How to create an OpenAI Q&A bot with ChatGPT API + embeddings

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hi everyone my name is McKay I'm a software developer and I spent all my time working on various AI projects and today I'm going to be showing you how to build my paulgram GPT web app here so what program GPT is it is a open open AI powered Search tool so it's a basically a q a bot that utilizes open ai's text embedding model to embed all of the essays from Paul grams if you don't know who paulgram is he's a famous Tech entrepreneur an investor he's he's the guy who started white combinator which is the most successful and most famous startup accelerator so he's pretty popular in the tech industry and he he also happens to be a really great writer and if I pull up his essays here uh he has this whole uses like 200 essays uh he's really good writer he writes about all sorts of stuff a lot about startups so a lot of people find his writing really helpful and so what I did was I built a web scraper that scraped through all of his essays grabs the text chunks them into sections and embeds them uh with openai embeddings and so what that means is we're basically taking this text feeding it into a model that spits out a vector which is effectively just a bunch of numbers that represents kind of the semantic meaning of this text so if I just show you how this works really quick how do I how I do how do I start a startup okay so what this is going to do it's going to take our search query here it's going to embed this itself okay so we're turning this into a vector of a bunch of numbers I'm going to go ahead and hit send and what this is doing is it's hitting the open AI API uh specifically the chat GPT model which is GPT 3.5 it is taking all of these passages that we're performing uh similarity search on in our database we've uploaded all these different chunks of text from this season where database we're performing a similarity search function on that we're taking these passages we're injecting that into a prompt that gives uh the model context that it can answer provide an answer to our query right so we try another one what is a hacker Maybe okay so we get different results here obviously because this is a different search so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to build we're not going to build the full version of this but we're gonna I'm gonna show you how to build all kind of the tricky stuff underneath that makes this work and if you are curious I have a repo here uh it's open source so this entire code is open source if you want to go through it anytime or you get lost I'll have the link for this so go check it out uh at least about two weeks ago got pretty popular on GitHub and just a lot of people have been asking me to do this so I'm gonna give it a shot here so if you do like this video uh drop a like it does actually help me know if this is worth my time I really try and go off people's feedback so if you do find it helpful let me know uh if you have any feedback for me I would love constructive feedback in the comments so this is gonna be my first video here hopefully we do a lot more so this is going to be kind of the the trial run so let's get to it so I'm gonna go open my terminal here that I have right here and what we're going to do right off the bat so maybe I'll move this off the screen hide this okay so what I'm going to do is we're going to create a next JS app so what I need to run is uh npx create next app at latest with we're going to be using typescript so our Tech stack we're going to be using here is next.js with typescript and we're going to be using Tailwind CSS for the UI so that's kind of the core of what we're going to be working with here so I'm just going to run this in my terminal it's going to ask us to give a project name we'll just call it uh embedding PG I guess okay I'm just going to use all the defaults here which is kind of how I like to roll with things so we're going to sit here for a sec while this installs and then we're going to change we're going to move into that directory so I'm going to CD to embedding PG okay so now we're in that directory and we're going to open this in BS code so I'm just going to run the code space Dot and this is going to open NBS code I'm just going to trust that real quick okay let's go full screen here so what I'm going to do now we'll work with the S codes terminal and just we're going to do a few setup things really quick so first I'm going to uh we need to install Tailwind so we're going to run npm eye for install we're gonna give it the developer flag which is just Dash capital D and for Tailwind we need Tailwind CES we need post CES and we need Auto prefixer okay so we need these three things and then what we need to do is we need to initialize Tailwind so we're going to run npx Tailwind CSS init Dash p okay and this is going to knit Tailwind so you're gonna see this Tailwind config.js file and then what you need to do in here is we basically just need to tell it what files uh it needs to we just need to tell it what files are gonna have talent in it okay so I'm going to copy and paste this I have this right here so you just need to run that or write that in this array okay save that um one other thing we have to do really quick is go into the Styles directory in globals CSS we're just going to delete all of this and then we need to uh import the Tailwind directives okay so we're gonna go at Tailwind base we need at Tailwind components and we need a tail and utilities okay we're going to save that it's complaining at me here semicolons okay so now that we have that we're gonna exit out of here we're gonna just do a couple quick file clean up things let's get rid of this whole module we're not going to need that um okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to build the web scraper so I'm just going to create a new folder here um or actually we're going to call it scripts it's called scripts and then in scripts we're going to create a new file we're kind of I'll call it uh scraper.ts okay so this is where our scraper is going to live actually I'm just going to call it scrape.ts that's how I prefer to name it and then we're going to go to our package.json file here and in here we're going to create a new script that we can run and we're gonna call this scrape and this needs to be TSX scripts slash scrape dot TS okay and this is just going to let us run our script like this if we go run npm run scrape it's going to run that and you're gonna see it says TSX command not found we need to install that so we're gonna go npm install TSX and we'll have that as a Dev dependency once again should see it pop up here okay and then if we run that command again it is actually working it's just completing because this file is empty so let's make it not empty we're going to create a self-invoking asynchronous function here using Arrow functions and what we also need to do really quick is we need to install the packages that we're going to be using for our scraper okay so we're going to need axios we're going to want to use cheerio and we're going to be using a tool called gpt-3-encoder to handle some token stuff so we'll go ahead and install those we'll also throw the dependency flag on there and if you look in your package.json file you'll notice we have all those installed okay so we're going to go ahead and import those for axios from axios with cheerio um maybe I should just really quick explain why all three of these packages are so axios is just going to let us make um the HTTP requests that we need to make to go scrape Paul Graham's website Cheerio and the way you need them for this is you need to do import uh all as Cheerio from cheerio and then we'll import the code function here from the gpt3 encoder okay so we're going to use all three of these things and Cheerio lets us as I was saying it allows us to parse the HTML that we're going to fetch so you'll kind of see how this works in just a sec um so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to create a new variable we're going to call it base URL so this is just going to be the URL of Paul Graham's website it's going to be HTTP colon slash [Music] just like that and that's going to give us the ACR of the website so maybe what I should do here so let me bring in his website back in here drag this down and I'm going to throw it over here because we are going to be doing some stuff with it I'm actually going to open up the developer console let's put this at the bottom give you guys a little bit more viewing room here okay uh then we can just inspect the HTML we're gonna go to essays because that's what we're going to be working with what we need to do is we need to we need to do two things right so the objective here with the scrape is we want to take all of this text from each one of these essays and we want to chunk it in other words split it up into little sections and then we want to embed it with open ai's embedding tool and then we want to upload it to our database okay so we're gonna go ahead and do build a little scrapey tool in this section so first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a git links function okay and that's going to be an async function that takes in we actually doesn't need to take in any parameters and what we're going to do here is first we're going to go ahead and get the HTML so that we can work with it and try and find a way to parse these links off of this webpage so we're going to create a new variable HTML and this is going to be an axios get request to uh programs website and what we actually want to do here is we need to do base URL and then we need to do slash articles HTML which is the page that all these links are on okay so that's going to fetch is HTML and then we're going to load in the HTML to Cheerio and just kind of the way that just the sort of traditional syntax materials to save it in this dollar sign variable so that's what we're going to use here and if I log this um it's actually just log the HTML here I just want to show you guys how this works so let's run the get links function so the way we can run this now is we can go npm run scrape right that's that thing we did in the package.json file to create that script okay it is complaining at me oh I accidentally put TSX in here instead of TS okay so let's change that and let's try running it again and as you can see here we got all of the HTML from this web page okay so that's what we're going to work with so web scraping is a little bit of like a half art half science kind of thing so I've done sort of my fair share of it so I I can work pretty fast but if you're new to it uh you know if you're new to trying to get text off of web pages and parse it and do some interesting things with it let me just kind of walk you through an example of like how I think through this so what we need to do is we need to sort of look through the HTML here and figure out a pattern as to how this data is stored on this web page right so if you kind of go in and inspect it um you know we have all these different things we got this table everything seems to live in here and then if you open the body here maybe we'll click on one of these links to get a little deeper okay you can kind of see how everything's nested so I I'm going to skip through this a little bit because I don't want to get too hung up on the particulars of this but sort of the pattern I noticed was that there's these tables so if you see this is the first table then there are these like nested tables and so you can see right here all of the links they sort of live in this table right here so what I wanted to do is I want to get access to this table so that I can get access to the links inside it okay and the way I'm going to do that is we're gonna go create tables of variable and we're going