Taping & Bedding Drywall Joints with Paper Tape, Mesh Tape, and Fibafuse

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hey thanks for stopping by that celtic guy videos and what i'm going to show you today is part of my ongoing series of drywall finishing and we're going to show you how to do taping we're gonna show you three different ways with magic tape paper tape and a new product that you're gonna find fascinating we're gonna show you that right after this [Music] thanks for stopping by again and as always i appreciate you guys stopping by and for subscribing we'll leave you a link in the video description down below and at the end of this video so watch to the end and be sure and subscribe if you want to see the upcoming videos we got coming out and click that little bell icon that way you'll get those notifications now what we're going to show you today is how to tape drywall and I started out by coding just piece everything behind it too but in brown and the reason is it's gonna make this show up a lot better than if I did this over white and we're gonna show you three separate ways so I'm just gonna cut right to the chase and start showing you how to do this we're gonna try and make this a fairly short video so first thing you want to do to tape your joint let's imagine there's a joint right here so you get out your tape and you start what no of course I'm not gonna use masking tape I got something a whole lot better it looks like this paper tape and so we're gonna show you this right way to do this with some paper joint tape now this is the way that all of the new construction is done there may be a few guys that will use mesh tape or something but 99% will use this and there's there's several reasons it's a good quality product it works well through tools and when you do new construction you most guys use a set of tools one of those tools that we often use is called a bazooka it looks like in this picture right here and I actually ran one of those for many years and got really good at so I've done a lot of taping but we're gonna show you how to do some hand taping but there is another tool this will run through and that is called a banjo and no I'm not gonna pick Hitchin it's actually called banjo in drywall terminology and what it is it's basically a really cheap version of a quicker taper so this tool cost you about 70 dollars and it will run that paper tape to it now nothing runs the mesh tape though so that's why we're going to show you these first way this tool works is you would put the tape in here lock it down and it's kind of hard to do when I'm trying to show you while holding it but you open this lid up to take the paper tape it feeds right through here and I have actually left this one dirty there we go I have actually run one of these thousands of times too but it's not my favorite tool I actually love the bazooka far more but it's about a two thousand dollar tool this is a $70 tool but with what I do these days this works so all you do with this tool is load the paper in here like this fill this section up with mud and then as you pull the tape out of here it comes across the mud and coats the bottom side of the tape stick it on the wall you get to the end and again it's not loaded right so you just pull across that blade tear it and move on and the way you hold these got a handle here you can hold but I've never liked that so you just stick your hand through the backside and just run this down the wall secure this to show you without the lid coming open or you just run it down the wall get the end tear it and it puts it on puts the mud on for you it'll save you a fair amount of time you're gonna be doing very much so let's move on to just showing you how to do this by hand because it applies the tech this is probably really noisy on camera the technique for using a banjo is the same as we're doing it by hand so first thing I want to discuss is some advantages paper tape number one cost it costs less than the rest of them and it goes a long ways this is a partly used roll when we do it new we actually start with a 500-foot roll and you can see this will actually fit in that banjo and on the taping tool so this goes quite a long ways before you run out now for home use you can buy 250 foot rolls that way a lot less let's see the other advantage is it is just a good strong product me it's it's got a good side to side rigidity it works well is it foolproof no I've seen a lot of cracks that have paper tape behind it but I've seen it with all of them so is there an absolute best product among these three I think there might be and I'm gonna show you that when we get a little further along here let's show you how you would apply the paper tape now I will mention this is actually the hardest of all of the tapes to apply for it beginner I just recently fixed a job let's see if I can show that picture here those bubbles you see those are called blisters and that comes from not knowing what you're doing and usually it comes from not putting enough mud on the wall or wiping it too tight and then when it dries first time you put a coat of mud on it it blisters and that was actually done by a contractor so be careful who you hire out there I had to go in and fix all this guys nasty work there's some other pictures here some of the things he did and he actually charged the homeowner for this luckily they haven't paid because it was some of the worst drywall I've seen but if he could watch my video you might have done it right second thing use a real drywall joint compound don't go get some putty or something you can use the fast-setting joint compound that's fine but it needs to be an all-purpose type mud this is a all-purpose mud called +3 like in this picture here and it works great but if you're gonna do a lot of taping the all-purpose green label lid like in this bucket here it's just purely heavyweight all-purpose works the best it just has a better adhesion but it also sounds harder this is a lighter weight mud and it sounds really easy so it's what I've got today so we're gonna go ahead and use that now to put this on let's see what direction I want to do this we're just gonna put a little bead or mud on here and I'm just you don't really have to level it out you could put it on like that if