How To Turbo Your Car [IN ONE DAY!!]

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in this episode of mighty karma we're putting a sound actor changer on the no we're not we're not doing that what are we doing martin it's the worst kept secret in mighty carmod's history it is time do you remember what you said what do you remember what you said do you remember this you can quote me on this later i'm not going to turbo charge it i changed my mind since then where's the purity in a disgusting turbocharger take it back where is the purity there's no purity here this car is meant to be a pure driver's car that was that was just a dream mountain was it that was that came from the place of evos and s2000 or your car was too slow and you decided you had to fix it which is not a bad thing it's not a bad thing at all but today people we're turbo charging the brz and we're gonna show you yes how to do it [Applause] [Music] welcome to another episode of mighty car mods it has been a long time coming but now the inevitable the inevitable is going to happen eventually you want more fast and more fast is happening today what's missing absolutely everything from this car while there's been wheels and tires and lowering and sway bars and stereo and body kit and all this kind of stuff under here what's missing not a whole lot has changed what's missing power people that's right power is missing and it can be achieved with the help of a little thing that looks like a snail that's right well it can be achieved in a couple of different ways you could go nitrous you could charge you could go supercharged or you could actually just do what needs to be done and that's what we do because we're in the business of hobby and doing what needs to be done getting it done and that is the task what what what what we're we're turbo charging the brz i didn't read my script there is no script we make this up as we go we're turbo charging it that's what we're doing today let's put your golden hat on and dive in and go on a magical journey with us we're going to show you how to turbo charge your car and you can do it in a weekend or you could do it over the school holidays or if you had some people who were pretty handy and a couple of them were going to help you one day so when you're turbocharging your car obviously one of the most important things you need is a turbocharger here we have a garrett gtx 2860r gen2 and over here is the kit that actually makes it fit on the brz and this kit was made and developed by mike from sme thank you very much for coming down um and he supplied this kit for us so can you give us a quick run through i've got a couple of knives here so we can do an epic unboxing can you give us a bit of a run through of like what it is that we're gonna see here and this kit that you've made show us what you've done so 475 horsepower turbo so that'll do we take the turbo put a custom actuator bracket and and uh that's basically gets to fit directly to the engine bay with all no no clearance issues look at that vbn rear housing amazing so that rear housing has been changed because this this is a factory turbo replacement for an sr20 like for a 180sx but it's been adapted for the brz this gtx gen 2 by garrett is the update to the original gtx series but with a bunch of improvements including updated compressor wheel aero resulting in up to 20 more horsepower than the original as well as the turbo we're going to need a bunch of other parts as well including an upgraded high capacity sump with a turbo oil return an air filter that's going to fit inside the front bumper an equal length turbo manifold which will feed our turbo the good stuff a turbo dump pipe which will feed into our existing performance exhaust that we've already installed a silicon hose kit intake pipe and a black front mounted intercooler which can also be reversed to silver once it's installed tuning the whole system is going to be our mate tyler from pvs who runs a shop that is dedicated to all things 86 and brz we tuned this one up before and at the hubs made up about 130 kilowatts um what's your expectation with a kit like this what do you think we'll end up with um i reckon sort of anywhere from 180 to 200 depending on how much boost we run but being at stock injectors and all that we can't push it too hard anyway so okay and that's on petrol yep on 98 you can also get ethanol if you want but fuel system mods to do that um injectors some basic stuff that depends how hard you want to go but generally speaking injectors sort of get you the first level is the power limit then the engine because i mean pretty much the subaru engine at the end of the day um what's your what what's the limiting factor with these things um more the rods i find yeah like they have a tendency to snap rods and it's more the talk if you're making a heap of torque that's what will kill them um the if you're making power sort of more at the top end they seem to last a little longer so yeah so generally the bottom ends the the weak link because these things are quite ready and as we know they make all that power at the top so you're just sort of adding to it is what you're saying if you try and bring the power on lower down the revs which would make it feel more torquey that's right that's got to someone's got it somebody's got to give yeah okay so you rob peter to pay paul but on the track it's definitely faster if you have it more at the