to use this table selector so that it just selects so we have all the HTML stored here and then we're going to pass in the table selector which just selects the table elements okay and what's cool is we get this this each function where we can Loop over each one of these tables and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to check if it is the third table again first table here second table here third table here with the links so we're going to check if it is the third table and you're gonna notice this is a two that's because the index is zero based index so the the two here actually represents the Third table so if that's true what we want to do is we want to get all the links off of it okay so we're going to pass in this table here uh sorry these should be parentheses excuse me and we're going to find all of the a tags okay so these are all the link elements here and then we want to do a similar thing that we just did with these tables where we're going to Loop over each one of these and what we're going to do is we're going to grab the URL off of it and the way you grab the URL is again similar syntax link pass in the link there and we want to get the href attribute off of it right which is what the link is cool and what we also want to do is we want to get the title which is just the name of the essay and the way you can get the text off of that is just to call this dot text method and this is going to give us the URL and it's going to give us the uh the title there okay and we're gonna do a quick check here just make sure that those exist um and I'm going to add one thing here to make sure it ends with DOT HTML so if I click on one of these essays here you'll notice every single one of his essays is a HTML file here so we're just going to make sure that uh it matches that syntax so that we don't get any other stray links okay and if that's true if both of those are true we're going to create a new variable called link object and on that object we want to store the URL and we want to store the title okay and to keep track of all of these uh maybe up here let me clean this up a little bit let's have a links array um and I'm going to be typing things here we're using typescript so we're going to have a URL as a string and we're going to have the title as a string perfect and then in here we're going to push the link object okay and then once we Loop through all those and push them into the array then we can return uh I'm going to log that we want to return the links array right so in summary getting each one of these links we're getting the URL and the essay title and we're going to push it into this we're going to save it to this links object and we're going to push the object to the links array and then once that's all done we're going to return the links array okay so if I log the links here what you should see is a giant array here if we're on npm run scrape of all the links with the titles boom Okay cool so we got that so now what we need to do is we need to go into an essay and we need to get a few things we need to get title we need to get the date um and then we need to get the text okay so we're going to create a git essay function um and we actually want to pass in the URL is a string and then the title that we got is a string okay and again that's going to be an asynchronous function and right here we're going to repeat a few of the steps here so again we're going to create an axios get request and I maybe I shouldn't name this URL right because it's actually just kind of the HTML file we'll just keep that for now and what we need to do is we need to do acorl again this is just the base URL of the website and then we need to go to that individual page which we have stored here okay again we're going to say we're going to load in the HTML material so we can parse through things very easy um and to start here um we're actually going to take a pause here just for a sec we're gonna go create some types files again we're using typescript so we're going to be good with our types here we're going to create types folder we're going to create an index.ts file and we're going to do uh two things here we're going to create we're actually going to do three things here we're gonna create three types so the Syntax for that we're gonna we're gonna need to export them so export type and we're going to do PG essay we are going to do let's create a PG chunk all right so this is going to be a chunked portion of the essay and then we're also going to be saving us to a Json file so let's just call it PG Json and now let's add in all the properties we need okay so for an essay we need a bunch of stuff we're gonna have the title as a string well we want to have that URLs string we're going to grab the date uh we're gonna save the content so this is just the text of the essays the spring and then no here's some number stuff we're going to need um we want to do tokens and that's going to be a number okay and then we also need to save an array of chunks and the chunks is going to be an array of the PD chunks so this this shapes the data of our essays now let's shape the data of our PG chunks so this is each one of these chunks is what's going to get saved into our database so we're actually going to be um a little repetitive here just because we do want to keep this data in our database as well since we're not passing the essays so we're going to want to get the title again we're going to be a little bit verbose here and do uh prepend it with sa underscore URL okay let's do that same thing for the date and we don't really need the essay tokens content is just going to be the chunked content not policy content so let's just call it content we're going to want content tokens which is a number and then we're going to want to have the embedding and that is going to be 80 array of numbers so type it like so and then for the Json let's just do uh let's store the total number of tokens maybe tokens and then all the essays which is just going to be array of the essays okay so this is kind of we just kind of defined the data that we're going to be working with Here and Now what we're going to do is we're going to go back to our scrape.ts file and let's go ahead and create a new essay actually use a let here and what I'm going to be doing is creating let's call it we'll just call SA okay is we're going to type it as PG essay it's going to be an object of course and we're just gonna put all of the empty properties in here so we're just going to run through this really quick I'm actually not going to do things here I need the content I need the tokens and we need the chunks right so just if you're not familiar with typescript the reason we do this is like for example if I take out chunks here we get these sort of nice errors so it just helps us avoid bugs in our code and it helps us understand the data the shape of the data that we're working with right so it says chunks is missing right so I know oh I forgot I forgot my chunks right here okay so that's kind of why we're doing that and we're going to want to do a couple things here we're going to create the full link all right so we're just kind of constructing let me fix that just kind of constructing some of the data that we're going to be working with here okay and then actually just for organization purposes I'm going to move that like so okay and we're gonna change this to yeah we'll get rid of that okay so we're going to fetch the essay we're going to load the HTML in here and if we inspect this again you're going to notice there's a similar pattern right it's kind of the same table thing so this table everything's in there like if we go to another one I think this is a little bit longer you can see everything lives in this table which this time it's table one and table two so once again we're going to select the tables and we want to Loop through those and this time if it's table number two so if I equal one what we want to do is we want to get the text off of this okay parentheses table dot text okay so this is going to get all of this text and that include right so this is every all the text that is in this table element which includes the title includes the date includes this text so what we're going to need to do is we need to do a few things just to kind of clean up this data and I'm just going to speed through this really quickly uh it's kind of some of the stuff I noticed initially from scraping it that it was mostly just spacing issues we're going to fix so you know if you want to slow down and kind of think through what we're doing here I do recommend that but I'm just going to speed up and kind of get this part over with because this is just cleaning which is not the most fun thing okay so we're gonna run a replace on this text and I actually have the regex is all ready to roll right here so I'm just going to copy and paste them okay oh did I not grab the text let's remember to grab our text okay so now we can run the the replace on this text and it's going to clean up our text a little bit and I'm actually going to run one more on this we're gonna chain up one more replace on here um and this is mostly just some like weird double space things that happen sometimes in the essay and we just want to get rid of those and what we're going to do is we're going to do we're going to create uh let's do let's call this split and what we're going to do is we're going to take the clean text we're going to run a clean text we're going to run a match on this okay once again I have another regex so what this does is I I noticed the pattern of how to get the date off of here based on some new line characters and that's all we're doing here so if if I lose you a little bit here just kind of roll with it um this is just cleaning the text and we're gonna go we're gonna want to set a date string and then a text without date string here and so what we're going to do is we're going to check if this uh split so this is actually an array um we want to get the first element off of that array and save it to the date so this is just the uh we're gonna want to get that off split sorry so this is just that date right here um based on how the the text comes in from the HTML and then we're going to want to save text without date to clean text and we're going to do a replace on here so what this is all this is doing is it's taking the date off of this right so we have one string the date string with the date and then we have the text without date that's the actual body text of the essay okay so we have those two things and we're gonna do one more little cleanup step here oh I see what I did here move all of this into this tables Loop here sorry I knew I had created that earlier okay so we're going to redo one more cleanup step here and what we need to do is we just need to remove the new lines so this is we're going to create a new variable called essay text and we're going to take text without date we're gonna do one more replace and one more regex and this just removes uh some of the new line stuff and places it with the space okay so now we have that body of text and we're also bringing one more thing we're going to trim it uh and all this trim method does is it removes it removes the white space on either side of the string okay so this should be all cleaned up now and what we're going to do is we're going to reference this essay here we're going to reset some of these properties okay so the title we got the title coming in from here URL is actually going to be the base we want to save that AC URL uh Slash the file name again I I messed up a little bit calling this URL but just roll with it and we want to save the date as the date string we want to save content as essay text we got you want to save tokens and this is going to be the first time we use that in code function from the