HOW TO TURBO YOUR HONDA : 92-95 Civic w/ B swap

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[Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so um [Applause] so [Music] what is going on you guys welcome back to the channel today we are going to be working on my buddy george's eg now i've mentioned in a lot of video that this car was going to come on the channel soon soon soon soon two weeks later here we are finally we have the car on the driveway in a recent video you guys should have seen this car go up against one of my buddies with the k24 integra that was just kind of like a friendly run between the two or three if you include jason but he had to go to work we wanted to do some all motor hits before going boost and now that that's out of the way the car is here to get a turbo kit installed give you guys a quick little look here with the car before we get started now i don't know what the color of this car is so i can't provide you guys information on it but this car uh has kind of popped up on the channel every now and then have people asking about it i really don't know and he got the car like this so i don't know it kind of looks like jesus color but i can't tell you that a hundred percent so if you guys want to maybe see what color this may possibly fall under check out the lexus jade green so his setup right here is i wouldn't say it's practical for boost but i'm not saying that you can't so this is a poor man's type r it is a b18c block with b16 pistons and it has a b16 head on it with all motor cams he's going to be swapping that out later to gsrs and the compression is going to be really high i think on a calculator puts it at about 11 and 2 or something like that so this little baby turbo it's going to split really fast what i am going to do with this video is i'm going to show you guys how to turbo your honda b series swap eg specifically in this video at a bare minimum so here we have a 50 trim turbo the ebay cast manifold the ebay wastegate a mishimoto intercooler and all of this right here the reason why was pieced together is because everything was acquired cheap cheap meaning because a lot of this stuff came between friends and we made a full kit to slap it to george's car i told him to grab me all the fitting so right here we have a 45 or 45 we're going to use for the return line which i have a bunch of lines sitting up there so i told them don't need to buy the dash 10 we have the fitting for the oil pan right here this is a well done style not a clamp on style like a bolt and nut style we have the t off the back of the block with the fitting for the dash 3d line we're going to be running onto the turbo which already has this fitting there shout out to b in our fitting for you know providing all of this stuff for the build and then we have the downpipe dumb tube which i'm going to have to modify to work with this car and using materials i have sitting around we do have 750cc injectors uh this should be fine for e85 for low horsepower and i'm not going to run these just yet because we don't have a tunable programmable ecu because he is on chrome which requires the ostrich and the burner and all that stuff here we have a boost gauge which is again not 100 necessary but it was so cheap from harbor freight that why not right now you see right here we're missing the intercooler piping kit but i told him i said i have all of that in that box right there and a whole bunch back there aside from the blow valve i think we have everything to do the job but my main concern was the main pieces right here now i've showed how to turbo your car from a to z on my crx i'm pretty sure i did it on tiger's car and a whole bunch of other cars here on the channel on how to turbo your car but i'm going to do a brief like um explanation again for this one because i know a lot of people love eg's and they want to see more eg's on the channel so today i'm going to show you guys how to turbo your eg so first thing i personally want to do right now is bung the oil pan so the first thing i got to do is jack up the car yaga so now that it's off the ground we're going to remove the header so that way we can access the oil pan and all of its bolts and nuts so we can pull it off header out now and the header's off so before i get to the oil pan i'm going to mock the turbo kit in place and clock everything um the way i want it to fit in here and then i'm going to figure out where the dash 10 lands on the oil pan so i can mark it and then remove drill weld so on and so forth so what i'm going to do with this turbo kit is i am going to clock the compressor to the driver's side so it's going to go just how you see it right here right on there reason being is because the eg has so much more space up in the front that i could you know have the snail go forward if you can see it goes forward and not interfere with like the intercooler now the ef and stuff i flip the compressor on the fan side the passenger side because i tuck it in more to give us much more space in the engine bay between the intercooler core support and turbo but in this case i'm going to clock it towards the radius support and have the downpipe on the passenger side so this guy