How to Create Powerful Prompts for ChatGPT

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imagine you're playing around with chai GPT stable diffusion mid Journey GPT 4 and in the process you are using bunch of tokens and your precious dollars to optimize your prompts and the struggle is real how do you know when your prompt is even good everything to your satisfactions at home this is the first prompt Optimizer prompt perfect I have to give it to them the name is spot on in this video we'll talk who is behind this creation how to use it when to use it I'm not into politics but we are going to do who is a better president Trump or Biden just look at this my short prompt would immediately trigger the content rules of openai I will copy this whole optimize prompt this is going to be interesting right away there is no triggering of rules and all the cool features Pro users of AI would really enjoy we're going to try to recreate something like this and for this bad boy I think we can use mid earning prompt perfect is a Time Saver and I'm actually surprised that we only got to use something like that now and guess what this is not a week old AI startup Gina I have a mastermind behind this genius solution has been in the game since 2020 and yes I know 2020 is not that long time ago but in a current craziness and speed of AI advancement they got some experience on their shoulders compared to other startups that are emerging in 2023 and just a year after company was founded the raised a cool 37.5 million dollars all while the world was basically standing still and the AI was nowhere found in the news before we jump into using prompt perfect I need to tell you a funny story so here was just chilling on Discord then a user wrote hey is anyone from Berlin obviously we started chatting and then she showed me prom perfect I tried it I loved it I shared it with others and Bam prom perfect wants to be the first sponsor on this channel so now that this mama can buy more plants and you can actually hear me I would really love for you to check out prom perfect for yourself the best part if you use this code you get lifetime 25 off this special offer is valid for seven days after this video goes live so make sure to check it out okay let's get to the magical of this thing first time when you come log in right away you have some examples here you have three most important things first you have your AI models you have text models and image models we have the stable diffusion journey and lexicon you have your add-ons and the place where you put your original prompt in on the left sidebar we have prompts settings credits and help we can go to settings this is what is really amazing with prompt perfect you have controls you can play with temperature which is as you know the most important setting you can control the size of your prompted image by the way when I first talked with them they didn't had gpt4 and we didn't have mid-journey and no lexicovers there as well they are constantly adding new models I'm really surprised that we have gpt4 they have also IPI access because Gmail is all about open source community and we have a bunch of projects which are open source on GitHub those of you who code I think you will really like this I am on the standard subscription right now I don't know if it's marketing trick but it says it's the most popular and these achievements let me show you let's go to my achievements check this out and I know it's gamification it's a marketing track but it's really cool when you start seeing that you're actually getting credits for free the thing with prompting is and I think in general with anything in life that it's not what you say it's how you say it of course in this video I can't show you all the features but I will focus on something which excited me the most and we do something what I've seen most people do write me a blog post about cats versus dogs I will stick with chai GPT for now here we ago please note that your post should be written in an accessible style that is easy for readers to understand when you're on a go you wouldn't think to include such statement but it is so useful this just does the job for you and this is like a chair on top the fact that we include in every prompt optimization a short explanation of what has been optimized means that every time like if you want you can learn about prompt engineering while using the tool actively and the fact that they included descriptions everywhere you go under the models under the add-ons prompt engineering is all about learning and you're learning every day the more you use it the more you learn it I promise to you there is infinite amount of possibilities you can use this what you can do now first we select the image model we want to play and because from Frugal we are not going with my journey yet but let's do stable diffusion so you have this and you can toggle between text prompt or image okay let's run this one when I worked with architecture clients I wish I had something like that whenever client tries to explain me it's always an issue of language and it goes both ways I'm not always able to explain all my ideas and Concepts okay so we have a minimalist yet cozy living room with a large white sectional sofa sectional right as back centerpiece surrounded by natural wooden elements and plants the sun drench space feature only like this is just this is just beautiful if I what I would do I would take my design proposal plug it in here get the prompt do nothing more just copy the prompts and included my presentation that's it this is just amazing in general but we can do something like that and think of all the people who are not able to communicate or Express themselves this is really huge for anybody let's say you work with design or creative proposals we're going to try to recreate something like this and for this bad boy I think we can use mid-journing let's look now at add-ons so we have before and after preview and I actually am going to remove this we are going to bump up better quality and you can also control optimization strength let's see what mid Journey gets us out of it brace ourself mid-journey mid Journey takes some time that's that's just the fact oh my god did you see did you see we just unlocked some achievement this is like I'm still a child in my heart earned three tokens and what was the achievement I think it was in iteration Instagram Gator okay obviously we're going to go to my journey let's see what do we get I really hope it's good let's leave our prompting me journey to cook a little bit those of you who are multilingual or work with different languages or are located in Europe that never incredible feature from the add-ons we go to language and here we have three options now we are going to use chai GPD I speak pretty much five languages they want to test my native language because we have always like funny symbols and I don't have that keyboard installed I'm going to write something very basic write me a blog post about cats and dogs I I need to tell you switching my brain to my native language from English I'm so used to using prompts in English and this is chess hard okay let's see so basically I can just type in something in my own language with no symbols I get an output and I don't have to write a paragraph if you don't want your prompts to be this long I would definitely recommend to use this function to shorten your prompts should we check on our mid Journey hey you look at this this is not bad this is really not bad it's close enough damn this this function is really cool while we are in languages take a look at this the second function is you can always optimize for English what does it mean most prompts you will find online or if you buy them they are in English you can directly translate but each language has different mannerisms how we express so direct translation doesn't mean that your prompt is optimized for that language we will do exactly the same Lithuanian blurb I just used and we will run another experimental now our prompt is shorter and it is in English another aspect of this is if you find an English prompt online or you bought one you can use set optimize prompt language let's take this optimize prompt and run through this is how many languages say what I won't okay so something that I would understand would be Danish English prompt to Danish so it's interesting because I still have a short and prompt settings that translation from English to Danish is much longer that's interesting the last area you have called moderate and here you have two options if you toggle this one the optimized prompt will lean towards let me just show you for this one let's do gpt4 because it's a little bit more challenging I'm not into politics but we are going to do who is a better president Trump or Biden political bias is a quite a bit of an issue with chargept models so let's see what happens just look at this my short prompt would immediately trigger the content rules of openai if I ask gpt4 just this simple question let's see what happens my non-optimized prompt immediately triggers open ai's rules and I will do also the same I will copy this whole optimize prompt and we will create a new chat this is going to be interesting right away there is no triggering and we are going into actual breakdown of qualifications this is amazing I'm curious what happens if I optimize my best jailbreak prompt optimizing your prompts can actually leave you speechless about the results you can actually get
Channel: Goda Go
Views: 43,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prompt engineering, chat gpt prompt engineering, ai prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt engineering, chatgpt, chatGPT, chat GPT, learn prompt engineering, advanced prompt engineering, prompt engineering chatgpt, openAI, GPT3, prompt engineering tutorial, study prompt engineering, what is prompt engineering, ai, prompt, chatgpt prompt, discord, github, prompt examples, prompt perfect, perfect prompt, midjourney prompts, stable diffusion, gpt 4, gpt 4 plugins, godago
Id: 6By-gfXXbmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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