20 of the BEST Things to Make in the Instant Pot - What I ALWAYS Make

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today on sick sister stuff i'm sharing with you 20 of the best things to make in the instant pot now if you guys have been around for a while you know that i love sharing simple easy recipes so you guys can get dinner on the table now starting out i did a lot of instant pot recipes i started a few years ago now i've slowly dabbled in other things such as freezer meals sheet pan recipes and even air fryer recipes but we're going back to instant pot today because i want to share with you the things that i make the very most so these are my top 20 instant pot recipes that you can make all the time now the first seven recipes are what i like to call the basics then the next 13 recipes are simple easy dinner ideas so guys we're ready let's just jump into it the first recipe is ground beef i love cooking ground beef in the instant pot all right so i'm gonna start with the three pounds of ground beef yes that's a lot of ground beef but i'll show you what i do with it later so i'm gonna put my little trivet in the bottom of my pan then i'm gonna add about one cup of water because you have to have the liquid in order for it to pressurize now it's time for the meat now i've put this on my counter for about an hour it's still really really frozen so i'm gonna break it apart so i can put it in pieces in the instant pot now if you need to break up your meat into a few different pieces it will still work you just want to make sure that your meat is below the fill line so the lid will go on your instant pot now i'm just going to hurry and go wash my hands and then it's time to put the lid on now you want to make sure that it is sealed all the way and turn the little knob so it's on ceiling not venting okay so i love my manual button or just a normal pressurized pressure cook whatever your instant pot says and we're going to 25 minutes now when your instant pot's done it will start counting up or it's releasing on its own i let it release on its own for about 10 to 15 minutes turn the knob over there's no steam to come out so i can take my lid off now i wish you could smell my kitchen because it smells so good right now now it looks like it's still like a brick of meat but don't worry we're gonna turn it into ground beef and it will really look ground up okay so i'm gonna take my two big chunks and if you have multiple little chunks put them all into a bowl and the first thing i did is cut it up just a little bit now this is cooked together like a meatloaf really is cooked together so you have to split up the meat and doing this it was the easiest to use a knife then once i cut it up into big chunks i got my chop and stir if you don't have one of these with your ground beef i highly suggest getting one they're like six bucks on amazon and it's my favorite so i just chopped up all of my meat and that really is all there is to it this is going to be my new way of cooking ground beef and i am so excited now i just have to show you that all the grease literally dripped to the bottom of the pan which makes it a whole lot healthier okay now three pounds of meat is a lot so i'm splitting it up into three different one pound bags so i'm gonna freeze two of my bags that each have one pound of ground beef and then i'm going to put one in the refrigerator because i am making taco soup i love having ground beef just sitting around all cooked ready to go then if i need to do a quick meal of tacos taco soup something that is so simple that has ground beef in it i can just grab it out of the freezer and go the second recipe is called instant pot corn i will never go back to heating up a big pot again instant pot is the way to go now if you've never made corn in the instant pot now's the time to do it you don't have to watch it you don't have to wait for it so i took one cup of water and i threw four ears of corn on you could add probably one more in a six quart instant pot now if you're using a three quart one go ahead and split the corn in half if you're using an eight quart you can add more corn if you want all right we're going to close the lid and put it on sealing and now for my favorite part because it really doesn't take a lot of time i'm gonna push manual and go all the way down to five minutes now once it's done i do a quick release so i can eat my corn faster but if you do need to wait a little bit it is fine just to sit in the instant pot until dinner is ready so i take my lid off and my corn is perfectly done number three i love cooking hard-boiled eggs in the instant pot i feel like it is now the only way that i cook hard-boiled eggs so i just poured one cup of water right into the instant pot now i have this little thing this trivet that came with my instant pot you can also use a steamer rack or something else but this one holds about six of them so i'm going to close up my lid then make sure the knob is on ceiling not venting i love my manual buttons so i'm pushing manual and we're going to five minutes now when it's done you want to let it sit let the timer go up for about five minutes before you turn on venting and take the lid off now the trick with boiled eggs is is that you want to put them in ice water as soon as that five minutes is up and let them sit for a few minutes until they're cool then peeling them is a breeze since it's been sitting in that ice water now if you can see cut this open it is the perfect boiled egg number four is one of my most asked questions is how to cook chicken in the instant pot so we're gonna start off here by i put four chicken breasts inside the bottom of my instant pot then i'm adding one and a half cups of water now because this chicken is frozen i'm going to cook it just a little bit longer so i'm going to put my lid on close it all the way and then turn my little knob to sealing now i'm going to push the manual button because i love the manual button and go up to 25 minutes now if you're gonna cook thawed chicken i cook it between 15 and 20 minutes now when it's done i moved my knob over to venting so it's a quick release and then i take my lid off i let it cool for a minute before i take my chicken out and i love to shred my chicken because today i am making chicken enchiladas and i want shredded chicken number five is sweet potatoes so i'm gonna do three sweet potatoes here so i'm putting these on the rack this time and i added one cup of water now i'm just gonna put the lid on and as you know sealing not venting so it will pressurize now i'm just gonna push manual and go up to 15 minutes to cook sweet potatoes now i did a quick release and pulled the lid right off but for some reason my camera wasn't filming so i apologize about that now these sweet potatoes are done they're a little bit more firm that i like so i'm actually going to put my lid back on and cook them for another five minutes but i like my sweet potatoes really really soft so if you like them a little bit more firm but still cooked all the way through cook them for 15. if you like them really soft cook them for 20. you can serve these different ways you could peel them and mash them up and have mashed sweet potatoes or last week i made a delicious sweet potato chicken recipe i'll put a link in the description for you if you didn't see it number six is instant pot rice now you can make your rice different ways you can use oil you can use salt but i just use two simple ingredients which are rice and water now there are recipes that call for oil and salt i'll also put those in the description below for you so you can have all of your rice recipes right in the description okay so on to the recipe i have one cup of rice