top end anyway where you're having all the fun that's right matt all right the goal marty is to continue doing what we're doing before with trying to make the mods as similar as possible and i know that this kit can make loads of power with ethanol all that kind of stuff but the sti makes 180 kilowatts so 180 kilowatts is what i want and i know that we can tune this to 200 to 250 higher but 180 kilowatts is the goal because then we've got two blue two-door subarus that have same tyres same kind of setup both making the same power and then we can um hit the track hit the street martin even we can hit church street parramatta but we need we both need bigger front mounts and creamies bumper off sump off air box out fake sound generator thing gone yeah unfortunately we've got to get rid of that you wanted to keep it but it's got to go cool all right let's get it up there's no hoist here we're going old-school no fire on your backpack and take it yeah the first step in this turbo conversion is jacking up the car if it's too low you can use some ramps or planks of wood to get the jack under then make sure that it's securely on some jack stands you don't need to remove the wheels but it does make access just a little bit easier the first item going straight to the bin is the factory intake system and then the next step is to remove the whole front bar which sounds like it should be kind of simple but on this car is pretty detailed with over a thousand little clips screws and connectors okay it's not actually a thousand but compared to your typical jdm nugget which is what we're used to working on there is way more involved in getting this off but finally the thing is gone and that means it's time to start talking about front mount strategy so tyler the front bar's off now all of this stuff what goes and what stuff yep so we've got to take the little air deflectors off which sort of drive air i guess direct it into the radar which they're a good idea but that's where our intercooler pipe has got to go so it's got to go and we retain this bottom cover which is where our intercooler will sit but also i will attach a bracket to the crash bar so it still fits and then back it on top as well yeah sorry bracket on top and then the base sits on there it just makes it a bit um gives it a bit more support while we keep pulling the front of the car apart in preparation for our front mount and piping i'm going to get underneath the car and start undoing the exhaust system and up top we need to access a vacuum source which is under the intake manifold so if we just sit that there all i got to do is there's a hose under here you see that yeah right that's your vacuum hose yeah so what happens with a lot of guys that boost them some of them don't have a blow-off valve some of these kits yeah so there's hoses if they pop off same with these ones under here i didn't even know that lifted off yeah it's a bit so they if they blow off under boost they create a massive vacuum like it doesn't hurt the engine but the car will stall and people freak out yeah you can't see it yeah yeah right i didn't even know that was a cover when you when you um so like if i was to do it properly i would honestly take that off blanket and then we run that into a catch can oh yeah cool and then that one into a catch can yeah for the purpose of this we're gonna run it back into the intake i don't normally don't like doing that but especially for as mild as this is going to be as well also you would expect to not have too many blow by issues they're pretty good while we've got the throttle body removed we're going to clean it up this one has quite a lot of carbon buildup which is not mad some throttle body cleaner and a soft rag will sort it out the headers are about to come out they've only been on there for a couple of weeks but now um there they go yay and they're gone [Music] [Applause] we actually made some decent power with these unequal length headers when we were naturally aspirated but now they're gone forever we're dropping the oil and then drilling the holes that are going to mount the intercooler into place next up i'm removing the brz factory sump which is also going to be banished to the land of naturally aspirated slowness so this here is the factory sump this here is the sme sump that comes with our kit so this here holds around one and a half liters more oil it's also baffled which is really good for track use which is what's going to be going on with this and this has got the return for the turbo so obviously the turbo is getting cooled with coolant and lubricated with the oil and that's going to be coming down here flying back into there and that there just bolts directly on which is what i'm about to do in a second but martin very kindly is down there scraping all the goo off the block and then this one will go on and then i will put on the exhaust parts and then underneath the car we're pretty much done and then we get to the good stuff up the top a baffled sump is designed to keep the oil pickup fed with oil during hard driving hectic g-forces and inertia like track use or the kfc drive through all right the sum's all cleaned up it's time to hit it with some brake cleaner do you have any wd-40 uh specialist parts and brake cleaner there mate i sure do martin let me just send that under the car to you mate thanks mate there you go mate there's that wd breaking point i'm gonna spray it specially the