BEST Software to Fix Blurry Photos? Top 6 Compared!

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with so many new platform software and Technology coming along which one do you think is the best when it comes to recovering blurry photos or extremely blurry photos well that's what we're going to try to find in today's video we have three examples for the first one we have an old vintage photo which is absolutely noisy absolutely blurry we'll see if he can recover it for the second example we have a photo where most of them are in Focus except for this person and maybe this person so we'll try to find if we can bring him back to focus and for the third example we have an image where we have not completely lost the details but it is still blurry we'll see if you can get the absolute details back so without any further Ado let's get started by popular demand the first tool that we're going to be testing is staz photo AI let's drag and drop our photo right in here and automatically it upscales it does everything and right now it doesn't seem much of an improvement let us check recover face oh it's already checked oh wow I was not expecting that that is pretty darn good however there's a noise line right there noise is not gone from around the face so let us turn on remove noise and we can open this up and choose the type of noise that we are trying to remove as you can see there is noise still left so I'm going to change it to strong and let's see what it does it takes a while and overall it did a pretty amazing job now the great part about topas photo AI is that it's offline by the way you can try it for free check the link in description to get a trial version and you have controls for everything like recovering or original details let's see what it does it takes a while to process and it does a pretty amazing job and I'm sure if you play with it you can even create a better result now the only problem with this one is that it messes up the eye for this particular image only now for this particular image I did not want to confuse the AI so I cropped it just to keep this person so let's drag it and drop it inside of topaz photo AI let's see if we can get it back for the default settings and no we don't so we need need to turn on probably recover faces let's turn that on and it does a pretty amazing job look at the results take a look at the before and after take a look at the eyes it is just a completely different universe and not just his face have a look at the shirt right here the buttons and the crease it's recovered too right here you cannot even see the buttons so that's hell of an improvement time for our third image and just as I drop it oh my gosh look at the details it is crazy it even brought the peach furs back have a look right here pretty good now I feel that it is too detailed so we can decrease the strength from here slightly but I like is that it also got the details back in the clothes and the jewelry as well so far I'm super impressed with topaz Pho AI for the next tool let us try another popular one reminy so let's drag and drop our photo this is the one let's see what it does wo it did a pretty amazing job so here's the before and here is the after not bad not bad but then again it did mess up slightly here we don't have that level of control that we had in topass 40 AI also this is online and you do have certain limitations I subscrib to this plan just for this video which is $7 a week and only gives you 20 photo limitation you can upgrade if you want it gives you unlimited photo enhancements for $10 a week and here's the worst part if I try to download and Export it as a PNG or a tiff you cannot do it you need to to have a business subscription for it to do it which is insane anyway but the insane thing about Remy is that it gets the eye much better than topaz so here's the before and here is the after with the topaz it was not as good we'll compare all of them later reminy was also able to recover this outof Focus face incredibly perfectly just have a look at the details have a look at the skin texture this is so darn good however it does leave some patterns here and there you need to be careful of that but apart from that this this is just insane here's the before here's the after it did leave out that area so there are flaws here and there if you have a look at the other parts of the image like this button right here here's the before here's the after not so much of an improvement which we did see in topaz photo Ai and for this photo as well it did a pretty incredible job with the face just have a look at the details I cannot even believe it here's the before here's the after but for the rest of the areas like her clothes and jewelry there is no improvement even at the top have a look at the jewelry right here before after it actually makes it worse the next one we're going to try is photor they have a tool for unblurring image let's see what it does again this is also a credit based platform they may give you some free stuff I'll link the details in the description but have a look at the results it's pretty darn good now it did blur out these areas a lot but just have a look at the face the eyes are the best with this one even better than reminy I think and just have a look at the hair they are so detailed now it didn't get all the hair back in but still it's really good thankfully you don't have the Restriction here that you cannot download as a PNG so let's do that for the second image it added some teeth in here which is crazy now of course this is not acceptable here's the before here's the after it is changing the person quite a bit but here's a positive thing it is not leaving out that area just like reminy did so each one of these programs have their own pros and cons now here as well it created that teeth what I do do appreciate with photor though that they don't charge credits for face unblur they only charge it for AI generation and stuff so