DO THIS FIRST! How to Use and Instant Pot - Instant Pot 101

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going live it's just thinking there we go it says i'm live hey everyone welcome to my kitchen i am kristen i am yeah one of the sisters from sick sister stuff and yeah usually we do recipes on sundays but i thought it would be more fun to go live and kind of teach you a little bit about the instant pot if you're new to it or if you have no idea how to use it so i know a lot of people got it for prime day more people are going to get it for thanksgiving oh hello and also for christmas too so i figure i just make this video now so people will be able to find it and yeah hopefully it will help some of you okay so we have a lot of big things coming out as sisters and one of them yes is is like a little course teaching people how to do it how to use the instant pot and oh we're so excited so be ready for november that will be coming out it's gonna be amazing we're so excited but the instant pot can be a little bit intimidating so i'm just gonna yeah walk you through step by step if that's okay um if you guys want to chat and say hi to me here in the comments or if you have any questions i am going to try hard to answer as many as i can if you guys have any questions for me so first we'll get started okay the very first thing that you want to do when you get an instant pot is one take a big giant breath maybe take a drink of like your diet dr pepper or diet coke or something like that just calming your nerves because really it's not that scary so right now if you have an instant pot in your cupboard or anywhere else it's in its box go get it right now let's open it up let's let's do it i'm so excited okay oh you guys are so sweet oh this one oh my goodness this is my new instant pot i decided to make this video because i got a new one i'm like oh i haven't had a new one in a while so this is my mickey mouse one and yes i love it okay so the very first thing you're gonna do yes open the box take out all the garbage take everything and put it all to the side you'll be using some of it but for the most part you just want the lid and the base and yeah just pull it out just open it up okay number two you want to remove all of the papers so your lid will come separate your pot will come separate actually your pot will be in your base but as you lift up your pot there's some papers underneath there so don't forget those you want to grab those before you start cooking or doing anything with it then also come with a little cord so if it's a new one if it's a duo your cord will come unattached and you want to make sure that you attach it in the back right here it's really easy you can fill it it's really snug and then you'll just plug it in like that's that's how simple this is then you're going to plug in your instant flats we go oh you can see it is on oh you guys are all in the comments how fun is this oh i'm so i'm so glad you guys love your instant pots i i usually don't go live because i get really nervous but i'm i'm so glad you guys are commenting and just here with me we're just having fun today we're just learning about the instant pot okay next after you have this in your thing is plugged in it will say there'll be some sort of um digital showing that it's digital why can't i think right now yes it will be colorful there'll be something on here some are red some are green but it will show that it is on then if you have a duo these are new these are not on the old ones the luxe's and the old duos this is a condensation cup you're just gonna stick it right on there super simple it will just catch anything extra you need i forget that's there sometimes that's true but that's okay okay now we're gonna go over the buttons really quickly if you guys are new to this or if you already know how to use your instant pot just just bear with me i am so glad that you're just even here okay so the most import the most important button is the pressure cook button or the manual button depending on which one you have i love using that button because you can control how much time you cook things for so let's say i put some food in here i'm going to push the pressure cook button and then you can change your time all these other buttons like the soup the meat the chili the beans the rice all it's doing is a specific time that's all those buttons are there for and so really i really like to control how much time i'm actually putting on here because yes their rice button let's check is 12 minutes well i make white rice it only takes seven minutes so to me that's not even right so that's why i don't like using those buttons sorry instant pot okay so we kind of that's the main gist of the buttons now we're gonna do the water test now don't be intimidated by this it's not scary at all so you're gonna take a cup of water and you're gonna put it right into the bottom of your instant pot then gonna put your lid on there we go you can hear that little jingle that means you're doing it right then on the top of your instant pot there's this little knob take it off so you