How to Use A.I. to Run Your Online Business (ChatGPT, FeedHive, GPT-3, Copilot)

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you've probably already heard about it AI is taking over the world closing entire Industries how AI puts your job at risk and finally how to make money using AI it's all over YouTube now if you're not already making 62 000 per month they're trading stocks online with an 88 win rate using chat GPT what are you even doing get rich using chat GPT adapt or die or maybe we know that AI really became mainstream since all the YouTube hustle Bros are throwing themselves at it exactly like they did nfts last year you can't get rich using chat DBT I'm sorry but it's just not that easy AI isn't gonna steal your job but a person using AI might and that's exactly what I'm gonna show you in this video I'll show you five ways you can use AI to become more productive how it helps us innovate and how it helps us generate more revenue for a business no ghost riding stock trading using courses or any stupid like that five ways AI actually massively helps us improve our business let's get started [Music] foreign if you're new here I'm Simon harberg I'm a startup CEO and founder and I'm super excited about SAS Tech and making money on the internet and there's nothing I enjoy more than increasing my output and making myself more productive and as it turns out AI does an amazing job at this let's start with the tool everyone is talking about chat GPT it's only been live for a few months and it's been quite a bumpy ride the creators open AI had to put a ton of limitations in place since people would ask it how to create explosives how to hack banking websites how to write SQL injections and other exploits today it's been dumbed down quite a lot and it generally performs worse on Creative tasks and long form writing though there are still things it does very well one of them is idea generation I use chat GPT to get me started instead of relying on chat EBT to write entire scripts or articles I use it to create an outline I could tell it to write the outline of a YouTube video about pricing psychology and it would come up with ideas for topics I should cover or I could use it to outline the structure of a blog post or newsletter or an ad it does this really well and it's a great way to kick start your flow of writing another obvious way to use this is for YouTube title generation I do this a lot and it works very well with chat TPT I can give it a pretty clear description and constraints and it follows my directions very accurately for typical YouTube video I end up generating 10 to 20 variations of titles and then I pick my top favorite ones this also gives me a few options to split test between sometimes the video just doesn't pick up quite as I had hoped and sometimes changing the title makes the video more clickable there are a ton of other ways you can use chat dvts to generate ideas and create outlines the essence here is that we don't want chat GPT to actually write for us the output just isn't really good enough instead we wanted to get us started and suggest a writing path we can go down though what if there's a way we could somehow use AI to actually write the content for us turns out we can and it's one of the things I use AI for all the time script riding it just requires a little more technical knowledge but honestly you can easily do this without being a programmer or data scientist so here's how it works open AI the same company that runs chat GPT they also have a platform where you get much more fine-grained control over their AI models you have an editor where you can trigger an output just like chat TPT but here you can choose which model you want to use and there are a lot more controls here that you can tweak to make the AI behave in a certain way and here's the best part open AI allows you to fine-tune their models this gives you completely new level control over the output that the AI produces let's just break this down open AI offers you a lot of Base models for instance the text DaVinci 3 model which is used for chat EPC but you can teach these models how to become even more specialized in very specific things by showing them a lot of examples of inputs and the resulting outputs that you want this is known as fine tuning and it creates an entirely new model which now has some new very custom capabilities on top of everything that the base model is already able to do and this is a complete Game Changer do you think I wrote what I'm saying right now I didn't AI did I actually only made a few small modifications before putting this very script on my teleprompter right in front of me but how come it still sounds so much like me it's because I'm using a fine-tuned model I went through hundreds of my own YouTube scripts and cherry-picked individual pieces and used them as an output after a few hours I had a long list of input output pairs that I could use to fine tune The DaVinci 3 model openai has excellent documentation describing exactly how to do this and they have a CLI tool that you can use to prepare the data so it follows the right format then I simply run a command which uploads all the data to open ai's platform and they use this data to train a custom model for me after a while this model appears in the open AI playground if I select it I can now give it an input and yes you guessed it it will generate a new output based on the description but it will sound exactly like me it will even follow the scriptwriting conventions I use including picking a scene adding suggestions for b-roll and everything else my script normally contains this does take a bit of time to set up and if you're not a programmer you need to carefully read open ai's documentation to understand how the fine tuning process works but seriously this is a massive Time Saver and it's something you can't do directly with chat DPT at this point the only downside is that it costs money on opening eyes platform you need to pay for each output you generate but don't worry the prices are very acceptable writing an entire script cost me around 50 cents to a dollar no big deal I've put all the relevant links in the description below you can get started right away alright let's talk about something related creating content for social media there's a chance you might have seen me on social media I'm very active almost everywhere at least based on all major platforms obviously sharing content at scale on five different platforms can get out of hand really quickly so I'm using a social media management tool for this it's called feed Hive and it's using Ai and automation to help you be present on multiple platforms and sharing content at scale feed Hive is undeniably the best social media management solution you can find on the market right now okay okay if you don't know me full transparency here I'm the founder of feed Hive this is one of the SAS products my team and I built but I do firmly believe it's one of the best we put a lot of effort into making AI assist you in a lot of different ways though there's one way we're using AI which I personally find super helpful when I create content a lot of tools can do content writing using AI copy AI paper type chat DPT but they all have the same problem that I pointed out just before the outputs become generic and mostly totally uninteresting it rarely produces anything valuable for your audience and just because you create content at scale doesn't mean you should just post whatever just to post with feed Hive we took a different approach we trained a custom AI model on millions of well-performing posts from our own database but we trained it to do classification instead of