All Purpose Joint Compound or Fast Setting Mud? Which do you need and when?

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I use 5 min because we cant get durabond down here. I'm constantly packing it in holes and gaps definitely good to use for thick patches.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Warkitz 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

How else do you get your first coat done? 😂 #patchlife

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/misterdleo 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2018 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back to that Celtic guide calm here on YouTube and today what I'm going to show you is the advantages of a fast setting joint compound and why you should never put regular all-purpose type mud on thick and we're going to do that but this little little setup I made here I've actually already started it because I kind of had to the way this video works out but we're going to come back after this and explain more about what the advantages are hey welcome back to my channel and today we're gonna demonstrate why you don't ever want to put regular joint compound on thick and what will happen and we're gonna talk about the advantages of using a fast setting joint compound now before I go into that I want to mention that if you guys need some more information you want to check out our website there's a link here on the screen at that Celtic guy com we now have all kinds of information on we've got articles printouts of some of these videos all kinds of helpful information we've got an online store where I recommend the kind of tools you're gonna need for certain jobs such as finishing repairs hanging and we're going to be adding to that all the time plus we got a t-shirt store and this isn't one of them I just didn't have my t-shirt with me today but they're like these here on the screen so check out our website and see what you think about it and be sure and sign up for our free guides we got two of them on there one is choose a contractor and all the things you look for and the other is common mistakes that can ruin your drywall job but today what we're gonna do is talk about the advantages of a fascinating joint compound and in a minute I'm going to go ahead and coat this site with the regular all-purpose +3 month these are half-inch pieces of plywood I put on here so it's going to be a half-inch thick I'm gonna try and get it as flat as I can with my mud knives it's not there be a hundred percent flat but it's gonna be really close and what we're going to show is some of the advantages and disadvantages of both so let's start with the disadvantages of regular joint compound number one is it has to air dry so if you're in a hurry you're trying to do a patch and repair things like that or pre feel it needs to dry if it doesn't dry completely and you coat over it again it's just gonna shrink even more so it has to each coat will shrink a certain amount and you have to let it dry and let that shrinkage happen and the other thing is that it really has to dry properly in order for all the coats to work you just don't want to be putting wet over wet over wet doesn't work well with this and then if you try and put it on thick let's say you shouldn't normally have to put mud on this thick but let's just say you have somewhere where you feel like you need to and once in a while it does happen and there's not much you can do about it so if you got to put it on thick if you put regular mud on thick it's going to dry from the outside in so once that outside starts drying it kind of forms like a barrier to the inner part and this half-inch thick I'm gonna predict I'm on a job that I'll be done with tomorrow I can tell you it won't be dry by tomorrow so I'm going to take this to my shop and watch it dry I'll finish up the video when it's pretty dry I don't know if it'll ever dry completely I'm gonna give it a week and that's about it I think in four or five days it's still gonna be soft underneath plus it's going to crack like mad so it doesn't have good strength and it shrinks a lot and it takes forever to dry so that's one disadvantage the advantage of regular joint compound is number one it's cheaper it's a lot cheaper than table number two it's way easier to work with PopMatters a pain to work with and number three it sends a whole lot better if I think of another one I'll throw it up on the screen here but the disadvantage to hot mud is when it dries it dries rock hard now if you see on the package here it says it's easy sand that's really misleading because trust me it is not easy sanding at all disadvantages you have to mix it up for power each time so that means a lot more work to put into it it's messier to do it that way and then because it's a setting but this one's going to set up in 20 minutes that means in 20 minutes from the time I mix it up it's gonna start hardening and not really be usable and in about 25 minutes it'll be totally unusable and it'll be hardening like mad in your on your tools and if you haven't cleaned it up you're gonna have to scrub it off with something like a green scrubber pad so it can be a real bear to clean up that limited time can also get you because if you don't plant it right if you mix too much mud suddenly start setting up in your pan or in your bucket and it's just a nightmare to try and clean your stuff off at that point the other disadvantages cost you get far less per dollar out of this a bag of this cost about as much as a box of mud but you get a lot less I'd say about two-thirds as much out of a bag so the cost is a fair amount higher and you waste more because once it starts setting up if you haven't used it all you have to throw it away so you're going to waste more the other and disadvantages it feels worse this often feels to me like I'm spreading thick marshmallow cream or something sticky doesn't have a smooth feel to it and then as you mix it up it may start out feeling really good in your pan and five ten minutes down the rotor starts thickening in your pan it's not hardening yet it just starts to getting thicker and feels worse and worse I'm just not real fun to work with but