How to Swap Faces Inside Midjourney with Multiple People - Photopea And Insight Face (FREE)

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hello guys hope you have a wonderful day today I'm going to show you a new tool that I've just come across called Insight face swap that enables you to swap faces uh in any image that you come across it doesn't have to be a mid Journey image but in this circumstance we're going to be using mid Journey images and I'm going to explain to you why I don't know if you've ever tried to do a picture of say like the Beatles and you've realized that none of them whilst they all kind of look like a beetle you couldn't say which one of these guys was which in fact this has got five people here this has got five people here something's gone very wrong they've all ended up a mishmash of all of The Beatles all in one and we want individual faces on individual beetles so we want George we want a pool we want uh John and we want a Ringo how are we going to do that well the answer is with this new bot called the internet face swap so step one I'm going to leave this uh URL in the description so you can get to it you just click on this and it's gonna add the butt to the server commands of the server that you need and you've got to pick the server that you want so just click on continue and then authorize after you've done you've uh you should see it in your Discord that you've got this Insight face swap marvelous okay so using this image that's highly stylized there's a reason I've picked a highly stylized do is just to show you how well it does the blending and um what we want to do is we want to put a pool on one we want to put a John on one we want to put a ring on one of the George on the other so how do we go about doing this well first things first what we do is we type in slash and you'll see that you've got a new button appeared here inside face swap so we're going to um save an ID feature put a name and image so step one let's pick this picture of John Lennon now I've already done John so we have to call this John one but you should see that once that is done it's saved marvelous so you need to go through and do that for every person that you want um as you can see that I've done a lot of this previously so I'll only run through it once and let's go through and now take it to the next step which is apply the swap ID so let's pick our original image and we're going to put on John onto all of them and we're going to do this process again and we're going to put pulled onto all of them and we go through this process again and we're going to put George onto all of them how we go through the process again one last time and who's the last battle is Ringo so here we go so let's look up at these so we've got all of them have turned into John lemons all of them have turned into Paul McCartney's all of them turned into George Harrison's and all of them have turned into ringos so you might be a bit confused at this stage but basically essentially what we need to do is now stack all these images on top of each other and ensure that we cut out the right head for the right one so that'll be uh the next stage so for the next stage where we have to Assam these pictures together I'm going to use photopia you can use any editing software that you like really I personally prefer Photoshop if you guys want a guide for Photoshop let me know in the comments below but photopia runs in the browser it's free everyone's got access to it wonderful so the first thing that we want to do is get our images into the program so here we go we've got John we're going to drop him in and he's going to become the background layer now we can now add in the other three but what you've got to notice here is that the background layer should be the bottom layer so just drag it down and put it out of the Palm I'm going to highlight George shoes at the top and we're going to hold down the ALT key or the option key if you're on the Mac and go down to here and press this button at this stage you should get a little black box appear here and if this isn't set to White I want you to set it to White mine already is but I know sometimes it's not we're going to select the brush tool and we're going to set the brush tool to a reasonable size which is going to vary depending on the size of your image but that's a good size for me so then I just click on there and I put it in and there's our George we're going to repeat this process for Ringo so once highlighted Ringo press the ALT key go down to here and then there we go and then again for pull and ALT and there we go we do pull and that's given us our four beetles each with their own unique faces we can then file save or export this as required and um that is how you get different faces on people in mid-journey with the help of a little bit of AI and even with your pictures black and white a different color not in the same style it should using the AI technology match for skin tones and the style of the picture pretty well in my eyes this is uh quite an amazing tool really and it's a great string to your bow if you are using mid Journey already it's not a lot of extra work and um it can make some really great results with your mid Journey work I hope you've enjoyed this today and in the event that you have please like And subscribe down in the comments any questions do let me know I'm active on here every day have a lovely day
Channel: Digital and AI art
Views: 8,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, AIArt, AIArtCommunity, AIArtwork, Midjourney, Midjourneyv5, Stable Diffusion, Dall-e
Id: fRFsi-VxIg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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