that i rinsed until the water ran clear so this is my cup of rice and i'm just gonna put it right in the bottom of my instant pot all right next i'm gonna add my water so for one cup of rice i like to add one and one fourth cup of water or chicken broth or any type of liquid that i want to cook my rice with the most simple basic recipe is just water so one cup of rice to one and a fourth cup of water now i like my rice a little bit softer so that's why i do one and a fourth cup okay we're gonna put my lid on and make sure your knob is on sealing not venting now if your instant pot has a rice cooker you can push that but if it doesn't you can just do manual or high pressure that's what manual is it's just high pressure so because i love my manual button that's what i'm going to push all right so with white rice we are going down to eight minutes now you can go as little as four minutes depending how you like the texture i like it really soft so eight minutes it is then let the rice release on its own for nine to ten minutes then when you're done with the nine to ten minutes you switch over the knob to venting and it should let out all the rest of the steam then you can just pull your lid off and it will be a little steamy but your rice should be fully cooked now this is how i make the sticky rice i love sticky rice for recipes because it's just a lot easier to eat but if you add a little bit of oil it will make it a little bit harder so it won't stick together and i'll put that recipe in the description below for you but for me i love my sticky white rice number seven is instant pot ham i love cooking ham in the instant pot and then i'll just put it in little separate baggies and freeze it for lots of different meals so this is a spiral ham it's already been pre-cooked so you really don't have to do much to it other than add a lot of flavor and heat it up so that's what your instant pot is for so we're gonna make a yummy sauce to go on top of it and then we'll cook it so let's get started so i have a half a cup of brown sugar that we're just gonna dump in here then we have a half a cup of honey i'm kind of just gonna eyeball it because really you can never have too much honey am i right i am right then we have two tablespoons of dijon mustard we'll just pour on top again i'm just going to kind of eyeball my two tablespoons and then you want you can't forget your spices so we have a fourth teaspoon of nutmeg and a half teaspoon of cinnamon so i'm just gonna put those in here too and i'm just gonna take my basting brush and just kind of mix it all together all right once it's nice and all mixed together now it's time to put everything into the instant pot so i'm gonna scooch that forward let's just over for you so the first thing you wanna do is you wanna put a trivet onto the bottom of the instant pot now you don't want to high trivet you want one that's pretty low so trim it on the bottom if you don't have a trivet i've done it before without a trivet it works just fine next we're going to add a cup and a half of water so we'll just pour that into the bottom of pot because it has to pressurize right then i'm going to show you a little bit how i'm going to do it to the ham but then i'm going to transfer it over so it's not a big brown sugar mess right here so we're going to take some of our sauce and i like to keep put it in between each piece and just kind of spread it around a little bit if you need it more liquidy you can do that too and just add a little bit more water but i like it nice and thick because it will get more liquidy as it goes on so just depending on how you like it some people just like to take this and just pour it all over so the edges are nice and flavored i love my inside flavor so transfer it over it's going to be kind of a tight fit if it doesn't fit all the way for you you can always trim some edges off and let it fit but it fits just fine for me so we're going to just continue basting this little guy basting the outside basting the inside just to give it some yummy flavor i love that dijon mustard flavor too it's i can smell it once everything's in you're ready to go so it's okay if your ham goes over a little bit on the line you have a little bit of room on your lid so it's okay if it goes over just a little bit as long as your whole entire thing is not over and as long as your lid can go on you're fine okay so we're gonna put the lid on there we go now usually i'll have you turn the knob to ceiling not venting and but this one is a different one so i don't have to push i don't have to turn any knobs it will automatically do it for me we're going to push the pressure cook button now all you have to really do is get it warm so we're going to go all the way down to four minutes you are all right just just four minutes is how long you cook your ham the good thing is you can cook it and then you can just leave it in your instant pot until you're all done all right so we are good this is a little bit of a different pot so i need to push start but most the time you can just set the timer and walk away okay so we are all done here we're just going to wait for it to cook and then yep i'll show you what it looks like okay so once the timer is done you had your four minutes of cooking you can go ahead and release the pressure once all the pressure's out carefully open your lid there we go and you guys your ham is done it is all done and it smells so good now i love this because you can make a delicious gravy with the drippings that are in there and you also get just really good ham so instead of pulling it all out because it's still burning hot i'm just going to cut you a few pieces just so you can see how good it is there we go oh my gosh okay we colored up the edges too with the sauce that we put on it's it is delicious absolutely delicious number eight is my instant pot mac and cheese super simple and i swear you'll never make mac and cheese a different way so you want to make sure your lid is off your instant pot because obviously you need to use the pot and with we're making macaroni and cheese of creamy macaroni and cheese so we're going to start with one pound of elbow macaroni then we're gonna do four cups of chicken broth now i love to get these containers because i know that there are four cups in here and i don't have to measure anything so we're gonna pour it all in okay now the secret when making pasta is that you want to make sure yes i am using my finger you want to make sure that all the noodles are covered in liquid if you don't have enough liquid then you need to add more liquid to it you just want to make sure all the noodles are covered or you're going to have some hard noodles with your pasta all right this is all that we have to do we're going to put the lid on now okay we're putting the lid on can you hear that that means you're doing it right then you're going to turn this little knob to ceiling now the other instant pots have a different looking knob they both have ceiling and venting so make sure that it's on ceiling okay once it's on ceiling then we're going to come over here and we're going to push the manual button or the pressure cook button and we're going to go down to just 4 minutes pasta only takes 4 minutes to cook so once you push the buttons then you're going to wait for it to stay on once it says on you're good to go now the difference between making like let's say macaroni and cheese in the instant pot compared to on your stove top is that you literally can set your timer to four minutes and walk away now you think of all the steps you have to do when you do it on the stove top you have to heat your water you have to make sure it doesn't boil over then you have to put your