Coating Inside Corners on Drywall

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[Music] hey what I'm going to show you right now in this video is how to code an insight angle sum would be column corners I call this a corner and this an angle so we're going to show you how to do that right after this alright now once you've taped an inside angle like this you generally most always have to code it well I'm gonna show you how I do most of what I'm doing by hand now you might have seen this tool up here like this and I've tried to use that told many times thinking maybe it made some sense and I just can't get it to work great but if you want to try it and you can I'm gonna put a link in the description down below the biggest problem is it tends to leave angles or edges like this that could be what they did here the homeowner take this one I coated this side this side still needs coded mainly because of these bad edges as you can see in this picture here edges that heavy usually won't hide even under a medium heavy texture a really heavy one it might but I don't like to take that chance of what we're gonna do is coat it and I'll show you now you could coat it two sides at a time the problem with that is when you're running your knife down this side and you switch to here this side tends to gouge out that site so you end up with this couch down here and you've got to fix that so if you got the time just do one site at a time now I like to use we're using a USB +3 lightweight mud it's really easy to sand feels good but most in a lightweight model work for you I recommend you don't use the green label all-purpose that's a harder mud and just really isn't matric top coating it will because it is an all-purpose but it's best for taping now as far as the knife I like a six inch knife probably see videos out there where they maybe use a four inch knife well if it was taped and only the mother only went out like three inches you might better do that I prefer to just go ahead and go that little extra then I can feather it plenty and it doesn't run out on me it just works better for me so give it a try if you haven't now the first thing to do is clean it up there's some stuff in here you could scrape it out like this or you could sand it sanding is gonna leave a little dust where sometimes make the button not want to stick as well so if you can just scrape it do that alright to coat an angle like that you want a medium victim out this is medium thick because when your knife is dry the muck doesn't want to stick so you got to see me goop up on camera yeah when your knife is drying you first stick it in there it'll sometime fall off like that so kind of got to get your knife wet before you do what I just did now I can show you it's medium thick you can see it will start drooping here you don't want to thin or just kind of hard to use you can't put it on as thick as you want but this is plenty now you don't want to use it straight out of the box if you don't have a mug mixer like us pros do those them in your pan go down to the hardware store or they of thrift store first pick you up a 99-cent egg beater you can usually get two of them for a dollar cut that up and drill through so it will feel like with cream compared to straight out of the box which feels like a dog turd or something although I've never tried to coach anything that way but you get the point so what I do is I like to load my knife up if I'm doing this side that was some time loaded up heavy on the left side since I'm doing the left side I want a heavy on the left well I don't have quite that same coordination so I often just build like this I just get it out and then cut a little off so it's heavy on the left side that keeps it from running out so much now it's like coating a lot of things we put it on here and we just run it down like that now I'm going to give you the slow-motion version [Music] what you're trying to do is start out at a little bit steeper angle and as you go down you kind of quickly lay your knife down and that spreads it out like that also you want to keep your knife fairly square in the corner if you look at this knife it's a little dirty but this corner right here is a 90-degree angle and then it rounds out you want one of these you don't want them to square or it'll dig into the other side because you want it in here just about a ninety that way it's cleaning off the stuff that's trying to lose out that site so I'm gonna see if I can show you if you if you do it like that see how it left a big line of mud right there now if I just turned my knife square it up I can clean that right off most of it if you leave a little bit you can send that so you put it on in a slower motion just like that and then you want to feather the edge which always means tilt impress and notice how that's tight and clean well that probably didn't get feathered that's why you had that nice tip if you feather can't get that so now the next step is we just want to do the same thing if you get one way up there like that just go over here and clean it off like that one it's hard to see when you're standing way up to the site so you guys can see cuz I want to be right here but anyway you get your knife back in here square and you want to lean it over a little more than when you started because when you're floating you lean your knife closer to the wall and you a little more pressure if you put your knife like this and push it floats when we give you a quick demonstration so we got that if I put my knife like this and push hard that's pushing hard you see it just floats now if I stand it up and I don't bend it like that I just wipe it all off so that's how you blow as you lean your knife over push a little bit harder and just do like this now if you get something like that dig out what caused it and do it again and there we have a perfectly coded to their angle I got a look over here and again if you see anything over here you can just kind of clean it off or you can come back and sand it when it strike like with this square sanding sponge it'll clean that side off I want to point out one more thing though there's another mistake you could make which is to turn your knife too far because this knife will go way over here if you do that what happens is you round out that inside angle that's nice and perfectly square so if you round it out won't come out so great that's about all there is to it usually angles the inside angles only need tape and one coat of mud if you can put it on like this well hey if you were like learning things like this like how to tape how to finish drywall repairs textures and more be sure and click that subscribe button down there that red one and right afterwards you'll see a bell pop-up click that then you'll get notified each time we put out a new video and I will look forward to seeing you on the next video take care everybody [Music] [Music] you
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 6,424
Rating: 4.9721255 out of 5
Keywords: drywall mudding angles, drywall inside corner, drywall corners, inside corner, do inside drywall corners like a pro, how to use a drywall corner tool, drywall inside corner
Id: oheJ2VGMhqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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