gpt3 encoder package we're going to want to run in code do we not import that let's import that in code from gpt3 encoder and so if you're not familiar with tokens and how tokens work tokens are basically just like chunks of text and it's the way that these AI models they're not some of these uh large language models process text so what we're gonna do is we're going to encode the essay text and then what this encode function does is it tokenizes this text so basically like a token like one the word one is like one token the word kind it's like one token of his own token and then opinion is probably like two tokens um so most of you are probably if you if you've used the open AI apis before you're probably familiar with tokens and then you get the token count off of this once we encode it you just get use the dot link here okay so we have the token count and uh we need that chunks array still and we're going to handle that in the next step so for right now I'm just gonna keep that as an empty array okay and then once we get out of this table Loop what we need to do is return the essay okay so what we're going to do is we're gonna do a for Loop over all of these links I'm just gonna do do a number base one so I can show you this I'm just going to show you the first uh example here um so let's see if I does not equal zero break out of this Loop so I can show you this with one essay um let's maybe clean this up just a little bit let's say S8 or actually link equal links I okay and then again in the get sa function we pass in two parameters uh we pass in that link URL in the link Title Here so let me show you what this does so what we should do is here is we scrape through all the links and then we're going to Loop through each one of these links and then we're going to pass in the link into the get essay function get the essay and then we should get an object here with all of the data we just set here so let me clear we're going to run npm run scrape and it looks like I made a mistake here so let's let's debug this really quick so we're not even getting the title let's make sure this link is right we'll do a little bit of a live debugging section make sure we're getting the links logging that sure enough we're getting a links oh you know what we should do in this conditional here in our get links function you can see there's one stray Link in here uh and so what we're going to do is we're going to just add a little check here to make sure the title exists so as you can see there's no title here so it's going to get rid of that and now this is gonna work debugging 101 all right Okay cool so now we're getting that um so this is the essay as an object with all of the data right so we got the title we got the date we got the URL we got all the text content and then we got the token count beautiful so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to get rid of this so we get each one of these essays and we're going to want to create an array here we'll call it essays and this is going to be an array of PG essays and then for each one of these we're going to want to push the essay into here foreign if we log our essays here let's get rid of this log clean this up a bit if we run this again we're going to get all of the essays so I'm just going to let this run for a sec just to show you them all coming in and I'm actually I'm going to cancel this and instead of what we're actually going to do is we're going to log this here because that's going to take a little bit okay console.log essay and now we can see these coming live okay so as you can see it's literally going through this entire list grabbing the link going into this web page scraping it or parsing through it and cleaning up that data as we did in the get essay function and it's it's going to spit it out into this essays array so I'm going to take a break for just one sec and then I'll be back and we're going to show you how to chunk each one of these essays the quick I noticed an error I made which explains why we got that weird bug with the essay with the MD title so if you see right here in the get links I'm passing in tables and this is supposed to be this table so we want to get rid of the S and coincidentally I made the same mistake down here in the get essay function get rid of that essay or the S save that nothing should work as intended so over the last part here we're going to create a git chunks function okay it's going to be an async function that takes in a pgsa and it's only parameter and what we're going to do in this function is we're going to chunk the text so what we're going to do is we're going to create we're going to split each one of these essays into about 200 token chunks based off of sended settings because what we don't want to do is you know say this right here let me highlight this was like 200 tokens right here we don't want to split the text right here we want to split it at a nice even area or even spot like a sentence ending so that's what we're going to do here so we're going to need a few values off of this essay so we're just going to go ahead and destructure this we're going to take title we're going to take the bar over we're going to take the date we're going to take the content off of essay this is we just wanted an easier way to access that data and now we're going to do some chunking stuff so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create an array we're going to call Essay text chunks and this is going to be an array of strings not Sterns strings string and as I said we're going to split we're going to chunk this into about 200 token chunks so we're going to run a little conditional if here and we want to encode the content and again to get the token count when you encode a string you do dot length okay what we need to do is we need to Define our chunk size so I'm just going to make that a global constant up here we're going to call it chunk size we'll do 200 so you can play around with different sizes I found 200 to be pretty good for a lot of things so we're gonna stick with that here and we're going to check if the length is greater than the chunk size Okay so the token amount of the sa is greater then we need to chunk it otherwise we can just push the whole thing in okay so let's handle the scenario where we need to chunk it so what we're going to do is we're going to split this by sentence I'm gonna do a constant let me name it split we're going to run the split method here which is just a function that takes in a string and it's going to split that string into an array of a bunch of strings based on the parameter that we give it right so this you know a period followed by space that represents a sentence okay we want to keep track of the chunk text we'll set that as an empty string X we haven't done anything with that and now we want to Loop over this split array okay so we're going to Loop over that and then we want to have the sentence by the way I should mention this this gray text that you see here this is GitHub co-pilot working so if I just hit tab like it completes that whole thing it's not always 100 right so you have to kind of look over it and make sure that the AI Auto completion is correct and a lot of this spoiler alert is correct but I just kind of want to type through it because it I think it helps you you know see how I do it so we're going to save the sentence and then we need to we're actually do let's save this token linked descendants we'll call it sentence token length we need encode sends dot length we need to get the chunk text token link so again that's that's an empty string right now but over the course of this process that's going to change so we need to check that and then we need to check if the chunk text token link plus the sentence token linked not less than we want a greater than chuck size if so we need to push a new chunk and then we need to reset the text and we're actually good there and then we need to do one more if statement here where we go and check if the last sentence so sentence dot length minus one the last sentence matches this and I have another regex here that I'm just going to copy and paste I'm I know you're loving these red X's um and if so we're gonna add this text or the sentence Plus a period space um otherwise we're just gonna add a space okay and then once that's done we can push that chunk into essay chunks and we're also we're gonna trim these just in case there's some extra white space on either end of these we'll do that for both of them trimming is just a good way to clean stuff okay so now we have chunked this into approximately 200 tokens so it's sometimes it's going to go a little over it's basically just saying if the next sentence you know if the the length of a chunk in here is greater than 200 tokens don't add another sentence otherwise add another sentence that's all that's doing and what we need to do now is we need to build so if you remember in our type here um right now we only have the string we only have the chunk content what we need to do is we need to add these other properties to it so we're going to go ahead and do that right here um we're actually gonna do that down here so if we create a new array we'll call it essay chunks okay so again this is just the string this is the content string these are the full chunks okay so those are PG chunks and we don't want to set it to an FD array what we want to do is we want to map over all those strings we got which is why we called it text you could call it like essay string chunks that makes more sense to you and we're going to Loop over that and we're going to create a new chunk which is a PG chunk and we need to add all those properties so I'm just going to kind of tab through and it should handle probably everything correctly content content token so it's doing the encoding correctly and then if you remember we have the one last property which is the embeddings and we're going to handle that in the next step so I'm not going to worry about that one right now so I'm going to save and getting it out I'll return that chunk turn chunk okay so now we have all those chunks saved to sa chunks here and we need to do here is return the essay chunks looks like I have a little syntax there here we gotta sort out okay these brackets match up looks like a parenthesis here yep around to see there okay and what we're actually going to do is we're going to do one more check um one thing we don't want here is we could have scenarios where like it chunks through this whole essay and then like the last chunk is just this tiny little string so we're just gonna add a little check here where we don't want any chunks to have tokens under 100. so we're going to perform that check here so we should get essay chunks dot links Freedom one so if there's more than one Chunk we want to make sure none of them are under 100 um we're gonna need a loop through those I equals zero I is less than say chunks length Okay so we're just going to create a loop here Loop over that um get the chunk here we're going to get the previous chunk and then if chunk dot content tokens so the chunk tokens is less than 100 and the previous chunk exists then what we want to do is we just want to add that so what we're going to do is we're going to go pre-chunk .content we can use the plus equal here to just depend it and it's going to be plus space and then plus the chunk content and then we need to go ahead and adjust the token account here on the previous chunk and then we need to remove it from essay chunks since we just combined it and that should be good so what we need to do now is we are we're actually not returning essay chunks returning the essay itself so we're going to create the chunked essay which is a PG essay and we're just going to use the spread operator to spread in um the essay right so we pass in as a parameter