can see if i can take it off correctly oh my head you guys i took it off when it was out of the way there we go okay so you have this little knob it turns to sealing and venting now when you're cooking with your instant pot you want to make sure that little knob is on ceiling because that's how it pressurizes so we're going to turn this little thing to a ceiling okay then for the water test you're just going to do it for two minutes so let's go over here we're going to push the pressure cook button or the manual button excuse me how embarrassing there we go and you're going to push the down button and we are going to go to two minutes that's all your water test takes is two minutes excuse me guys embarrassing so once you set the timer you can kind of just walk away it's gonna stay on and it's gonna beep at you and now it's going to start to pressurize now as is pressurizing don't be scared because you're going to smell some sort of like a plasticky smell that's okay that's normal it only happens the first time and then you won't get that smell anymore so plastic smell you're fine okay so it takes anywhere i don't know for about five to even 20 minutes for your pot to pressurize this one shouldn't take very long because it's just water when you have like a frozen roast in there it takes a lot longer to pressurize anyways okay while this is pressurizing i'm gonna get some questions over here so if you guys have any questions let me know okay so this this is a brand new cloth that is out with the mickey mouse one it is a six quart i like using my six quart i use six quart for the majority of my recipes um i do have an eight quart which i love doing my freezer meals in because i can just keep them all the way frozen and just throw them in because they fit but the the cooking time everything's all the same i'm just the pots a little bit bigger okay oh thanks for the shredders you're welcome you're welcome i have no idea how it works oh danielle you're in the right spot this is how this is working today we're gonna make it work um love your rice recipe nice um do you have a yogurt recipe yes so if you go um to youtube type in instant pot yogurt sick sister stuff and mine will pop right up it's it's pretty simple to find things on youtube oh can you tell i'm out of breath i get so nervous just kidding okay why do i have problems getting the lid on so i have noticed some of the newer ones they're a little bit harder to get on than the older ones so i don't know why that is i don't know if they've made things just a little bit smaller a little bit tighter so as you're doing it just try and make sure everything is lined up perfectly before you turn it on um or turn turn it so the lid stays on okay kidding let's see so this is actually the duo so not the duo nova just the duo um you can tell it's the duo because it still has the knob the most popular one right now is the duo nova and i believe it's going on sale for um why can't i think black friday those usually go on sell for like 50 bucks so if you haven't gotten one and you can wait just a few more weeks maybe wait till black friday and jump on it quick because it's an awesome deal i always suggest people buying it at some pot on black friday um bought one last year and it's still in the box laura laura let's get it out today let's go um okay let's see do you use different instant pots for different things you cook yes um my sisters and i counted the other day i have a total of eight instant pots i kinda have a problem but i sometimes can have three going at the same time i'll have um some rice my chicken dish or whatever um i'm cooking and then also a side dish on the side so yes okay let's read some of these okay i have a ninja brand very basic there's no detailed instructions okay i actually just bought a ninja brand and a crock pot brand because my cute little friend that i work out with she's like i don't know how to use it because there's not a ton of instructions so that video is coming out soon i just need to learn how to use it real quick but there's a lot of people on there um on youtube that have used it so maybe i suggest go following them see the basics of it but it seems pretty self-explanatory as you get used to it okay i prepped 10 mils um from you and your sister last week super excited yay i'm so excited now sometimes people it's a love-hate relationship with those freezer meals either they love the freezer meals or they hate the freezer meals so i apologize if you're one who hates the freezer mills i yes sometimes like i love making them because i'll make like seven and then i'll just keep it in my freezer for the month and when it's just a busy busy night i'll just throw one in the instant pot but um yes i'm glad i'm glad some of you like the freezer mills and i apologize this last one we had some angry people sometimes my recipes with the freezer meals are not the healthiest mostly because it's gonna beep at me good okay really quick pausing conversation so it beeped and now it's gonna show for the two minutes so now it's going to start counting down for us anyways back to my freezing