How To Spool A Spinning Reel With Braid (Avoid These Common Mistakes)

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hey this is luke symes with salt strong today we're going to be showing how to spool a spinning reel and how to do it yourself obviously you can take it to a dealer but if you do it yourself you can actually do it in a way that will have less line twists in the line so i actually personally recommend doing it yourself don't use the dealers it doesn't take much and what we're going to do is we're going to be spooling up some braid i have some braid i want to test out i've never haven't still haven't used this so we're going to put this braid on but we need more than just the reel and rod in the braid we need all this right here and this is going to be an order of operations so first we need some monofilament line the reason why we need monofilament line is because the braid if you put braid straight to the to the arbor and it doesn't have a rubber gasket that braid can can just automatically spin around the arbor and you're gonna it's gonna be totally busted you're gonna have to you it will be useless because there's no pressure on the line so the mono grips onto the arbor really well and that's why we do it also even though this is a 2500 reel it's pretty small spinning reel this holds 240 line approximately 240 yards of of line that is this diameter we only have 150 yards that's a problem so what we're going to do is we're going to build up a base with the mono much more affordable to build up a base with mono than it is to to use the more expensive braid also we're going to need some scissors right to cut the lines we're going to need a wet towel a little wet washcloth to just to help build pressure in the in the line itself and we're going to need this is a little trick i learned recently a cardboard box and a pencil this is going to hold the lines this is going to hold the line steady while we're retrieving it i'll put the line in there and it'll be ready to rock and you'll see how it all works so first we have to get the mono on the reel itself so when you do this step number one always do this right away is you want to put the line thread the line straight through the top the top eye that because you want it when you when we spooled up it needs to go through this top eye it's easy to forget so go ahead and do that right away then we're going to flip the bale open and we're going to use uh the arbor knot or i just use this arbonne this there's a lot of knots you can use this knot isn't very important because you should never get to the very end you should always just palm the spool before a fish can take all your line out so we're going to do a double uh two two sets of overhand knots so overhand knot pull it over the reel pull it tight another overhand knot pull it tight and that's it and then we can just go ahead and pull this tight we can pull it so that the tag end is mostly hidden and there so now this this mono strikes i can pull on it and it's gripping the arbor so we're good so now we need to go ahead and start spooling this this mono on and what we're going to do for many years just to show a misconception for many years i was taught to do label up so that the braid or so that the the line would would kind of twist off and then and then go into the reel without any twists but the reality the reality is is that you you actually don't care if the line is twisted when it's in the reel because that doesn't matter where you don't want the twist is up in the line itself so the best way to do it is to do it just like you're spooling a mono a bait casting reel is have the the line going straight not curved straight and going straight off the spool that way it's it's basically it's going straight into the guides perfectly straight no twist that's what you want and then even though this spinning reel is going to be twisting the line it's going to twist the line on and then when it goes out it's going to twist out and so at the end of the day right the line going out is going to have no twist that's what you want most people do do label side up i did it for many years and it actually doesn't work quite as well this is the better way and it's easier another good thing so as far as how to do it we'll go ahead and poke a hole in the line or in the in the middle of that spool then we're going to line it up with here so that we then can get this spool totally freed up so now we have this spool sitting right there in the box perfect what i normally do is i i'm sitting down when doing it and i kind of squeeze this with my feet and i can apply tension but i don't have a chair here right now so we're just gonna hopefully hope that it props up against that light and so big big important thing is that when you are putting the line on the reel at every point when you're putting line on your reel you have to have tension on the line you do not want this line going on the reel without tension that's the biggest mistake that you could possibly make that's going to cause all sorts of problems down the line so that's why i have this wet rag so i put the line through the rag i hold it and now i can apply tension from the rag itself and so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna put a decent amount of line on here and there's no perfect way you can probably do some math and calculate exactly how much of this line you need to to use exactly 150 yards of the braid but i'm just going to eyeball it it usually gets close enough and what i like to do is i just like to have on a reel like this right this this reel can hold 240 yards and i only want to put 100 to 150 and so i'm just going to try to use about the right ratio of line and we're getting close it all it goes pretty quick right this mono spools up real fast and that should be about enough so as far as the gap that you want right this gap for a 10 pound line a 10 pound braid that we're about to apply this is roughly the gap that you want in your inner reel and so what we're going to do is we're going to cut the line cut that pull the line out of our nice little gadget and then we're going to need to pull out the braid and do a line to line knot there are an absolute ton of different knots you can use i just uh the easy one that i recommend is the uni knot really the i said the double uni knot and i'll show you how it works again make sure that this make sure that the line is still going through that rod guide all right we have line going through the rod guide to the reel get all this stuff out so you can see it and so the uni knot is basically two to uni so we're going to have the lines the tag ends go in opposite directions and there's a more detailed video that you can see to do this but uh just wrap one around and then through that loop we just made we're gonna go through it five times with the mono two three four five all the wraps need to be going you know away away from the mono we're going to put it tight and now same thing same thing over here and grab the braid tag in we're going to do that quick little loop secure it and now through that loop that we just made we need to make those wraps but with braid i recommend doing two times mono so in this case we're gonna go through it ten times two three four let me clean it up so you can see