How to Tape AND Coat a Drywall Inside Corner Angle - by That Kilted Guy

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hey welcome to my channel here at that Chuck's guys videos and today what I'm going to teach you is how to properly tape an inside angle when you're doing drywall when you're doing taping and finishing and we're going to show you that coming up right after this and we're back now what we're gonna do is show you how to tape an angle as I mentioned and it's not really that hard so this is one of the easier videos and I also want to make sure I thank everybody for stopping by I really appreciate you and if you got a got a minute at the end of the video there'll be a link to you can click on it and subscribe or just look down in the comments as the subscribe link down there as well as a bunch of the good information so if you're gonna tape an inside angle this is just a little mock-up of an inside angle I've made so I can show you here in my studio how to tape this now there's a couple things you want to do to prep for this one is make sure all your screws are set properly because if they're sticking out and you put tape over and you kind of got a difficulty trying to drive that screw now because you got tape over it can be fixed though and you're gonna need a couple things you're gonna need a way to tape it and I do recommend paper tape on these inside angles the paper tape just works better if you watch the other part of the video I used a fiber tape and you can also use mesh tape to tape things so there's three common types of tape there's the paper tape type of fuse they call it and the mesh tape but for inside angles this is the only thing I recommend because the other two just don't really have the right strength or they tear it too easy the fiber fuse I think is a good product but it cares really easy at the touch of a knife so it works great on flats and patches and such but for this let's stick to this now probably the first thing you want to do we're gonna do it in this order you can do it put the mud on first either way just measure out how much you need and if you're doing a full 8 foot type wall you can just start at the top go to the bottom tear off a little bit of extra you always want to have a little extra rather than come up short and then so you imagine this is it we're just them tear it off and say about that much now there are tape dispensers if you're taping very much you can either use a banjo which I have showed you in other videos but it looks like this in this illustration here and that works great it doesn't crease it into the corner but you can push it in manually the pro taper is like when I used to do new construction which I did for about 15 years we used what's called a bazooka now you probably don't want to go by that because last I looked it was close to $2,000 but it's a great tool looks kind of like this picture here and it really gets with it when you're trying to take the whole lot in a hurry but if you're taping just a little bit you can do a dis manual like this there's also a holder that will hold the roll tape on the side you can feed it out I do have one of those I just didn't break it out for this little bitty demonstration and the final way let's see there's the banjo the bazooka and just a hand method we're doing here so if you look at the tape up close see if we can illustrate this in this light you can see the crease down the middle this is pre-creased paper tape that's another advantage to it so once you get it to the right length just crease it down that crease and some time it'll wander off but you can just kind of bring it back so you get your crease in about a 90 degree angle for that it doesn't have to be perfect you're just getting it ready for here then all you got to do kind of like tape in the flats is you put plenty of mud on here I'm doing this where I can barely see what I'm doing trying to show you guys but let's see now see how I left it a little bit dry right through here don't do that if you see spots like that put a little extra on and you can also you can load your knife up where you you start out like that this is some pretty thin mud here so hopefully I don't drip but you can load it up and just pull it up like this so however you get it on get a nice solid coat on just like for the flats make sure that you don't dig out the other side when you're doing this so let me point this out right now if you look at this knife this corner right here forms a ninety and it's that way on purpose so you have to put the knife into the corner at the right angle you can put it like this and you'll do no harm to the other side put it a little bit too far that way and see how I just dug out on that side you don't want to dig that side out like that so get it back so keep your knife squared up but just slightly tilted this way so that you're not digging out and then just place the paper tape in here kind of push it into the mud and a lot like the flats just wipe it with your knife at about an angle and see if I can even illustrate this on here it's gonna be kind of hard to see on the video but I think you can see that so you don't want to lay it down too much or you might not wipe out enough and you definitely don't want to stand it up too much so you lay it down you put medium pressure notice I can even do it with just these few fingers it doesn't take a ton of pressure and when you get to the bottom if you've got a floor were down here sometime you'll start from the top most of the time because you're standing up and you're wiped down when you get down here and you can't go any further you can kind of push it on through like this just make sure you don't push too hard because it's forcing you to stand your knife up to do that or you can just turn your knife around lay it down a little extra because that puts less pressure on this tape right here and wipe it down because if you don't you can see how I just wrinkled it it'll wrinkle up on you so when you're doing that bottom that's when you do need to lay it down a little extra and just go over it a little more so you feel like you've wiped out the proper amount of mud so now when you're wiping it now you've got paper tape in there it doesn't hurt to get your knife a little bit that way it's not gonna hurt this time you don't have to get anything perfect here like that little line or that you'll often have a ridge right down the tape as you wipe it don't worry about it you're gonna come back and next you're gonna coat it now normally I would let this completely dry so we're gonna dry it up a bit and then I'm gonna show you how to coat it we're gonna come back to that right after this okay we've let the angles dry overnight so you can see in the close-up here that they're good and dry and now we're ready to coat it what I've got here is my usual I use this for about everything it's called plus three it's USD plus three as you'll see in this picture right here and this is what I used to you can do taping with this and pretty much everything because it is an all-purpose now if you're going to tape a lot I use the green label plus R not plus three but the green label all-purpose as you'll see in this picture because it actually is a little bit better it's got a little better adhesion so it's a little bit better for taping a lot of stuff but anyway right now we're ready to coat so let's talk about this you can see in this close-up here that it has shrunk back a little bit and that's normal and what you want to do is look over your angles that you've taped and if you see any high edges or any drips of mud or anything that's