meals i apologize that it wasn't the healthiest oh my struggling guys struggling today and um yeah i i do actually make pretty healthy recipes but just my freezer meals ones it's better than take out and so we're kind of just going for it just simple as possible to throw together so i apologize it's not the healthiest put some vegetables with it there we go okay my knob was a little bit unventing so if that starts to happen make sure that it's all the way on ceiling and then you won't have any problems okay good we're gonna let that go for a little bit um let's see any more questions sorry i just can talk and talk and talk so i'm glad you guys are here talking with me okay some people like unhealthy meals perfect okay me too sometimes i just enjoy a nice big burger too i'll be honest i love burgers um okay oh my goodness i forgot one of the most important things is cleaning your instant pot before it comes oh my goodness i'm so glad someone said that okay so before you start cooking with your instant pot usually take the lid off and i like to just scrub everything with soap and water you just never know where it's been and so that's what i like to do so i'll do my lid i'll do my ceiling ring and i'll do the inside pot everything soap and water make sure it's all the way dry before you put it into your instant pot so okay sorry i'm just back to answering questions here i've never done like a q a live before so throw your questions out i'll try and get to them as best i can i'm sorry i'm wiggling the computer too um okay can you use it for recipes for your crockpot express yes you can you just yes you can pause okay for those that just opened their instant pot that have just figured out the water test we're going to when it's done it's going to say an l on it at least this model will that means it's all the way done and it's going to start counting up so what we're going to do is take a little knob and we're going to push it over to venting to let out all the pressure and it's going to be loud now that's how you do it and once all the pressure's out you can lift up your lid but i don't think you guys want to sit here for two minutes just watching my instant pot vent so i'm gonna go back to the questions if that's okay for just a little bit um okay so we talked about can you use it in uh the crockpot brand yes you can you can definitely use it um the crockpot express excuse me you just have to be careful i'm not exactly sure if you can adjust the buttons or not um so you just want to find a time that is close to what the food that i say to cook for so if there's like a poultry button go ahead and push the poultry it will cook chicken it will cook um turkey but if you have a roast you just want to make sure that it's i personally would put up put it in there push poultry or whatever button they have and just let it sit there all day on keep warm or the function just so it is cooked all the way through because you it's horrible when you open your lid and you just have a raw roast it's it's not a good thing okay let's see cooking okay perfect i do always say sealing not venting that is my words that i say and hopefully you'll say it to yourself too as you're cooking your instant pot um i can't cook rice always get the bird notice what should i do okay so first of all instant pots they're all a little bit different especially different models they cook things differently so if you're finding that you get the burn notice a lot when you're cooking rice or other things i would suggest adding more liquid add more liquid than what it says because your instant pot probably gets a little bit hotter than other instant pots um you could also do the pot in pot so i like to use let me grab something i'll show you i actually have a whole shelf that's dedicated to instance okay so you can actually even use like one of these super simple you can get them on amazon you can get a springform pan so what you'll do is you put your rice and your water in here then you'll put it in the instant pot put a little bit of water underneath your pot too um that's not making sense so in your pot you're gonna put water in then you're gonna put water and rice in this makes it really good and you'll cook it in this that way you won't have any burn notice but if you don't want to do the extra pot just add a little bit extra water okay got next gotten instant pot two weeks ago absolutely the best cooking tool and so easy to use awesome usually it takes on average i've noticed it takes anywhere from like a month to four months to open the instant pot so that's why i wanted to make this video today um love love the cover you have thank you this is actually um instant pot sent it to me it's just a brand new disney line they came out with that they've teamed up with disney and yeah pretty pretty excited um okay there seems to be a wide range on instant pot times yours seems to be right on thank you i have cooked oh hundreds and hundreds of recipes so i i just show you how i like to cook things so people might teach you something else that's great if that works for them but i'm glad you appreciate