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my name is Ben welcome to Vancouver carpenter today I'm gonna take the mystery out of how to get a perfect three-way inside corner so for starters what I have is I like to use a four inch knife I've got a pan full of taping mud and I've got my paper tapes cut and ready to go there in place they have nice square corners on them so this tutorial is not about how to tape the inside corner if you need help taping the inside corners you can watch my other video about taping inside corners which I will link in the description below this video is specifically about the coding procedures to help you get a perfect inside three-way corner so first I'm going to tape these real quickly so I do like to get my tapes right up to the corner within an eighth of an inch to give it a little room to stretch again I like to get it about an eighth of an inch away from the corner just enough room for the tape stretch now that I have the corners taped here is where the secret comes in so there's a little bit of visualization here so what I want you to visualize is that each one of these is like a road going in you've got a right-hand Lane here right-hand Lane here right-hand Lane here other side you've got a left-hand Lane there a left-hand Lane there and a left-hand Lane there so picture it like that three lines intersecting so here's what I'm gonna do on my first day I'm gonna pick a side and in this case it's going to be the right-hand side so I'm gonna do just the right-hand side of each one of these corners and I'm not gonna fuss too much if I'm gagging the mud out of it I'm just doing the right-hand side so now I'm gonna clean it up a bit but not worry too much about it just make sure it's reasonably good so my knife was gouging the mud out from the sides but I'm not worried about that we're gonna come back to that when it's dry and I'll show you guys how to finish these up so it's now dry so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to scrape the dry knoblauch's out of the corner so if that car analogy made sense to you and you did the right-hand lane into each one the second day when it's dry you now do the left-hand side to each one and what this does is it fills in the groove that was left on the other side so I'm doing the left-hand on each one I'm also using a slightly bigger knife than before and I'm taking my time a little more on this one to make sure that I actually do a nice job feather my edge there oh I've got some stuff on my blade I'm gonna clean it off so I now have a perfectly filled in corner and the next step is to let it dry and I'll show you how I sand these finally it's time to sand it so generally you will have already pull sanded your inside corners so you stop just shy of getting right into the corner so next comes the sponge sanding and I really like these angled sponges and one of the things I do with these is I actually tear this corner off I just ripped little bits off until it doesn't have a corner and there's a reason for this and that's because when I'm going like this with this square part in the corner this part doesn't leave as much of a nasty line because if you're not careful when you're sanding inside corners one of the things you can do basically the width of the sponge about 1-inch there will be a 1-inch line in each of your corners from gouging the edge so you need to be really conscious of that fact when sanding so what I like to do is I just kind of go into the corner with the square end I'll flip it over go in again go here flip it over go here and then to get right in the corner I like to have a three or a four inch knife and you just very carefully scrape out any chunks there might be and that's how you get that last little inch and a half into the corner is just a quick scrape there we have the finished corner looking real nice
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 338,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drywall, corners, taping, mudding, perfect, inside, outside, finishing, drywall finishing, spackle, spackling, tape, mesh, corner bead, DIY, sheetrock, mud, joint, compound, joint compound
Id: xC94hjthMzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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