just a rough spot simply take your sponge hit it a little bit that's really about all you would want to do on this one for example so don't get carried away you're not trying to make it pretty with that sanding sponge you're just knocking off the high spots now with angles there's a couple of ways to coat this the way I usually do it is I will coat one side at a time and the reason is if you coat this side and then you come back and cook this side you tend to dig out that middle section right through there and so then you got to try and fix that so I usually if I'm not in a rush I cope once I'd let it thoroughly dry and then coat the other so I'm going to show you how we coat that here and as always this is an awkward angle for me because I'm trying to stay out of the way of the camera but I can figure it out here so all you do is get a good load of mud on here make sure that's strong in the camera and I usually load up my mud on my knife a certain way don't just get a cop out of there it's coming off the edges and also what I usually do is I get it out and then I can cut it off on my pan and you can see in this close-up here that has just got cleaner corners it's easier to work with to me not so messy alright I guess I should actually talk about one other thing how thick the mud should be because the mud when it comes out of the box can be really thick or it can be medium thin so you may have to adjust it with a mixing pedal like the one in this picture here we buy our stuff in boxes and then put it in the buckets because it's way cheaper but even if you buy it in the bucket you'll want to check it and it's really hard to tell you how thin it is but you can see here if I hold this it's not absolutely running off my knife so it's not real thin but it is been thinned down a little bit so you kind of have to use what feels good to you but if you're doing this and it's just running off your knife you've got it way too thin so work work down to the thinness and get it where it's easy to control on your knife and then just start your knife video right start your knife at an angle like this and as you go up you're slowly leaning it over like that I'm just like coating all the other joints I've got video showing you how to cut coat but joints and all the recess joints and things like that it's the same basic technique to spread them up so once you get that on there just put a good solid coat on you want that tape to be pretty much completely gone you don't want to see tape showing through the mud and you feather that edge and I've covered this in my videos before but to feather an edge you took your knife at an angle Bend that blade a little bit and just go down the side and it just leaves you a nice clean feathered edge and then lay your knife over at about it's not quite a 45 just don't get it too flat to the surface or you probably end up dragging your knuckles like that and don't stand it up too much or you're gonna do this you gotta take it all back off so put it on here at an angle like this square your knife up into the corner and I showed you this when we taped it that's got that 90-degree corner so you square your knife up into the corner and just put medium light pressure on it and go down and if you need to go over it again you can I usually just go over it once but it's always a lot harder for me to do this in slow motion somebody made that comment on one of my videos and it really is I go fast when I do it it's hard for me to do it in slow motion so we'll do it just one more time to show you put it on again this is hard to stay out of the camera and do this together it and wipe it and you see when I do it quick like that it just comes out nice and smooth now you would let that dry overnight but if you're in a hurry you could try and do this other side at the same time but you see what I did right there I leaned it over a little bit dug out that site so now I got to put some back and I want to pull my knife away a little bit so if that square edge doesn't get into the other but better both of them and wipe them again but again this time tokenize away so that you're not messing up the other one quite as much but you see how it left that edge in there that little groove I mean now you could come back and send that light then it and it would be okay so kind of got it decide to you if you want to do it like that and then I'm gonna show you one other method okay now I'm gonna show you another method because I'm sure if you're out there and the stores looking at tools you're gonna find this two-sided angle tool and I've played with them a lot and they can do decent sometimes so if you're gonna use that what you're do is first put the mud it in an angle on both sides [Music] and then I'd still go ahead and feather it and then you just use this to run up through the angle but see the problem I have is I usually end up leaving this edge on this outside it's really hard to cope with this tool but you couldn't go like that feather this edge again that was this one and leave it right there because what you can do next once it dries is come back and just send that real lightly and it will go away really easy and now you don't have the middle part to deal with now one more thing about this tool is the pressure is gonna be a little bit different you just really kind of got to play with it but yeah you have to stand it up a little bit to get these corners up here that helps not leave the edge but at the same time you got to push it hard enough to let's say I'm probably out of camp cranny so with this tool when you put it into the angle if you can see on the camera it's not touching right here but it's touching on both sides it's actually made to be a little bit splayed so you actually have to push it into the angle hard enough to get this point all the way in there and then go down and keep it leaned over enough that you don't take out so much mud so so it is it is totally different feel than the single bladed knife but you just have to push it hard enough to get this point in right here and these edges still touching it's just another option if you have this tool or want to play with it I'd say this is better for taping but you guys can play with it because drywall is a lot about feel you have to use the tools and the methods that feel comfortable to you so anyway that's really basically all there is to it one good solid coat of mud like this is all you need on the angles and it's gonna look fine it's a little different than coding the flats so play around with that and and see how that works for you and leave me a comment in the in a comments below tell me how it worked for you which method worked for you and how hard it was for you until then we're gonna catch on the next video and I thank you for stopping by be sure and check that link at the end that's where you can subscribe and there's more videos links to watch there's also links in the description below thanks for stopping by and we'll see you next time still [Music] just right [Music]
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 7,635
Rating: 4.8811879 out of 5
Keywords: how to repair drywall, how to finish drywall, finishing drywall, taping drywall, that kilted guy, drywall finishing, drywall joint taping, drywall tape, finish taping drywall, how to, how to hang and tape drywall, how to tape drywall, how-to, taping, taping drywall angles, taping drywall corners, how to tape inside corners, how to tape drywall angles, taping with paper tape, taping with mesh tape
Id: J-aS1vsjQi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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