ChatGPT Tutorial: How to Use Chat GPT For Beginners 2023

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hey everyone so this is going to be a completely free course on how you can use chat GPT I guarantee you if you watch this video from start to finish you'll become an expert chat gbt user we'll be going over 15 different types of command prompts that you guys can use yeah I think you're gonna be blown away by just how powerful chat GPT is and the wide range of things that it can help you with so what I recommend you guys do is not only watch this video but as you watch it follow along create your own account enter in the prompts with me and I guarantee you that's going to be a much better way to learn so let's get started alright so I have chat gbt opened up right here if you guys go to it's going to bring you to this page we'll be linking this down below so it's a little easier for you guys but the first thing you're going to want to do is come here and click sign up now if you already have an account you guys can click login of course but I'll show you guys how to do this basically it's going to want your email address and another way to actually create your account is by setting in with Google or with your Microsoft account so you'll enter in your email address here and and click continue it'll send you an email to confirm your accounts and once you confirm your email you'll be able to access your account so this is the dashboard for chat GPT as you guys can see I have chat GPT plus which is 20 per month as I am filming this video but this is not required as long as you guys use chat GPT 3.5 default or Legacy these are going to be completely free to use if you do however want to try gbt4 you guys can pay for this account but it's not necessary and in this video I'll just be showing you guys how to use a chat gbt for free so the 3.5 version as I'm filming this video so over here on the left is where you can create new chats and the really cool thing about chat gbt is that each of these new chats it sort of remembers what you type so you can view each of these chats over here as like a new conversation it'll be able to remember the context of other answers that it gives you within that chat so you can sort of view each of these chats as a separate person who you've already had a conversation with if that makes sense now you guys do need to know that there are some limitations with chat EBT all the data that chat GPT has learned only goes up to September of 2021 so if there's anything that has happened since then it's not going to know that that has happened so just take that into account one asking it certain questions right it's not going to be able to answer questions on current events also not every single answer or 100 of its response is going to be accurate there may be some discrepancies there may be some errors so it's always important to fact check to make sure that the answer is accurate and correct so let's talk about the different command types and the first one we're talking about today is asking chat gbt for specific facts or details and by the way we're going to be going from sort of like basic stuff to more advanced things so yeah just keep that in mind so just like with Google you can ask chat gbt to give you certain facts right so for example I can come down here and I can ask who is the founder of Apple it's going to give us our answer uh the co-founders of apple or Steve jobs Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne this type of command prompt is not that interesting because you can literally do this with Google or any other search engine but the cool thing about chat gbt is that it's more of like a conversation instead of searching on Google and having to look through different websites to get your actual answer this is going to sort of summarize all that information from all the data it's learned from and present that information to you with a written response so it's sort of like the Google Knowledge panel that you guys may have seen which basically gives you a summary of the answer this is just like a better version of that you guys can get creative with the types of answers and facts that you want to ask it and really it should be able to answer almost anything you throw at it just another example let's say who wrote the book How To Kill a Mockingbird so it presents our answer and that is correct so yeah super super basic and that's just the First Command type that we're talking about all right the second command type is actually asking for suggestions I'm gonna create a new chat here and we can begin asking chat GPT for suggest questions on pretty much any topic so I'm really into self-development I can ask you something like recommend five books about self-development so as you guys can see I've asked it to recommend five books I've been very specific with that about a topic which is self-development all right so that is the answer that's given me if you guys don't like the answer that's given you you guys can always click regenerate response so I'm actually going to click on that right here just to show you guys it's going to go ahead and recreate that answer it'll likely be different every single time and yeah as you guys can see now we see this little thing right here two of two this means that there have been two answers generated for this specific prompt and we can actually toggle back and forth between these two different answers and of course we can keep regenerating it'll have a third one and so on now one thing you guys can do is actually click the thumbs up or the thumbs down button this is more to train the AI so if there's something in here that's completely incorrect of course you guys can click on this it's going to ask you to provide some additional feedback and you guys can admit that feedback you guys can also ask it something like what are some good shows to watch on Netflix now again the data only goes up to September of 2021 as of right now so nothing on this list is going to be brand new but this does seem like a pretty good list of shows a lot of these I do really enjoy so yeah you can sort of view chat GPT as a concierge you can pretty much ask it anything and it's going to know the answer to it all right so the next command prompt we're talking about is language translation so not a lot of people know this but chat gbt is basically a Google translate on steroids it's a much better version it's going to be able to translate text a lot better that's