How To Get Started With Your Instant Pot

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[Music] hey guys it's Jeff from fresh luck and the holidays have arrived and everyone probably made out like bandits now whether you've got a really brand new shaggy Saint Bernard or a robot vacuum thing to clean up after the dog or an instant pot I'm sure you guys are really excited about your gifts and speaking of instant pots if you did get one boy did you come to the right place to get started now I know getting a new kitchen appliance can sometimes be a little intimidating especially if it has a lot of buttons and bells and whistles on it well I'm here to show you that this thing is not at all scary in fact it's super easy and this little video tutorial on how to get set up with your instant pot and how to get things going it's gonna basically be all you need to do things amazingly in that pot and successfully so you're gonna see there's lots of little buttons on there I'm going to show you which ones are important when which ones really aren't that important and also how to do things so safely and perfectly and wonderfully and you're just gonna have the best time ever cooking once you start betting going with this thing so I'm going to turn you guys from feeling maybe a little too intimidated to even take it out of the box not only taking it out of there but to making some of the most amazing meals that your friends and family are gonna be praising you for this is the one-stop shop tutorial you guys are gonna need so let's just get going right into that fantastic new instant pot so when you take your instant pot out of the box you're gonna notice it comes with a few goodies like a trivet for instance some of the Tirpitz look like this some of them look like this it varies based on wind I guess your instant pot was made I'm lucky because I have two different pots and I got one of each so I have like the best of both worlds these are meant for like a roast to sit on there or anything else that published shouldn't come into direct contact with the bottom of the pot out of fear of it getting burned the trivet is great for letting roasts lie on their or even setting eggs on there if you're going to hard boil them these are great for that what else have we got what else have we got here oh we have this little measuring cup thing here which I have to confess I never use it's great it's a shot glass if you want to use it but in all honesty it's meant for like measuring rice and water and stuff but I just use my own measuring cups for that but again your pot you do what you want with it oh it comes with drumsticks - no actually these are like little rice panels they're meant for like you know rice paddling I guess I don't use them but hey who's gonna complain about free things right this little oil is actually kind of cute it actually has a little spout so you can like pour from the sides of it to it's nights like that and I know this is a rice paddle also these little hooks here hook on to the nozzle to quick release if you want if you don't have to touch it with your fingers this little opening right over here that's what we want to do we can take that and we can this latch it into this little nozzle here at the top of the release valve and then just pull it towards us or releases steam so you don't have to deal with your fingers but don't worry I'll get into all the quick releasing and all that stuff later and then we have a condensation Cup and then what we do with that is we just hook this onto the back of the pot and any water that might be dripping when the lid is up and resting in the instant pot will be caught in there and that's what that's for I'll show you how to put it on so this condensation cup is meant to catch any well condensation or drippings from the instant pot when the lid comes off and its resting on the side here which I'll also show you in a moment and the way you put it on is you turn your instant pot so looking at it's touchy or it's behind and then we just simply just pop the cup right on there and there you go poof it stays on just like that anything that comes in will just drip into there and then you can just pop it off this as easily and then dump it in the sink poof and of course it's gonna come with a nice shiny new liner pot now this is the pot that we put inside the instant pot and all the cooking gets done this it's basically like a pot you will use on the stove and it's stainless steel so it's so pretty and we can remove it and it's easy to just wash this way it's fabulous and make sure the liner pot goes inside of the instant pot itself the outer unit is the instant pot the inner unit is the liner pot okay make sure this is always in there at all times before you cook because sometimes if you're not paying attention and you just decide to pour some water and here well you're gonna burn the heating element and just kind of ruin your pot so don't do that at all times whenever you're cooking make sure the lighter pot is in the pot I cannot tell you how many times I've seen some fatal errors happen when people have done it without it in there and here's a tip that actually a lot of people also don't know you could actually when you remove your list on the instant pot can actually rest in one of the little latches over here you see that how the lid can just simply rest in one of these little two slots