right here we're going to spread that in and if you remember right here we left chunks empty so now what we're going to do is we're just going to fill at chunks array with all these chunks that we just made and then we're going to return the essay the chunk I say that is essay okay so let's show you an example of a chunked essay let's just go with the random one here so if I say I does not equal let's just say like seven break out of here and then if I run npm run scrape to show you what a chunked essay looks like once again we're going to do a quick debug here I obviously did something wrong essay oh the reason this is happening this is actually funny is it's literally breaking out of this on the first Loop let's just do if I equals seven let's slide it we'll do a lazy way okay and I'm actually not getting the chunks in here which is because we're getting the regular sa we need to return the chunked essay so chunked essay wait and then um so we pass in the essay we got here into the get chunks function then it returns that chunked essay and now instead of pushing the unchunked essay we're going to push the chunk essay so now this time it should work okay good let's get a little worried there so these are all the chunks right so you can see this thing has a lot of chunks in it okay you can see that's the total count for the essay up here and then we go to chunks and then you see each one of these is just a nice mandible size right 178 193 181 right so they're all pretty close to about that 200 limit we set okay and what we can do here could get rid of that log um we're gonna save this to a Json file so this is going to scrape through all of them get the links pass the link into the essay we're going to scrape all the data off of that essay then we're going to chunk the essay and then we're going to push it to the spinal essays array and then we're going to create a Json object which is the PG PG Json type it's this right here and that is going to be an object and let's see what did we say we were going to Source the tokens so the way we need to get the tokens here is we're actually going to do a reduce um so we do essays that reduce it just goes through all the essays grabs the token property off the essay and then it just adds it all up so we're just getting a big uh a final count of the total tokens of all the essays and then we're saving the essays okay and then what we want to do is we want to write this so we're going to use the file system actually let's go import that import FS from FS so now we can access to our file system here and if a tab here we can see it's saving it as a Json file and what we want where we want to save it to is scripts slash let's call it pg.json so what I'm going to do is I'm going to run my scrape here npm run scrape and this is going to give us all of that data that we need to scrape and it's going to save it to a Json file in the scripts so I'm going to run that and it's going to run I'll be right back this should work for you I'll make sure it does let's see if we get our DJ some no what do you know we already got our Json anyone know what that is because we're only getting one we need to get all them so get rid of that if you wanted to test it make sure you're getting this entire for Loop which if I log the length of this links I think it's 215 essays yeah 215 okay so we're gonna get all 215 of those um and then I'll be right back with the updated Json here we got all that data we wanted all of these tokens right 609 000. 817 tokens worth of essays and is a very big file here so what we're going to do next is we're going to go ahead and create our embedding script right so what we need to do now is we need to take all of this text and we need to upload it to our database and get the embedding for it so we're going to do here is in scripts we're going to create a new script embed dot TS we're going to go back to our package.json create a new script we'll call it embed this one's going to be TSS scripts slash embed dot TS okay we're also going to do another thing we're going to create a DOT env.local file so these are the environment variables that you are going to need and [Music] you're gonna need three of them you're going to need one for open AI open AI underscore API underscore key and you're going to need two from Super Bass and it is going to be next public underscore Super Bass underscore URL and Super Bass do not put next public on this next public allows this to be exposed to our front end we do not want that here this is going to be service roll key and what you need to do if you have not already done so is let's bring this in you need two things you need to create an openai account so you can get an API key and once you create your account um you can go create your key and you're going to paste that in right here I'm not going to show you that because I'm not going to expose my key so go ahead and do that if you haven't and then the other thing you're going to need to do is you're going to need to go to and you're going to need to create a super base account so super bass is if you're familiar with Firebase it's very similar to that if you're not basically it's just a super easy way to get set up with a post Grace postgres database and of course they handle some other things too right like they do authentication and whatnot but essentially we're we want to use super bass for to host our database and it's just they provide very like a very easy UI to to use their tools with and it's just it's very friendly for beginners and it's powerful for advanced users as well so it's just a great tool um they also have a really generous free tier so you get like two projects with a ton of usage like so you're not gonna have to pay anything with Super Bass it's going to be totally free for here so go create an account and come back and I'll show you what to do okay so if you've gone ahead and created your account um it's going to bring you to your project screen and it may ask you to create an organization um and then what you need to do is you need to hit new project so I'm going to hit um I'm actually not going to create a new project because I already have mine set up this is just like my embeddings playground here so I'm gonna go ahead and open this up and then on the left here you're gonna see um this little sidebar and what you want to do is you want to go into the SQL editor and this is where we're going to create our database so you can see I already have some Snippets here from some other open source projects that I've been working on so what you're going to do is you're going to hit this new query button we're gonna hit this drop down and we're going to rename it I'm gonna do all caps here um uh we'll just do Paul Graham test I just wanted an easy way to identify uh the difference between my production one so we're going to rename it it's going to rename it here and what we're going to do now is we're going to run all the SQL that we need to run okay so the first thing you need to do is we actually need to create a new extension um into base here so they have it native which is really nice so all you have to do is do create extension vector and this just enables a postgres extension called PG vector postgres vector and this is just what's going to allow us to store embeddings into our database okay so once you type this in uh you can either just hit run right here or command enter I'm going to do command enter and you're gonna see it's gonna fail for me because I've already done this for you um I've already done this before but this should work for you and then we need to create our table so what we're going to do is we're going to write some SQL here and we want to do a create table and we'll call this Paul underscore gram essays maybe actually I'm just gonna do program a little shorter to work with here okay for those parentheses we need an ID it's gonna be a big cereal and it's going to be the primary key this table and then this is going to be very similar to the and in fact identical to this PG chunk because again this is what we're storing in our database we've got essay title we've got to say URL which is text uh we have the essay date that's text as well content that's text content tokens content underscore tokens that's text um oh I'm sorry that's not text that's a it's going to be a big ant and then we need our embedding which is going to be a type vector and you're going to have this parentheses 1536 so open ai's embedding model gives us a vector of this size so it's you can kind of think of it like as an array with 1536 numbers in them so we're just gonna explicitly tell it that that's what it's going to be expecting okay if we run this we see success if we go to this sidebar again if you go to your table editor you're going to see your table here so now we have that program table and let me make this bigger we're gonna go full screen for a sec what you want to do is it says RLS is not enabled I remember recommend that you turn this on so it's going to bring you over here and you're just going to do enable RLS this stands for row level security and it just makes your database secure okay so once that's done I'm going to pop back into the SQL editor Let Me Go side view again okay now we can get rid of that since we created our table and now what we're going to do is we're going to create our Vector based our embeddy based search similarity function so we're going to create a postgres function right create we'll replace function we're going to call this Paul underscore gram underscore search okay parentheses and this function is going to take three parameters we're going to take our query embedding so this is the embedding that we're going to pass in which if you remember to that example I showed you at the very start of this video it's that it's that search query vector okay we need a similarity threshold as a parameter threshold that's a float and then we need a match count that's going to be an it so what this parameter does the similarity one is when you calculate when you take the embedding of your search query and then you compare that to the embedding of one of these chunks you get a number um and basically it's basically from zero to one and it measures kind of how similar your query is to the embedding of the chunk so like closer to one means the more similar if it's like you know 0.9 that's pretty similar and it's point one it's like very dissimilar so that's what that is and the match count is just going to be how many results we want to return okay so this is going to return table returns table and it's going to return this is just all the data we want to get off of it um so we want to get it basically we're just gonna like repeat what we just did in that last create table step I'm just going to run through this real quick say date text trying to think what else do we have content tokens concept tokens which is a bigint and lastly we're going to get the similarity so this is the similarity that we're calculating here and that's going to be a float okay SQL [Music] I could type as dollar sign dollar sign begin okay so this is just some syntax stuff that we're doing to create this uh similarity function and then we need to select from program the program table we need to get the ID and this we're just matching these so that they correspond to the right thing um you're really careful when you're doing this because I see a lot of people run into errors and then it turns out to speed these didn't match up correctly so you just make sure you're matching them up correctly um so we need essay title we need whole gram dot I say gate oh see I would have made a mistake here this is URL Paul Graham dot now we'll get the essay eight uh content I know this is a lot of typing but this is just some of the boring part we gotta grind through content tokens I feel