How to Swap Faces Inside Midjourney with Multiple People - Photopea And Insight Face (FREE)

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Hello everybody welcome back to another AI video and this one going to show you how to swap faces inside mid Journey but we're going to swap a face into an image with multiple faces in it where multiple people in it let me show you what it looks like and then I'm going to show you step by step how to do it here's the original image I just downloaded this for free off of pixels it's just a lady looking at the camera and she's got a neutral expression and you can see all of her face so that's why I chose that image now here's a second image and this one has clearly four people in the shot now I swapped in her face on all of them and you'll see here that you'll see the when I go from one to one so here and I go quickly you'll see that all the images are swapped all four of them and then in the final one here I was like hey I just want to swap out this girl on the bottom right's face and I want all of them to remain the same so watch this click on it first second and third images are the same the fourth one has swapped out now let me show you how to set it up and then I'm going to show you how to do it should take only a couple minutes all right welcome back so the first step is we have to create our own server on Discord on the left side here you'll see this little plus sign click on that and you'll be able to add a server and then it asks you to create your own server click on that and then it says for me and my family family or me and my friends or for a club or Community it's for me and all my friends I don't have any friends but if I did whatever we're going to call this face swap multi whatever something like that so I know what it is so this is multiple face swapping click on create when I do that you'll see up here at the top right I've got my own server beautiful let's keep rolling on the left side you're somewhere over here you're going to see the sailboat and that is the mid Journey you want to click on the mid-journey bot there the mid Journey server left click on that and it'll load up all of this stuff here don't worry about any of that stuff go to the right side and you're going to see mid-journey bot left click on that click right here on top of the bot and then it says add to server go ahead and click on add to server and then it's going to ask you what server you want to add it to I'm going to go ahead and add it to whatever the one I just made was called face swap multi click on continue I'm going to go ahead and authorize it to do all those things why not I trust it and then I'm going to hopefully pass the captcha I think I'm human oh man which one has a crab I've never had crabs before uh okay anyway uh yeah too much info I'm going to click on verify human Okay authorized good stuff let's go back to that server and let's see where we're at okay so we're in face swap multi mid-journey bot has been added now we need to add in the next bot which is the Insight face swap this is the one that makes it all possible so I'm going to get the link I'm going to paste it in I'm going to show you how to do it all right welcome back so I just went and grabbed the link here it is you just have to click on this link I am going to put a link to this in the description below so you can just copy and paste it and you don't have to go digging around for it so here we go I'm going to left click on it and watch this it says an external application Insight face just go ahead and click on continue but before you do that of course you have to pick the server so we're going to do what we did in the last one face swap multi hit continue hit authorize and hit I am human okay I'm human let's go no crabs all right I don't have crabs Beauty okay so now at the top right here if we click in the face swap multi we've got the Insight face bot and we've got the mid Journey plot now I need to show you how to create IDs and then swap them in alright so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to just drag and drop in the image that we want to use for this this is not a required step but I want to show you what we're working with so you can see the difference so I'm just going to go to my desktop here I'm in my finder and I'm just going to drag and drop in this image of Karen she I made a video about her earlier she's got an AI virtual chat girlfriend or something like that so this is the image that we're going to be using now we're going to go ahead and create an ID for Karen yes she wants to speak to your manager let's create that ID to get this going forward slash save ID this is a new command that's been enabled by using info Insight face swap when you do that hit enter you get two options you can drag and drop or click to drag and drop a image on top of that and then you can also give it a name so I'm going to go back into my finder or if you're on a PC your Windows Explorer and I'm going to drag that image right here so that is the image and then I'm just going to call this Karen c-a-r-y-n and then I'm going to hit enter when I do that notice that the cap the C was capitalized so it it is case sensitive just keep that in mind so here it is it says ID name Karen created now let's get to swapping all right everybody welcome back so now it's swapping season so in the last one week forward slash save ID and we create an ID named Karen now we're going to go forward slash swap ID but before I do that I'm going to click on my finder and I'm going to drag and drop the image in so I can show you what it looks like again before I I started hitting buttons and swapping out faces so here's the original image so here we go and it's got these four people all different images even the bottom left here has a different angle to his face all attractive Etc now let's go ahead and swap in an ID all you got to do is go forward slash swap ID this is another new function or a new feature that's specific to Insight face swap hit enter when you do that it's going to ask you to drag an image in and it's also going to ask you for an ID name let's go ahead and do that so I'm going to go to my finder and I'm going to use that same image so I can show you the difference here so I'm going to drag and drop it there and then under ID name we're going to use the ID that we just created called Karen c-a-r-y-n when I hit enter it's going to swap out but it's going to swap out all four faces now in some cases that's probably something you might want if you're doing for example an art piece and you want you know you don't want to show everybody but he looks the same or something there you go this is one way to do it but I'm now going to show you well let's look at it first here's the original shot and now let's look at the revise you'll see that her face has changed his face has changed a lot his face changed a whole lot and her face changed too so okay quite a bit there but let's work with the bottom right one so again for some cases you want to switch out all the faces but now I'm going to show you how to use use it so that you only swap out one face excellent so just make sure that you've saved both of these images and you can just right click on the image save image as now I'm going to go to my finder and you'll see here that I have one dot jpg and then I've got new one.jpg which is the one with all of the faces and the new swapped faces on it so now I'm going to go to my browser in this case I'm going to go to Google Chrome and I'm going to go to a website called photopia or photo P I'm not sure how to pronounce that what you need to do now is you need to go to your finder or your Explorer and grab the first image so in this case it's called one dot jpg I was going to drag it and drop it right on top here I didn't log into anything it deployed it supports itself through ads and there we go that's our first step the second step is you want to grab the new image that we just made and then in this case it's called new one.jpg I'm just going to drag and drop it and drop it right on top of it now obviously it's not the same size so for for Just For Speed sakes I'm just going to go ahead and increase the size if you were to do this uh slowly you may want to decrease the size of the bottom image but I'm just going to do this quickly to show you the technique so if now we look at it we've got our background image and we've got our regular image so here's the new image and then if I click this on and off you'll see here that the faces are changing so what we want to do now is we want to basically keep one of these faces or whatever number of faces you want and then get rid of the other so it's very easy to do the first step is you want to hold down the ALT key on a PC option key on a Mac very important ALT key or option key and then click right here on this little mask now add raster mask when you do that you'll see it created a black mask that's very very specific you can do the same thing inside Photoshop the exact same steps I'm using photopia because it's a free tool and not everybody has a copy or a recent copy of Photoshop okay so with that step now all you got to do is go to the left side here and you're going to see a few tools the one we want is this brush tool right here you can just press B or you can just click on it and now let's just go ahead and change the size of the brush so up here at the top left you'll see here this little thing here it says brush size I'm going to go ahead and increase it to a thousand because I just want to do this quickly I don't want to spend 2 much time you know showing you the brushing techniques now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and start painting on or over the faces so again you'll see here that the color is selected to White which we want the mask is black and all you got to do is this watch this look at that I have changed her face let's change this guy's face that's it and again this is a free tool and this is the technique whoa Nelly so there you go guys that's all it takes uh thanks for watching ton more stuff coming up
Channel: Curtis Pyke
Views: 25,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Face Swap, Discord, Photopea, Image Editing, Swapping Faces, Digital Art, Face Replacement, Image Manipulation, Multi Face Swap, Face Change, midjourney face swap, midjourney face swapping, multiple face swap midjourney, midjourney v5 face swap
Id: z6_Qcjp-W6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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