parts are so clean now mate all right it's an exciting time because it's time to test fit the front mount and uh look at that that's awesome so you have two options you can either go black or we can spin it and go for the defect edition which would look like this um which does kind of look cool and tells everybody that you're turbo but i don't need to tell everybody that i'm turbo i only need to tell marty and he already knows except you're on the internet telling everyone that you're turbo yeah i know but you know no one will notice me on the street ah there it is that looks amazing how are you going down there martin good man i'm just cleaning off the rest of this gasket it's one of those things where if you take your time to it properly you don't get some clicks later on and some plates are annoying because then you've got to pull your manifolds off again yes so do it once and do it right it's almost clean so once that's uh cleaned up new sump goes on and then i and then what's next tyler what are we doing then lunch yes now once that's on we'll let the sump obviously dry and headers on yeah while someone's plumbing up all the the pipe work off the intercooler and putting all the little brackets on um yeah we can start bolting the headers on and start plumbing up all the turbo lines and all that sort of stuff so awesome so how long between now and the time we're actually putting the turbo in place how long do you reckon take a guess oh i'm gonna say when replacing your sump it's important to remove all the old schmooze so that the new sump doesn't leak when you apply the new shmoo a blade and some patients is all that's required then wipe it and your new sump with some parts cleaner then apply an even bead of schmoo onto the new sump which will squish down when you bolt it up to the bottom of the engine we can reuse the factory oxygen sensors which screw directly into our new manifold now we can install our aftermarket sump and once that's done we can finish off installing the exhaust components down here and then everything underneath the brz should be done this brz has continued to impress me with its lego-like mod ability it's fairly straightforward and rewarding and i think for many people that are getting into car modification and track days this is a perfect platform to start underneath the car we are finished we have a smooth up the sump thank you very much for that it's curing that's probably our only time limit isn't it yes we have to wait for that to fully cure before we can start that is curing um our new wrapped exhaust section is now on uh ready to go what's next um we've got to tap in the oil feed for the turbo so we're going to uh this little one here so take out that little blanking plug it's pretty tight very tight extremely tight yes how good does that sound far out that is tight yeah nice little workout otherwise no and so this is where we're going to get our oil feed the turbo turbo's mounting on top of here exactly with a support bracket here yep to the top of the pulley and once we've got that on then we can start basically feeding our pipe work in and okay then we're pretty much done we're getting so is turbo going on now pretty much yeah yes so that's crazy this is the easiest turbo charging we've ever done in our whole entire existence well i reckon i think so yeah i mean it's having a kit that works and it fits that's bolt-on we haven't really been able to bolt on any bolt-on stuff in the past so this is absolutely right um and obviously having you here to help us because you've done them so many times before is that a few little tweaks here and there but um generally speaking you're right and mike's done a lot of work to get that to happen so there's been a few little revisions but yeah they really are a good bolt-on kit he's done hundreds of them hasn't he oh yeah yeah he knows what he's doing right now very good um that's it that's our that's our oil feed coming out of there are we placing the turbo into position don't even tell me that's what we're doing because i'm just going to need to have a moment yeah pretty close the turbo's going on i'm gonna go hold it for you ah i'm gonna pick it up the dump pipe is attached to the exhaust housing of the turbo using studs which are wound in using the double nut technique don't google it next we can get our turbo oil feed from the oil pressure sensor fitting using a tee so easy the dump pipe can be bolted on and it's ready to be installed [Music] okay so now it is actually turbo time um tyler's just put the bracket on which is going to help support the turbo as well the dump pipe we just insert that down there and that's going to be matching up with the performance exhaust that is already on the car which is probably going to need a little bit of a bend angle to get it down there there we go oh there goes the v-band need to be on there and oh we're close there it is that's it pretty much that is cool then we'll do the v bend up and she'll be tight and we'll bang that bracket on and oh man this is awesome going nowhere it's like subaru or toyota or whoever have made this part of the car just wanted us to do this 100 they were like should have come out this way we're not doing it that's what everyone says they should have come out this way but now they can you can diy it out this way the way it should be which is awesome all right cool so bracket on or v-bend on and then i can get down and do the