5 Micro SaaS Ideas You Can Start In 2023 (...and Replace Your Job)

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if you're here to disrupt the digital Market of the Next Generation you need to come up with something truly Innovative log into blockchain nfts web 3 augmented reality the metaverse there are so many billion dollar unicorn Tech startups still to be created in this space and if this is what you really want you need to find another video because I have absolutely no idea how to build one of those and also being the founder of one of those companies I actually think it kind of sucks instead I'll give you five quick ideas for a micro SAS that you can build and launch all by yourself and if you play it right can replace your current full-time job within a year I partnered with HubSpot on delivering this video and I actually have a really cool bonus for you but we'll get back to that a little later let's get started if you're new to this channel welcome here I'm Simon horvick I'm a startup CEO and founder and I have a huge passion for doing business online on this channel I'm sharing everything I learned about SAS tick and Entrepreneurship so first of all let's just get the definition straight a micro SAS is a product that focuses on very specific needs typically in a small niche market it's a product that's often created marketed and managed by a single person or a small team at best so if you're an aspiring solopreneur but you don't feel like courses or ebooks is your thing and you have an edge towards the more technical side of things then you should definitely consider launching a micro SAS the first idea building a tool on top of webflow webflow is huge it has a massive amount of users and it's growing rapidly you probably know WordPress and you might also know that some people became millionaires from developing popular WordPress plugins it looks like webflow is heading in the same direction and in a few years we'll have a thriving ecosystem of webflow templates plugins and third-party tools let me show you what I mean there are actually a few tools out there already and they're VC backed and everything this is member stack it's a no code authentication system you can use to create login flows integrate gated content behind paywalls and much more member status expanded to also cover libraries like react but initially this was a tool built for webflow and as you can see it's backed by Y combinator and used by 50 000 people very serious business there's also this one jet boost it's a utility system for webflow that gives you pagination searching sorting lists and a lot of other healthy utilities to manage your CMS collections in webflow also let me just show you this one whist this tool is insane you can basically use this to turn your webflow side into a fully fledged Dynamic web application without having to code it uses a lot of common Concepts from programming but in a drag and drop user-friendly kind of way super cool no doubt there are already businesses doing great in this space webflow just announced logic which is basically a small sapier integrated directly into webflow this opens even more new opportunities to build webflow based applications here's a super quick idea one thing I personally find pretty frustrating when I work with webflow is script management I often end up adding small libraries and dependencies and custom code sections and sometimes I also want to do a little bit of JavaScript to customize some things and this is very tedious so a platform that can manage my script tags and custom code Snippets across all pages in an elegant way and perhaps feature a proper code editor like code sandbox or an extension to vs code that's definitely something I'd pay for and that's just one example there are countless other things you can build on top top of webflow so the next one is a no code website builder or automation service for a specific Niche tools like webflow Squarespace sapier if this than that and so on they're very generalized so a great idea is to make simplified versions of these tools but for very specific niches for instance you can create a landing page builder for yoga studios or hair salons or fitness centers or any other niche market find out what websites in a particular Niche all have in common then create a landing page builder that helps them set up such a website in minutes the same with automation tools you can build a sepio for a specific niche market that covers a lot of Integrations that savior currently doesn't have one great example I can think of is accounting software there are a few big ones out there but it seems like all countries and jurisdictions have their own local tool that are tailored to local laws and regulations for instance when I lived in Denmark I used a software called the Nero now I'm in Switzerland and I use a software called pixio both of them have an API but none of them have sapier Integrations so automating stuff like invoice creation and booking receipts is a big task so you could build sapier for accounting software and then systematically start hunting down local accounting software in all major countries and jurisdictions and simply create automation for them I think I have to be an amazing platform and I would definitely use it myself so those were two ideas that would be relatively straightforward to turn into a micro SAS but in order to get a SAS business started you need more than just an idea you need a name for your business you need a marketing plan you need to estimate and calculate startup costs and if you want to go down the same path as member stack and jetboost and get funding you need to pitch your startup idea to investors yeah launching a startup is hard even if it's a micro SAS but today I want to make your life a little easier let me present HubSpot free business startup kit this bundle includes nine templates that will help you turn one of your ideas into an actual business that's making money you will get a business name brainstorming workbook marketing plan template a business startup cost calculator elevator pitch templates and startup Tech stack checklist and much more and the best part is it's totally free of charge you can go and download it right away I've included the link to this