How To Tie The Dropper Rig (Fast & Easy Way)

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hey this is Tony here with salt strong and in this video I'm going to show you how to tie your own dropper rig and all you need is your leader material a hook and a weight you don't have to use any swivels or anything like that to connect different pieces of line so this is a very simple and effective way to do it now I'm kind of going a little overboard on the line here this is actually a piece of string I'm just using this for visual reference so you can see what I'm doing and I'm also using a much larger hook then I would use and also a very big weight again just for visual reference and at the end of the video I'll show you the actual rig how it should look when you're using regular fluorocarbon or mono leader with the right size hooks and weights now this rig is very effective to catch what I call tasty and Shore fish such as black drum sheep's head snapper and it's also a very effective rig if you're trying to catch bait fish such as pin fish Croaker's pig fish any of those sort of bottom-dwelling baits very effective rig for that so it can pretty much catch anything so I'll go ahead and demonstrate how to tie this rig first thing you want to do is form a loop with your line so you're basically just running the line across itself or over itself like that to form a long loop and I like to make this loop about two feet long about a foot and a half two feet long once you have that formed next you're going to pinch the line about I'd say two-thirds of the way up closest to the side that has the actual loop end on it and then just pinch it right there and what you're going to do is basically tie three or four overhand knots with this area right here you're just going to loop it over itself like that where you just pinched it now you have another loop that you just formed this is the end of the loop and what you want to do is take this end and wrap it over and under about three or four times I'm just going to do it twice here to save time and then pull on it tighten it up and now you have formed a loop there now after you form this loop what you want to do make sure you have your tag end out to the side because that's going to be where you actually attach your weight to and you don't want to confuse that with your main line so this would be the main line right here this is the loop that you just formed this is the tag end where your weight is actually going to get attached to now that you have this loop here what you want to do is cut one side of the loop closest to the knot so it doesn't matter which side just cut one side like so and now you have the piece that you're going to attach your hook to now one thing that's very important that a lot of people make a mistake with is that they will tie their weight to the side that you want to attach your hook to now the way to determine which side you're going to attach your hook to it's going to be the piece of line that is in line with the piece that goes to your main line so it should be straight like that then you're gonna have this extra piece hanging off and that's going to be the tagging that's where you're going to attach your weight because this part is actually weaker so if you do put your hook on this part what's gonna happen is you might lose a fish or it might break off very easily as opposed to this one which is much stronger so let's go ahead and finish up tying this rig what I like to do is keep the actual leader attached to the spool that way I know which side actually goes to my main line because if not sometimes you might cut the line you might cut a little 4-foot section and then you start tying all these loops and next thing you know you don't know which end actually goes to your main line so I highly suggest keeping your leader attached to the spool as you make this rig and then cut it whatever length you need when you're done tying up this rig so let's go ahead and tie up the end for the weight what I like to do is form another loop here same way we did in the beginning just form a loop then you're going to tie it over itself do a couple overhand knots here you can actually just do one here it's not that important to tie a bunch like so and now you have the section for your weight and the good thing about this loop is that you can switch out weight so if the current picks up or you're fishing shallow or fishing deeper you can quickly change weights and I'll show you here just pinch that loop nice and tight whatever weight you're using should have a hole on the top these Bank sinkers and pyramid sinkers are really good for this you'll just push that loop through that hole and then pull the loop over the weight and then snug it down now you have a weight fixed to that rig next up is the part for the hook now you want your hook to be above the weight so that's actually a good length there so we have enough room to play with to add the hook and we'll go ahead and do that here whatever not you prefer to use I usually use a tri lean knot or just regular fisherman's knot nail knot whichever not you prefer to use so we'll just do a simple knot here nothing too crazy but again use whichever knot you prefer using just to attach that hook on there so here is the rig all set and done you have your weight at the bottom you have your hook above the weight kind of just hanging out there and this is really good for sensitivity because of that weight being cut attached basically directly to your main line so you can feel a lot more of the bites as opposed to having the hook below the weight where all the bites are actually getting absorbed by the weight and you can't feel them as much now just to show this as an example actually rigged up on leader material here can see same thing have the weight below the hook hook is up top and I'm using a pretty small hook this is a one on live bait hook actually a small octopus hook and this is a two-ounce Bank sinker I like to go with these heavier weights just makes it easier to get it down to the bottom especially in pretty strong current so that will wrap up this video if you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them down below also we'd like to know your feedback if you have actually used this read before let us know how you did so thanks for watching until next time I will see you on the next video [Music] now the water all by yourself or with your family leave self strong in wetlands and day
Channel: Salt Strong
Views: 1,050,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dropper rig, dropper rig tutorial, how to tie a dropper rig, dropper rig for saltwater fishing, dropper rig for sheepshead, best fishing rigs
Id: nQZhs7YG480
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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