now when it's like that be careful do not try to press it down to force too close because it'll just snap the end off some people who don't realize that try doing it it's not meant to do that way is completely separate from the bottom of the pot so then make sure if you want to rest it here you can rest it here or if you want to write sit on this side you can rest it on this side and that's what these little latches here are for into this little latches right over here and well because electricity is sort of prevalent to make this thing come to life it comes with a nice power core that's detachable on the 60 series on the 80 it's attached to it so let's play doctor Frankenstein and make this thing come to life huh so let's get this party started and give this guy or gal some juice by plugging it into the wall as soon as you plug it in it's gonna say off now it looks like it might be on I've had this question before because it says off and it's obviously lit up so some power is going through it but just like anything else when something's still plugged in of course it's still power going through it doesn't necessarily mean it's on believe me it is indeed off don't worry about it I just keep mine unplugged though in case you're just you know concerned that it might be on because it does feel like it is on even though it's off also when you plug your unit into the wall make sure on the duo series instant pots the 6 quart ones that it's also plugged into the back of the unit because this can come out this comes out it's supposed to I mean it makes it easy for travel actually but you have to make sure it's firmly plugged in because a lot of the people like I plugged it into the wall but it's not on because they're not realizing this might not be fully in all the way the IP duo 80 series the a chord plots have it automatically attached you can't remove it from the back but in the 60 versions you can including the ultra so there are lots of buttons on your instant pot as you can see depending on the model you have the higher the model the more buttons these buttons here soup meet /do multi grain porridge these are all just presets alright guys they're just precess meaning when you hit one like multi grain for instance it's gonna dis preset it to that time you could also adjust that time as well which leads me to the fact that I don't typically ever use these because a the machine doesn't necessarily know how much of what I'm putting in there for these presets and B I just feel more comfortable personally using the manual button or the pressure cook buttons some models say manuals some say pressure cook and when they say pressure cook they're usually over here instead so just bear with me on this it's not confusing at all just know that manual is how you set the time for yourself however you want it and same thing with pressure cook on other models and just have different names same function let's get down to the buttons you're going to be using the most on this pot those buttons are going to be the saute button that manual or the pressure-cook button they're gonna be named two different things depending on the model you have they do the exact same things the adjust button which is going to adjust some temperature here and the keep one cancel button those gonna be your main basically four buttons you'll be using on the pot so let's start off with sautee because so many recipes call for sauteing in the pot and it's also one of the most convenient features on this beautiful instant pot and here's why and a lot of old-school devices like slow cookers and whatnot you have to first brown the meat on the stovetop and then transfer to the device and then cook it there those days are over thanks to sautee you can now brown onions you can Brown some chicken you can stir fry some vegetables ahead of time if you want to before we cook everything in the pot and this button right here is gonna make it a true one pot stop or one pot shop however you want to call it and the saute button also acts as basically having your stove on and having a pot on top of your stove it's really quite convenient and very very simple so let's say I'm starting our recipe out because so many recipes call for sauteing to begin with not all but a lot of them do and we have to start you know browning some shallots and some olive oil or some butter I'm gonna hit the saute button here and now if I let's say I want to cook it on a high setting I'm gonna go on hit the adjust button here so it's on the more or high setting speaking of which less means low normal means medium more means high and you can just keep adjusting it to what you want you have ten seconds after you hit the button to a lock in and then it'll start going on to its function they'll start to cook and heat up so now let's say it turns on look at that timing and like oh no I actually wanted it on a low heat not more just simply hit this keep warm cancel button right here and it's just going to turn the pot off and will just reset itself and okay now I can adjust it hit the adjust button so it's on the low setting again less is low normal is medium more is high same thing so on the ultra it's a little different if we want to use the sautee function on this one all we have to do is use our dial and we just simply scroll down to whatever's flashing is the thing we're gonna select and then we press the dial in to