that um what instant power using this is a duo a six quart duo um what is the most unusual thing you have ever made in your instant pot well we have an instant pot cookbook that is coming out in like three weeks three and a half weeks right before thanksgiving and um yes we've cooked all kinds we had to experiment so much with that lots of desserts which desserts are kind of hard for me i'm not very it's it's almost easier for me to throw in the oven than just to cook an instant pot but we did a lot of experimenting and yeah i'm excited but i think the weirdest thing the thing is is popcorn i don't love making popcorn in my instant pot but my kids love it so it gets a little bit greasy so i guess that's the most interesting thing i guess um single dad love your videos i am so glad i am so glad oh and doing the pre-pair app awesome you guys i'm doing a plug for the pre-pair app because holy moly it has changed how i shop it's changed everything of what i do so we kind of give you all the recipes now granted there's not a lot of instant pot on there yet that the instant pot plants coming out in january but right now we give you the recipes you have a few to choose from it's so simple i literally can go grocery shopping in about 20 minutes and then either go pick it up or have it delivered so simple so yeah i'll put a link down below when i'm done here if you're interested no pressure at all it's it's it's my new favorite thing though um i did your meatloaf oh i haven't done meatloaf in a long time that's that is a great idea okay sorry guys i am trying to get as many as i can how many total in spots for you and your sisters i think all my sisters have either one or two and then so there's a lot there's a lot when we do filming day we get like i bring all my instant pots and we just whip out those recipes as fast as not as fast but it's a lot easier when we have a lot of instant pots it makes cleaning kind of easy like okay next one and grab a brand new instant pot so um okay what are your favorite instant pot accessories oh and they're coming through there we go more extras i love a springform pan this this is like the econova stacking pan that i really like to use i love using a steamer basket love my steamer basket there is a video if you just go to instant pot accessories sick sister stuff if you type that whole thing in you'll find my favorite accessories and those are pretty spot-on of the things that i use all the time i do have well when i just had one pot i had an extra um instant pot pot like the inner pot game changer if you have one pot grabbing the next one of those is so nice okay will you be posting this live after i don't know i am just rambling on so maybe i'll keep it for a little bit but uh yes it's mostly just for the people who are live today so i'm so glad you guys are here um setting the ceiling ring in the sun will make any odor go away that is a great suggestion joe i never thought about that before i love that now if you're brand brand new um i like joe's suggestion but it's gonna be it's gonna snow here this weekend in utah but when your pot is all done i like to see if we can oh i'm not quite there yet i um when i store my instant pot i flip my lid upside down and so the ceiling ring can breathe because if you don't it will start to sting pretty bad in there um okay look at all these fun things okay okay oh no snow here more keto and gluten free yes yes we that is a tough one that is a really tough one for me um so my husband did keto for a little bit and i did one keto recipe one keto video and it did well and so the goal was to make another one but then we started coming out with product and it just kept getting pushed and pushed so i'm thinking january will start to do more consistent at least when i have like when i do all the freezer meals or i do multiple recipes hopefully one will be gluten free and one will be keto so i can kind of hit everyone that wants to be on here um okay what is the best recipe to try for beginners so if you're brand brand new i would suggest making eggs first eggs or chicken now i have um videos on those so you can do it with me step by step it will make it a whole lot easier but oh any any one of my freezer meals anything that says dump and go on sick sister stuff those are the best kind because you don't have to think about it you just throw everything in so my brother is on keto and it's super easy in the instant pot yes especially if you're like you need meat for a meal if you need eggs for a meal if you know it's super easy to cook all those things in your instant pot so when my husband did keto i would prep everything in that thing i didn't necessarily make whole meals out of it but i would prep all of his meat and stuff like that so some of that joe is up to four instant pots i'm hooked yes joe that's awesome um can you do slow cooker recipes using the instant pot so yes if it has enough liquid in it especially like soups and stuff you can easily put those into an instant pot super super easy um you just want to make sure whatever is whatever is in that recipe that will take the longest