How to Swap Faces in Photoshop Using AI Generative Fill

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hey there and welcome to Florida my name is Aaron Nace and today we're tackling a really common problem that happens whenever you're taking photo of a group of people invariably there's always going to be someone who's going to be blinking or sneezing or just making a weird face or ask you to like ah can you swap my face out from this one to this one it's actually very easy to do with the help of artificial intelligence in this tutorial we're going to show you how to swap those faces and let artificial intelligence do most of the hard work for us we got a great tutorial for you let's jump into Photoshop Photoshop I love this image it's so fun but let's say the family was like oh can you replace this she's just being a little bit silly and this guy is blinking a little bit no big deal we have another picture from the same photo shoot right here where both of them actually look really good now I would encourage you if you're doing any type of family portrait or things like that just take a lot of pictures say you have extras to do this if you're trying to replace someone from like a totally different day usually the lighting isn't going to be the same so this trick isn't going to work as well just want to give you a heads up on that okay first thing I want to do we're going to use our Marquee tool or any selection tool really just to make a selection around the subject that you actually want there we go that looks pretty good and then we're going to use the move tool to click and drag from one image to another so there we go we have like the subject we want to replace and the replacement there we go we're gonna go back to this and do the same thing M for the Marquee tool there we go just make a selection right around the subject make sure to make it a bit bigger so you have some room to work with we're going to use our move tool and click and drag right over there let's hit F4 full screen and go ahead and zoom in now we're going to go ahead and start with this subject so let's go ahead and click on our layer here and start to bring our subject down now the first thing we want to do is make sure that the subject is in the right place which can be quite difficult if the layer is at a hundred percent opacity so let's go right over here to where it says opacity we're just going to click on the word opacity and drag that down yeah about 60 something 50 something looks good so we can kind of see through now we're just going to kind of click and drag to move this subject around to try to get her in about the right place now my suggestion here would be you want the caller right here of both of the people to line up if the caller is in about the right place it's much easier to actually make this work so we're going to hit controller command t for our transform you can see I can move this around there we go and I'm going to take this little control Point here there we are and we're just going to bring it right down down to the caller of the person now if you don't see the control point just click on this icon right up here on the very top left you can see it hides it and it'll make it show again there we go so let's go ahead and bring this right down to the caller of the person there we go and then from here you can rotate it left and right there we go you can make it larger and smaller by clicking on these arrows right over here or you can this is what I like to do actually you can just click right here on this H or this W for height and width and click and drag left or right to scale this up or down and because we moved our control point to the caller it's going to move it uh like from the caller it's going to be exactly where we want it to be so that looks really good and right about there I think we're actually in pretty good place let me see maybe we need to make this a little bit smaller I just want to make sure her like there we go the callers in the right about the right place and I want to make sure her eyes are in about the same place in two images you know if we make this bigger her eyes are going to go way up smaller hives are going to go way down to make sure it's about the same size just try to get the eyes in about the same place and we're going to hit enter and then bring our opacity back up to 100 percent so the next thing we're going to do is create a layer mask basically to do a rough masking around the edge we want to hide that area where it's a perfect square at this moment so we're back on the layer let's just turn this off and on to make sure we're in the right layer that's really fun to see uh we want to click on our layer mask icon right down here so let's go ahead click on that icon we have our layer and our layer mask so now with the layer mask we're going to hit B for the brush tool okay you can use the open and close brackets to make your brush larger or smaller or you can just simply right click and adjust your size and your hardness I want to bring my hardness kind of like all the way down to zero there we go that looks pretty good and then let's make our brush a little bit bigger fantastic so now I'm just basically using the brush tool I'm painting with black just to do a nice blend from one image into another that's my goal here I just want to do a nice seamless blend fantastic all right and I want to get it like as good as I possibly can but as you're going to see like there are going to be some areas there we go you can see because we put the collar in about the same exact place that should be easy you know like making sure that everything looks good all the way up to the collar boom because it's you know the same collar in the same place there we go that's going to be nice and easy just make sure we got that faded in there perfect and that looks pretty good now the most difficult part