noodles in you have to wait about seven minutes for your noodles to cook and you were just at the stove top the whole entire time with the instant pot i can go clean up the kitchen i can go put away the laundry i can do a lot of other things while it's cooking so this is why i love the instant pot so much all right we're gonna let this cook and then i'll come back and i'll finish making the rest of macaroni and cheese so once it's all done cooking you're gonna have it say l l means that it is done you'll usually hear a little sound that it is done it beeps at you and then it's gonna start counting up so you'll know how many minutes it's been done so usually with pasta and other things i like to do something called a quick release a quick release is when you turn it to venting right when it's done cooking now if you see some instructions that say natural release that means you're just going to leave it just as it is and let it release the pressure on its own natural release but with pasta and because i want to make this really quick we're going to turn it to quick release which is turning it to venting so all the steam will come out okay so once that's all done there's a little pin that will drop that means that you can open your lid safely and if you can see the pasta is cooked perfectly now there is a little bit liquid at the bottom and that is just fine because we're going to use that liquid for the macaroni and cheese so just kind of mix your noodles around a little bit there might be a little bit stuck together but that's not hard once you start mixing they'll come apart okay so now we're gonna push the saute button the saute button is the other button that i use all the time so you can brown your onions or you can brown your meat stuff like that but we're gonna use the saute button today to make everything warm so first we're gonna push the cancel and then we're gonna push the saute button there you go okay now it's time to add the good stuff with the mac and cheese so we're first gonna add a half a cup of milk and i'm just gonna eyeball this a little bit and then about a teaspoon of dijon mustard you don't have to add the dijon i just like it just gives it a little bit of a kick and then just a dash of hot sauce you can use your favorite hot sauce whatever hot sauce you like or if you don't like hot sauce you don't even have to add the hot sauce i just like the extra flavor that it gives it and then last we're gonna add just two tablespoons of butter so i'm just gonna mix these things in there right now so we're gonna let the butter melt and mix in the mustard and everything else it's starting to smell good all right so once the butter is all melted now we're just gonna add two cups of cheddar cheese i like to use sharp cheddar cheese but you can use any kind of cheddar cheese that you want now if you shred your own cheddar cheese that will make it mix a little bit easier but i'm kind of lazy and i like to buy pre-shredded so i don't even have to worry about that stuff i'm a more dump everything in and go kind of person all right once your cheese is melted and everything is melted and mixed together go ahead and push the cancel button you don't want to keep sauteing or will burn the bottom of your pan it will burn the noodles so we're turning it off and so you'll just have nice hot mac and cheese ready to serve now if you want to make this a little bit earlier in the day you can always push the cancel button again it is also the keep warm button and you can just let it sit here for an hour or two i would put the lid back on and let it sit until you're ready to eat all right oh man these noodles smell so good i can smell just a little bit of dijon mustard in there it's my favorite now i was thinking that you could easily do if you have the other box mac and cheese you could easily make just the craft macaroni and cheese too because it's literally the same thing you're just cooking your noodles and adding everything else when you're done number nine is one of the most popular recipes on our website it's instant pot creamy enchilada soup you're gonna start by putting two or three chicken breasts in the bottom of your instant pot now these are chicken tenders you can use tenders or you can use chicken breasts now if you are making this in the slow cooker you're gonna do the same exact thing that i do in my instant pot except when it's cooking you're gonna cook for six to eight hours on low next you're going to add two cloves of garlic i also like to use the minced garlic so it's about one teaspoon next you're going to add one teaspoon of chili powder oop got a little too much there next you're gonna add one teaspoon of worcestershire one teaspoon of that sauce then add one teaspoon of tabasco sauce in it now that seems like a lot but it actually isn't too spicy if your kids are funny about spice maybe do a half teaspoon then on top of that i'm going to add one small chopped onion next add one chopped red pepper now they didn't have red peppers at my store so i used an orange one then one can of drained black beans then you're gonna add one can of corn you're not gonna drain the corn dump everything in next add two cups of your favorite enchilada sauce then you're gonna add four cups of chicken broth now i love to get these big containers because i know it's already four cups and i can just dump the whole thing in without measuring next you're gonna add a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper and then you're ready to cook if you're doing the instant pot make sure you turn the handle and make sure the little thing is on ceiling not venting if you're cooking with a slow cooker put the lid on and set it for six to eight hours with the instant pot you're gonna go manual for 20 minutes now when it's done cooking i did a quick release so that means i pushed it over to venting and let all the steam out and i'm gonna take the lid off oh it smells so good now i'm just gonna find my chicken and shred it now with the instant pot it is going to be really hard to hold on to and it will shred very very easily now when you're done shredding your chicken you're going to add one half cup of cream and then about a half a cup of sour cream i might add a little more because i love when it's nice and creamy then when you're done with that stir it in a little bit so the sour cream can melt and the cream will mix in pretty good next you're gonna add two cups of cheddar cheese mix it really well until everything is melted and well combined now if you're doing this in the slow cooker you're gonna do the same exact thing you're just gonna make sure it's still on low while your sour cream and cheese are melting it's all done i like to serve it with cheese so the cheese is melting some little tortilla strips and cilantro on top number 10 is our instant pot beef stroganoff i love beef stroganoff so i put a little olive oil in the bottom of my instant pot push saute and then i have stew meat that i threw in now i'm putting garlic salt salt and pepper in there and now i'm just going to mix it around so it will sear the meat just a little bit so i'm going to let it sear for just about two to three minutes and then i'll add some other things so on top of the meat you're just gonna add some onions i did half of an onion but you can do a whole onion then add half a teaspoon of garlic or one garlic clove and then i added a whole container of mushrooms if you don't like mushrooms you don't have to add them in but i love them so i added a lot then you're just gonna mix it all up for a little while while your instant pot is still on saute you'll notice that the instant pot recipe is a little bit different than the slow cooker recipe and we're going to