exhaust yeah that's it so i'll do the i'll just take that little bolt out so we can bolt the bracket on yeah and then we'll do the v-band a little bit of jiggling and we'll get it in and do these awesome good stuff exciting times it bolts on people we found a bolt-on thing that bolts online lazy it's amazing we haven't experienced that that's pretty rare actually it's amazing the turbo is on people and what you're witnessing here is the imminent defeat of the subaru flagship sti on the track yes everybody said the brz needed a turbo well except for me i said that it didn't but here i am standing before you or standing before a microphone telling you that i was wrong because this is how the brz should have been all along and now we just have to finish the install and go chop some stis [Music] next up it's time to install the intercooler piping again because these are silicon hoses it means no cutting and a really quick and easy [Music] install [Music] so these silicone pipes are actually all custom made for this kit and the good thing about using silicon is that because it's malleable like this it makes it way easier to install for kind of a a simple kit like this but it also means it's quick as well for getting things through and it's also just quiet because you don't have things bashing on stuff all over the place and you just got to make sure i guess with silicon make sure it's not rubbing on soft right yeah for sure 100 yeah you don't want any sharp edges obviously like anything it'll rub through but um yeah but generally they they crush up so when you put the bumpers back on they don't have you haven't got corners poking out because these things do have a bit of an issue with that yeah um with some of the the other kits yeah so it's so much so much easier user friendly less swearing it's really good yeah yeah yeah and obviously so much quicker than trying to make your own pipes because we've here made our own kind of kits and we're cutting stuff and marty's welding stuff just throwing hose through there and especially for the kind of power we're making it's just it's perfect so the silicone pipes are really maneuverable which is really good for install but what's making it even a little bit easier is using some of this wd-40 specialist uh silicon lubricant so just putting a little bit in the end of each pipe like that and it means that when we're putting putting it all together it makes it easier the other thing that i'm doing because i want to keep this like super stealthy is down the front here um on these we're painting these black because the bar um it will be open a little bit here and if someone's looking they'll be able to tell that this is turbocharged so we're just getting that a quick little one of them are black and that means once the bar's on you won't be able to see at all that there's any turbo charger there i'm using the black side because i want it to look as stealthy as possible um and there it is so front mount is now plumbed up we've got some intake to do and blow blow-off valve a little bit of coolant line oh the corn line which um basically the the coolant is from the back of the engine here we're basically using the turbo as a t-piece i guess not a t-piece but it's it's it we're basically joining off the turbo so coming out the back of the um the engine here through the turbo and then back into where the factory yeah returned to that right yeah and it all just pushes on and it's got a nice little fitting on there and plug and play it's amazing we're going to boost in minutes [Music] is [Music] and with that the actual turbo conversion component of this project is done now we just have to put the front of the car back together again [Music] [Music] is [Music] and that there is a beautiful thing [Music] it's worth noting for those that are new to turbo charging that a proper turbo conversion is more than just installing a snail and an exhaust you also want to make sure your car is well serviced has the right fluids is running a quality set of tyres which will be the best bang for buck performance upgrade you can do and you want to also consider upgrading your brake and suspension components to cater for the increase in power depending on your specific project your power goals and the kind of driving that you're going to be doing your factory braking system may be okay but if you're unsure check with someone who's qualified next up we're changing the oil changing the oil filter and obviously changing the oil we've done a few track days and stuff you know in its previous version because we took the sump off we had to drain the oil anyway now here's a bit of contentious a bit of internetness so in the manual it says use five no it says use 0w20 we're using a 5w40 can we have a quick chat about i know at paramount vehicle services you do services of these as well do you ever use 0-20 yeah even a stock car um we've seen too many we have seen a few engine failures from stock oil even and oil consumption dramas yep um even the dealers had it which that i probably don't tell you about but they it was a thing so yeah so generally speaking of 530 for a normally aspirated version um if you're tracking it i'd still probably go 40 weight because you get high oil temps so over 100 degrees yeah every 10 degrees above 100 so 100 10 120 your viscosity drops 10 points of viscosity so a 550 at 110 would now be a 540 right and a and so on and so forth so a hot 540 is