you want it but I prefer to smooth it out a little bit and run your tape through that and if it needs to be this length for example just put your knife on here and cut it I'm kind of doing this backwards to the camera so let me turn it around like this well show you just put your knife on there and cut it and somewhere to put that okay now you got to wipe it down if it's a short piece like this you're gonna want to hold it because if you try and wipe it like this a lot of times it'll slide like you saw there and I kind of purposely put a little extra pressure and took all the mud back out so let's put the mutt back so I either use corner of my pan or you can just reach up here and hold it and with your knife at about a 45 degree angle and medium pressure just wipe it down okay now we when we do this thousands and thousands of times we can offer and wipe that in one coat and get it right but I'm trying to take it in slow stages because I'd rather you wipe it three times and get it right then wipe it once and wipe too much out and get it wrong so wipe it you just want to wipe it until it's looks about like that now if I wipe it really firm you see the difference right there I wiped out all the mud and it may feel stuck but that's where as soon as it gets wet you can see a slight difference mostly muds on the tape as soon as it gets wet with the next coat it'll blister so so basically the steps again put a decent coating mud on put the tape in wipe it down and successive twice until it gets to about that look there and again not wiping real hard and that's it for the paper tape so it's not real hard but now it's actually got to dry and the standard if you're gonna put a texture on this is two more coats of mud if this is in a recess joint and it may take you a third possibly if it's a butt joint depending on how it comes out with saying this is recessed we're gonna do two more coats of mud and call it good now if you were doing mesh tape let's talk about mesh tape first the advantage to mesh tape is that it is self adhesive so in other words I'm using this little tool here that just kind of automatically cuts it and that's about all it does is it just provides a roller comes out it's got a blade right here you can probably see it better than this close up and that razor blade just allows you to cut it and it's got a rolling wheel here you can also put this one out for rolling it right into the angles and it works pretty decent I wouldn't really recommend this on angles especially if you're a beginner it's really not ideal for angles stick to the paper tape one reason on the paper tape its precreased so you fold it down the middle you've got an angle this isn't you have to work it into an angle and it just really isn't as good but it can be done but I I'd stay away from it get you a little roll paper tape it costs like $3 this cost about $8 so it's actually pretty cheap stuff the second advantage is that this is self-adhesive so you put it on the wall it's already stuck and it's not stuck so much it's gonna do any damage but it's ready to coat so essentially you put that on the wall like that it's at the same stage as this because it still requires two coats of mud this still requires two coats of up but let's go ahead and coat this and just see how it comes out so he stick it on the wall now don't use regular joint compound on mesh tape if you're gonna use mesh tape you really need to use hot mud which is like this right here this is some 20 minute fast-setting drunk compound it sets up chemically it dries a lot harder it's a little more expensive it's harder to work with if you watch some of my other repair videos I show you how to mix it up I believe it's the how to repair a small hole in drywall video as a matter of fact I'll put a link to that in the very end if the clickable links and you can go watch that and I'll show you how to work with hot much more I'm gonna demonstrate it with this regular mud just because we don't need this to stay permanent here the reason you use the hot mud if you use regular mud you'll get a lot more cracking that's number one number two it's really just recommended to use hot mud but one time I decided to experiment which you got to do now and then so I coated a whole bunch of this with regular mud sure enough I got a bunch of cracks and I had to do a lot of work to fix it right so we're gonna demonstrate anyway again that's at the same stage but now should have brought my other with wider knives in here but okay now through the magic of video don't you always like that what I'm gonna do is show you how to coat this like I would I wouldn't put it with a six inch I don't want to get Jeff on that truck because that's the wrong way you would want to use at least an eight inch or ten inch knife this is a 10 inch knife so we were gonna coat it we'd spread coat them out on there I usually like it to be fairly consistently even and then we feather it and then laying it down we go ahead and coat it now I'm not gonna get really into that because that's another video if you watch my other videos called how to finish a recess joint and how to finish a butt joint I go into a lot more detail but my point of doing this is that this is now on day two and this is now on day one so that's the big advantage to mesh take is that you can get it done faster if you're using hot mud you could literally in 20 minutes it'll be setting up so in about 30 minutes you could put another coat on it I use soft mud all the time because I do repairs and I can do most any repair in one day by using hot mud so I use a lot of mesh tape and I see a lot of people out there argue about whether mesh tape is any good and what's best you know some people say no never use mesh tape I have done thousands of repairs I've been doing pretty much nothing but drywall repairs for 15 years that's mister patched drywall so I've done thousands of them and I've used mesh tape 99% of the time never had a callback for a crack so I I believe that done right with the mesh tape in the hot mud it's just as good as paper tape but like I said there are advantages and disadvantages if I were going to do my new house of my own I'd use the paper tape so they're both good products now I talked about a mystery product that not many people know about I