Sneaking into the Theaters and Regretting it

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I was never really fond of movie theaters just cuz of the many lovely experiences I've had with them like just this month alone when I went to watch Joker they double down on security checking people's belongings scanning them and everything just cause some edge lords at the screening were laughing and cheering during the murder scenes the FBI naturally assumed those type of guys would end up shooting the place while yoing their Joker and some paranoid people ended up leaving the theater early because of it solid waste of 15 bucks right there well I got plenty more stories but I'm got to talk about this one from way back so before I start let's get on to today's sponsor do you like butterflies and swirly rainbow lollipops no great get out of here and today's sponsor raid shadow Legends is a free game you can download on your phone holy balls 10 million people already downloaded the game it's only been six months that's what's up oh wait I can already see why just look at the crazy 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faces like what up losers let's go watch that dope dope sick sick fly movie glad enough the Apes okay sure I'm down cool yeah to be honest we don't know why we were invited all we knew was they were hooking us up with free food afterwards and next thing you know we're there people nowadays have this weird fetish with apocalyptic themes and daydreaming about what the end of the world that's gonna be like man what a bunch of sadistic crack heads you believe the sick bastard is actually fantasizing about this stuff I guess I'm also one of them for tagging along a fro and I wanted to sneak food in so we came up with a genius plan we thought was surefire to work back then we both agreed to bring oversize zip up hoodies so that we could stuff more snacks in them and pretend we were some chunky ass kids cliche but way less obvious than a backpack we walked in like some goofy ass Club Penguin birds uh-uh-uh wait let me check your hoodies come on why well you know how people just tend to sneak things and creatively around here you guys look pretty loaded so what you're calling us fat that's messed up yeah what's up with that mind your own business doing wonders for our self-esteem yeah I feel self-esteem nobody wears thick bulky hoodies in 92-degree weather reason with me here and tell me that's not suspicious at all come on everybody knows the movie theater gets mad brick after staying for like 30 minutes that's why we can't prepare with this fit because we don't want to catch colds yeah all right then since you both want to be stubborn I'm just gonna call you out with the obvious bag of cheetos sticking out your hoodie I don't um I okay bro bro listen tell you what I got skittles KitKat's Cheetos Orioles Snyder's a slice of pizza which one you want what the nun throw them all out no okay jeez Jon Arbuckle calm down I'm going y'all hurry up what smell you don't bro you really tried that so we were forced to throw away all our food in the nearest trash can and yes no doubt about it we were some dumbass kids back then but you know maybe you might have let a slide if we went through with this plan during any other season we met up with the rest of them in the auditorium and the movie started halfway through there were monkeys built like Arnold Schwarzenegger shooting ak-47s trying to bite people's heads off it looks the looks this is good but then they started talking about peace treaties and that's why you know it's time to go everybody and their moms came here to watch Curious George take over the world not kumbaya [ __ ] I was ready to leave but then one of the girls named Janie went all sneak face and said oh my god oh my god oh my god like wait hold up you guys want a movie hall Oh scandalous back then I had no idea what movie hopping was but I found out real quick movie hopping is basically you paying just to watch one movie but then sneaking into other rooms after that movie is over to watch multiple movies in one day cause you're either selfish or broke his we did some Naruto [ __ ] where we had to hide in the shadows this whole scene played out perfectly one by one we snuck in while the staff weren't looking and Janie was sending us out like go go go get your ass moving all we needed was some crisis music in the background strut strut pose that's illegal less questions more [ __ ] but in there that was the most extra thing ever yeah we really didn't need to do all that the movie we snuck into was called the change-up and for the love of God if there's a movie that's not rated yet do yourselves a favor don't watch it I honestly didn't know what to expect it seemed like an innocent film at first you know two guys who are like homies Loki want to live each other's lives so one night they get drunk pass out the next day they wake up and both the bodies are switched like some Freaky Friday jazz they end up doing all this wild stuff you know I thought it was pretty funny at first but then came the dreaded scene the scene that ruins all family nights the one scene that was 0% necessary for the storyline what was that it anyways to make it clear that the film was for an adult audience the scene where they went home running and it showed everything all the hot dogs and tates in all its glory 13-year old me had no idea what was going on I had a slow-ass reaction when it hit me it hit me like a truck no more like a yacht please no more oh my god what is that oh why is it so wrinkly you ever heard a silent scream it goes something like I didn't ask to be here why am I here get me out dag yo talk about an overreaction ah man I remember puberty being that wild just you know there so here right oh [ __ ] cover your eyes but it was 15 seconds too late we had already seen everything the deed was done you should have seen our faces the whole time looking like prunes the other people in the auditorium were probably losing their [ __ ] and looking at us like what these kids in here it's a shame they did everything in their power to keep us two from watching that scene but those noises can never be unheard our minds have been tainted and I call it karma for trying to sneak in in the first place lesson learned church people teach you valuable life lessons and are good role models to look up to I'm screwing around they're actually good people and I believed them when they said they didn't really expect that either innocent mistake after the movies they apologized and asked us not to snitch on them but yeah we were some babies back then making an outburst over some boobies but if we dealt with the same scenario now we just might have dozed off [Music]
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 4,090,279
Rating: 4.9291792 out of 5
Keywords: drawing, humor, storytime animation, story, slice of life, doodle, scribble, cartoon, comedy, animatic, rants, movie theaters, sneaking in
Id: Hbjq2B879l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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