Start a SaaS Business Using These AI + No Code Tools

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this is definitely getting interesting I'm currently running three SAS products and even though my business is heavily centered around software we're actively replacing more and more of our products and infrastructure with no code and AI it stopped being buzzwords and became actual useful tools you can now use to run your business in this video I'll show you seven no code and AI tools that you'd have thought unimaginable 10 years ago and how helpful they are in running your SAS business first let's talk about how to create a website fast the first tool I want to show you is framer framer was originally a JavaScript library for handling CSS animations but they turned into a fully fledged no code website builder and it's surprisingly good if you've ever used figma you'll feel very at home here when you start a new project you get a blank canvas now we can combine different blocks of content by simply using drag and drop we get a ton of different ready-made blocks to choose from and we can set up a CMS collection to handle content dynamically the app itself is really fast and super smooth to use we can set up different breakpoints for a phone and tablet and we can see these side by side as we decide and the whole thing is on one canvas that I can move around and zoom in and out freely and with a single click of a button boom my side is live the biggest disadvantage of using framer is that it's almost too simple you can create very basic websites though you will quickly feel limited compared to tools like webflow on the other hand there's barely any learning curve with framer it's super easy to use I would argue that almost anyone can get a nice looking website ready really fast and they have another really cool feature they have a plug-in for Fitness so if I have a website to sign in figma I can easily turn that into a live website super fast this is very interesting let me get back to that in a second but first let me introduce mid-journey mid journey is an AI technology you can use to generate images from a prompt this means that you can tell mid-journey what you want to design and combine it with example images to take inspiration from and it will spit out some really high quality fully AI generated images this is incredibly useful when we want to sell a product that is silent look and feel of the website has a huge impact on the visitor and mid-journey can help us create really good looking images and graphics for our website when you sign up for a mid-journey account you get access to a Discord Channel and you basically use this as a command prompt to give mid-run instructions for the images you want to create [Music] then we can download them and add it directly to our website [Music] but it gets even Wilder framer has a lot of useful ready-made blocks and it makes the website look quite good but let's take it to the next level let's go to dribble and find a website design we like then we're gonna tell mid journey to use this image as inspiration and give it a small description there we go this is perfect we're not stealing anyone's designs here we're just letting mid-journey take inspiration from dribble awesome let's download it and bring it into figma we're going to use this as the background and we're basically going to build the UI on top of this image if you're new to figma don't worry it's an advanced tool and it might seem a bit intimidating at first but trust me it's very easy to get started with take a few basic tutorials and for this use case you should be ready really fast finally we're gonna find a plugin called from figma to HTML in seconds by framer and after a few moments this part of the page should be ready we're gonna hit copy to clipboard create a new page in framer and hit Ctrl V boom now we just need to repeat this for each section and page and we have an amazing AI generated website ready to publish right away no designers no uxrs no programmers just you a few tools and a beautiful website ready in a few hours absolutely incredible alright let's shift the gears here because in order to get our online business off ground we need to do that thing everyone hates marketing but let me show you a few tools that will make your life so incredibly much easier feather is an up and coming tool but it's actually really incredible I can set up a Blog in a few minutes by using notion as a Content management system and blog editor [Music] now I have a fast highly SEO optimized blog for my business and I can use notion to write the actual content feather has basic analytics built in and it also lets me customize the style and looks of my blog using these templates and themes and if I want to really customize it I can inject my own custom CSS as well and the best part of course I get to use notion to write the actual blogs let's do a quick stop here and let me show you something else notion AI notion recently launched its own integrated Ai and it's extremely powerful it can finish my sentences it can easily summarize descriptions into action items and it can help you come up with new ideas all from within notion itself check this out ask AI to ride blog posts about let's say bootstrapping a SAS [Music] there we go let's add a few images [Music] change things up a little [Music] hit ready to publish and there we go feather took care of the rest the block is now live marketing done whoa whoa whoa wait a second we still need to take care of social media for this I'm using feed Hive feed Hive is a social media marketing tool powered by AI so we have this AI chat assistant available directly inside the tool it's like chat gbt but this one is trained specifically to help write content for social media and once we finish the post we can let feed Hive say I graded to see how well it thinks it will perform this one wasn't too impressive so feed Hive will make a few suggestions that might work better [Music] there we go schedule it and done but here's where it gets really cool we can also combine this with tools like feather and notion using automation with feed Hive I can create a trigger and I can call this trigger from any other service I want and have feed High publisher post on multiple social media channels so for instance when a new blog post is published from feather I use their RSS feed to have a trigger called in feed Hive and it automatically publishes a post to tell my audience about the new blog post this is truly the power of AI and automation at play here also if you don't already know I'm the founder of feed hype this is the tool my team and I built and we're quite proud of it I'm obviously biased here but do go and check it out there's a great chance that you can benefit from this as well next up let's take a look at canva canva is an online editor you can use to create professional looking graphic designs it's really easy to use and perfect for ad creatives and images to go on social media recently they added AI to the mix as well and it's quite impressive what you can do with it we can use it to describe an image or background we want to use in our creative simply drag it in and start editing on top of that [Music] it's easy to create anything from abstract patterns to very photorealistic images and these are generated on the fly so they'll always be unique it's a great and super fast way to get some nice images ready the last tool I want to show you is Synthesia Olivia maybe you want to tell them sure thing Simon Synthesia is a tool you can use to create AI avatars for your video I'm one of these avatars myself it's very impressive thank you you can use us for many different use cases presentations video promotions and educational videos exactly I use Synthesia to create internal onboarding videos for My Team Planning and everything else the software is super easy to use you pick an avatar from their library and write what it should say if you want to you can add certain gestures and passes and style of talking then hit generate and after a few minutes or so you have a video of an AI Avatar I just got started with this tool recently and there's so many things I'm going to use this for don't get surprised if Olivia shows up on some of my upcoming videos here on YouTube as well no doubt it's hard to build a startup it takes a lot of grinding and you need to build up an umbrella of different skills though using Ai and no code tools like the ones I've covered here is really a cheat code if you want to learn more about how my team and I became much more productive using AI check out this video next I hope you enjoyed watching please drop a like on this video And subscribe to my channel for more content like this I will see you soon for another video [Music]
Channel: Simon Høiberg
Views: 110,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code saas, no code saas ideas, saas business, no code, software as a service, no code tools, saas tools, no code apps, no code movement, no code saas builder, saas startup, micro saas, no code app, no code saas business, no code saas idea, no code low code, no code development, no code tools for saas, artificial intelligence, how to use midjourney, midjourney tips, ai website design
Id: JZ696sbfPHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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