add two tablespoons of flour right now and then mix it all together all right then we're going to add one tablespoon of worcestershire worcestershire however you call it it's that sauce one tablespoon of it right on top and then you're gonna pour three cups of beef broth right on top and you'll have one cup left if you have a container like that keep that because we're gonna put that in later on all right our food is ready to cook we're gonna go ahead and put the lid on now make sure that it seals tightly and that it's on sealing not venting now mine is on saute right now so i'm gonna turn it off then i'm gonna push the manual button and go up to 12 minutes now if you're curious about cooking times i have a little cheat sheet right here or in the description i'll send a link so you can go find it there also now usually with me i like to let it release on its own but right now we're doing a quick release because i want to get the noodles in and cooked now as soon as all the pressure is released go ahead and take off the lid oh my goodness it smells so good so now i'm going to add about 16 ounces of egg noodles now when i'm done dumping it in i'm going to stir it around a little bit if there is lots of moisture in there go ahead and don't add any beef broth but i felt like i needed just a little bit more and so i added about a half a cup more of beef broth so now you're going to close the lid again make sure that it's on sealing again and then we're going to cook it so you're gonna have to turn your instant pot off again then push manual and go down to four minutes that's how long noodles take to cook now when it's all done i did a quick release because my kids were ready to eat and i was starving too so go ahead and take the lid off then you're going to take one cup of sour cream and just pour it right in you want to do this right after the lid is off because it was still going to be really hot now go ahead and mix in your sour cream now if you noticed mine has a little bit more liquid than i would like you can go ahead and keep the saute button on and it will thicken up because the flour that you put in there number 11 is dr pepper pulled pork now you can have a one to three pound pork here i'm gonna add of course my garlic salt and then one can of diet dr pepper now i know this isn't the most healthy but it's a little healthier than just plain dr pepper okay then we're going to add sweet baby raised barbecue sauce about one cup right on top of your pork now you are welcome to add other seasonings too but i love this recipe because it really you can make it with three ingredients and it's so easy to throw together all right putting the lid on we're going to sealing again because we want it to pressurize now we're going to push mat mule and go up because three pounds i usually go 50 to 60 minutes this is a two pound pork so we're going to 50 minutes now i let it release on its own for about 8 to 10 minutes then i just switch it over so i can get rid of all the rest of the pressure so i can open the lid now if you open the lid and your pork isn't cooked all the way the good thing about the instant pot is you can put the lid on and cook it some more now i want my pork to shred easily for this shredded pork recipe now once it's done shredding i'm gonna stick it back into my sauce and let it sit there for about 20 to 30 minutes i mean if you need it sooner that's fine but i like to have it soak up the flavor now you can serve this on buns i put a little extra barbecue sauce on top or you can serve over your favorite salad number 12 is actually my most favorite recipe spicy chicken and rice bowls then if you have leftovers you can make them into enchiladas which i love enchiladas you're gonna first start with two cups of rice that you have rinsed and drained so the water runs clear and you'll dump it right into the bottom of your instant pot add two and a half cups of water right on top of the rice now it's time for the seasoning now i just added pepper to taste because i love pepper then you're gonna add one teaspoon of salt next add one teaspoon of garlic powder and then that should be it for the seasoning so i have one can of black beans that i've rinsed and drained and then add one can of red enchilada sauce i used a 10 ounce can there okay so now i have two cups of shredded chicken i like to have mine already cooked and chopped up so we'll make this recipe cook even faster i just got a rotisserie chicken and chopped it all up now you're just going to put the lid on make sure that it's on ceiling not venting sealing and you are ready to cook it so i like to use my manual button that's about the only button i use so i'm pushing manual and because we just have to cook the rice we're going to go down to 10 minutes all right when it's all done i flipped the knob over and did a quick release and then just carefully pull the lid off be where it's still going to be hot and steamy but everything should be cooked all the way through now like i said before i love this recipe because it will work with enchiladas with tacos on top of your salad you can do all kinds of things with this recipe but i have to say my favorite is the rice bowl so i like to add cheese on while it's still hot so it can melt then add a little bit of sour cream a little bit of guacamole and then if you love cilantro i love to add cilantro to the top number 13 is instant pot lasagna it's a pot in pot recipe all right we're just going to start with our spring form pan like i said before this is the three inch by the six inch so you can get it a little bit bigger the seven inch but i'm using the six inch today all right we're gonna start with one egg then i'm gonna add one cup of ricotta cheese then when you're done adding the ricotta you're gonna add your spices so i have a half teaspoon of each one of these we have salt pepper oregano garlic powder and italian seasoning then you're just gonna dump those all in next we're gonna add one cup of mozzarella cheese then you're gonna mix everything until it's well combined all right when it's all mixed together you're going to set that aside and pull out your springform pan now i am using oven ready lasagna noodles so i don't have to boil them it makes it a lot easier so i'm going to kind of measure and then break them so they'll fit right into my pan now the noodles do not have to be pretty what you're trying to do is just cover up the bottom of the springform pan the best you can so if you notice i am using little pieces and it's okay because it will cook together all right so i'm just adding a few more noodles on and now i am ready to put half of my cheesy ricotta mixture in there then you're just gonna spread it around the best you can now i'm just going to take a handful of spinach leaves and just kind of tear them up and put them right on top of the cheese again it's lasagna so it doesn't have to be pretty next i have a 24 ounce jar of just traditional spaghetti sauce you can use whatever sauce you like in your lasagna then just spread the sauce around right over the spinach now you're just going to repeat your layers so you're going to add your noodles again and like i said before they don't have to be perfect because they will all cook together next you're going to add the rest of the cheese mixture right on top of the noodles then just spread it all around now we're ready for the spinach again so i just grabbed another little handful and i'm just ripping it up into pieces so it will lay as flat as i can get it and again you're gonna add a half of a cup of your spaghetti sauce or whatever sauce you love on top of your spinach leaves and just spread it around again now this is the last layer of noodles so again i'm going