and this guy is going to get married right now oh there it is married together i had to take the turbo apart because i wanted to clean the cartridge a little bit clean the compressor housing the inside all the bolts and stuff reinstalled so now let's get this installed into the engine so that way we can clock the cartridge and the compressor housing to get him to face in the direction that they need to be yeah like magic so the manifold the turbo is on with one bolt because i am just mocking it up for right now i am clocking the compressor housing and the cartridge to make sure nothing is going to be in the way of each other so right now they are loose i can still spin them around on the bottom side i do have one of the dash tens on here to make sure that the nut for the compressor is not touching you can see it right there on the left side and before i tighten it up i got to make sure that you know i can put a wrench to tighten up the 13 for the compressor and the dash 10 for the en 10 that's on the return line so i think with this guy i'm gonna try to shoot for like straight down as possible right there it hits so i'm gonna back it up just a smidge something motion auto tv would say smidge like that and then i'm gonna go ahead and just tighten up the top to lock it in place and i've already kind of clocked the cartridge where i need it to be so this is straight up and down almost it's probably about one or two degrees backward but the best way to do this is up and down straight up and down let the gravity feed um but i think you can play like a certain degree of how much angle you can have on the return and feed but straight is the best uh right now it seems to be working this way with the 45 on the bottom going straight down to the pan so again i'm going to tighten this guy right there once i'm tighten up this guy right here and then i'm going to take this whole thing back out and lock it all in right here we have a 45-10 coming off the return on turbo the uh coupler is gonna be sitting right here is probably gonna come 90 out to go along the frame rail to the intercooler so i normally put my dash 10 on this end far out i'm probably going to clock this guy straight downward towards right there so i'm probably going to weld that right there keep this line right here super short you can see that's probably about four inches and i think that'll work perfectly fine so i'm gonna go ahead and uh take off this oil pan now what the hell this thing's got a plug on it this guy's been driving around with the plug on the oil pan this thing most definitely came from the junkyard no mother's way there's like gray rtv red rtv on a brand new gasket why so i'm gonna go ahead and pull this pen out right now abracadabra man this thing is pretty damn clean i mean granted this is a poor man czar so all this has came up before [Music] oh god [Music] so so [Music] so we got the oil pan reinstalled with the new gasket the only gasket maker i used on here was between the oil pump and the block the block to the rear main seal cover and this is completely dry all the way around i've never had issue with leaks i don't know why people put a ton of rtv on a new gasket unless it's an old gasket but moving forward we have the 45 coming off the turbo right there and then we're going to be using another 45 coming off the oil pan and i'm going to go ahead and just kind of screw this all the way kind of inward and you can see this guy points literally right at the other one so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take measurement right here and then i'm going to build the line now when you buy an ebay turbo kit it comes with its own line system which is a dash four and it's like a cheap line uh what i mean by cheap is that when you try to make it go to like a weird bend or you know a rear kink it's gonna kink the line and then it's gonna stay king and then you lose oil pressure to the turbo this is a stainless steel line with ptfe uh liner on the inside and this is what i typically run on all my cars a good line system is designed like this one not like the ebay one you guys will understand when you guys see an ebay unit and you feel one of these or a brake line or something like that you'll feel the quality differences so this is what we're going to be using for our turbo the turbo already has a dash 3 fitted on here with the flange this turbo doesn't need a crazy restrictor uh typically like a 0.6065 bigger the hole the better for these journal bearings and different turbos require a different line setup or different restrictor setup so we're going to go off the back of the block where the stock oil pressure setting unit uh sits at now if you have an lsv tech or b20 vtec or just an oil sandwich adapter you can run your line off of the sandwich adapter with the right uh fitting for your line in this case this is a poor manzar no extra vtec line coming in and out of the head to the block so our only source right now is going to be coming from that guy right there at the bottom right there so i just got some teflon on this t right here this right here goes to the uh back of the block where the oil setting unit uh sits and i teflon this guy as well too so this one