Using A.I. to Grow Your Business

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one of the most productive ways to use AI is getting started I'm sure you recognize this getting started is often always the hardest and once you get into whatever you plan to do it's typically much faster and much more smooth once you've picked up the flow AI does an outstanding job at kick-starting that flow I'm using chat DPT and gpt3 to get myself started riding all the time in fact I fine-tuned a DaVinci model using all my previous YouTube scripts to make it right in my style and tone of voice I use stable diffusion to get started with thumbnails for real I trained a stable Fusion model on a bunch of my thumbnails and I can now produce some pretty photorealistic images of me to get me started with the thumbnail faster I even use it for boring stuff like contract templates and legal documents AI won't do your job for you you still need to jump in there and make sure things are executed but it does a terrific job of getting the ball rolling
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 16,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shorts
Id: Zurv9d3n354
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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