because it takes context and social cues into context so with Google translate you're only getting like an actual word for word translation with Chad gbt it knows how things are actually said in real use and it's going to take all that information and be able to synthesize a really good translation for you so let's go ahead and try that right here what I like to do is I like to First give chat GPT some context so I'm gonna say something like I am currently traveling in Spain and I'm at a restaurant and I want to ask the waiter what are your three most popular dishes can you translate this for me of course you guys can ask the same exact question many many different ways but this is just how I've asked it in this situation you guys can see it knows exactly what I'm asking for it has that context and it's going to give us the translation which is this right here now you might not know how to actually pronounce that so we can go how do you pronounce that and the great thing is that it knows what you're asking it's going to give us the actual pronunciation and yeah I think that's super super cool really really useful for a real world situation so not only is this really good for spoken language translation when you're out and about it's also really good for written translation as well so if you have blog articles if you have emails basically anything that's written you can basically copy it here and have it translate it for you the prop for this is basically just going to be translates we can do something like dots and then write in the text for example let me just copy this right here and let's actually say translate into Chinese okay so it's going to turn that into a written Chinese it's also going to tell us the pronunciation and yeah get really creative with this this is just a very cool uh feature of chat GPT it's like having a language scholar available at any time that you can literally just talk to all right so the next command prompt that we're talking about today is comparing different things Chad GPT is very very good this has so much information and data that's scraped from and so that's why I can provide very good answers for you guys so let's go through an example right here what is the difference between cats and dogs as pets super random right but it's going to be able to compare these two different things and so yeah even if you give it a very basic prompt like this it'll be able to create a very cool answer and so if we look through this it looks pretty good it talks about Behavior Uh care requirements relationship with owners it also gives us a little summary now let's say for example this is too long and you want this to be written with let's say 200 words or less we can say rewrite this in under 200 words and let's say it's also a little bit too complex for us we can actually say but pretend like you're writing to a complete beginner or someone that is in fifth grade okay so let's click that it's going to generate that you can see now the language is a lot easier it's a lot shorter instead of talking about those different categories which is a little bit more advanced it's just breaking down to cats and then dogs then doing a quick little summary like that yeah this is obviously a lot more easy to understand for someone that's in the fifth grade and so that's another cool trick with chat EBT you can literally tell it's the tone you want to use who's going to be the one reading the content so it's going to know how to write it as well as the number of words you want to generate we can also ask something like what are the differences between IOS and Android and Bam it's giving us a very very good answer of course I always recommend you guys give it feedback so literally think of chat gbt as a person you can tell it literally anything right you can be like this was too long this was too hard to read I didn't like this response can you focus more on the security portion or can you focus more on the hardware it's so open to any feedback you have for it and it's going to take that into consideration remember it as context and so like I said earlier this chat right here it remembers everything that you've said as well as everything that it said and as you build more and more context within this chat it's going to give you even better answers okay so the next command prompt is having chat gbt do creative writing for you now this is one of the big places where chat GP shines it is a written word AI of course so it's actually very very strong at taking your prompts and creating written responses and with creative writing you guys it can literally be anything we can have chat GPT write email templates for us and have it write an email response we can have it write blogs we have it write songs we can have it write a play a short story we have right jokes literally anything you guys want to be written chat gbt can do you just need to ask it to do it so for example let's start off with something more fun let's have it write us a short story all right so I've written write a short story about caterpillar that falls off a tree loses his family and then is reunited make sure it's super funny and make it a feel-good story so I've given it the general storyline and I've also said you know I want it to be funny and I want to be a feel-good story so we've given it pretty specific context of course if we have other requirements I'd recommend putting that in this prompt we can give as many requirements as we want and it's going to generate a short story for us so I'll click enter and it's going to immediately start making a story you can see it named the caterpillar Carl and put that but it's very very creative it's going to come up with things like that and Bam we have a story about Carl the caterpillar that loses his family but is reunited now let's say I want the story to be turned into a song right rewrite this as a song Bam it's going to start generating lyrics to a song it's gonna have like verses courses is all that stuff and it's going to tell that story within the lyrics which is really really cool let's say we want this to be a poem we write this as a poem we can say we want to be a haiku we want to have this many syllables we can get really really specific so just know that whatever you want chat GPT to write it can basically do it for you another use case for this is having it write emails for you all right so write me an email to the Land Rover car dealership saying that they overcharge me on the repair and if