to try and measure them so they'll fit perfectly into my little pan again you're going to add another half cup or so of your sauce spread it around and now for my most favorite part the cheese so i added about a half a cup to a cup i like a lot of cheese so i added about a cup now once you're done with that you're going to take a piece of foil and put it right on top of your springform pam now my instant pot came with the steam rack and so that's what i'm going to use today to cook my lasagna i know there are a lot of other things you can use for your instant pot but this came with mine so we're just gonna make it easy alright so now i'm just adding one cup of water because you need water for it to pressurize then i'm gonna put my pan right on top then you're gonna put your lid on close it and make sure that your thing is turned to ceiling not venting you want to on ceiling then on your instant plot you're going to push manual and go up to 24 minutes then when it's done you're going to let it release on its own so you're not going to put on venting for 15 minutes so now i'm preheating my oven to 450 degrees take the foil off of your lasagna put it in and watch it for about two to three minutes until it's nice and golden brown on top number 14 is chicken alfredo all right so to get started you're going to push the saute button and we're going to let that heat up to hot yes okay so you'll just want to add about two tablespoons of olive oil to the bottom of your instant pot now can i show you my trick yes i like to pick it up and kind of just like mix it make sure it covers we'll cover it exactly no sticking no burning here today no not today all right then we're gonna add this is about three pounds of chicken now you can see that we've kind of cut it into strips um just it will make it cook so much faster if it's cut smaller and i'd like this i like the strips with alfredo right that's what you think of when you think of alfredo so and i like doing it beforehand because then after it's like you're trying to shred hot chicken and it's like right once this is just cooked it's just nice just nice and easy and done exactly you can hear sizzle sizzle so how long do you saute the chicken for so you're gonna do like three minutes on each side okay i'm trying to spread them out as best i can you're doing great thanks thanks almost done here here we go last oop last two here we go okay so we'll give them just a second let them sit there and then we'll just flip them over in about two to three minutes so then just to season them up a little we're just gonna do a little salt and pepper just for taste no direct measurement no and you know us we usually just kind of eyeball things that's how it works here [Music] okay they've been browned on both sides for about three minutes we're just gonna kind of stir them stir them up a little bit there we go okay now we're going to cook the pasta so let's add some of our stuff here okay so we're going to add one teaspoon of minced garlic nice okay then we'll add one teaspoon of parsley into this nice mix that around now i'm gonna hurry and turn off the saute button if that's okay cancel oh it smells good just for the garlic [Music] okay then let's add our pasta on top and then we'll add on the broth so we're gonna add just like one pound of the pasta and then the secret with the pasta is we're just going to make sure that all the pasta is covered with liquids so right now this is four cups of chicken broth that we're going to put in here looks like we just need to add yeah you want to measure that a little bit you might need to add just a little bit more just when your pasta is not touching the liquid it's going to get hard and crispy yeah we don't want that we want we want sausages how's that looking can we pat the rest down perfect i think we're ready now okay ready ready let's do it you're gonna put on your lid now if you have a little knob make sure that it's turned to ceiling not this one doesn't have a knob so it automatically just sets onto ceiling so you're good so you're gonna push the pressure cook button or the manual button and then we're gonna go down to four minutes because our chicken's pretty much cooked we just gotta cook the noodles and we're ready to go so once it's set you can go ahead and walk away all right so once the timer is all done you can go ahead and either turn your little knob to venting or with this instant pot all you have to do is press the button now so ready here we go okay once the pressure is out you can go ahead and safely take off the lid it does smell good so we're gonna mix it around it looks like there's like a little bit excess water yeah but not too much i feel like we're okay to just leave it as it is so okay now we're gonna add the good stuff we're gonna make the sauce yes to this we're going to add cream cheese and it's okay if it's still a little cold because it will all melt together with the hot pasta and the chicken right so that's like that's the eight ounce block of cream cheese okay while you're gonna do that i'm gonna put in like a fourth cup of parmesan [Music] nice you wanna mix it around and you put in the next awesome and then this is just one cup of mozzarella nice i love all this cheese i mean alfredo i guess it does all cheese all good stuff now if you wanted to cook a little bit faster you can push the saute button and we'll heat things up a little bit more okay this will take just a few minutes to melt all our cheeses and cream cheese and everything so you just keep at it keep at it [Music] so while we're waiting for it to you know melts thicken up a little bit to help thicken it up we're going to take two tablespoons of water and then just one tablespoon it's a half 2 of them so one tablespoon of corn starch and we're just going to mix it up a little bit and then put it in there while it's on saute to hopefully it will it will thicken it right up for us because you don't want liquidy chicken alfredo you want thick creamy chicken alfredo there we go all right so we're just going to stir this for a little bit until it's nice and thick okay so everything is stirred together it's creamy it's thickening up i'm just gonna yeah turn this off turn off our saute off there we go and then we're just gonna serve this up and we like to serve this with just a little bit of basil on top it just adds a really nice fresh flavor to it all you could also put a little bit more parmesan on top too that's one of my favorites never pose some more cheese never opposed to that especially with dealing with alfredo and there it is your finished product number 15 is another one of our most popular recipes it's instant pot fall off the bone ribs now don't be intimidated by these they really are so easy so first i'm going to add a lot of salt on top of my ribs and then a little bit of pepper next you're going to grab some apple juice and pour about a cup to a cup and a half into your pot now this is your liquid so you'll be able to get the pressure now my instant pot is a six quart and the ribs i'm using are beef ribs so they're actually a lot bigger but if you're using pork ribs you can put them in your instant pot just like this in any size of instant pot but because my ribs are so big they don't fit that way so i'm going to show you how i put them in [Music] so first you're just going to cut them right down the middle try not to cut the bone and try and make the meat is even on both sides if you can as soon as you're done cutting them you're gonna put them inside the instant pot one on top of the other then put on your lid make sure you seal it tight and always always make sure it's on ceiling so it'll work then you're going to press your meat stew button and go all