i'm gonna put pointing towards the firewall so imagine this is the block this goes in the block this goes towards the firewall the feed line fitting is going to be coming from the top and what i do is i thread this guy first and then i leave this one off for right now because the uh the uh fitting sticks out it's gonna get into the filter and then you can't turn this guy in so what i do is i put this one on first this is a 24 right and then i use this guy to turn this into the block you see what i'm saying and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to get it to where it's snugged i'm going to point this upwards so we can put our fitting on for the feed line and also back in my days i used to use a brass version because i was keeping it really budgeted i got from home depot and the brass actually breaks after vibration or with vibration and then you get this piece right here stuck in your block and then you know you either try to extract it or drill it out and then re-tap or re-thread or heal equal time shirt whatever the case is try to avoid using brass this is steel and we should be fine so before i 100 bolt this line into place i'm gonna change the gasket since we have it these two uh allen headed bolts and then i'm gonna pull this guy off take that old crusty one off of the turbo install this new guy so right now before i tighten up this one to the fitting 100 i am going to make sure that this guy is secured first because of this like weird um bindage so you gotta keep this one loose so it could turn and twist um and get this line all nicely not bind it before tightening that one down so before i do that change that gasket real quick god damn this ball is thick as hell now now we can put our feed line on right see how this has this weird like bend so because this end is still loose you can kind of straighten it out give it a good couple twisties right no more bindage and then you can go ahead and tighten it down right the back side is a different size it's in the 11. i'm gonna go ahead and do that quick put a little zip tie right here so that this guy doesn't go down onto the pulley down there and then catch itself so that is our oil feed system guys hmm where's your clips my guy and i also noticed this right here this was alternator it's not even bolted i started a little late today like two o'clock because i was inside watching fisherman's life catch and cook camping road trips so on and so forth and i'm not sure if i'm gonna get everything done today because you guys know when it comes to custom fabrication or fabrication it takes time to fabricate whatever it is that you need to do right now i want to move into the dump tube and the down pipe down pipe first because i don't have material for dumb tube i don't think but i think what i'm going to do here is i'm going to rotate the wastegate to the passenger side why because you don't want this to be dumping uh where the compressor housing is at because then it'll suck up hot air same way if the turbo sitting on this side it'll suck up the hot air from this guy causing high iats and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to turn it around and hopefully that 90 that came with it kind of sorta maybe probably not going to clear but at least um it'll be lesser material to uh make the dump 2 go down this way opposed to going that way or coming around down this way so this right here it's going to come after or maybe even last but my goal right now is to make the down pipe so i talked to him um i think he's going to be running a full 3-inch exhaust i'm not sure if i'm going to do a two and a half and then transition to three because kell did give me this little transition piece when i built my exhaust system this guy right here it's a two and a half transition to three and granted the turbo outlet is a two and a half or two and a quarter anyway so i don't have to put three on it right away like how this guy is right here because it comes really close to where the holes for the bolts are supposed to go and uh i think it'll help me with clearance going a two and a half but then going to a three underneath the car so i want to cut so many pies so on and so forth so i'm gonna go ahead and just uh clean up this piece actually i'm gonna cut this guy off and then i'm gonna use that flange clean it up if you're buying your custom kit like say go auto works for example your down pipe dump tube should already pre-fit if you buy an ebay they're hit or miss sometimes it'll fit sometimes it hangs low sometimes it'll point in the wrong direction so then you would have to cut modify and make it work so that's what i'm doing here right now i'm not going to show too much of it because i already done a ton of it here on the channel but i'm just going to go ahead and mock up something and see what we come up with all right guys so this is the downpipe it looks weird but uh it's going to work so from the turbo five volt flange two and a half piping all the way out to a flex it's weird because the flex is normally after the oil pan but this time the flex because of this pre-made bend is actually sitting in front of the oil pan and then it goes to a two and a half transition to three cone