startup kit in the description below thank you HubSpot for sponsoring this video and for creating and sharing these awesome free resources okay this next idea is one that I would pay for in a second a hosted learning management system with an API and a simple JavaScript library I've actually been looking for a tool exactly like this recently and I simply can't find it I'm about to launch a few video courses but I don't want to use these marketplaces like udemy or teachable and I'm not looking for a solution that can handle payment I got all that it covered I'm using stripe and I want these courses to be available for my own domain I'm simply looking for a platform that can handle the content so video courses chapters quizzes q a and so on I started asking around and the closest solution I found was this tutor LMS which is a WordPress plugin it's exactly what I was looking for except I don't want to build my page on WordPress so I think there's a great opportunity here build a similar platform to this but instead of Wordpress offer a rest API and a JavaScript library so I can easily create my own front and then next.js or something like that if it would integrate with webflow using their CMS even better and then we're basically back to the first suggestion again alright the next one is super specific but I actually think there's great ontap potential here build a platform on top of netlify CMS so if you're not already familiar with netlify CMS it's a free and open source content management system that uses git behind the scenes we're using this with feed hype the startup I'm running and it's really cool when our content writer has finished the new blog it generates a markdown file and it creates a pull requesting GitHub for me to review in this way GitHub becomes the database for all our blog posts it's literally a folder with markdown files and we love that it's scalable we can generate static websites from it we fully own all our content and we can use all the features of GitHub like Version Control PR's approval and so on however their UI um I don't want to use bad words here but let's just say that we often have a very frustrated content writer on our team the editing experience is really really lacking and here's where the opportunity comes in build a hosted platform with an outstanding UI ux that features modern fast and responsive editing experience and takes care of all the configuration of setting up in the device CMS so all you need is to sign in with GitHub pick your repository go through a few questions and you're ready to go and then you can still use GitHub as content storage and you can still use pull request versioning and so on and since you wouldn't have to worry about databases and managing domains hosting cname and all of this it would be an extremely low cost SAS to run charge a few dollars per month for the solution I would 100 pay for it now let's shift into something a little different pricing pages build a platform you can use to manage and generate pricing pages so you integrate it with striper pedal and you should be able to easily set up pricing plans choose between different pricing models set up parity pricing local currencies and so on I imagine a tool like this coming with both some basic layouts and the ability to theme and style but also an API and a JavaScript library so you can easily integrate this into a custom front end then you should be able to track and run a b tests directly from the platform so you can test different pricing points whether displaying the price and local currency performs better testing pricing anchors and discounts and so on I'm actually surprised there isn't a tool like this already out there I know stripe is planning on introducing pricing tables that you can embed directly onto your page which is cool but as far as I know they won't have a b testing and tracking and my impression is that it's going to be similar to their hosted checkout which sure you can customize a little but it's gonna still look generic and stripy so I think there's still room for a product like this and who knows you can roll fast on something like this one of the big guys like stripe might want to acquire it I think nailing the right pricing model and the right pricing page is a form of art when it comes to assess and it's hardly under prioritized by many sales Founders so a tool like this would definitely help making the pricing page itself a bigger deal and reduce friction in setting it up so as you might have noticed these five ideas were much more about tapping into existing markets and established products and adding additional features or removing additional friction with micro sets it's not really about creating full-scale Solutions or creating new markets so these were five quick ones you could consider moving forward with but honestly I could easily throw in another 20 if we had the time because these ideas easily come up once you start looking for them in a different way try to pay attention while you work especially if you're using other tools every time you have to do something extra and possibly mundane and repetitive consider if this might be an idea for microsass you'd be surprised how many people are actually willing to pay a fee to remove a small but frequent pain hopefully after watching this video you'll start coming up with a ton of new ideas so remember to pick up hotspot's free business startup kit and once you get an idea that you're really psyched about take a look at this video before you go on here I'm teaching you how you can determine if your idea is actually worth moving forward with I suggest you click right here and watch this video right now if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and hey subscribe to my channel I'd love to see you back here for another video [Music]
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 396,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saas, business, marketing, traction, marketing channels, marketing channels explained, saas ideas, micro saas, micro saas ideas, business ideas, saas product ideas, saas startup ideas, saas business ideas, software as a service
Id: uYRq60G5XTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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