I think you can do it as much as you want I'm not sure you need to check that I've linked the details in the description let's download it for comparison later now luminar Neo has been doing a lot of stuff lately and it's a great program to easily edit your photos it also came up with super sharp and noiseless recently so let's see if it works on this one let's try super Shar first and the middle right here well it doesn't improve it here's the before here's the after that's weird let's try high and check face enhancer does it do anything here you have an animation going on let's see that is quite better here's the before here's the after but then again not as close to what we were used to before on top of that you can also try noisess and we're going to choose middle since it advises middle or you can also try High let's see what it does so here is the before here's the after overall well not much of an improvement let's reverse the order of applying noisess and super sharp because if you go to edit there is an order to it all right so let's click on actions and revert to original there you go noisess first middle let's see what it does not much High it doesn't Denise as such let's decrease the details and the sharpness and here my friend is the before and here's the after a little bit of it is gone then try super sharp high right here and face enhanc well this is what we get the hair does look like bad thigh noodles even with this one and the face enhancer I got to say this is super fast but the quality this is looks like a beer maybe and look at the face right here that's just insane this is funny let's not even consider luminar for the main comparison the next program we are trying is on one no noise AI let's drag and drop our photo here and it already gives you a before and after here's the before here's the after no improvement at all you can choose tack sharp AI let's see what it does and you can play with the settings and even then here's the before here's the after this is crap let's apply both by clicking on this and again there is not much of an improvement you can try enhan detail here see what it does whoa micro sharpening maybe I don't know this is not working let's not even consider this one the last tool is a funny surprise and that is guess what drum roll please canva and by the way I am a free user it is asking me to get canva Pro anyway so all you have to do is to go to apps right here inside of apps you'll find something like enhancer you can also search it if you want and just get the app there are other apps too once you get the app you'll see it right here choose the file by clicking here I'm going to go with this one again click on open and you can turn on enhance face and enhance the image now all this while do keep in mind I am a free user I didn't even sign up for a trial version or anything and there you go it's done let's add it to our design to take a look at it just take a look at the lips and the nose and the eyes are also moderately good I have to say I'm impressed and by the way it also says that the image has been upscaled by 4 75% even for this image as well it did a pretty standard amazing job now it did mess up the jewelry at the Top If you scroll down the details on the clothes are also not enhanced the hands are okay here not so okay right here even for this one it recovered the face really really well but it added that slight teeth sketch on top of the lips but apart from that this is good too now it is time for us to compare it all and for obvious reasons we're not going to include on one and luminar Neo because they were not even close to what we were expecting anyway so I brought all the images in Photoshop and all are of separate sizes by the way I highly recommend that you try our piximperfect compositing plugin it has some valuable free features like this one so if you open the Pix perfect compositing plug-in and select all the layers by selecting the first one holding the shift key selecting the last one and click on adapt to selection everything fits to the canvas or whatever selection you make for example you make a selection like this click on adapter selection there you go it fits to that selection and when you don't have a selection and you click on it as you guessed it right it fits to the canvas let's compare so here's the original one absolutely beaten down completely blurred lots of noise on top of it we have topaz well that's an improvement but have a look at the eyes they are not as good lips are great nose is great and to compete with this we have canva wao this is good let's compare it with the original one here's the before here's the after it did maintain the face structure and have a look at the shirt area it kind of didn't recover it well but if you just look at the face it did a pretty good job also if you compare it with topaz for the hair area as well it did a better better job have a look at the hair areas so here's topaz and here's canva not to say that topaz is bad on top we have photor whoa now this is a different style I have to say have a look at the eyes I think they're even better than canva if you just have a look at the eyes if you have a look at the hair here's the before here's the after they're just different and it did miss out this area canva photor and even canva missed out this area so so yeah what about topaz they missed out that area as well now let's see what reminy does remin is just good for the face so let's try it so here's the original one here's reminy what do you think I have mixed feelings bad thigh noodles for the hair and the rest of the areas are not as good so it's hard to judge so far if you have to decide which one is the overall best I'll let you be the judge so again here is the original one on top we have topaz on top we have canva on top we have photor on top we have reminy by the way if you do want to compare to yourself I'll leave a link to this PSD in the description so you can