possible I'd like them to look into it it was a repair on the windshield that happened last Thursday my name is Charlie other person I'm addressing to is called Frank be super nice in the email right so I've given it a lot of context I've told it what I want to be included and I've told it also to be super nice so let's see what this spits out I've actually used this to respond to emails believe it or not it actually does a very good job and if you guys read this I think it actually sounds pretty good I could pretty much take this paste it into my Gmail and send it Beyond something that's more personalized like this you can also have it create email templates for you so for example let's say you're applying to a bunch of jobs you can have have it create a template outlining a few things that you want to include all right let's see what this gives us coolest doesn't have brackets where we can enter in the person's name a bunch of other brackets for your name the company name all that stuff and yeah this looks really really good so again maybe not the exact email you want to send out yes and take this as a draft and put in your own little spin to it but I think that's a very great starting place again get really creative with this there are so many things you guys can have chat GPT right for you the possibilities are literally endless all right so the next type of command prompt we can use for chat EBT is having it brainstorm ideas for us tragedy is actually extremely smart I've used this many many times and the ideas it gives you they're actually really really good let's go through an example right here all right so I'm having a birthday party for about 20 friends we want to do something Outdoors that costs under 50 per person can you give me five ideas on what to do pretty specific let's click enter so bam now it's giving us five good ideas we have Beach day outdoor movie night Bike Tour hike or picnic in the park so I think those are really good ideas let's say want to have it you know talk more about one of those let's we can say something like expand on picnic in the park let's say give me these step by step okay so now it's gonna give us a step-by-step guide for organizing a picnic in the park which I think is super cool and so yeah you can sort of view uh chat GPT as being able to help you come up with ideas for pretty much anything right like right here we talked about a birthday party given a few requirements we could also do something like if you're starting a business and you don't know what type of business name to actually choose we can have chat GPT come up with a list that work all right so I've given it some context on what my business is and we're going to ask what are some good business name ideas give me eight names preferably under 20 characters now it's going to brainstorm this and give us eight possible business name ideas of course I always recommend you guys take a look at this give it feedback let's say those names sound too boring give me another 10. that's gonna give us 10 other ones that hopefully are a little bit more exciting and less boring let's say you really like a perfect prep you can say give me five more like perfect prep it's not going to know that we like that specific name so it's going to give us something that are more similar so it's going to give us ideas that are more similar to that and we can get super creative guys we can even ask how would you build this business and yeah now it's going to brainstorm how you guys can actually you know start this business the next type of command prompt is summarizing text for us so one thing that Chachi is extremely extremely good at is taking long pieces of text and being able to turn it into a much more concise piece of text so I've gone ahead and copied over parts of chapter one of Pride and Prejudice and what I'm gonna do here is say summarize this text okay we'll click shift enter and I'll paste that right here so bam it already knows that it's from this book and it's going to give us a summary about what that text is saying we don't even actually need to give it text we can just say something like summarize Pride and Prejudice it's going to give us an AI generated summary we can say something like rewrite this in outline format I've got go ahead and copied over some text from openai which talks about the methods that they've used to create chat gbt what I'm going to do is I am going to come up here summarize this text but make it understandable for a 10 year old okay bam that's very very easy okay let's say summarize that but explain it to a college student so now this is going to create that same thing but have it be a little bit more complex more suited for a college student and yeah one great thing with chat gbt is that we can enter in a bunch of information we can ask chat GPT to summarize it to create bullet points with it to rewrite it just make it more easily digestible for different types of people all right the next command prompt is having it generate different lists for us for example let's write something like this I'm trying to lose weight give me a list of top 10 foods to eat that are healthy it's going to go ahead and create that a list of 10 different things yeah this is obviously very useful for Gathering info information and let's say I forgot to say that I'm a vegan so now it's gonna be like oh whoops uh we didn't know that you're a vegan now that we know here's another list of 10 things that you can eat yeah if you guys are trying to do research for an article for an essay for a school assignment or pretty much anything this is a really great way to come up with like different things that you guys can include in that piece of written content of course you can even have chat gbt just write out the essay for you or whatever it is I don't condone you know plagiarism because if you do actually just copy it and you know submit that as your own work that is considered plagiarism there are more and more tools out there that are pretty good at seeing if text is AI generated so yeah instead of just doing that which I don't recommend take the text rewrite parts of it you know like incorporate your own words into it not for me at least is the best way to create written content another command prompt that's very cool with chat GPT is having it give you pros and cons for certain topics for example let's say that we are deciding between a traditional sauna and infrared sauna and we want to know the pros and cons of each again this