the advantages in 20 minutes after putting this on it's already started to thicken a little bit you can go ahead and scrape it prep it for the next coat put another coat on it because once it hardens it's not going to shrink anymore it locks it into place at Camp shrink and you can't really hurt it so you can go ahead and put another coat on it's going to chemically keep hardening and it allows you get things done faster with a lot less shrinkage so like there's sometimes corner bead will come out pretty deep if you put your corner bead on a little bit crooked and it's really deep I'd run it with hot mud first but use at least 20 or 45 minutes now the faster it sets up for less it'll shrink because it goes back to once it sets up it quits shrinking so if it takes there is 90 minute hot mode if it takes 90 minutes for it to set up it's gonna be shrinking that whole time so you'll get more shrinkage out of it so I use five minute 20 minute and occasionally 45 so what we're gonna see in here is I predict when we're done this is going to have very little shrinkage I'll put it straight edge across and I think it'll still be pretty flat whereas this one's gonna shrink and look terrible so I'll go ahead and get some regular all-purpose +3 mud out site make it flat and then we're just going to let it dry and see what happens okay so I'm going to go ahead and coat this side with a 20-minute hot powder take quite a bit we're going half inch deep [Music] okay that site is coated and it's really hard to get it perfectly flat because when you use a knife like this it's going to write on that surface and that and Bend into it so I had to stand my knife up as straight as I could which got it almost perfectly level and we'll see how that one dries next I'll do the regular joint compound [Music] okay I've got that on there about as flat as I can get it there's some little tiny voids we're not really worried about that we're worried about the level and how it looks so I'm gonna take a picture of these two right now so we can compare what they looked like when I put it on here and then what they look like when they're dry and we'll come back to you as soon as all this has dried up and shoot the rest of the video and show you the results okay just a little update both of these have been sitting here about 45 minutes notice how much whiter the fast-setting one is it's already drying decently because of the chemical drying nature of it and notice totally firm you can scratch it it's soft but it's firm it's still wet but it's drying quicker and over to the regular all-purpose mud you'd notice that it hasn't changed a bit same as when I put it on okay everybody here we are on day three which means this is head around 40 some hours to dry every two days of drain time and of course the hakama is the same let's show you this mud and let's see you can see it's still pretty soft is still cracking that's actually still went right under the surface so we'll come back and check it again just doesn't right right and that's it managed to Padma it's now completely dry still hard just like it was can't dig anything out I believe that straight all the way through because it actually has a chemical reaction and that heat else try it faster okay I tell you what I think we're gonna wrap this video up it's now been I think it's been four or five days since I did this and I'm going to show you first of all how much they've shrink I'll show you a picture of this and how it looks here you can see all the cracks in it now if you compare the two this first picture is of the pop mutt and you'll see when I put my straight edge across there there's barely any shrinkage and actually that's even less in looks because when I wiped it I noticed I was leaning my knife just slightly which con caved it like that now if you look at the picture of the regular joint compound and how much it shrank that's mostly shrinkage right there and it will continue to shrink because guess what it's still not dry that's why you cannot put regular joint compound on heavy like this if you're gonna put it on heavy use this if you really have to so now let me show you this that it's still wet first of all notice how tough that is if I try and dig that out I could if I really take a bite but it comes out pretty difficult this over here if you look it's just soft it's barely dried at all I can stick my finger in here and pull it out like that so it's still actually wet begin us because it dries from the outside in and as it dries it's gonna continue to shrink so you can see you're not doing this way so if you're still watching thanks for sticking with me this long I'm just gonna be real brief but before you go please don't leave just yet I want to let you know that I'd really appreciate it if you check out our website at that Celtic Icom we'll put a link at the very end here to pop up as a clickable link and also if you like these videos I do we do all kinds of these construction drywall do-it-yourself handyman videos if you like this kind of stuff be sure and subscribe if you look below the video here you'll see a subscribe button but if you don't click that little bell icon you won't get notified when I put out a video if you click it you'll get an automatic notification that would put out the latest video anyway check out these links it's gonna pop up here and I thank you guys so much for stopping by this is what I do it for teach you guys give you guys some educational and fun material we'll see you on the next video
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 80,146
Rating: 4.8831248 out of 5
Keywords: hot mud, fast setting joint compound, how to use hot mud, how to use fast setting joint compound, how to use fast setting mud, easy sand joint compound, 20 minute mud, 45 minute mud, hot mud drywall, hot mud patch, fast setting drywall mud, fast setting drywall compound, how to use fast setting drywall mud, filling in a deep repair in drywall, durabond 90, how to mix hot mud, durabond joint compound, drywall mud types, mixing 45 minute mud, easy sand 90 joint compound
Id: vRKrSm2aHuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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