amount of cooking time that's what you need to set the timer for so say you're making uh i don't know let's just say a chicken soup i use chicken a lot sorry guys i love chicken um so you want to make sure that you cook it for 15 to 20 minutes if it's thawed even though your vegetables don't need that long to cook you have to cook it for the longest um forever how long at the thing that will take the longest time to cook that's all i need to cook it for okay when you say eggs do you mean hard boiled eggs or other version of eggs i just do hard-boiled eggs in mine and i do the 5-5-5 method some people live in different states where the pressure is different oh thank you mr b oh my gosh you are my very first one oh my goodness i have never had anyone do a super chat so thank you that you just made my whole day um anyways so yeah so 555 method is what i do but some people do like a 666 or even a 777. if you don't know what i'm talking about go on youtube and go look up six sister stuff five five five method um yeah and then it will make sense for you so you cook it for five minutes you let it release just let it sit in there for five minutes and then you put it in ice for five minutes so that's kind of the plan oh thank you i'm glad i'm your favorite sister you also see me a lot so i actually am the sister who runs the youtube but all the other sisters have jobs in other areas so i just loved youtube so much that i just i thought it was fun so i not the best of videos but i'm trying so hopefully that helps you um how does the saute setting work good question danielle and daniel i hope you opened your instant pot okay once this done it's done okay so i actually let all the pressure release on its own so i checked it by turning the knob to venting then you can lift yourself okay awesome now if everything works with your instant pot you're good you're good you can start cooking food but when you want to use the saute button you're going to push cancel um if you've been using it for anything else or when you just turn it on so say that we turned it off turn it back on it's gonna stay off so we're gonna push the saute button so usually oh the timer's set for 30 minutes it doesn't matter i just push saute and then i will just wait for it to get hot this little guy will say hot on it when it's all the way ready right now it says on because it's just heating up so it's going to stay hot as soon as it says hot then you can start adding your butter your oil your vegetables you can just use it like you would a pan on your stove top so yeah that's what that is for um yes just make sure that if you don't if you're doing like onions or things that will stick to the bottom of your pot before you pressurize you want to make sure you scrape all the stuff off the bottom that way it won't burn because when you get the burn notice that's it's like the worst feeling in the world i'm sure some of you agree with me okay sorry i'm just chatting today i've never done a live like this it's kind of fun um you're doing great live especially if you're starting you don't do the time sorry i'm gonna work on it though i really am gonna try and work on it all right okay let's see see if i can get all these questions okay i put breast heart it does block in it takes forever to pressurize open the check bottom is very brown so the herdes um is a little bit thick so sometimes when that's thick put put some water down first then the herdes don't mix it just let the water be on the bottom first and then hopefully you won't burn next time oh my teeth are perfection thank you hopefully there's not food in them you're so sweet thank you okay i'm glad this one came up how do you use the slow cooker on the instant pot um slow cooker is not my favorite thing to use on that spot i'll be honest but oh i'm sorry sisters are going to start texting soon um okay when you use the slow cooker the slow cooker is different than your slow cooker that just your normal slow cooker so the temperature does not rise quickly and it takes a lot longer so normally when you cook something in the slow cooker on high for three to four hours you'd have to cook it for about eight hours in this little guy so it just takes a whole lot longer if you're using your slow quicker so just make sure you have plenty of time to cook and i wouldn't suggest doing a big roast in there i would actually just pressurize it if you need to make it in the morning do your roast in the morning let it sit on warm the whole day and then it'll be perfect but the slow cooker button ah it's not my favorite it works but it just takes a whole lot longer to do okay sorry make sure i'm getting all these questions i know it's not fun to watch me scroll down okay i'm doing chicken fajitas tonight nice dirty dad very nice i'm so glad i'm lots of you i'm glad that you watch the channel it makes it makes me so happy um and happy i did this live oh good i'm glad it's helping you and just to get to know me a little bit better so okay do you make all your thanksgiving meals in the instant pot and if you do any tips okay we just filmed lots of videos for