How to tie a dropper loop knot - Awesome fishing knot

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looky earth Katzen carb calm I'm gonna show you how to tie a dropper loop now not only I'm gonna show you how to tie a driver loop I'm gonna show you how to tie a double twist dropper loop as well and then how to make do-it-yourself high-low rig using this knot now you can tie a dropper loop with braids or fluoro or mono but I'm gonna use some real heavy-duty mono for this knot so you can see what I'm doing a little bit better additionally heavy stiff mono works a little bit better for the double twist dropper loop so first let me show you a normal dropper loop simply make a loop a really simple and then tie an overhand knot and then a double overhand knot and then a triple overhand knot you're twisting the tag in in and out of this loop do it about three times and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your finger or a pair of pliers or a pencil or something and you're gonna keep wrapping the same number loop three more loops and this is gonna make a little hole in your wraps right there and what you're gonna do is you're gonna take the bottom of the loop and you're gonna shove it through that hole that you've made and you're gonna pull it tight and it's gonna make your dropper loop the size of your dropper loop not is controlled by the size of your first loop the bigger the loop the bigger the drop or not I use this knot for bait fishing just off the bottom so you put a lid on the end of your line and the dropper loop just a few inches or a few feet above the lead it's great for fishing just slightly off the bottom it's also good for jigging and you can use this with lures but if you find a situation where you want a longer stiffer loop then you're gonna want to learn the double twist drop or loop this knot is almost identical to the normal dropper loop except that you twist the loop before you tie the knot and you can see here you want to wrap the line around some object and twist it from behind if I were to twist the pliers while holding the tag in stationary the knot would untwist once you tied it you have to twist it from the tag ends do it as few or as many times as you as you want stiff mono works best for this and then you do the rest of the knot which is essentially the same as the normal dropper loop you form a loop and then you tie an overhand knot and a double and a triple overhand knot and you do it so you have at least six wraps and in this situation I'm doing three wraps with one of the tag ends and three wraps with the other tag end but essentially you're creating a nice loop with a total of six wraps with the tag and it's nice and symmetrical nice and clean and you can leave a gap using a finger or a pair of pliers like it did in the last example or you can just sit there and get your fingernails out and pull out one of those wraps and form that loop and then you take this twisted loop that you've created and feed it through and there you go that's the double twist Dropper loop now one trick to dressing this knot is that when you pull it tight do not pull it by the loop that's not how you tighten it up if you try to tighten it by pulling the loop aggressively when you form the double twist Dropper loop it'll have a gap in the bottom of the loop and that will affect its strength instead tighten the knot by pulling the tag ends if you do that the twist will hold fast and you'll have a nice solid double twist drop or loop and this will be more of a 90 degree angle to your mainline it's stiffer it's stronger it's more tangle resistant so this is a great alternative to the dropper loop so you've seen these in the fishing store these are called a high-low rig very popular surf fisherman or bait fisherman you can tie those using this double twist dropper loop let me show you a little trick on how to tie it so make a loop in your line your leader and tie a surgeon's loop okay make it nice and big and then go and on the very tip of the loop tie a little overhand knot just a little tiny one it doesn't have to be very big and what this is gonna do is this is gonna create a something to attach your lead weight to that's adjustable so you see you have these two surgeons loops essentially you trim it off and this is what you can attach your your lead to you slip this through the eye of the lead pass the first knot then you open it up and feed the lead through the loop just a basic cow hitch knot is what you're doing tighten it up there you go but if you want to change your lead all you gotta do is pull that little tab and it opens the loop back up push the lead back through and off it comes you can change out your leads super easy so then go up the leader a few inches and tie the double twists dropper loop just like you learn to do you twist the loop first then you do a bunch of overhand knots feed the loop through the hole tighten it up with the tag ends and there you go you've got the first arm do that twice and there you go you've got a high low rig using no Hardware just monofilament using surgeon's loops and double twist drop or knots do you take your hook and leader feed it through the arms attach it with a cow hitch knot and you're off to the races and there you go you've just tied your own high-low rig using the dropper loops and surgeons knots if you liked this video check out some of our other videos including my favorite fishing knots and some awesome fishing rigs if you like what you see don't forget to click subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Catfish and Carp
Views: 2,016,676
Rating: 4.7557788 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing knot, dropper loop, how to tie a dropper loop, how to tie a dropper loop knot, fishing knots, hi-low rig, hi-lo rig, knot
Id: qiuwhoyltbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2017
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