pretty just fast forward this and uh go through it don't fast forward this though this is how we're gonna get the similarity here so we're gonna do one minus program dot embedding okay the embedding of the text Chunk we're going to use this syntax here this is the Syntax for the cosine similarity which is the function we're going to be running here embedding the merchandival S similarity okay and that's going to be from the program table where now we need our where Clause where one minus program dot vetting sign similarity query embedding is greater so we're checking a we're making sure it's greater than the similarity threshold similar similarity uh underscore is that syntax views yeah underscore threshold now let's order this by the similarity we're almost done here I promise query betting and then we want to limit it by that match count right we give the match count parameter that's the limit of uh responses here okay you need to tell this to end this okay now if we run this um save your changes here it should work okay I clearly made a syntax error it's because I need a semicolon here I think yep okay okay so now we've created our Paul Graham search function and again with all this stuff we just typed out does this is just calculating the similarity between the search query that's coming in and the embedding of the PG chunk okay so let's get rid of that for now and let's hop into our embed file here so the first thing we're going to need to do is we're going to need to do load and the config and this is going to um load the environment variables in the script so that we can use that and what we're actually going to need to do is we're going to need to install this so we're going to do npm at next slash Envy Dash capital D it's a Dev dependency boom okay so let's hear in here if we save that that should Auto Import for us and we're going to create a function called generate embeddings okay that's going to be an async function and it's going to take in the entirety of the essays so pgsa array as the type and arrow function here close that we're also going to create a self-invoking async function down here Excel okay so the first thing we need to do is we need to load that Json file in here okay so I'm just going to go const Json and that's PG Json and we're going to import file system from success equal it's going to be this thing right here json.parse file sync script pg.json okay that's where it is and utf-8 is the encoding here okay and then we're going to call a weight generate embeddings with grabbing the essays off of that Json object very cool and what we need to do as well um we need to install open AI in here so we're going to run open uh sorry npm I open AI once again Dev dependency here okay and we need to configure open AI so it's const iguration equal new config configuration and it takes in our API key API key and then we're going to get that as process.env dot open AI underscore API underscore key so again you should have put your API key in that environment variable save that um actually we need import configuration uh not that from open AI we're also going to need openai AP open AI API like so and then we'll create a new variable called open AI which is going to be um new open AI API with our configuration passed in here okay we also need to install super bass we're gonna go npmi and I have the package name here it is at Super Bass slash superbase dot Js and create our Super Bass here which uses create client and then you have to pass in two things in here and these are the two environment variables that we set up so it's the next unscore Publix URL and it is um the what I'm trying to think what the other one we did was super bass um through the base service parole okay and we're going to do a little typescript magic we're gonna do a parenthesis after each of these just to let it know that it exists and then we have to import this create client [Music] from base Perfect all right so we got a lot of that setup done um and now what we need to do is we need a loop through the essays I'm going to skip the essay we need to Loop through the chunks of that essay so essay.chunks.length make sure you use it different don't use I and um now we need to get the chunk okay and what we're going to do here is we're going to create an embedding request so we're going to call openai Dot create embedding and this is going to take two parameters so first we need to give it a model so the embedding model that you want to use is text embedding Dash data Dash zero zero two so this is the embedding model and then we have to give it the input which is our content which is chump dot content sorry okay so that scene betting response and the way you can grab the embedding off of that is with this syntax here embedding we need to destruction that off of dot data and then what we can do is we can upload it to superbase wait Super Bass and we're gonna go a new line here for some formatting and it's going to be from so this is pass in the table name so program or whatever else you named it we're going to do an insert give it an object and now we need to give it all these properties so I say title let's say URL uh I say dates the content uh the content tokens and the embedding okay so that'll save our chunk with the embedding added onto it to our database and then we're going to want to return I'm just going to make sure we get that data back just just in case we want it this needs to be a string okay very cool let's just do one quick error handling thing so if error we'll log an error otherwise we want to log the data um maybe let's just do it this way um let's do like saved i j we can kind of keep track of this as it's happening and then what we want to do just to avoid possible rate limits with the open AI API because we're going to return a promise like this and basically all this is doing is it's running this code and then you're just waiting a second so this is in milliseconds so I'm actually just gonna do this down to like 300 milliseconds so sometimes if you run into an error when you're embedding stuff it might be the rate limit thing so you might just need to increase this but I I've never had an issue with it here okay and this should do everything we needed to do and one thing I'm going to show you really quick is just let's let's double back and make sure that these environment variables are are set up so once again you need your open AI API key and here I'm about to go get mine and paste it in here and then with the super super bass ones the place you're going to access these is in your project here so let's go back over to Super Bass on the right go to Project settings and then go um to get the API tab here and you're going to find everything you need so this first one is going to be your project URL this is public um so you know don't worry you don't have to keep the secret from anybody this is often exposed to your client and whatnot so you want to copy that I'm going to paste it here and then the service role this one you do want to keep secret okay so treat this like a password you know don't commit it to get keep it to yourself um so I'm about to go get my open AI key and then reveal this copy this and paste it here and I'll be right back the open AI key and my service role here into that EnV file and I saved it so now this should be working so what we're going to do is in Super Bass we're going to navigate back over to our table editor I'm going to navigate back into that program table and what we should be able to do here um assuming there's no errors there might be one we have to do a debug here because we should be able to run npm run embed and then we should be able to start seeing all of our chunks populating into our database so let's run that and okay okay it's saving so everything's working we set everything up correctly so let's refresh and let's go full screen here for a sec so as you can see everything is coming in exactly how we wanted it all that hard work we did setting up this table running those SQL scripts scraping all of those essays and chunking them and all that stuff it's now paying off we're getting that data in here you see we're getting this embedding you can see it's it's an array of numbers here we're getting the content which is that chunked text reading the content tokens we're getting every single thing that we wanted in here so if I refresh we're gonna see even more okay so I'm gonna go side view here again and you can see this is just totally running through the whole thing um so this is going to take a bit right we're running through literally hundreds of these and just as a small note um these embeddings do cost open AI credits so you will get billed but it's embeddings are very cheap it's the cheapest thing you can do with open AIS API it's I want to say like for a dollar you can embed like a thousand Pages it might even be more it's it's super cheap so I think this whole thing is probably gonna cost like 10 cents um just a small note so I'm gonna let this run and then I will be back and then we can finally get to building the actual UI for this thing so congrats on hanging in there you get it um if you encounter any errors again we have I have the the GitHub repo link just peruse through those files and make sure all your syntax is correct and if you run into any huge bugs you can always uh reach out to me in the comments below or you can find me on Twitter at McKay Wrigley and just hit me up and I I try to get back to everybody as fast as I can so we run into errors um let me know otherwise let this embedding script run all the way and you can continue to see all the magic of seeing your your different chunks um get uploaded into your database here so I'll be back your script should have hopefully run successfully and now you should if we go full screen here you should have your table here with all your embeddings as you can see we have a ton of Records here to work with so one thing we need to do really quick is we need to do one more step with SQL so we're going to go back into our SQL editor and we're going to do one more thing which is we need to create an index with PG vector on our database so we're going to create an index on our table name which is polygram running into some autocomplete stuff here okay new line using IVF flat embedding column Vector underscore cosine Ops and then you want to type with lists equal 100. so all this is doing is creating an index on our database and it's just helping us um increase the performance of our similarity search that we're going to be doing okay so you want to run that so I'm running it right now just gotta run through all those rows and create the index should be successful if you get narrow maybe you forgot like a semicolon just make sure the syntax is exactly as so and we should have everything we need to go uh create our front end here so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to install two packages that we're going to need and this is not a Dev dependency so don't put that Dash D flag here you want Event Source Dash parser and then space and then you want a package called indent so Event Source parser is going to help us handle some of our streaming capabilities and then indent is just uh it's just a little utility for template strings and cleaning up some spacing which we'll be using for our prompt okay so once you have that we're gonna do a couple things here the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go into our pages and then into this API directory and what we're going to do is we're going to rename this hello.ts to search so this is where we're going to perform we're going to create the API endpoint that handles our similarity search so this is where we're going to fetch the most similar chunks here that we embedded uh from the embedding of our search parameter that we're going to pass