thanksgiving so the one coming out november 1st is how to cook your whole entire thanksgiving dinner in an instant pot now i'm not gonna obviously do that on thanksgiving but just to give you guys different options because your oven gets full on thanksgiving so i i'm really excited for it it's going to be fun um yeah it'll be fun and and if you were here you guys there are 500 of you right now there is a huge giveaway on november 1st so you want to make sure you watch that video because we are giving away i'm going to tell you right here because you guys joined me for this live and i'm so happy we're giving away a year of groceries so be watching november 1st a whole entire year of groceries we're giving away and i'm just to you guys just we're just to give back i'm so excited so be watching it'll be so fun okay so many questions um how do i cook spaghetti in the instant pot without it burning i um i don't get the burn notice okay the older versions don't have a burn notice so when you're cooking spaghetti this is my tip okay are you ready i'm just gonna wiggle my hands so you can see you put your noodles down first then you put your water then you want to put your sauce on top of your noodles do not mix anything together when you do that then it should pressurize you need to put in more water than asks for um so usually i will put my noodles in fill up my water to the top of my noodles and then you can put your sauce on top but to be honest for me it's a whole lot easier to just cook my noodles and then throw in my spaghetti sauce later because that way you won't have any issues of burning noodles only takes four minutes super easy so that's that's what i suggest with um spaghetti all my sisters struggle with spaghetti they get the bird nose every time so okay thank you thank you i'm so so glad you guys are here okay i'm trying to think just in the u.s let me go figure all the details of that and i will let you know okay okay your thoughts on instant pot knockoffs most of the people on here actually have instant pot knockoffs and they work just fine um the only thing is that sometimes you can't adjust for what each specific recipe needs like timer wise so if you're choosing to get a knockoff that's great it will work just fine but for me instant pot was just a whole lot easier but i do i was telling you guys earlier i did get two other instant pots that we're going to open and figure out how to use so then we can kind of talk with everyone so i can explain things a little bit better and easier for everyone um i need to go but i'll watch the next video bye bye okay yes giveaways okay i know you guys gotta go i probably should go crabs and shrimp and then spot okay that needs to happen soon because those are my two of my most favorite things so i love the suggestion all right any last questions i have about two minutes so any more questions you have throw them on here really fast oh here we go should i sear my meat first when cooking like a roast okay to be honest i can't really tell a difference if i sear it or not if it's cooked in the instant pot because it makes it so tender it might change the flavor a little bit but for me personally i can't really tell so i just throw it in there okay um what is the lowest price for an instablock hey my sister just found at i believe walmart for 50 bucks like two days ago but wait until black friday or just kind of watch your ads 50 is like the lowest i've ever seen 49.99 for a 6 quart that's this is the perfect time um definitely okay what's a super spot um how do you do pot and pot with oatmeal or is it better just two in the bottom i actually just like to do it right into the bottom um but some people love pot and pot just make sure there's enough liquid in there that it's not going to burn um can you make it i believe that's an indian dish yes i love indian food and i need to do better um i paid 27 dollars for air fryer and instant awesome awesome okay clown chowder good choice good choice k any other questions you guys have okay why does it come out okay well i'm trying to get all these things nice okay guys i think that's about it yes i will do that okay guys well just know i appreciate you so much this is i was only planning on going for like seven minutes that was my goal if i could talk for seven minutes so i am so glad so glad you're here and yeah i will see you guys later now we're making an amazing chili on sunday if you want to stop by we had chili for halloween that's why we're doing chili because it is literally the sunday before halloween and i'm excited okay guys we'll see you later bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 60,343
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, How to use and Instant Pot, Instant Pot 101, Do this first when using at instant pot, Do this first, Instant Pot water test, Six sisters stuff how to use an instant pot, six sisters stuff, how to open an instant pot
Id: VVPN9vSvk38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 7sec (1987 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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