it five six seven eight and all of them are going in the same exact direction there should be no overlaps so we'll kind of see what's going on right so we have that one loop and then the twists are all going one direction and then they're all going away from the braid now we're going to pull that tight and so now these two knots when we pull them they will meet and now we have a secure knot put a lot of pressure on there and this thing is ready to go so now with their trusty scissors we can cut really close this knot is not going anywhere and even if i get a big fish and it pulls this this line out i'm totally confident that this knot is going to hold nice knot super easy to tie and very strong all right so now we need to spool up the line in our trusty trusty box so bust a hole in there so it'll rotate let's go right through here if you have somebody with you they can just hold the line that's the easiest route but uh very cheap labor they can be replaced by a cardboard box all right so now i just got you know i'm just getting this braid on here and i had to have it finger tight just to make sure we have a little bit of line on there and nothing happens with that knot now i'm going to get this rag again get it over the line and then this is going to be what enables me to apply tension without burning my fingers and so i'm just going to try to go fast and so what what we're doing is we're just pulling that line against coming straight off the top of the reel or sorry the top of the spool it's going onto our reel and i want to continue reeling until the outside edge of the line is about a 1 16 inch away from the top of the reel at the end i'll show you and that's when we know we have enough line because you basically want to get as much braid as possible as much line as possible on your reel without having without getting too close where you're going to increase your odds of wind knots the the less gap there is between the line and the in the outside edge of the spool that's going to help you cast further that's the pro but the con is that it's going to increase the odds of wind knots so it's just a delicate balance seems like a 1 16 inch is about the proper amount down to 1 8 is okay just know that as you as you lose line it's just going to decrease your casting performance and your casting abilities so this is looking nice we're going to we're going to have just enough line so we did our eyeball test early on worked well and this looks like a good proper amount of line and all we care about is the the distance of the top of the line so i'm just going to get a quick look at it overall yeah this looks solid so we're done now we can go ahead and cut the line and i'll show you what i'm talking about as far as the uh the top of the spool so it's this top part of the school that we care about and we just want it to be as close to the edge as possible but but still have a little bit of gap because you want a little bit of gap that's what prevents the not the line from just all coming off at once uh but the the less the smaller the gap is the easier it is for the line to come off which means you're gonna be able to cast further so that's it now we can look at our line again this is 150 yard spool we didn't use all of it we have a little bit left but you can start seeing the bottom of the spool that means that we probably have maybe 120 130 yards out so we did an excellent job that was a good a good eyeball assessment and a trick so now we're spooled right we're totally spooled up a trick for for making the most out of your money with braids so this line as long as it doesn't get compromised by rubbing up against pilings this can probably last for a couple years braid lasts a really long time it's more expensive than mono but it lasts way longer than mono so if you use it properly using braid is actually more affordable so this should last a while but if i really wanted to maximize my my longevity of line and what i do is as soon as i spool it up i go to a park or go to some big grass grassy area and i walk out a hundred yards i just do three foot steps it doesn't have to be perfect but i do a hundred big steps away open up the bail walk it out and then i walk out exactly 100 yards and then i cut it cut the line which seems it seems like a dumb idea but as long as you have a good knot it really doesn't matter so i cut it and then i tie the double uni ten times for each side and then that way for future respools i can get a 300 yard spool so instead of the 150 i'll get to 300 and that would provide me with three times three three respools and it'll be perfect so all i would do when i need to respool it right over time i would lose some line from re-tying or maybe if there's an unfortunate wood knot i would i would need to have more line on there and so i would just peel the line out until i got to that knot and then from that point that's going to be exactly 100 yards of line to perfectly fill fill the spool so that's how you can really save money using braids a lot of people don't bother with it because it's just one extra step but it is a good way however if we didn't want to bother with it we now know right that we just spooled this up and we we used a 150 yard spool so now we know that we can just peel this line out get back down to the mono and i can get a 150 yard spool and that's going to be that's going to give me another respool i'm not going to need more line because okay because we have the base we have that mono base in there and it's set properly so that's it for now just wanted to share that tip on spooling again when you do it this way you're going to have less line twist in your line as it goes out than you would if you did it at an actual an actual tackle store because what they do is they pull the spool off and they have zero twist in the reel itself in the spool itself so that when the line starts going out then it's gonna start twisting so what we're doing this method is we're twisting the line on and then so that way when it comes off it twists off and then it shoots out straight all right well that's it for now just wanted to share just a tip on how to spool these reels these reels are awesome with braided line with thin braided line a spinning reel is deadly for inshore fishing and as you saw there it doesn't really take much to spool you just need a couple things you just need a spool of mono a spool of braid and you need to know two knots that's it and then and you can get a lot of bang for your buck where you don't have to go out and rely on the tackle dealer to do it you can do it yourself no problem at all and in my opinion it's actually better doing it this way than than having it done at the tackle stores that's it for now leave a comment down below if you have any otherwise thanks for watching see you again [Music] give you soon all by yourself or with your family lives all strong in weather lines a day
Channel: Salt Strong
Views: 251,919
Rating: 4.8717079 out of 5
Keywords: how to spool a spinning reel, how to spool a fishing reel, put braided line on a fishing reel, braided line on a spinning reel, spinning reel spooling mistakes, spool fishing line, spinning reel braided line
Id: RsqiufJMGbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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