a 530 you had to add 110 and if you're on a track day you're going to be minimum 120 changes the properties of the oil when you start getting it that high because when you're just driving into the shops you're not really getting your oil out no that's right are you doing 10 laps the sydney motorsport pocket oh man over 100k average speed yeah yeah like you're really giving this thing sits at seven grand the whole time yeah that's right and also you lose a little bit or well a little bit oil pressure with these with with um when the temperature goes over 100 we've we've logged that and we found you lose you start to lose all pressure as well so this is stuff you've worked out through testing yeah just from testing on our own stuff so apparently if you go on the side of this it's meant to pull better someone on the internet said martin do you think that's true i reckon it's 100 true there you go thanks so we've got a bigger amount we've got a higher capacity something now too so we'll use there's a six liter we'll probably use almost all of you pretty much yeah what do i take normally four seven no about five and a half with the first five and a half well that's what i seem to get in or just just over five anyway so so how much of this should we bang in there this six look let's i always start with five and then start it check it yeah so it's always easy to fill it rather than take it out cool now tyler's also bought his laptop today so we can actually flash a tune on there we will dyno turn it properly and have a drive around on the street and do all that kind of stuff but um because he's done so many of these before there'll be kind of a base map that we can put on there just so we can get around and so um we'll be able to start it today and hear some turbo noises you can pretty excited we can flutter it all up that's so quick and easy yeah one not even a full day yeah three of us though yeah so i don't know if we helped you or slowed you down sometimes that's all you guys are good with the last of the oil going in we're doing a final check on the dipstick and then we are officially done the car can come down off the jack stands ready to start for the first time [Music] well ladies and gentlemen and also any pets that are out there watching we have ourselves a turbo brz the next thing we need to do is load in a base map so that we can start the car unlike our other projects that have had a standalone ecu the brz is tuned by remapping the factory computer we'll drop in a tune so that the car can run but we're going to focus on the performance tune once we hit the dyno [Music] so we are at this very exciting part of the day where it is time to turn the key or in this case because it's a brz which is better than some of the pov spec 86s not turn the key but use the push button start ouch um here it goes people turbo noises turbo noises hopefully no leaks here we go sounds almost factory i reckon that v ben's got the tiniest leak in it but otherwise it sounds pretty good that sounds pretty good yeah we'll let it heat up and then we'll readjust it [Music] yep [Music] so there it is we have turbo charged the brz with the three of us we managed to do it in one day which was awesome yep thank you so much for your guys i'm sure it would have taken a bit longer if we didn't have all your little know-hows and all your little tricks now we just got to let the smells burn off yep um either a bit yeah a little bit re-check that v-band and i reckon yep yeah we had a bit of a visual for oil leaks and all looks spot-on so awesome yep so from here on in basically uh next week we'll go and get on the dyno and just finally it does have a tune in there now so we can drive around and so we can move the car around but next week we'll actually go for the power like i said at the start of this video we're not going for maximum crazy power i want 180 kilowatts at the wheels because that's what he has and i think that's just kind of makes it a pretty cool little battle when we get to that when we go back to the track again and the sdi gets chopped by the brz probably um that's that's it man that's it that was so easy that was amazing amazingly actually that sme kit bolted on so much stuff we've had here over the years it's like bolt-on bolts on it doesn't hold up it bolts it on but you've got to customize these 10 things yep 100 no this is really good he's done a really good job revision on revision but like all the new kits awesome really good that's amazing well there it is thank you very much for watching this episode of mighty car mods of course if you want to support the show you can get some merch from like this shirt or this shirt that shirt um or key tags and hats and all sorts of cool stuff you can get that at for now we're going to push this out we'll go get do you want to get some dinner yeah what's your favorite food i do like uh mexican mexican car we're going to go are we going in this we can finish off dude we cannot all fit in this is the one thing that my car doesn't know we can fit in here
Channel: Mighty Car Mods
Views: 2,498,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mighty, car, mods, mcm, MCM, turbo, jdm, how, to, diy, do, it, yourself, nissan, subaru, supercharged, race, how turbo car, Garrett turbo, turbo BRZ, FRS, toyota 86, boost, STI VS BRZ
Id: E2Y-FXt7QAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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