in so we're going to go ahead and just get rid of all this and what we're going to do here is we need to configure our runtime here so we're going to create a config object here and you just want to set runtime to Edge so with nexjs you can in versus hosting you can take advantage of edge functions and they're just super Snappy and they're super fast the latency is really low so you end up just with really fast API responses which is great for streaming so um we're going to take advantage of that here what you need to do is we're going to create a Handler it's gonna be async and it's going to take in a request parameter we're going to type that correctly and it returns a promise with a response okay and then you need to export that as default default there we go and you'll you'll see you're getting a little error complaint here that's just because we haven't returned anything yet in our function so we need to set up a try catch block and oops accidentally did a parentheses here instead of brackets so if our um for a function fails up here we just want to return an error so let's just let's just have our message be error and that's going to be a 500. for the status okay and then here we're going to want to handle that uh the search the first thing we need to do is we need to get our parameters that are coming in off of the body so in this case we're just going to be taking one which is that search query which is going to come in as a string so let's grab that it's gonna be rec.json as a query which is a string if that's the only parameter that we're going to be passing in here and then what we need to do is we need to create an open AI API response we're going to do a similar thing if we open up our embedding we're going to do basically the same thing here with just a little bit different syntax just because we're not going to be importing that package in here if you want to use it feel free but you'll see we don't use it for streaming so I just don't want to confuse anybody so we're just going to do a basic batch request here and what we want to do is we want to do um the V1 but slash uh embeddings okay and that's going to be the end point we need and we need to pass it a couple things right so it's going to be a post request when you set some headers um so the content type will be application Json and then we need to pass in our API key here which again if you set that in your environment variable file the.nv.localfile you should have it accessible like so except there's no underscore there we're just going to let the type group know it's there all right that looks good and then we just need to pass it a body so if you remember we pass it two parameters we pass it the model let's grab that model and then we pass it in input which is what we want to embed so we're going to stringify that body we're going to pass that model in right there it's the text embedding 802 model and as our input the thing we want to embed is we want to embed that query so we're going to go ahead and embed that query and close that up and then we need to get the Json off of that response perfect and then we need to get the embedding off of that Json which is going to be and it's going to come back as an array so you want to get the first item in that array and then you want to get the embedding off of the object in that array okay so now we have access to our embedding so the next thing we're going to do right here is we're going to access superbase it'll what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to go into the root of my directory here my project here we're going to create a new directory called tills and then we're going to create a new file called index.ts and what I'm going to do in here is I'm going to import that create client uh from Super Bass we're going to create we're going to need to export this because we want to use it in the API route which is going to be super base we'll call it we're actually going to call it Super Bass admin and the reason why I'm calling it Super Bass admin is just to remind you that you're using your administrative service roll key in here which you want to keep secret so just like we did in embeddings where we passed I believe we created the client yeah so just we're basically doing the same thing here I'm just naming it admin which you could do in here as well but just to remind you just to keep this nice and secret don't don't expose that cool so now we can import that here and what we're going to do is we're going to uh grab the data off of this Super Bass call we'll we'll maybe refer to it as chunks just because what we're doing is we're fetching these chunks in here and we'll just be consistent with how we name those we want to grab the error off of there too just to handle that and you want to do await Super Bass admin base admin so we're importing we're importing this single base admin that we just created and we're going to make a RPC call off of this so this is going to take uh two arguments the first is it's going to be the name of that SQL function that we created so if you remember back when we not this one but the one before this where we created our database function so if you want to just make sure that exists um and that you actually created it we can do is you can click over here on this database and then click into functions see your database functions that you made so you should have created this one the paulgram search function that had those three parameters and so what we need to do is we need to let it know we want to call this function and we're going to give a second argument which is an object of these three parameters so the query embedding is just going to be that embedding that we just uh created VR query so that's our first argument and then similarity threshold you can kind of play around with I'll just do like 0.5 for now but basically that higher this is is basically the more stricter being on how similar the passage needs be to the query and vice versa and then we have the match count uh uh parameter so we'll just we'll we'll fetch five of those that sounds good and what we want to do now is we just want to make sure we check for an error so if there is an error um maybe we'll just uh return that and let's let's log it just in case there is an error so we can debug it easier otherwise we want to stringify these chunks because that's what we want to send as the response and then we'll just have a 200 status which is a successful response okay so that's our API um Handler for fetching all of these uh these chunks that we need so we're going to perform a similarity search from our query on the five most similar passages so now what we need to do is we need to create one more file in our API folder here and we're going to call it answer dot TS okay and this one is going to be set up similarly right so we're going to need this Edge function configuration and then we want kind of the same Handler syntax so I'm just going to go ahead and copy that and then of course don't forget to export default that and what this is going to do is it's going to handle fetching the API chat request from openai and it's going to handle streaming it back to the client so we're going to do another trade catch block here um identical setup as we just did and then in this one we need to fetch the prompt because this is what we're going to pass in to this request and we're going to do a weight correct.json and prompt again this is going to be a string so we're gonna we're gonna construct the prompt on the front end and then we'll pass the prompt in and we're going to need to do here is we're going to pause we're going to go back into our utility file here that we created so under this super base admin what we need to do is we need to create a little function that's going to handle the request to open Ai and then handle parsing and streaming those tokens that we get so we're going to create a new function and this is going to be open AI stream it's going to be an async function that takes in one prompt or one parameter which is prompt like so and we need to do a couple things here uh really two things so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a new API request to open AI and in this case we want to hit the chat completions endpoint so we're gonna do V1 slash chat slash completions and this is going to be a post request I've got to set the headers again Json pass in our uh API key and then for the body in this one it's going to be a couple things we need the model so we want to do GPT 3.5 so this is that model that's used in like chat GPT and stuff so we're gonna use that model I'm just going to take in a messages parameter and messages is an array of objects and each one of these objects has two properties it has a rule which can be system user or assistant and then it's going to take in a Content which is um just the text that is going to come in so like what you normally want to do is you want to start it off with a message that is a system message and this is effectively like the system prompt so this is kind of like your base prompt so what we're going to do here is we're going to we're gonna come up with some instructions that kind of tell the chat model what we want so let's just go with like you are hey hope you are a full assistant at um answers query these about Paul Rams essays and let's change this to uh backticks here we'll make this Temple strings we can handle this apostrophe uh let's say like uh respond in I don't know three to five sentences so this is just a really basic starter prompt um feel free to make this more complex if you want but we'll just roll with that for now and then we're going to pass it a second message which this time is going to be a rule of user so this is us and then in this case the content is going to be the prompt so this is what we're going to pass into it okay and then we need just a couple more things here we want to set a Max tokens limit um so somewhere like the one to 200 range is good so I'm just gonna do like 150 because we don't want our responses to be too long or too short so that sounds good we need to set a temperature I'm going to set the temperature to zero so temperature basically determines how deterministic your responses are so for example uh with zero here if I pass in the same prompt every time to this it's pretty much going to give me the same response every time whereas if my temperature was higher like say we went as high as like 0.9 then the responses I get would be different every time so that's kind of how that works and then we need to set one more parameter here which is we need to set stream to true because we're going to be wanting to stream this okay let's just check to make sure that we actually get a good response here so let's say if response dot status does not equal 200 so if it's not a success we'll throw an error otherwise we want to handle the Stream So to handle the stream the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create an encode and a decode object here using these Constructors and then we want to decode these are just going to help us handle our uh streaming of the tokens and then what we want to do is we want to create a new stream so we're just going to create a variable called string stream sorry not string stream and this is going to be a new readable stream okay and this is what we're going to pass into this to start um we're gonna pass a start and you need to pass in this controller here and we're going to create an on-parse function here which is going to take an event which is either a parsed event or a reconnect interval and then in this on parse function we want to check if the event type is an event so we'll do if event type equal event and if it's an event we want to get the data off of it create a new variable called Data we'll get the data off of that and the