select it's almost like using one of the old iPods remember those and now whatever is flashing around what's highlighted on the screen here we could move with the dial whatever it's flashing is the thing that's selected and only press our button in to choose time for instance on this one you can control time for the sautee function I just leave it on I don't think it makes any difference it's a 30-minute maximum on that but we do want to do now is we want to select the temperature so we can come down here and we simply can select medium low medium high whatever you want to do and it shows the degrees actually what it actually is there it shows you how hot it will actually get which is a nice little feature or you could actually customize it too if you come down here and you can then choose what you want it to be by spinning a little dial which I wouldn't do personally but you can absolutely do that it's nice to have options I just gonna leave it on high for the time being there we go no I would say I when I start it up and we're ready to sautee I just hit the start button and if I don't want it to go I just hit the cancel button done if these are the only three physical buttons or the start the cancel and then when you push the dial in to make selections okay we got saute down excellent let's move on speaking of which is that beep annoy you or maybe your dog or freak it out well don't worry we can turn the sound off all you're gonna do is hold the minus button down for a few seconds and it's going to say s off meaning sound off or soft which sounds like so a beginning of a Jewish last name like soft wits or something I don't know let's say we want to put the sound back on because we love that beeping sound all we got to do is hit the plus button again and hold it down right there and now the sound is on it says on like song time you know okay simple and easy just like that to turn the sound on and off on your instant pot ultra model just hold the dial in push it in with your thumb and it's going to after about five seconds go to this screen and you can simply adjust the sound by turning it on and off by selecting it this way whatever is flashing on the screen is the thing you're selecting so if I want it off I just push it that way but I actually like kind of like the sound so I'm actually going to turn it back on there we go perfect and then just hit the start button and our sound will be on now let's focus on our manual or pressure-cook button on other models the pressure-cook button this year like I said they do the exact same thing just different names on different models so let's say I want to cook something at high pressure for 10 minutes I hit the manual button and then I'm going to simply adjust the time with the plus and minus button obviously it's six minutes so I want to increase the time by four minutes to 10 minutes so I hit the plus button four times let's say it's up for 40 minutes you can just hold the button down and go even quicker you see that look at that nice and quickly perfect 40 minutes now let's say I want to do it on low pressure which is incredibly rare by the way you just hit the button that says pressure and it will change it to low pressure versus let's say high pressure I don't really ever do any recipes on low pressure practically every single one is on high pressure so don't even worry really about that button unless the recipe calls for it it's as simple as that and now after 10 seconds it's going to switch to the on button meaning it's gonna start cooking and start coming to pressure now let's say I want to pressure cook on the ultra I just simply spin my dial up to pressure cook press it in the middle and the same thing if I want to select the time to beat our 10 minutes I just simply turn my dial up to 10 be careful with this the quicker you turn the dial the quicker it's going to want to go ahead of things which is actually very convenient but you also have to be a little bit ginger and you want to be more precise with your finger so now let's say I want to go to high pressure all right I see it's on high or low pressure you can choose which one but I want it on high excellent you could also delay the time if you want making it on a little later that's fine as well and afterwards you have the option if you want it to keep warm or not when it's done of cooking it's totally your choice if you want it to turn off on a stun cooking just hit off remember whatever is flashing is what you're selecting I like to make sure it keeps things on warm when it's done because it makes sure that everything doesn't get cold and it's just more convenient that way for me and we're ready to cook we just simply hit the start button just like that and then they alter our you're going to notice here it gives you a little bit of a graph it doesn't change based on what you're cooking it's just a little graphic showing preheating and then it's gonna show that it's cooking and then it's gonna show the keep warm setting that's all it does it's a nice little visual to see where it's alone in the process so when you start pressure cooking something don't expect it to immediately start to countdown after you start at the time because obviously the heat has to then build up in the pot to cause all the steam to build up and come to pressure and that can vary completely on what's in the pot the less things that are in the pot