and then it goes to a three here and then that's going to be open from here to the exhaust it's really short but he'll take care of that once you do the exhaust system and then have a flange put there so this is all removable for whatever reason and uh again this right here is bare minimum using whatever it is that i have sitting around that i'm not going to be using anymore and just making this turbo kit install for him cost effective downpipe and wideband is installed all of the bolts are secured into place i was going to do the wastegate but i'll just work on this one last technically can be open as long as you don't get into boost you won't dump all those excess um you know fumes in the bay but i'm gonna tackle this at the end because i need to switch this guy around and i still need to find material right now i want to move into the intercooler and one of my buddies didn't bring the other pipe so i don't have a blower valve but i can use the same piping right now to get everything routed in place or use a different one so i don't have to patch up that hole right there with another one right here so on and so forth so right now i'm gonna work from the driver's side to the front and then around but first i'm gonna take note he has fog lights i'm sure he wants to keep it so my goal is to mount the intercooler you know low enough that the piping goes under the fog so it's going to be like down there so fog sits right here i'm going to try to shoot for down there and i'm just looking at it to see where the intercooler is going to be mounted to because i don't see a bumper support there's nothing here but uh that's not a big deal because the intercooler has a whole bunch of these nuts welded on so gotta find whatever thread pitch that is so i can use a nut to make some flat stock coming from the bottom to hold it up you guys get the idea i'm gonna go ahead and remove the bumper now intercooler i think where it's currently sitting is where i'm gonna mount this intercooler so there are all kinds of ways to mount an intercooler to your car we're talking about an eg in this case and because the intercooler is short small this is probably probably a seven inch or eight inch and obviously it doesn't reach to the top if you had a bigger core you can mount from the top most people drill it right here right here and intercoolers with tabs on top you can just bolt it from the top if you're running a small intercooler like this uh you can get away with using the bumper support which then you can bolt to the bumper support in this case we don't have a bumper support so kind of leaves you with two options at least two options i can think of one you can make a bracket off like other mounting points and go to the intercooler to hold it up in this case i use flat stock i'm going to weld this to the frame and then this is going to bolt up to the intercooler there's six points three on top three on bottom and they actually use a regular honda 17 mil bolt and i'm gonna put one on this side one on this side and then uh align the inner cooler bolt it down secure it and then we'll get to the piping [Music] so [Music] so this is where the bumper bolts to and the intercooler ah almost in the grill so houston we have a problem you can see the hood is not closed why this wastegate is so big in the head that it actually hits the hood right there so i'm gonna have to trim off the web in hopes of getting this hood to close completely or he can change the head of the wastegate or trim it down or grind it down or get a tile or a turbosmart but i mean cutting the hood it's not really a big deal i'm going to call them first to make sure it's okay before i do so right now i don't need the hood closed so i'm not worried about until we get to it but today we're going to continue the charge piping with all the stuff in that box so in this box we have a bunch of piping from an eg dc integra apparently a lot of battery trays too so right here we have um this is a two oh perfect we have a two with the two and a half coupler on here but this is a two inch piping um that normally loops around you know the frame rate of the eg dc eks the ef and da guys we don't have that little gap right here in the frame where we can loop the piping underneath we have to go through here or back door but in this case we have that little guy right there we have we have a two and a half right here um we have another set right there at the bottom so one right here one right here i'm probably gonna use these two guys they're aluminum i could weld it and the thing is they tuck a little bit more closer to the frame i'll show you guys when i get it somewhat installed or mocked up for y'all but oh no this one is actually steel this is steel steel okay i can't use this one guys it's been probably two hours now um doing this intercooler piping and uh making it clear the fog lights so i just finished trimming the bumper and uh it seems to fit right so underneath here we already have the piping somewhat routed right or mocked up you can say it should be a lot simpler when you buy your kits that come with piping and again piping you know it all depends on like where you're routing it back door around uh top mount