first check we're going to do here is we're going to check if data equals done in Brackets like this the reason we're checking for this is the way the open AI API works with streaming is once all the tokens are done streaming it's going to send this and then you're going to know that you can terminate your stream okay so if the stream is finished um we want to close it and then we're going to return otherwise your stream would just never close if that's not the case then we want to try and see if there's a chunk on here so we're going to get the Json off of that data and we want to get the text off of that Json so and that's going to be in the format json.choices it's going to be an array so get the first item in there and then you want to do Delta dot content so that's going to get the text off of that and then we need to create a new variable called q and so this is just queuing up each token or just this is just how the stream's handling sending it um so we're going to queue up the decoder there we go so we're going to queue up that text stream it in and then want to tell the controller to unqueue that Q is a weird word to spell there we go and then we'll just catch the error there otherwise uh we want to have the controller handle the error controller having some tough time spawn here pass in the error controller no controller uh okay once we've done that check outside the on parse function you create a parser so we're going to use this create parser and then we're going to pass in our purse function of this and so this create parser this is just all these things are coming from the Event Source parser package that we installed so that's what that's what that package is doing it's handling all this stuff for us it's really nice okay we're going to Loop over those chunks chunk of chunk of res dot body I'm gonna cheat a little bit and just type this as an end actually I think I used response here didn't I yeah response dot body and now we want to feed this to the parser so we're going to do parser.feed decoder so you want to decode it and decode each chunk and then this handles our Stream So this just in summary um at a basic level just this handles each token as it comes in and creates a streamer so that we can consume on the client and then we just want to return our stream okay so that's gonna that's gonna do all the magic that we need to extra response from the API and then handle the streaming so that we can get some good ux going on so we're gonna go back into our answer uh TS file in the API and now we can utilize the stream that we just created so we're just going to create a new variable here called stream seems fitting stream and that's going to await open AI stream pass Again The Prompt as that parameter if you remember we were passing in a prompts as a string okay and now you want to return it so that our client can consume the stream so we're going to return the streaming awesome so now that we've got that ready to go we can go actually build the user interface for this so let's go do that so what we're going to do we'll uh we'll close all these files for now and I'm going to go over to a localhost 3000 Tab and we're going to run npm run Dev to start up our development server here and you're going to see an error here so if you remember earlier on in the video we deleted this home.module.css file so we need to go into our index.tsx file and you'll see we're importing that and doesn't exist let's get rid of that we'll save that and styles is not defined so what we're going to do is everything in this main tag I'm going to lower this a little bit we're going to delete so we'll just get rid of everything in there and sweet so that's working let's give it a title really quick um I'm just going to last program GPT let's give it a description AI q a on PG's essays um okay so you can see we're titles up there now okay so what we need to do now is we're actually getting rid of this interform thing I want to create the UI for this so we're gonna need a couple of State variables so we're going to need a way to keep track of the state of our query we need to keep track of the answer right so this is the response that we're going to get back from the API we need to keep track of the chunks right so these are the chunks we'll get back from our similarity search and let's handle a loading uh variable just for a little bit of ux which should automatically import it you've just as a small note maybe Auto Imports you don't have set up um but you can just import it like so okay everything looks good here we're actually going to type this we're going to bring in our good friend PG chunk and make sure we just let it know that these chunks are supposed to be an array of PG chunks and then we're going to create a function that's going to handle our similarity search so let's create a function do handle search and this is going to be async because it's going to enter API and we need to do a couple things so let's get uh the response off of this you know what I'm actually gonna do I'm just going to call this handle answer we're going to do everything in one function I think that's just going to be a little bit easier to follow for you so we're going to go ahead and do that um so we're going to do search response so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to fetch the most similar passages to a our query so we're going to create a fetch here so wait fetch request and the way you hit your API endpoints when you have a next JS project like this because you just want to do slash API so we're in this directory right here and then slash the file name without the extension so we're going to hit the search File and then we need to pass in um our method and our post so it is a post request I don't need to pass in anything else there on the headers but we do need to pass in our body and our body in this case is just going to be that query so just to confirm um we are expecting this to come in as query as a string which is exactly what we're doing here now let's just do a quick check to make sure that this response uh came in okay so let's do if search response it's not equal okay um let's throw an error here about that no we're actually we're gonna do a return so that this function just stops it's a little cleaner otherwise we want to get the results and the results are going to come in as an array of PG chunks so again if we go back into our search API file here we are sure enough we're sending those chunks um on the response okay so we're grabbing those results um which are an array of PG chunks and what we want to do now is we want to set our state to the results right so now we have access to those chunks once they've loaded in and the way we can confirm that this is working is we can actually just log of those results first of all we're going to need a way to call this function and a way to import or to input our query so let's go uh let's go write some TSX code here so what we're going to do is just create narrative and I know um the actual site looks a little bit fancier than this I'm going to just keep it super Bare Bones just because the goal of this video is to show you how this works not to make it look pretty um if you are interested in kind of some more advanced front-end stuff maybe let me know in the comments because I'm more than happy to do like a follow-up video where I teach how to do all that stuff too if you want a little bit more of a front end heavy video I'm happy to do a part two just let me know but for now I'm going to keep the spare bones okay it's gonna be a type text the value is going to be our query again we set a state variable the query here and then on the on change we need to set the query to the value and that should be good it's not showing up here it's probably a style things let's do um yeah see we're getting some weird Styles so I'm gonna do I'm just gonna have uh Tailwind Auto uh Auto come up with some Styles maybe we'll just do like a border um yeah let's just throw a border on that maybe uh and what we could do is we could do like a border um let me just make sure really quick that this is all coming in correctly okay everything's set up good so we'll just make our text black just so it's a little bit easier to see when we type in here or text me back I actually think that's well what we really want is we want like a border black what are great works too okay so we just have an input here and then we need a button I guess this this Auto use co-pilot classes here and when this is clicked it's going to run our handle answer function okay so that's all that's going to do and we'll just do like submit and then we'll uh close that one okay so again I know this is like really bad or whatever or it doesn't look very pretty but just we're just trying to get this to work and what we're actually gonna do we're gonna do a flex Flex college so this is a column okay looks nice maybe we even set like a width of uh I don't know what 200 pixels looks like it's like let's do 350. perfect so that's gonna work and what we want to do is we want to go over to our console our developer console and we just want to check and make sure that we're getting the search results when this runs so let's go ahead and type in how do I start a startup and before we run this let me just explain what's happening so we've inputted that into our input we're accessing that with query here which is going to be passed in to our uh our search response here all right this handle answer is getting uh called when we click the button then we're hitting a search endpoint which is performing similarity search on our database over here so what we should get is we should get an embedding of this text if you take that embedding and it should perform similarity search on the embeddings of all of these passages and then return the five most similar assuming it is above this similarity threshold okay so let's let's see if everything we've built is working what do you know we get five most similar responses so as you can see the similarity on this first one is 0.868 and again that's from zero to one so this is pretty similar so that's a good result right if we go to the next one you're going to see it's a little bit less and then if we go to like the last one so these are all above 0.85 which is pretty good and we're getting all that data that we set in our database which we can now use to inject into the prompt right because that's that's kind of the whole point of this is we want to get these results because we want to inject that into the problem so we can get a good answer okay so now we're going to create the call to our answer endpoint right so what we need to do here is instead of search response we'll call it uh answer response right and same syntax slash API answer since that's the file we want to hit post request set the header and then this body is not going to be query if you remember we called this prompt so we're going to pass in prompt and you're going to notice we'll probably figure this out by now prompt doesn't exist because we haven't created it so what we're going to do between these two steps is we're going to create our prompt and if you remember we installed that indent package so what we're going to do is we're going to prepend indent we're going to import that in the template string after this and all indent does is it lets you use template strings here and if I create like new lines like this like this it's just going to clean up some of the white space on these lines so if you would pass in this string without indent here you know if I just did test test it's going to instead of passing the text you know like uh like this uh instead of you know receiving it something like that it would have all this white space from here so it just it just cleans that up a little bit which is a good thing to do when you're