pixel pee it all you want now we have an image which is more reasonable the details are not completely lost and there are other details like the jewelry and the clothes to recover as well so here's the original one on top we have canva the face changes a bit so it doesn't look like the same person but then again it is an improvement we have to give it credit also the jewelry is messed up here's the before here's the after this is not the jewelry she wore and have a look right here as well here's the before here's the after not much of an improvement also if you have a look at the hand before after no improvement whatsoever here maybe a little bit what about this area it kind of messes this up there's a line canva is okay let's try photor so there it is well it creates that teeth right there but apart from that if you compare it with canva here's the before here's the after it also leaves out that weird area in the eye if you compare it with the original here's the before here's the after the person changes a bit to in this case there is no improvement here as well no improvement there and of course if you have a look at the jewelry and the clothes as well there is no improvement so now on top let us try reminy and oh my gosh have a look at the face there is so darn much detail if you compare it with the original one here's the before here's the after in this case for this image it doesn't change the person much however it leaves out this pattern all around the image but apart from that it is pretty amazing only when it comes to the face area but if you have a look at the other areas like the jewelry and the clothes it messes it up on top finally we have topaz now the Improvement on the face may not be as good as reminy but I have to tell you this looks more natural and there is Improvement all throughout the image even if you have a look at the clothes here's the before by the way this one is Remy so here's the before and here is the after there is darn much improvement before after that's a hell lot of an improvement even if you have a look at the jewelry here's the before here's the after it doesn't damage it also if you have a look at the hair before after it does pretty amazing job so overall topaz is killing it here's the before here's the after I recommend that you try out the trial version again I'll leave a link to everything in the description so you can try out everything also what most of these tools Miss is have a look at the peach Furs right here only topaz recovers that if you have a look at reminy it removes it photor removes it canva removes it but only and only topaz it just looks like a professional tool let's go compare it all here's the original one canva photor remin and topass topass just kills it overall image overall it is the best for this one now it is time for us to uncover this photo so here's canva it does a good job overall but again it messes up this area also it doesn't do any improvements on the button so here's the before here's the after it is almost the same thing now here is photo T it adds that teeth right there maybe changes the person a little bit there is no improvement here let's try reminy I have to say reminy with skin texture and the eyes especially does a good job but then it leaves out this area it leaves that weird pattern all throughout the image and also of course there is no improvement in these areas as well time for topaz so there his topaz now it may not be the best but it feels like it is the best overall may not be as detailed as reminy may not be as detailed as photor and both of them change the person but with topaz overall if you have a look at the hair if you have a look at this area if you have a look at the buttons here there are some discrepancies here and there but there are lots of Sliders to help you through it and it's offline you don't have to worry about anything so that's all the comparison for all of these platforms which one do you think is the best one I recommend that you download all of these psds I've made them available download them with the links in description and pixel PE do whatever you want and just share which one do you think was the best by the way if you want to have a little more fun here's the photor one we can even color this in Photoshop let's go to filter neural filters and here just check color-wise and there you go colored so that's it for the comparison for the best software to fix blurry photos if you ask me it is hard for me to decide some softwares and tools do a better job in some areas While others do a good job in other areas so we can always mix and match we can always composite those images maybe just keep the eyes from photor keep the rest of the areas from topaz maybe keep the clothes from topaz try something with canva keep the hair from canva you can do stuff like that or you can just have one go-to so if you ask me my go-to tool is topaz and then if it cannot do certain areas like the face I would try photor so that's all for this video I hope it helped and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials I would like to take this moment to thank all of these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep pix in perfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for watching I'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating up here on cloud night and somehow we get it right every time cuz these days we're p in crime and I like it like that m
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 340,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fix blurry photos, sharpen image, topaz photo ai, luminar neo, fotor, canva, face unblur, remini, on1 nonoise ai, colorize black and white photos, low to high quality, sharpen blurry images, photo restoration, portrait photography, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: bJgw4qoDXyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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