the way down to 25 now i let this recipe do a slow release meaning i let it release on its own so now i'm just going to check if there's no pressure so i'm going to open it up and the smell of these things are amazing so i'm going to take some tongs pull them out and put them on a lined cookie sheet i lined it with foil so my cleanup is going to be a breeze before your instant pot is done cooking go ahead and preheat your oven to broil so it'll be about 550 degrees or broil now before we broil these we're gonna spread some barbecue sauce on them so they'll be caramelized i guess in barbecue sauce so i just did a few squirts of barbecue sauce you can use any kind of barbecue sauce you like and then i just spread it around so it will be pretty even on each rib then when you're done stick them in the broiler for about two to four minutes you need to watch it so it doesn't burn your ribs now instead of just dumping this applesauce i'm gonna put some potatoes in it because i'm gonna have mashed potatoes with my ribs this is totally optional but i'm all about easy side dishes when you have your potatoes in you're just going to turn it make sure it's sealed then you'll push manual you're going to go up to 15 minutes while those are cooking my ribs are done and they look amazing now because i only put a few potatoes on you can do a quick release and it won't splatter everywhere so there you go so i just took them out i mashed them up with my potato masher and there you go you have ribs and a perfect side of mashed potatoes number 16 was actually a meal someone brought to me and they were so kind to let me share that with you and that is our instant pot tuscan chicken all right so we're going to start out with two cups of pasta so the one that we are using and i don't know if i'm going to say it right deitolini di tolini it's a little one anyways they're the cutest little tubular pastas my kids love them because they're a fun shape right so you need two cups which is about half of a 16 ounce container just go ahead pour that into the bottom nice okay then we're gonna do also two cups of chicken broth and again this is four cups so we're gonna just kind of eyeball it and put in our two cups of chicken broth or at least until the noodles are all covered yep there we go okay then we're gonna add in two tablespoons of butter and you can just like it wants to come there we go there we go you can literally just pop it in because guess what it's gonna pressurize and melt and it's gonna be perfect perfect um just two cups of chicken yep cooked chicken cooked chicken cooked and diced okay okay then it's time to cook it all right you're gonna put your lid on you hear the little jingle that means it's on correctly then this is called the nova so you don't have to turn any knobs to ceiling or venting because yeah it doesn't have that but if you do have a different one like a duo or a lux make sure that your little knob is turned to ceiling all right so we're gonna push the pressure cook button and we're gonna go all the way down to about four minutes then once you set the timer you can literally just walk away all right it is finished cooking we are going to do a quick release because our pasta doesn't need to stay cooking continually so i'm gonna either push this or if you have the knob move it to venting we're gonna see how this works all right once all the pressure's out you can safely open it nice i love how big these noodles get right yes so right now you're just gonna mix in your chicken and your pasta and just kind of mix everything together well done now the nice thing about this if you fill up the liquid to where the pasta hits you don't have to drain anything you can actually just kind of mix and then we're ready to add the rest of the stuff that's awesome you're ready yep okay what you got okay so i'm going to start with the tomatoes these are sun-dried tomatoes yes they have been drained they come in a little jar so you drain them chop them up kind of into as big of pieces as you want so we did like four ounces of those you can do up to eight ounces if you if your family loves them yes yes okay next i'm just gonna add an eight ounce block of cream cheese um we'll get that starting to melt in there let it sit in the heat yes you can even if you want to cut it up break it up yeah it's a good idea even faster okay okay then we're gonna add about a half cup of grated parmesan cheese just dump that in and we've got how much uh parsley one tablespoon cool okay so we have half a teaspoon of pepper and half a teaspoon of garlic salt yep awesome all right i'm gonna just dump that in there you go [Music] nice all right i'll mix this a little bit okay and then we've got how much milk about half a cup okay right on top all right so this is going to take a little while for the cream cheese to like melt and mix in so we're actually going to help it along a little bit so you can push cancel and then you're going to push the saute button so it will just help it yeah cookies it up really fast and any extra liquid like that milk in there we'll make sure that it's all nice and thickened up a little bit there we go so good it does the other thing i'm going to throw in while you're mixing that up and heating up is just two cups of baby spinach and i actually kind of just rip it with my hands so it's even smaller good idea it's going to shrink a ton yeah you probably won't your kids probably won't even be able to see it yep but because i do have picky kids i am going to rip it up even smaller nice and a picky husband this is this is my life hide the vegetables in there seriously seriously okay so you want about two cups or two big handfuls of that nice and it will shrink down as the cream cheese melts and everything heats up [Music] all right so it all mixed together it smells amazing we're gonna push cancel here so it will stop cooking because we don't want it to burn onto the bottom yes but here is when you can either like serve it right now or you can let it cool down a little bit and then put it in a freezer mill bag or whatever you want that was a huge mess yes not the best serving spoon but you get the juice it's amazing and it tastes so good nice and creamy totally cheesy your kids can't even finish everybody loves this one number 17 brings back lots of memories growing up it's my mom's chili now if you want to cook your hamburger in your instant pot you can all you have to do is push the saute button put your meat in there i would also put your onions in there and you'll cook them together but it's halloween things are crazy so i cooked my meat in advance i'll put a link in the description for you on how to cook it inside your instant pot now onto the chili i have one pound of cooked ground beef i have three stalks of celery that i chopped up and then one whole onion you don't have to use a whole onion i just like onions so i like to do the whole thing on top of that you're gonna add one can of kidney beans i used dark kidney beans and i drained them rinsed them and drained them then you have eight ounces of tomato sauce and two cans of diced tomatoes just thrown right on top now with one of those cans of diced tomatoes i just filled up about half a cup of water and dumped it in the pot now the next thing is 1 4 cup of ketchup you can measure if you want i just always eyeball my ketchup this next step is optional but my mom always does it so you add one tablespoon of sugar then two tablespoons of worcestershire sauce where's to shire worst to share lots of comments about that one you can say it how you want i call it worcestershire sauce so you can mix it around a little bit if you want to but it's all pressurizing together so i just put the lid on make