ram horn cast fog lights no fog lights behind the grill um or fully exposed intercooler piping is all going to be custom to how you want it and in this case we are keeping the fog lights so i had to do a lot of cutting and measuring and you know mocking up to figure out how can we make the charge pipe clear the fog lights so you guys just saw with the bumper on here we have an old piece that i had the u and then i had to make a ton of pies one right there three right here to go up and then it transitioned from a two and a half into a two from the turbo that goes all the way through the intercooler all the way to the other side and you can see right here we're not doing the typical eg style which wraps around the frame rail and then goes up from the radiator to the throttle body what keem came by earlier gave me this piece which is already kind of pre-bent for you know where we need this to route to and from the throttle body we're coming straight down to this hole and then it comes out right here and this is where i had to modify to you know make this work so right here these two black piece originally was a u i had to cut it twist it add a piece here add a piece there and make it route up to where this hole is at so you can see it's all routed in place taped up mocked up everything looked good behind the bumper i'm not going to show you guys the welding part of this um it's going to take some time to weld one two three four five six seven seven full beads and um you know typically in your kits you guys should already have these pre-bent piping and stuff to just bolt on so i'm gonna go ahead and weld this quick and then i think i think that's pretty much it aside from the blower valve we can just put fluids in here and turn the car on all right guys so can i get a time check real quick 917. it is 9 17 right now guys so um a lot of procrastination a lot of just sitting around a lot of fitting a lot of readjusting but we got the bumper we got the bumper fitted up right here and uh it's all secured into place we got the light bar taken off black intercooler you can't tell it's turbo that's freaking awesome so we got the charge pipe right here all welded up it is painted black and then it goes around the bumper over here under the fog light and then it goes to the intercooler right there on the other side same deal it's painted black it goes all the way through back here you can see that under the fog light goes up right there and then it goes to the throttle body now we don't have a blow-off valve right now but we are getting one dropped off uh tonight so i'm gonna have to do that off camera probably tomorrow some but uh if you guys like i said have your own kits either a pre-made kit or an ebay kit they typically come with their own blower valve but aside from that um the only thing left is the dump tube which i have to go pick up material to do not a big deal got the vacuum line sourced to the compressor housing right there it's going to be running off the wastegate no boost controller and right now george just did the oil and it's pretty much ready to turn on battery tightened down a little bit here cool so it is ready to turn on and ready when you are so so all right guys so that's pretty much gonna be the end of this video how to install a turbo kit on your eg now this applies the same way for every other chassis when you're buying your turbo kit make sure you're buying it specifically for your chassis as far as intercooler piping goes i hope you guys find this video useful on everything you're going to need if say you piece your turbo kit like we did to turbo your car we're going to be butting up a few more things on the car here off camera and tomorrow we're going to do an exhaust system uh originally he was going to take it to the muffle shop but i was like you know what i got this three sitting here i got this three mid section i have the three resonator sitting there might as well use all that get it out of the garage throw it in his car save some money on his end since this is a budget friendly turbo kit install slash full installation with you know exhaust system because you know streetcar things but if you guys enjoyed this video or find this video helpful in any way be sure to give this video a thumbs up and if you guys want to stick around for more content to come this car more mexico if you guys enjoyed the mexico races i'm sure you guys did because i already seen one of those comments be sure to hit the subscribe button but with that being said thank you guys for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: YoungStatic
Views: 72,923
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: hondarona virus, honda, acura, integra, civic, crx, shuttle, civic wagon, rt4wd, clm motorsports, awd, all wheel drive, 4wd, 4 wheel drive, young static, motionautotv, boostedboiz, pfispeed, cleetus mcfarland, twin turbski, adam lz, the hoonigans, zosh, maruader, might car mods, diy, jdm, drift, s13, s14, awd crx, 4bangersproductions, ej1, ej2, ej6, eg9, tj hunt, tanner fox, crv, redzonerace, redzonetuned, redzonehawaii
Id: lNgw1RQ2olw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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