of this transition is going to be what do we do where these two people's hair uh Collide right because I'm you know painting it on my layer mask but then her hair is going to go away or her hair is going to go away it can be a little bit tricky to get these areas right and of course there are like always millions of ways to do things in Photoshop but now with the artificial intelligence we can just simply make a selection of this area and say fix it you know like that's the problem area so let's do it I'm gonna hit L for the lasso tool we're just going to make a selection right over here there we go nice and simple nice easy selection and with our new now I'm into Photoshop beta we're going to be using generative fill so let's go ahead and click on our generative fill that's here in architectural taskbar and let's just hit generate I don't need to type anything in there we just hit generate and see what it gives us and it's going to give us a few different options which is always nice there we go and you can just kind of Click through them and see like hey do any of those actually work for me I'm going to hit generate one more time because I thought those results were okay at best but that's the whole deal with generative fill right you just like keep going until looks good actually that looks pretty good so I'm I'm happy with that we'll just create a new layer and then we're going to do the same thing kind of like just write down down here just like any area that's giving you trouble that's where you want to use generative fill there we go it can't just like fill in with a brand new face of a different expression yet I'm sure in time it's going to be able to do all kinds of stuff but for right now we're just basically circling these problem areas there we go that looks pretty good that like are honestly kind of difficult to fix on your own let's here we go let's just do that one too let's just and you can see I'm using the lasso tool and just making like very very quick easy selection so like nothing hard at all here this is cool all right there we go yeah that looks pretty good now let's go ahead and zoom in here you can see I have a slight overlap here so we'll just go ahead I'm gonna just there we go hit generative fill I know this tool makes everyone well I can't say everyone yeah I feel like it makes me like lazier but it also makes me like a super human with this program so I'm like why would we not use it right cool so it basically took care of all those problem areas and now that head swap looks like absolutely seamless looks really really good uh there we go let's just gen and fill this little area where it had like a little bit you know you could see that it repeated there perfect so it looks really good and that's the hardest part of gen Phil about head swapping rather is like where you have those areas that don't exactly line up like how do you figure that out and that's why we're using AI to figure that out so uh let's go back here we're just going to group all these layers together so shift click them all hit controller command G all right we'll just call this subject oh one by the way you guys can download this PSD and you can follow along with these exact same images on just follow the link right down below you can download it for free so let's go ahead and turn this off and back on and we can see like a pretty good head swap sometimes you'll do this and you'll notice like something happening here right like I turn this off and on I'm like oh I forgot that area that's okay you can actually just put a layer mask on the entire group so you can see we have our subject 01 group and I'm just gonna paint black with my brush tool and just erase it wherever we have an area like that okay that can be helpful when you turn these off and on just to kind of look around be like did I miss anything like does anything look weird um but that's a pretty great head swap and pretty easy to do so next let's go to our next subject so let's make our next subject visible let's bring them into place again what do we want to do we want to start by lowering the opacity so make sure you're on the word opacity here and just click and drag to the left there perfect and then we're going to put them in place so let's hit Ctrl or command T let's go ahead and put them right about where we want them cool I'm going to line up the collar again so let's grab this little control point and I click and drag that's the color you don't have to use the caller by the way you can use any point of reference I use the I sometimes or the mouth whatever you want okay collar here looks pretty good and I'm just going to scale this up and down again you want to make sure the eyes are in about the same place with both of the photos right go ahead and rotate his head just a little bit there we go you don't want it to be too small of a head you want it to be about out the same size as close as you can to the original size of the head you can get it a little bit wrong and it'll probably be fine but you don't want to go so far okay cool that looks pretty good maybe just a little bit bigger because I I do think his uh in one hit his chin is kind of down a little bit the other his chin is up a little bit so I'm going to use we're just going to go a little bit larger I think that'll actually work out a little bit better there we go let's bring our opacity back to 100 so click on this word opacity and drag it to the right fantastic and let's click right here on our layer mask icon perfect so with that layer mask active now we're going to just paint black right around the edges just like we did before you know like just using the regular old brush tool on a layer mask here I'm using a track pad on my laptop like you don't even have to have anything fancy here it's like really you know nice and nice and easy and anywhere where it's kind of like giving you trouble