sure your little knob is on ceiling not venting then i'm using of course the manual button so if you have a different instant pot you use pressure cook just anything to make it pressurized just normal and you're going to cook it for 10 minutes now you can turn the knob and let the pressure release or you can let it release on its own now the chili is all the way done you're going to just mix it up a little bit now i'm curious what you guys like to serve on your chili we always serve ours with frito chips with cheese number 18 is this is my sister camille her favorite recipe it's cheesy chicken and rice bowls it's so good should we jump into this one let's do this this is one of our favorites on our website and we put it on the website not long ago and it exploded everyone loved this we're showing you just some simple ways to even make it easier than the recipe that's on the website exactly here's our shortcuts let's do it what are we starting with all right let's i'm gonna have you cut up the chicken okay so we're gonna have like one and a half pounds to two pounds of chicken chicken and i like to use the tenderloins because it just makes them cook a little bit faster and they're nice because they're small so they're easy to cut up and lots of times they've already been um the like the fats been they're trimmed yeah yeah so a lot of times they're already trimmed makes it really easy to cut it up i'm just cutting it into some kind of bite-sized pieces that's perfect especially for kids all right so she's cutting that i'm gonna push the saute button right here so when you push the saute button right now it says there's a little button that says less normal or more we're just going to keep it at normal because it's fine all right so saute then it's going to beep for you after you push the saute button it's going to start heating up once it gets hot i kind of just test it a little bit once it's hot then i add my oil and other things how long does it take to get hot sometimes like two minutes sometimes like five lots of times even before it's hot i'll just start cooking yeah i'm in a hurry it is what it is hey this is real life exactly all right so once it's heated up we're just going to add what about a tablespoon two tablespoons of olive oil i'm just gonna drizzle that into the top of the pot now i like when my oil gets hot and then i do a trick and i lift my pot up and just kind of wiggle my oil around so it covers all the bottom of my instant pot well there you go there you go christmas prime fancy tricks that's why we call her the instant pot there we go once the oil is heated up ready to go camille is gonna add our chicken yep you ready kristen gets scared to touch raw chicken so that's why i'm doing it i appreciate that if your oil's hot it should sizzle at this point yes ours is still warming up but that's okay you can hear it a little bit now this makes a lot of rice and other things so this is a lot of chicken if you have a smaller family you could even cut this recipe in half or even in fourths totally i mean you just make sure you cut all the ingredients down but the timing will be the same you cook it for the same amount all right so once the chicken starts to cook on the bottom you kind of just flip it around a little bit i kind of stir as i go is that horrible no that's what i do too just to make sure that it all gets evenly cooked i'm gonna put the onion in there too please do just to add some more flavor let that cook in the oil nice i think that's one of my favorite smells is cooking chicken and onions together well let's make it even better and add some garlic all right how much garlic we gonna add i think just a teaspoon or what two cloves sorry i'm just grabbing a spoon no it's fine yeah too close that sounds good so we're just using jarred garlic um a half teaspoon of this equals a clove this is one of my favorite shortcuts so you don't have to chop fresh garlic i think all six of us i know use that shortcut because we love it i don't like pressing my garlic yep okay so the seasonings we're gonna add i'm just doing like a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper you can totally eyeball this don't feel like you need to measure it out and go rachel ray style pour it in your hand and then dump it in we're not fancy like that yep if you want to add other seasonings that you like you could you could do some italian seasoning you could do a little bit more like garlic powder if you love the taste of garlic i mean however you like to season it you can add a little more totally works we love like a little bit more salt so i usually add about a tablespoon of salt into this recipe you do i do i love salty things i didn't know that about you yep learn something new every day yup all right so once the chicken kind of has some browning around the edges i mean you can cook this as much or as little as you want it just really is to seal in the flavor kind of make the chicken have some added moisture yeah and i think a little bit of flavor too it gives you some saute 100 so now from this point it's just kind of a dump and go right so we're adding in two cups of rice now in the recipe it says it a little bit differently because we're showing you this is the simple way to make it dumping like the dump and go version totally all right so i'm doing two cups of white rice if you want to you can rinse the rice before you dump it in totally up to you i'm just gonna go ahead we don't judge you either way if you rinse your rice or not there's no judging okay and then i'm gonna do about two cups of chicken broth nice just kind of pour that right in there we go all right so the secret when you're cooking your dough rice in the instant pot is you want to make sure that the rice every single kernel of rice touches the liquid because if it doesn't you're going to have some hard pieces of rice there so that's what we're going to do didn't know that now you know okay i've got half a cup of water going into just some added moisture for that rice now i've got a can of cream of chicken soup if you want to if you're feeling super domestic you can make your own but for simplicity i just use a can of this you can get um they make a healthier option reduced fat yeah reduce that which works great it's not coming out there we go okay so add that in there and then the last thing we are going to throw in is a bag of frozen vegetables and they are still frozen they are so which i think works better because you're going to cook all the vegetables rice and chicken all at the same time yep so i think frozen vegetables works better because then they'll cook yeah they won't be super they want to be soggy yep so all right don't just dump it in yep give it a good mix i'm just gonna mix around make sure all the rice is covered by the liquid and i think we're good to go so we have our lid now we're all ready to go now remember while we were putting this together it's still on saute which is okay i guess i should put the lid on correctly huh okay so we're putting the lid on we're gonna turn this little knob to ceiling not venting make sure i can see this here now because it is on saute first you have to push cancel so you're going to push the keep warm cancel button just to turn it all the way off then you're going to push the manual button now if you don't have a manual button you'll have a pressure cook button it's the same thing manual pressure cook you're good all right so then we're going to go up to six minutes now we can do six minutes because our chicken is little it's already been sauteed the rice only takes about six to sevenish minutes to cook and the vegetables only take about two minutes to cook but they still taste good together so it's