend predictions, strategies and so much more. 13. CONDUCT INTERVIEWS Interviewing someone is also a great  way to create content. This is such   a well-established format for podcasts,  but think of ways to translate it into   other platforms. You don't need to be a podcaster  after all to have a meaningful conversation.   It can be done in a written  form like a classic blog post or   an actual livestream. Asking questions not  only gives a fresh perspective and therefore   value on a particular subject you're discussing  but for you, it can stimulate other ideas for   content to create later on. Remember to  save your notes to your ideas board ;) 14. USE YOUR SENSES When we're creating content, we can often go  into our little hole and ideate all day long,   forgetting that there is a lot of inspiration  where you least expect it. That's why one of   my favorite ways of getting my creative juices  flowing is to actually explore with my senses.   Our creativity comes from the prefrontal  cortex, a part of our brain related to   personality expression, memory, decision making  and other very important cognitive functions.   This part of the brain can get stimulated by  physical activity. This can be exercise, dance,   yoga or even a simple brisk walk. Taking action  can lead to a ton of great ideas coming your way.   Go for a walk on your own and allow yourself to  think and let your imagination float. You can have   someone join you later because having stimulating  conversations again can be a great source of   ideas, too. Nothing like bouncing your thoughts  off of someone else to get a fresh perspective.   Look around you for inspiration in your  environment - colors that catch your attention,   patterns, things like that. You might see  a billboard on your way which has something   interesting to it. Think, feel, see  and take action. You'll thank me later. 15. SHARE LIFE LESSONS All of us have a very unique perspective not  only because how our brains work but also how   we were brought up and what experiences we had  in our lives. I really encourage you to share   that part of your story and see it blossom into  beautiful pieces of content. Is there anything   from your past that taught you a valuable  lesson? Is there something on your mind?   Go ahead and create around it. This makes you  relatable as a human being. I truly believe that   if we show up as our gorgeous, authentic  selves with integrity, we can create beautiful   spaces to share our ideas and experiences  with others. And that's very important.  There are so many other ways in which you  can source ideas for content. Think reviews,   your own data, opinions, what works, controversial  statements. Take action yourself, experiment,   test things out and share it or take a challenge.  Heck, you can play around and try predicting   the future of what's to come for your niche. And  remember, if you have an idea, implement it soon,   because that's always the best way to test  it out and see if it works for your audience.   I'd love to hear how you get your ideas for  content so leave a comment below - let's help each   other out. Make sure to check out THIS playlist  for more actionable tips on content creation,   leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this  video and subscribe to my channel for more   wholesome content. Thank you so  much and I'll see you next time!
Channel: Natalia Kalinska
Views: 14,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to find content ideas for social media, How to find content ideas for social media in 2020, how to find blog post ideas, how to find content ideas, social media content ideas, content marketing tips, content creation ideas, how to find content ideas for free, how to find content ideas for blog, how to find content ideas for instagram, how to find content ideas for youtube, how to find content ideas fast, how to find youtube content ideas for beginners, content ideas generation
Id: iOToM05hVps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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