recently discovered it and it's pretty awesome product hey we got to do that twice it's too much fun this one you could do all day because this is called fiber fuse and it weighs nothing but is it strong well you know I've actually been experimenting with this stuff and I'm convinced it's pretty cool stuff now what is it it is hey maybe I should read the label it is a paperless drywall repair product it is actually made from fiberglass you can find more about this product at 5f use calm now what the label says here is it's the paper tape alternative all the benefits of paper tape with superior technical performance 70% stronger for crack resistance it's an open fiber structure for better bonding it provides mold and mildew resistance and it eliminates Lister's and bubbles now does it do all that I think so it seems like it's a strong product now I don't know if I can show you this on camera or not but this product is basically you can see through it because it's a woven product kind of like this is fiberglass but this is much finer fibers and they're woven and a very random pattern instead of little squares and because of that I think it's got great strength yeah it's thin and it's lightweight so the advantages with that woven design mud will kind of flow through it a little bit so that should help with reducing blisters it now if you put on weight too little some big gaps in that it's still gonna blister one disadvantage is the way it tears it doesn't tear like paper tape does you can see it's a very ragged edge it's kind of a minor thing if you tear paper tape you get your normal paper tear the big advantage is the strength of it because of that woven design versus this square woven of the mesh tape this I just think is not as strong because of that square woven and it's not as fine this has got so many little fibers feels like it's got good side to side rigidity so it should work well on resisting cracks it's easy to use now as far as cutting it you know I showed you it doesn't care really well basically to cut it do just let's see if I can show it for the camera you just cut it like paper with a sharp knife like that let me show you something they do say this is pre creased and if you look you can probably see on camera there's a faint line down the middle that makes it a little bit weaker so it is a line that helps you to crease it I can tell you the disadvantages trying to put this in the angles it's gonna be a little bit weaker you got to be careful with it it can be done I would hesitate to use a knife like this if you were a beginner and instead I'd get a inside corner trowel like this one in this picture because that inside part where where this part right here is because it doesn't have an edge like this it's not going to cut your tape as easy if I push this through here you can see how easily I went through that so I don't I'm not real super fond of it for the inside corners which would be taping in there so other net on these flats it will run through a banjo I wouldn't run it to a bazooka I don't think I'm not sure if they say it will but not sure if I try it or not but hey it might work so let's let me just give you a little demonstration how it goes on it kind of goes on a little bit clearer but it's basically the same thing is the paper tape put on some mud spread it out put a good solid coat on so if I were you know go over a few times make sure you got a good solid coat on and then you do basically the same as paper take put in there tear it to cut it now because this doesn't take as much force to wipe it down it usually you usually don't have to hold it so let's see if that works this time and it works so basically the same thing it's almost the same force just a little bit less pressure laid in your knife down at about 45 don't want to stand your knife up real straight on either one of these because that's where you wipe out all the mud so keep your knife tilted over and wipe it like that it really works pretty well I've tried this now I've probably run about seven or eight rolls out on different jobs and I use it on repairs some new construction I think it works great now again what I do repairs I want to get them done quick so I'm usually using the hot mud if I were doing this with hot mother go ahead and just put a quick coat on it and like I did the mess take their feather it and that quick I've got a coated joint that's now a day ahead of this one I wouldn't try it with this one I've tried it in the passage shrinks too much but with a hot mud it doesn't shrink because of the way hot mic works and if you want to understand that better watch my video called how to fix a small drywall our small hole and drywall I've also got one that's going to be a medium hole and it kind of works the same way but that gets it done quicker so anyway before you go I'm gonna have that usual question for you but I want to thank if you're stopping by and check out my links in the description down below I try and put some useful links in there and some clickable links at the end and also as always I appreciate your subscription click that little bell icon and you'll get notified of future coming upcoming videos now today's question about this video is have you tried any of these methods and how well did it work for you what did you find as an advance you're disadvantaged maybe I'm forgetting something because I do this so much I don't always know the the disadvantages because I just know how to make it work for me so for you it's gonna be different let me know in the comments below and we will catch you on the next video thanks a lot [Music]
Channel: That Kilted Guy DIY Home Improvement
Views: 50,569
Rating: 4.8179312 out of 5
Keywords: kilted guy, tape drywall, kilted drywall, that kilted guy, guy purcella, drywall, drywall tape, drywall videos, drywall tutorials, drywall school, drywall instruction, drywall taping, diy drywall, taping and coating, taping drywall joints, taping drywall, taping butt joints, taping with mesh tape, taping with paper tape, tape and texture, mudding and taping, how to sheetrock, how to drywall, How to fix drywall, how to tape drywall, how to spackle drywall, diy sheetrock
Id: nthTJbWxI_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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