the quicker it's gonna take to come to pressure the more the more time that's typically the way it works physics science all that jazz what's gonna happen is the pin on the top of the pot is going to pop up and then when that happens after a few moments it's gonna begin to start counting down the time so you have to be patient when I was first getting my pot I was like wait why isn't it counting down why does it just say on well on just means it's coming to pressure so hopefully that helps you out on that now whenever we saute we're not gonna have a little in the pot where there's usually going to saute like this again as if it's a pot on top of the stove just like that it's exactly how it acts now before we pressure cook though we always want to secure our lid to the top of the instant pot unit this by the way we call the liner pot and this unit itself is the instant hotness comes out and you could do everything that they clean it it makes it so convenient but again now let's say we want a pressure cook we're going to secure a lid by taking this portion of the lid and making sure it's on this portion of the track of the pot here and then just twist it like this you understand just like that it'll make a did it in Sam so we're going to put it like this and again and then just turn over this way and poof the lid is secure so we want to do now is make sure this nozzle is from going from the venting position it says venting into sealing position that's key because if it's not in the sealing position steams going to escape from this little nozzle and we don't want that to happen make sure it's always in the steam position so when it still says on the screen right before it comes to pressure this little hole here with the pin and it's gonna have a lot of steam coming out and it's gonna start to get really wobbly once that happens and it's finally gonna come to pressure it's gonna pop up on the 6 quart series of the IP duo six quart this is already down the pin it's gonna pop up and become flush with the rest of the lid if they're on the ultra or if you're on the IP 208 II the pin is already flush when it's in its down position and then it rises above level of the actual lid so it's a little bit different depending on the model but regardless you'll understand your pot you'll get to know and you'll know when your pin is down or when it's up it's very very obvious so when it's ready this is gonna pop up great when we're done cooking we want to do that is release the steam we just simply just want to take our finger move it clear of the valve itself because that's where the steams gonna come up and move it from the ceiling position to the venting position and then all the steam is gonna come out just like that and then eventually the pins going to drop once that pin drops it's safe to take our lid off the pot and then everything voilá is gonna look beautiful look it looks so amazing you can't even see anything now the little in the Ultra is slightly different than the blade on the duo series what we do there is we just put it on the exact same way just like this except you'll see there's no nozzle the whole thing anymore instead we have this little button actually it's very convenient because on this model you don't have to worry about sealing it because as soon as you put it on and automatically goes into shielding position when we're done cooking we just simply press this down and then steams have come out you can hold it down and press down all the way and the seams going to escape more quickly if you just let it go on its own it's gonna go more slowly when it's done let's say you you don't want it to release steam all the way for some reason you can just simply click this notch it's going to go back into sealing position it's as simple as that in this model very very easy and again on the ultra series you see the pen is already flush with the top if I was on the duo 60 if the pin was like this it would mean it's coming to pressure already it's it's popped up but on this series it has to actually rise above the lid and be a little bit higher and again you'll understand this once you start cooking so one more time when you put the lid on top make sure it goes in this position and then it's locked and a good way to gauge that is to see that these two little things here are completely parallel with the little two side handles which you can rest your lid in by the way so make sure if it's like this it's crisscross it's open when it's like this and it's flush it is sealed perfect and there's also arrows in the front of the pop I'll show you that as well but they're very hard to read sometimes so you'll just know left is open right is sealed but I'll show you a little bit anyway now you'll notice on your lid there's a little arrow in the center on the left it says clothes on the right it says open obviously meaning if you turn it to the left it'll close and to the right it'll open and I'll show you how this works when you put it on top of the pot to align with the arrows there okay so we put it here now you see there's a little arrow on the bottom which this one is now lining up with meaning that it's unlocked with a little unlock logo when I turn it to the left which is the closed direction the arrow now aligns with the lock logo it's a little hard to seal in here but you get the gist again it's the same thing just make sure the two handle