that's the place we use AI okay let's use the opening close brackets to make our brush a little bit larger or a little bit smaller as we need there we go and then now we're kind of getting into this area where we have double ears so let's see I just want to see if I can fix that there we go all right that looks good let's just go ahead and paint that in perfect and I want his arm from the original photo to kind of come around there all right well that's looking pretty good right uh I think the good thing to do is just turn it off and on at this point and be like does that look natural is does his head look like it's in the right position I think we maybe should rotate his head a little bit so I'm going to hit controller command T maybe rotating kind of move his head in just a little bit there we go that feels like a little bit more natural so just turn it off before you do all your complicated masking and artificial intelligence stuff just turn it off and on and be like does that actually look good because sometimes you'll get the angle wrong and then no matter how well of a job you do you know like covering it up it's still going to look a little bit weird all right but that looks pretty good I gotta say okay so what are the common like the problem areas or like the difficult areas this around the hair and then that double ear I'm not going to be able to get rid of that with just a layer mask like I have to fill something in there and then all this that's going on the left okay so let's go ahead and see what we can do with AI so let's grab our lasso tool L for the lasso tool we're just going to kind of come right down over here okay I'm going to make sure to come right up around the ear we're basically just circling the area that we want to remove Okay cool so we made this selection there let's click on this generative fill and just hit generate and see what it gives us hey what are you gonna give us this is you know most of the time in Photoshop okay it says the generated images were removed please review the guidelines now this happens sometimes if you basically just select areas that's like just to skin so let's just let's try to just select a little bit more than that and see if it actually does it now okay obviously it's you know it wants to make sure it's doing a good job and doesn't doesn't do anything wrong here you got this AI you got this generative fill all right it's saying still no let's go ahead and select a little bit more of his head and say just fill you know come on we're not asking for anything uh inappropriate here we just want a face swap that's all we want Okay cool so I just selected more and that seemed to work out a lot better there we go so we have a few different options here so these gen fill options are pretty good let's go ahead and hit generate one more time and see what it gives us so we'll go up to generate and it's just going to use all the exact same information to generate a new area for us and hopefully it works but if it doesn't it's not that big of a deal you just hit gen fill one more time um there we go and I feel like all these options are actually like pretty good yeah I'm totally happy with those options they look great fantastic so let's go ahead and zoom in we're gonna hit L for the lasso tool one more time and now I'm just going to lasso up and around and you know this you can see here like a little bit of a double face type of deal so we'll just go in I can select like some of the good face two and it's going to know what to do all right so let's go ahead and make that selection around the area we want to remove just select it and then hit generative fill oh I just saw this little bit the caller but we can take care of that also all right all right it said it removed because the community guidelines looks like it just doesn't know what to do but that's okay let's just select more of the white shirt down there let's say generative fill here and uh try to hit generate one more time this is you never have the Clone Sam tool telling you you can't do something but with AI it does make sense you can't be too mad about it all right cool it did one it it did one okay cool so let's hit generate and see if it'll just do another one sometimes it'll remove one two all three you never really know but uh it did one so hey cool cool um there we go there we go like yeah that's totally acceptable like I don't mind that okay cool thank you I know you removed some but hey you still did the job and I was still proud of you there we go there let's go ahead and group those together and then we're just gonna turn this off and on there we go a little bit more work on the second one just because we had a few different areas to kind of like blend together let's put a layer mask on here I don't feel like we needed to have this area do any gen fill and then I'm just turning these off and on to see how we're looking on our before and our after but uh honestly I think it looks pretty good all right back to our other subject before in the after she looks great too and there we have our family portrait so let's go ahead and show you that's the before and the after face swap using genitive AI to fill in those gaps and don't forget you can download this exact PSD file as well as the sample images to follow along right on just follow the link right down below thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed this tutorial hit that subscribe button we'll send you free Photoshop tutorials give us a big thumbs up and let me know in a comment right down below what you'd like to see thanks again I'll learn you later bye everyone [Music] thank you
Channel: PHLEARN
Views: 66,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, Education, Tutorial, Phlearn, Learn, Photography, Lightroom, Adobe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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