is basically just like doing a bunch of research for you from information that's scraped from the internet as you guys can see here it's formatted this really well it starts off with the traditional sauna goes over the pros and then the cons and then talks about the infrared sauna pros and then the cons essentially you guys can see that chat GPT is just really good at giving you guys a bunch of research that is presented in different ways so you guys have it presented in a list pros and cons summarized literally do whatever you want it to do all right so the next command prompt that we're talking about is having chat GPT request names quotes or studies for you so let's create a new chat here's something that we could write so find three scientific studies about optimal number of hours of sleep and Summarize each study finding so it's going to give you the study name it's going to tell you the summary of it and yeah it's gonna do that three times since that's what we asked it for a really great way to get you know like actual data-backed answers I will say that you want to confirm that these studies were actually done sometimes chat gbt can confuse different studies and mix them together so just make sure that this is an actual study and that this is the actual you know data that was found from that study it's also very good at finding you quotes so let's say give me three quotes about success bam we have three different quotes let's say give me three quotes about how amazing chat GPT is we can even say what are the three most famous quotes from let's say Elon Musk and yeah it's just so good scraping information from the web and presenting it in this like very easy conversational style format okay the next command type that we're talking about is giving you feedback on your text this is super super cool and not that many people use chat GPT for this so I'm basically going to do is I'm going to copy some text that I wrote for my website and I'm going to have it actually give me feedback on what's good and what's bad so if you're a teacher you can actually use chat GPT to sort of help you grade essays and papers you can see I entered in this text right here asked it to give me the good and the bad and what I can improve on so it's going to summarize like what things about what I wrote it says it likes the use of personal anecdotes which is super cool that knows that and then one thing that says that can be improved is the organization of the text we can even be like how would you rewrite this text okay and now it's going to give us a possible rewrite of this text which is super cool nice let's actually um enter in some more text and let's say give me a grade for this short essay okay unfortunately it's not going to give me a grade but it's still going to give us feedback on this text of course we can have it rewrite it we have it rewrite it in under 50 words we can even say something like provide an analysis of my writing style and so let's rewrite that there it's going to tell us my writing style it's concise and to the point and yeah think of it just like as a writing tutor you can just literally ask anything you'd be like how would you change this what things would you add what things would you take outs which words would you change out are there any better more advanced words I can use it can literally help do anything with any text that you put in so yeah if you're writing a lot of text then chat GPT is definitely a very good tool because it's going to make your writing a lot better so the next command prompt we're talking about is actually using chat gbt to role play with you so like we mentioned uh Chachi BT can basically be like another person that you can talk to and so one really cool use case is assigning some type of identity to chat gbt and having it actually talk with you simulates conversation or whatever it is so let's say this you are interviewing me for a job at Microsoft please conduct a practice interview with me so and I was asking me tell me a little bit about yourself and the position you're applying for we'll give our response alright so obviously this is not just one question it's asking me eight different questions but basically what I can do is I can respond to those questions or I can pick one of them and respond to it and it's going to give me a response so let's say make money or something like that okay it's going to give its response ask a follow-up question and we can sort of go on from there you know you can basically spend hours and hours talking to chat GPT after assigning it some type of identity and so it's pretty cool to role play different situations if you do want to practice different scenarios you can also of course have it give you feedback on how you did and ask it things like what would have been a better response that I could have said another type of role playing you guys can do is if you're trying to learn a language you can role play by you know having a conversation in that language so we can say something like this obviously that was not role-playing it just gave us a sample conversation so let's say so now it's going to start doing that we can say bonjour okay obviously that's not working too well but I think you guys get the point make sure you guys give it enough context and be very clear on what you want chat gbt to do okay so the next type of command prompt is having chat GPT explain different concepts here's one use case scenario this so let's actually have chat gbt answer a question for us more specifically a math question okay a circle has a diameter of 10 centimeters what is the area this is actually going to answer the question and tell us different steps it took to get that answer you guys can see it first found the radius and then did plugged it into this formula a equals pi r squared which is correct uh let's say you actually don't understand the concept of that formula right can you explain the formula of finding the area of a circle so now it's going to go into more detail about this formula what each of these things are why this works so yeah this is a really great way to have chat gbt explain different concepts that you may not understand it's basically like a free tutor right like if I were to ask my tutor this question they would also answer it pretty similar to this if this is too long you can say make it shorter it'll rewrite that but make it you know more concise we can even ask a question like this I'll do banks collapse right so if you don't know how