trying to simulate the writing of these posts this means that our AI is really good at predicting how well your content is going to perform so in feed Hive you write your post yourself then you click a button now feed Hive will basically give you a score indicating how well it thinks your post is going to perform and often enough you'll get a bad score then we ask feed Hive to describe what's wrong with the post and it will take your content the one you wrote and suggest changes to make it better in this way we still encourage you to write your own content but feedlive is going to polish it adding a few final changes to it that will make it much more likely to catch the attention of your audience and potentially go viral no other social media tools are doing this right now I'm using this on almost all my content and some of my best viral hits in the past few months were all posed that feed Hive helped me modify and rewrite again I'll leave a link in the description below and obviously I'm super biased here but you really should check it out okay okay before we go on let me just show you something funny and kind of bizarre at the same time did you notice anything weird about the thumbnail of this video what if I told you that this is where the thumbnail started I know this is stupid nonetheless yes if right now you're thinking is this thumbnail generated by AI then you're right it's more or less entirely generated by AI yes let me present stable diffusion it's a text to image diffusion model capable of generating photorealistic images given a text input it's absolutely incredible but this technology is able to do one thing is its ability to create mind-blowing and completely photorealistic images in a lot of cases indistinguishable from reality but it gets even crazier you can fine-tune the stable diffusion model on your own images just like we saw with gbt3 and text-based outputs so I now use AI to generate the images of myself for my YouTube thumbnails I'm totally serious here's how I did this I cleaned up a lot of old thumbnails and included just myself and an abstract background so no text or objects I then set up a Google collab and found a template that was pre-made to train stable diffusion model this is all in Python a language I don't know and hands down I don't understand a single line of this code but it also shows that you don't really need to be a programmer to make this work I click the green play buttons for each of these code sections one by one and follow the instructions that are given upload the images and start training after an hour or so I can now give stable diffusion a text input and describe how I should look and which pose I should have and there we go and as you can see this looks kind of weird and very bizarre but with a bit of tweaking and retraining we can actually get it to produce something very realistic looking [Music] I found that eyes are mostly a bit of a struggle it's hard to get them perfectly round and have both eyes looking the same direction so typically we do need a little bit of cleanup Photoshop is really helpful here I went through all the images that I used for training and created brushes for my eyes so now I have Happy Eyes surprise dies scared eyes and so on so in order to clean up the AI generated model we just need to find a brush that fits and there we go then a quick bit of recharge [Music] adding the rest of the elements and some text and boom thumbnail fair enough I can't fully generate a YouTube thumbnail on its own but still in this way I don't have to put up a camera lights take a bunch of pictures clean them up and all of that instead I can create a finished thumbnail in less than an hour only using my computer it's a massive Time Saver and it's not that hard at all I'll leave a link in the description below that shows a step-by-step guide on how to train a stable diffusion model on your images using Google collab and if you're patient you can do this 100 free of charge otherwise a 10 a month Google collab will speed things up a lot finally an area where I'm using AI extensively is writing software in my company we run multiple SAS products this is the main way we're making money we're using a lot of no code in our setups both for the actual products and behind the scenes to run various automation tasks but we still rely on custom code and software engineering for a lot of things we do and AI is tremendously helpful here I'm using two AI tools for this chat DBT and GitHub co-pilot let me just make it clear none of these will write entire applications for you you do need to be software developer or at least know how to code some in order to take fully advantage of them I've been using GitHub co-pilot for more than a year now it's incredible it finishes my sentences it's able to suggest entire code sections in the same style as the rest of the code base and you can give it small instructions and it will almost flawlessly write these bits of codes for you that's just tedious and annoying to spend mental energy on yourself I rarely have to look up documentation anymore it already knows how mostly all public apis are implemented the names of the methods and the arguments they take I'm saving an incredible amount of time using GitHub co-pilot when I code chat GPT is an entirely different level I can explain a problem and ask it to come up with an entire solution using implementations that I wasn't even aware of it will deliver the code and carefully explain what it does and why it's implemented the way it is it typically won't Ace it on the first try but often it's because the initial information you gave is incomplete and here's where chat LGBT becomes mind-blowing you simply ask it to modify it letting it know about the new edge cases you wanted to cover and explain how it's not producing the result you wanted each time you refine it and give it new information it revises the solution and after a little back and forth like this you have a perfect novel solution to your problem sometimes I even suggest possible solutions to solve some of the edge cases based on the initial solution it provided and it totally takes the ball and dribbles on with it it really feels like an actual pair programming session and it's both faster and way more productive and searching around on stack Overflow for the whole day until you patch things together based on multiple different replies I don't think it would be entirely fair to say that we're making money using AI we certainly aren't getting rich using AI we're making money running our SAS businesses selling info products and running this YouTube channel and it requires a lot of work and effort but it is fair to say that we're using AI to enhance our workflow and drastically increase the output of our business and in that way AI in combination with us humans myself and my team helps us make money online if you got value from this video you should really take a look at this one next here I'll give you five AI SAS ideas that you can build 2023 also remember to give this video a like And subscribe to my channel for more content like this for another video
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 46,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chatgpt, make money online, chat gpt to make money, open ai chat gpt, what is chatgpt, ai business idea, how to start an ai business, how to use ai in my business, chatgpt examples, chatgpt coding, ai chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, artificial intelligence future, artificial intelligence projects, make money online 2023
Id: xWrUNI7adpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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