Teachers (ft. TheOdd1sOut)

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so going through life so far most of us probably went to school right you must have at least met one mentor in your life such as your parents if you don't have parents then you have friends if you don't have friends I should probably stop with this oh [ __ ] sad times huh I'm just kidding you have the Internet if you claim you don't have internet and you're watching this video you ain't fooling nobody so despite whoever you had we've all met interesting teachers at some point here and there plus a mixture of all those unique personalities I hope you guys never encountered teachers that were similar to some I had I had this teacher who every day would constantly remind the students of how beautiful she was I'm sorry miss nobody cares she would always say things like everyone when you have the power of beauty without you not not within you without you like me people tend to get things more easily while that may be unfortunately true in a sense she would just tell us every day how beautiful she was she didn't really help us learn English that much guys how old I look and God help you if any of you say anything over 25 35 Mis - 50 on the next test 23 oh you shouldn't have here my new favorite student and soon after that everyone was able to figure out her algorithm for the class keep kissing her ass and you get points boom oh yeah besides her looks she would also talk about her ex complain about how she doesn't get paid enough for this [ __ ] and not to mention she gave five bucks one time to this kid she didn't like so that he would leave and just go off to buy cigarettes no lie she was a preppy girl stuck inside a teacher's body I tried to give her a message one time by showing her the site where students rate their teachers and yep everyone said the same thing as me and she just laughed but she was cool with doing what she was now can't really change those who don't want to change next up we have the coolest teacher by this I don't mean that she didn't know the topic she was teaching well enough she was just very outcast or maybe not being able to connect with the students enough okay so one day during winter time it was snowing super heavily and the schools weren't closed for some reason thanks mayor you really care about our education for some [ __ ] also no one really came to class that day it was just two students me being one of them I had that one special dad that made me go anyways you'd expect a teacher to have a chill day or watch a movie with two students knew as soon as she finished taking attendance she straight up moved on to a question about Democratics I mean who does that and the kid at the other end of the room was I seriously miss we're actually gonna ignore the fact that like 95% of the classes in here yeah now answer I don't know what you want from me also that particular classroom always smelled like weed for some reason she walked in one day when this scent was very strong she looked real disgusted what is that smell what the [ __ ] wait miss you really don't know what that is no and I don't like it so she owes across the end of the hallway hey security get over here oh [ __ ] principal as IU to y'all kids in trouble now you guys gotta check this out all the students were cracking up because this is so ridiculous I personally think she just got high off the smell because of her five security guards walked in and suspected it was one of us hiding that we'd actually the source of this smell always came from the class before us but they checked all our bags for it anyways which none of us ended up having I don't think we actually learned anything on that day now for this teacher I genuinely loved but many of us were not that appreciative of his puns and corny jokes and most we tried to crack a smile because he was a sweet old man and we were all edgy teens that thought nothing was funny unless it was like a sex joke or something there was this one girl who constantly laughed at his jokes maybe for the grade but most of us ended up giving him this blank stare for this instance let's call him mr. odd since that's convenient and he was also our math teacher one time you just wrote a letter e on the board with red chalk and all the students were wondering what that was so everyone you all ready for the next topic get it read e oh I see huh yeah that's pretty funny but no one else was laughing so I soon got into the habit of the class despite our lack of reaction he would make an effort to say at least one joke a day personally to me I thought it was hilarious but the save face from the rest of the class I would keep it straight expression too when he saw us about to fall asleep is when he would crack the jokes hey hey I bet you I can stand on my hand for fifty bucks and all the kids were like no way because he was like seventy or something instead of what we expected which was a handstand he did this instead see I told you I could do it this guy is hopeless but since he seemed like he was having fun a few of the kids chuckles along with him here's another one of his jokes so who are you guys voting for this upcoming election day I'm voting for tricity nobody knew who tricity was and I'd appreciate it if you guys would vote for her too electricity Oh God that was good but that was bad and I saw some kids shaking their heads while I was trying so hard not to laugh even though it seems like we can't tolerate him there was this one time this girl actually told him to stop can you stop it's not funny anymore you're supposed to be teaching the class and not doing this kind of nonsense and I don't know she always just seemed like that one social justice warrior that was always triggered you bet everyone shut her up he seemed hurt but we all started defending that guy so it was cool I'd say because of that she was shunned for the whole year in that class originally I wasn't gonna add this teacher in but then I realized how unique she was don't get me wrong she was always a positive thing and always full of energy here's the thing though her grading standards were whack she would assign to us presentations even she forgot about and that one kid who actually worked hard on it would have to remind her on the day she was reminded she said that we had to talk about our topic for at least five minutes miss Howe are you gonna say that and stop the students after 30 seconds cuz that's exactly what she did she looked really bored hearing the students talk and told them to sit down but she gave us an A+ anyways I mean I ain't complainin during midterms nothing she taught would be on the test and basically all the students would either get lucky with their answers or fail when she realized too many students did fail she gave us extra credit work ten points on the midterm if you wrote a one-page essay about jehovah's witness was this even legal see I wanted those extra points so I wrote about the origin of 666 and wow I actually learned from researching about that yes she was very spiritual and would talk about Jesus every time we met her she even handed out Jesus brochures get a load of that promotion anytime she asked a question the right acceptable answer would always be he'd guest at Jesus during the final exam she let us use our phones assuming because she didn't teach us again and didn't want her class average to look bad she she really was something and if you guys have ridiculous teachers like these I feel bad for you yeah for sure while they're entertaining but you never really learned anything from some of them not saying all the teachers I mentioned in this video were bad at teaching they were just very interesting [Music]
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 10,888,584
Rating: 4.9291539 out of 5
Keywords: teachers, animated, theodd1sout, drawing teachers, artwork, art, cartoon, theoddonesout, storytime, animation
Id: BOsnrpGEM94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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