Banks National collapse it's going to tell you all the different ways in which they can of course this is the reason why svb and other banks have just crashed but of course it's not going to know those current events since that was very recent the next type of command prompt is actually asking chat GPT what to ask it so asking chat GT for what types of commands you can give it right so I have an essay I wrote and I want to know what types of commands I can ask you regarding editing my content so bam these are all different command prompts that you guys can ask chat EBT after putting in your essay and this is just a really great way to learn more about the different things you guys can do in chat EBT this video is pretty comprehensive but of course we're not going to be able to cover everything you guys can do so what I recommend doing is after watching this video If there's still other scenarios or things you want to potentially explore with chat GPT you can always ask chat gbt what you can ask it and that sounds funny but like it's definitely a really good way to learn more about chatgpt for example I can put in how can I use chat gbt to help me write code so you're essentially asking it how you can use it to help you with your stuff and this is a great command prompt because it's going to tell you exact things that you guys can actually type it's going to bring up different use case scenarios yeah if you guys have any questions about chat gbt just literally ask chat GPT the question right it's going to know it and then the last command type we're talking about is using chat GPT as your Mentor now this whole channel is about like entrepreneurship and building businesses and you know stuff like that and the great thing is that chat GPT has a lot of knowledge and you can actually ask it for a lot of Life advice alright so I'm a 22 year old college grad and I want to start a business I have a thousand dollars and want to do a service based business that I enjoy doing I like photography tutoring and website can you give me five ideas for businesses I can start as well as what I can name them this is basically something that you'd ask someone that you are learning from right and it's going to go ahead and spit out five answers and I think these are actually pretty good and remember these are full on conversations so think about this as someone having just said this to you right so let's say you want to do photography I can say I think photography would be really cool how would I go about that that's going to tell you more about how you can actually start your photography business give you all the different steps we could be like what's website builder should I use to build my portfolio website it's going to give us a list of a bunch of different website Builders and so yeah basically just continue this conversation view chat GPT as your Mentor it has access to so much knowledge I would say the only thing that chat GP doesn't have is accountability right so you can ask it for all this information and advice but it won't be able to hold you accountable which is the most important thing so just something to be aware of overall I just need to think of chat GPT as a very very very smart person in every single topic there is out there think of it as like an assistant as a mentor as a friend as a Storyteller as a researcher whatever it is and if you use these 15 different command types you'll be able to make your life so much easier chat gbd can help you in all your personal life stuff as well as your business life stuff it can have you plan out vacations for you create itineraries and yeah the main thing is that you need to treat this as a bot that knows everything and with all Bots it's all about the commands that you input so here's some of my big tips that will make the answers you get infinitely better one is you need to be super super specific and very clear with your prompt the last thing you want is ambiguity because that's going to introduce a lot of unknown variables so the more clear and the more specific you are with your question the more context you're actually giving it then the better the answer is going to be also get comfortable with giving a lot of feedback okay so I think a lot of people don't realize just how important the feedback is the more feedback you give it the better the answers it's going to give you be more fine-tuned those answers are going to be yeah another is you have to be super super patient this is still an AI software that's being tested it's going to have its bugs not everything's gonna work perfectly all the time and also at first it's going to take you guys a while to be able to know what questions to ask what type of context to give what type of commands to give it may take you guys a good amount of time to get the desired answer and so you have to be patient with this you need to be able to ask more questions you have to be able to give it feedback and yeah that takes a lot of time sort of think of yourself as a journalist right you can ask follow-up questions you guys can give feedback you can hone in on certain points that you want to talk about more or get more details on get really good with your communication because that's going to help you with chat EBT so anyways I hope you guys found this tutorial helpful we covered so many different things and yeah feel free to reference this video at any point because I know you probably don't remember everything we talked about but hopefully you guys did follow along with your own chat GPT and that's really going to make sure that the things we talked about today you know stay in your head now you guys can actually take action with these command prompts and incorporate them into your own lives anyways thank you guys so much for your time if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I do a ton of content about personal finance entrepreneurship as well as investing on this channel thank you so much and I'll see you in the next video peace thank you
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 402,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt tutorial, chat gpt, how to use chat gpt, how to use chatgpt, chatgtp, chat gpt how to use, chatgpt explained, what is chat gpt, chatgpt tutorial for beginners, tutorial chatgpt, chat gpt tutorial for beginners, chatgpt prompts, chatgpt demo, openai chatbot gpt
Id: Gaf_jCnA6mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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