How to Survive a Halloween Mugging

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I love Halloween! What the hell are you supposed to be? Take a guess. Harley Quinn? ... wait a panda? The Queen on a chessboard? I don't know, two-face? Nope. I'm just one of those guys who put up a nice front But also don't know how to control my edgy dark side because I got rejected one too many times [Deep voice] At first I was like.. [High Pitched] Then I was like! Everybody steer clear of this guys way if you see him... it's for your own safety Yu-Gi-Oh did this before it was cool, but im still too old to go trick or treating :'( so this is kinda a waste, nothings really changed from last year with me- Just staying home and splurging on candy. Sure I know it's much easier to just buy your own candy that day, But you can't tell me that it's not fun to make it a contest to see who gets the most candy out of all your Friends tell you what I'll save you time right now and tell you who can pass off for trick-or-treating I have the door slammed on them by some killjoys for being 'too old' Kids and early teens who actually look their age And then adults in their mid-20s were blessed with genetics that make them look like they're only 15 years old But they can probably buy their own large bag of candy at that point and finally not to be height-est But if you're over 6 feet tall then I have some news for you You're probably gonna get rejected. Now for those of you that are planning to go trick-or-treating I got some tips for you to stay alive stay alive stay alive [BE SAFE] What's that supposed to mean?! All right now settle down. We just happen to have a lot of pedos and freaks that like coming Out of their basements Halloween night and see this has some sort of opportunity to pull twisted shit. Don't get me wrong You've done fine the past few years if you're well under live watching this right now My first tip going to group within that group everyone should have something on them just in case. There, now That's more like it. See, Let's say you want to go as a diva. Then wear high-heeled shoes. No This is cute, but I mean you got to go with the ones with the spikes on them, like one of these. Oh, yeah That's what I'm talking about or if you want to be Rick and Morty like everyone and their moms are gonna be this year, Hold the water gun but jam it with pepper spray instead if you're gonna be penny wise,- also everyone in 2017- I guess- I guess you just hold a red balloon and for any reason if you want to go as my character You hold the bat, no questions asked. So just in case anyone tries to mug you for your candy, at least your group has something to attack with. It would go something like this, *BTS- DNA whistling starts* *A.R.M.YS scream in the comments* [Cue the scary music] [Team Rocket theme intro] What the fuck... To protect the world from devastation. To unite all people within our- [Tabbes] What the fuck are you doing? Within our nations. To denounce the evils of truth and love! To extend our reach to the stars above~. Jessie! James! Don't you have a friend to go as Jessie so you don't have to dress like that. [Person] Screw you I do what I want. I gave you a free performance, so now you owe me candy. [Tabbes] nobody asked for it, though. And if it's a free performance why do we owe you anything? Just give me your bags of candy before I force you to cuz I don't want to leave five kids missing by tonight You're gonna kill us over some Twizzlers Jesus Christ your degenerate [Person] (BOI I SWEAR) Okay whoever's the diva who step on his fucking shoe as hard as he can and then you kick him in the shins and that one other area for a bonus He's gonna bend down cuz that shit hurts and then Rick and Morty are gonna point the pepper spray gun shoot him in the eyes With it while whoever's holding the bat is reverse mugging him finally the guy who's dressed as penny wise just I guess he just passed a balloon in San foo and that's how you survive a Halloween mugging, but really in most cases you don't need to be that extra. Just don't go alone also Don't attack until the guy tries to first self defense you know. Second tip don't ever eat candy that looks like it's been wrapped Poorly or already opened, and if you want to take extra steps Double-check the candy before you eat any of it we got a lot of sick goes around I try to sneak some blades in there to mutilate kids mouths I mean look at this The audacity of some people seek Jesus get help immediately if you do this Third tip: if some grimy ass looking dude or any stranger in that matter tells you to go inside their house to get the candy Then you dip and warn the other kids in the area to avoid the mouth breather living inside that house Call the cops if they're especially suspicious. last tip: stay home Don't go out at all that night. Turn off the lights, Lock your doors and watch some scary movies at home if you want to take extra measures You leave a bowl of candy outside and pretend You're not home, so nobody tries to egg your house or cover it in rolls of toilet paper But you know nobody actually ever takes one candy when they see this like come on Let's be real. Anyways as always stay safe out there also I haven't forgot about some of you guys doing the inktober challenge a huge number of you Actually you guys are troopers the Q&A video will be up soon, so look forward to that
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 7,830,997
Rating: 4.9495773 out of 5
Keywords: how to survive halloween, halloween dangers, pennywise halloween costume, rick and morty halloween, dangerous halloween candy, spooky, halloween story, spooky scary skeletons, trick or treating, halloween tricks and tips, comic, animatic story, animation, doodle, scribble, drawing, survival skills, satire, cynical
Id: L95ZoTZ_6y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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