all kind of the same amount of time that's why you can all cook it together awesome all right so you heard it little beep once it says on you can just walk away so it's all done cooking we cooked it for about six minutes you can go up to seven if you want but because it's done we're gonna turn over to a quick release here we go once all the pressure's out then you can open the lid just beware the steam because it gets toasty all right so if you can see this now it looks like there's a lot of liquid on top but once you mix it around there's some rice that still needs a little bit of liquid and it will all work out together it all evens out exactly so while you're doing that you want me to dump the cheese in yeah so you're gonna add is it one cup yeah one cup of cheddar cup of shredded cheddar cheese you can shred your own if you want or you can buy free shredded it doesn't really matter we always tend to buy the shredded because it just makes life easy but i do totally i did notice if you buy the block cheese and shred it yourself it melts a little bit easier so much easier especially in this recipe but either way you're going to be just fine exactly if you want more cheese you to make it more cheesy feel free to add more that's what we did too so after we did individual servings we put a little more cheese on on each one yep it's a great idea yeah that's what i let the kids this is super kid friendly my kids loved this mine too and like you said it makes a ton like we ate it for lunches all week long right this we're going on a third meal of this i make this just the sweet it's awesome i know it's one of our favorites now all right hey what do you think looking good looks good okay should we plate it up yep so at this point you could feed it to your family it is going to be super hot for a minute but it's delicious it's cheesy it's comfort food i don't think you could ask for anything more and then like you were saying if you want to throw on a little bit of extra cheese especially when it's hot there we go we'll get all melty on there if you want to get fancy throw color fresh parsley but there you go dinner is served there we go number 19 is egg roll bowls i love this one so you're gonna start by pushing the saute button on your instant pot now once it's hot you're gonna dump in one pound of ground turkey or ground pork or even ground chicken whatever you like now i have a little chopstick thing this is my most favorite thing to cut up my meat or mashed potatoes or any of that stuff i'll put a link in the description for it it's my favorite thing now once your meat is all cooked it's time to add the seasonings first you're going to add one tablespoon of garlic powder then i'm gonna add one tablespoon of dried ground ginger now the ginger gives it that yummy taste on top of that go ahead and add one tablespoon of soy sauce i like to use a lower sodium soy sauce but it's totally up to you what you want to use and then you're just gonna add a half a cup of chicken broth now you can use water if you don't have chicken broth but i like to use the chicken broth then just stir it all together at the store i just grabbed a bag of coleslaw mix it's all put together all ready to go and i'm just dumping the whole entire bag in now i'm just pushing the coleslaw down a little bit you don't want to mix a lot because you want that liquid in the bottom of your pot all right once you're done go ahead and put your lid on make sure the little knob is turned to ceiling i'm going to push the cancel button because it was on saute you need to push cancel then push pressure cook button or manual and you're going down to zero minutes now after you set the timer it's going to stay on after a few seconds that means you did it right you can walk away now because it's only set for zero it won't take long at all and i went ahead and pushed the knob over to venting to let all of the pressure out once you can take the lid off go ahead and do it and then mix it all together then once you're all done it's time to go on to the egg roll wrappers now you have some options with the egg roll wrappers i like to cut them up into a few different strips and kind of make them as like little dippers it's totally up to you how you want to do this but i just spread them on a sheet pan now go ahead and brush them with a little bit of olive oil and then put them in the oven at 400 degrees for about four to five minutes but you have to watch them now you can also make egg rolls by putting a little bit in the center of the wrapper and then folding in both sides and rolling it up now you want to be sure to place it seam side down that way it won't fall apart while it's cooking because these are baked egg rolls they're not going to have the bubbly look as if they're deep fried you can deep fry if you want but baked it's a whole lot better for you all right i'm gonna brush them a little bit with olive oil stick them in the oven at 350 degrees they'll cook for about 40 minutes and there you have it these are the egg roll bowls or just egg rolls and number 20 last but not least everyone needs to know how to cook a roast in the instant pots we're making roast so i'm starting with a two pound pot roast the good thing about the instant pot is that you can use a cheaper cut of meat and it will still taste delicious i always like to cook the meat on the very bottom of my instant pot because that's where it's hottest and that's where it will cook the fastest next you're gonna add just a half of a packet of the lipton onion soup mix and just pour that right on top of your meat now i've pre-sliced some onions i like them so they're a little bit bigger chunks you can chop them up too if you want to but adding the onion to the pot roast is one of my favorites next i'm going to add my carrots now i have gotten bigger carrots here i peeled them and then i chopped them into bigger chunks just because you'll be cooking for a long time you kind of want big chunks of carrots next i'm just going to throw in some potatoes i had some leftover red ones and then i also am going to fill it with just some small ones now you can use whatever kind of potatoes you like just know they will be cooked all the way through then you're going to add the other half of your lipton onion soup mix on top of your potatoes then lastly you're going to add two cups of beef broth right on top of everything then go ahead and put your lid on make sure that it's sealed all the way and you're going to turn that little knob to ceiling not venting because sealing means you want to cook it now we are going to push the meat stew button and we're going to go all the way up to 60 minutes now i let the pot roast release on its own so i didn't push venting until i was ready to open it just to make sure but look how good this looks then i just took my meat out and i shredded it put my potatoes and carrots on the sides now if you want more instant pot recipes you can check out my best 10 recipes right up here and i'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 260,107
Rating: 4.9201293 out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, Six Sisters Stuff instant pot, instant pot recipes, 20 Instant Pot recipes, the best instant pot recipes, TOP instant pot recipes, Instant Pot recipes 2021, dump and go instant pot recipes, recipes to make in the Instant Pot, recipes for dinner, My favorite instant pot recipes, Instant Pot dinners, No oven dinners, Six Sisters Stuff dinner ideas, easy instant pot recipes, instant pot chicken, whats for dinner
Id: PlygNrWV-3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 31sec (3871 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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