things on the sides are completely parallel with each other just like I showed you before and it's the same deal okay so now that I've showed you all the buttons let me give you guys a little live demo on what its gonna be like when things comes to pressure in the pot so I'm gonna simulate something coming to pressure for you so you can easily see what the experience is like and I'm gonna do something that they usually call the water tests when you would typically first get your pot and you would just put some water in the pot to make sure it comes to pressure and works properly so I'm going to add one cup of water into the instant pot secure the later and make sure that it goes from the venting position here into the ceiling position you see the ceiling position is up here if you're on the ultra and automatically it locks itself into place so now that our lid is nice and secure and we want to crush I want to come down to the control panel and hit the manual or the pressure cook button again depending on your model it's different on each one and don't confuse that with this pressure button up here by the way the pressure button simply changes between low and high pressure it's not the same thing as the pressure cook button so if you have a manual button you're good that's what you want to use if you don't you want to use the button that says pressure cook and it's usually located over here on the newer models so let's hit that and let's two minutes is perfect let's somebody want to if we want to go to one minute just go down to one minute that's what I'm gonna put it for two minutes that'll be just fine and then that's on high pressure and now what's gonna happen after 10 seconds I'm not doing anything it's gonna lock it in and it's gonna turn to on it's gonna start coming to pressure and after a few moments of heating up see how steam is coming out of the little hole here now it means it's about to come to pressure and when that happens you're gonna see you know that steam coming out of there the pin just popped up so that means it's ready to cook and now you'll see after the pin popped up after a few moments and went from the on position into the countdown that we set it for so that's perfect now we only have to wait two minutes and it's going to be finished now when something is finished cooking it's going to immediately switch to this display saying L zero colon zero zero that simply means it's now keeping it warm and it's gonna start to count up so let's say you want to do a natural release which means we don't release the steam right away and say it's a five-minute natural release that means we're gonna wait until this reads the number five because five minutes will have elapsed naturally and then we will then finish it off by releasing the steam quickly so in my mind the eldest stands for a low for low key because it's keeping things warm and the time that elapses on this little thing here is how many minutes have passed since it's been finished pressure cooking okay so now I'm gonna give it a quick release so I was on the ultra series I would just simply push the button but I'm in the duo series on this one I want to take my finger and move it from the ceiling position to the venting position stay clear of the top here because that's what the seams that have come out so do it like this so the steam just stopped releasing in the pin just dropped which means I can now take my lid off and now you can enjoy whatever meal you've made in your pot and even water so that's it guys if you made it to the end of this video first of all Mazel Tov that's amazing congratulations but you'll see but it's necessary to show you all these things because there's gonna be a lot of questions you might have had originally about the pot hopefully answered for you now but if you do have more questions please go to slash pressure love cooking and like the page and it message me there I'm very responsive let's ask anybody else unresponsive but not only that you guys are gonna get updates to all new recipes that I come out with I come out with a ton of them and a lot of them are really very well liked um tips humor because you need some humor when you cook cooking is all about fun at the end of the day it shouldn't stress you out it should be about fun and love and getting togetherness with the family that's to me what cooking is so also go to pressure cooking calm because all my recipes are hosted there and I have a ton of them I have over 100 just in less than a year which is insane to me but it runs the gamut from healthy to comfort to vegan to carnivore I have it all and more gonna just keep coming so check that out and not only that a video accompanies each recipe so it's like I'm keeping your company in the kitchen when we're cooking and of course that pressure luck on Twitter YouTube subscribe there Instagram I have it all as well as Pinterest thank you guys so much again in pressure lock has got you covered and let's get cooking and have fun doing it [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,743,885
Rating: 4.8881216 out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Insta Pot, Pressure Luck, Getting Started, Tutorial, Beginners, Instant Pot Beginners, Tips, How To, Instant Pot Duo, Instant Pot Ultra
Id: rjj08liF8aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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