you're creating a prompt so we're going to create our prompt and we're going to say use the following passages to answer the query and we're going to inject our query in here right so that's going to show our query right there and then what we want to do is we want to take these results that we got in here and we're going to map over them so let's go results and again template strings let you which are just what these back ticks are they let you inject variables by using this dollar sign bracket syntax into a string so that's that's what we're doing here hopefully you've gotten onto that by now that's what I've been using throughout this whole video but what we want to do is we want to map over that and then for each one of these chunks we want to we want to return the content and then we want to join it by a new line so what this is going to do is for each one of these chunks that we fetched all five of them it's going to grab the content in here and we're basically just going to create like a list of them with the new line so I will log that prompt to show you what happens here um I'm actually I'm just going to comment that out so we don't make that call clear the log and if I do it again you'll see this is our prompt right so use the following passage to answer the query there's our query and then we added all of our passages excuse me into here okay so that's that's basically the context that we're going to be using to handle this response okay so now what we're going to do is we're going to fetch the response here and now all we have to do here is we have to handle the streaming so let's let's do a check similar we did above to make sure answers coming in and then we have to do a couple of things to handle the string so what we're going to do is we're going to create a reader it's going to be eight I got ETA dot get reader um sorry I forgot to access the uh data off of the response buddies we got to get the answer response dot body okay and this is complaining to us data's possibly null so what we can just do is do a quick check if not data return that'll go away sweet and then we need to create a decoder for this is the same thing we just did in our utility function for the open AI stream just a new text decoder and we're going to create the variable here called done which is going to be a Boolean that's going to handle if we go back into our utils it's just going to check for this done right so we're we're just going to see if the stream closed okay and so while not done so while we still have tokens coming into us from the from the stream what we want to do is we want to get the value um and then we want to get done and we'll just refer to that as like done reading that's going to be uh a weight reader and then we want to read from this room here okay we want to set our done variable to done reading and the reason we're casting this is done reading is because we've already declared a variable called none that's why we're doing that we want to get the chunk value right so this is the text of the chunk um and again the chunk is just referencing the uh the streamed in text and then what we want to do is you want to set the answer right so this is our state variable answer um to the previous value so this this is what the syntax says it takes the previous value of our state and then it takes the previous value and it adds the new value to it so that's what that does and so that's going to run through our whole stream and then when our stream is complete it is going to close it and then instead of true or instead of returning false here it's going to return true at the end then this variable is going to become true and then it's going to kick us out of this while loop so it's going to wrap up so we don't get like an infinite Loop here and then that's going to handle their answer so what we can do down here to show you that let me uh I'm going to create a div here I'm going to give it a margin top of four just for a little bit of spacing there and what we're going to do is we're going to check if if it's loading we're going to want to have a let's put a loading div in there just to show that it's loading otherwise we want to put in our answer and we just want to close that div okay and then we also we just need to handle the the loading stuff in here all right so we want to set loading to True at the start of this and then at the end of this we want to sell loading the false and if we do this we should now have a fully working little proof of concept here where if I do how do I start a startup it should fetch the most similar chunks from our database you should inject those the content the text concept of those chunks into our prompt it should feed that prompt into our answer request to get our answer and then it should give that back to us in the format of a stream that we're going to decode in here and display to the user as it comes in so let's maybe let's try a different one let's do um how do I raise money hit submit it's going to be loading and as you can see I'm getting an error so we probably just did something wrong here so let's uh let's go check and see what we did wrong so we're getting a 500 error so let's do a couple things let's make sure our prompt is coming in okay we'll do some debugging and see how this loading didn't resolve what I'm also going to do is just do some little ux stuff here so in each one of these we want to set loading with false if uh it threw an error so like if I copy and paste this refresh run it again it's going to fail and it'll get rid of that loading so that's just a little quick ux thing we'll do as we debug this I accidentally just exposed my API key so I'm just going to record this last minute that's what I went through and tried to figure out what the error was and I found it super quick and it was a tiny little thing so what we need to do is we need to go into our utility file here where we do the open AI stream and see where I have the model specified this model is actually called gbt 3.5 turbo so you have to add this Dash turbo on here and now we have the model correct so basically what was happening is we were trying to request a response from a model that doesn't exist so now this should work so if I do uh what is a hacker we should be getting a response here it's loading cool so we got our response and sure enough this is uh pretty good result so you'll notice that this didn't Stream So as the very kind of final step of this what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to build a nice little component in here that can handle streaming with a nice little bait in animation so we're going to create a new folder called components and in here we're going to create a new folder called answer I'm going to create an answer component I'm just gonna have two files it's going to answer.tsx and is going to have answer dot module module.css so in our answer component we are going to create an interface here just to type in the Pro to the props we're going to be passing into this component so it's going to receive one prop which is text which is a string and we're going to export this component we're going to answer this is going to be a functional component in react with props like so uh we're going to de-structure text off the props there and we're going to return a few things so the first thing we're going to do in here is we're going to keep track of the words that are coming in from this text in a state variable and then we want to do a use effect like so and we want text to be a dependency here so every time the text changes we are going to set words to text.split at each word okay so we're just going to get an array of all the words in here because we're going to do an animation off of that okay so we're going to throw a div in here and then we're going to map over these words right so we're mapping over this array which is a word of each text that we passed into this component and we're going to return a span with key index we're going to pass in a sorry let me put this on a new line a class name I'm just going to equal the Styles dot fade in and we're going to create that in our uh our module file here let's create our fade in class It's gotta have an animation of fade in over 0.5 seconds ease in out forwards so this is just a little animation we're creating we want the opacity to start in at zero um AKA we don't want it to show you have to do these little keyframes for the fade in um starting opacity zero going oh passing one that's all you need there uh what you do need to do though is you need to um import styles from that module from and that's a lowercase a oops Styles Dot fade in there we go okay and we're also going to do a little custom inline styling here which we want to throw an animation delay and the delay is just going to be equal to the index times 0.1 seconds so you can you can play around with this number right here and this number right here to get kind of different fade in speeds this is the one I thought was best which is the only reason we're doing that and we want to put in the word in here with the space because we need to separate those words so now we need to go back into our index.tsx file and instead of rendering in the answer just the raw answer here we want to be the answer component and we have to pass in answer um to the as the the text prop right Square we need this as text save that and now you can see we're getting this beautiful animation that's streaming this in so that's um that's a brief summary uh I say it brief this is probably like a 90 minute video I'm probably like two hours at this point um but let me know what you think you should now have all the tools you need to create this for all sorts of different data sets you know you can scrape text from PDFs you can scrape text from websites you know you want to use like Wikipedia or something anything you want um you know if you want to use like podcast audio transcription YouTube videos the possibilities are endless but this shows you how to do all of the steps from embedding your text from to coming up with the data set to doing the streaming to building um just a basic UI here again you can as a challenge make this a lot prettier if you do want me to follow up and do a user interface video do things like you know make the loaders prettier make this prettier um you know I have the little settings screen uh and whatnot in the production version of this if there's anything I didn't cover in here you would like me to cover just let me know and if enough people want it I will a thousand percent do it so hopefully you found this informative again this was my first video I've put out I my personal preference is I like sort of the live coding style as opposed to a more edited version but I know these can get a little bit long-winded so you know if you prefer me to really cut down or skip over things and not live code it let me know and maybe I can do like two versions of each every time I do one of these videos because I do plan on trying to do at least like two of these per week so again just give me some constructive feedback and I'm I'm happy to make you all happy but I hope you found this video helpful um if you appreciate this tutorial please drop me a like I would really appreciate that again it helps it's feedback for me and if you have any questions uh the best way to reach out to me is in the comments or on Twitter my handle is at McKay Wrigley and happy building hope you all uh can use this to build some cool stuff if you build anything cool with it let me know I'd love to see it take care guys
Channel: Mckay Wrigley
Views: 6,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RM-v7zoYQo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 29sec (7289 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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