Playground Stories

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you know when i was a kid i know i know it's such a basic start off i'm gonna be using that right now since my mind is sapped out of intros at the moment so when i was a kid i used to go to the playground like every day i have no idea how it is nowadays i went to the park yesterday and i saw like two kids there two kids meaning babies who are forcefully brought with their parents against their own will being pushed on swings it's summer where are y'all at it's like you're all suddenly allergic to sunlight or something i'm gonna blame this sign right here which i have no idea why it exists in the first place strictly no running or playing at playground what the am i supposed to do here then oh wait i know what to do there you posers realistically speaking everyone's probably chilling at home playing with their ipads or ps3s it's a changing world and that's not always a good thing anyways i don't know how many of you can relate with this one but these are things that i remember happening in the playground as a kid tag was the bomb you already know i remember when we would kind of chant those poem things like diggy diggy diamond or bubble gum bubble gum in a dish to see who's it or determine who's safe from being it kinda reminded me of being an occult not that i would know most of the time though these kids were absolute madmans we were like what eight and they were saying things like get the out ew you said a bad word okay get the out too bad some of our parents overheard us and some kids couldn't play or hang out anymore because of that besides that playing tag was everything you'd expect body slamming other kids to the ground and bruising them if they try to run too fast i was played for a full when i was little with my little brain i'd say i was seven years old when i got my first yu-gi-oh and pokemon cards and these cards were the period you were a cool kid if you had these cards back then so basically this one group of older girls would spot me just holding them and sit me down why did i bring those cards to the playground in the first place because i did we would just play a game of rock paper scissors and they would just take my thick exodia legs and dark magicians just like that they didn't give two shits if i won or lost they would try to trick me into thinking i lost every single round i knew i was young but i wasn't that young it's not like i was a neanderthal fetus that didn't even know how to play a basic game like rock paper scissors you know i snitched on parents just to get it back because these pinky-sized fists could do nothing back then they weren't real cards but i just love the yard on it hence why i didn't want to lose them in the first place i was really young this time but i remember this really clearly because it was pretty traumatic i was sitting down playing with mud or dirt or something and this girl with her dirt mountain bike just comes full speed at me and rolls over my body oh yeah sure that's completely fine just roll over my face i just fall and she just zips right through what the did you not feel my body under you who let you have a bike again my mom saw that and found the parents of that girl and made her apologize to me even though i had this pattern run through mark going through my face swings were pretty fun we have the monkey-like climbers and the risky jumpers but there was this one time a group of kids were surrounding this one part of the swing and i went to see what was going on this boy was going super high and tried to 360 that nope he fell on his ass so hard before that happened and got some kind of injury and the other kids were just like oh that ain't how physics work those ropes wouldn't keep that support long enough for anyone to go all the way around one time my friend actually tried to do the same thing though being little hooligans and all but not by riding it instead pushing it and trying to test his strength while my brother and i were just watching this was at night and some lady caught us and called the cops on us she thought our friend was a dad because he was pretty big plus she couldn't really see our faces but really just our silhouettes she yelled hey you're a terrible example for your kids we left the park after that happened because we were scared shitless and found our way home this thing was so dangerous that eventually it was taken out of the playground near me i'd say that at least one out of five kids always got injured from writing this we would always try to see which kid was the most stubborn and flew off last pretty morbid but interesting to see that no one stopped us sooner one by one kids would be flung off the merry-go-round and someone would get injured each round or have their face planted to the ground here's a trick i always use though instead of grabbing the pole since it gets slippery from hand sweat after a while just hold on to the opposite arm sleeve fabric of your shirt it never fails to work the worst that could happen is that you get extremely dizzy and barf it all out every kid loved water balloons water guns and water bottle wars kids didn't care to get wet and they would actually get more aggressively competitive with each pop that went on their back i remember getting fairly upset when i couldn't get those kids back because i had no water balloons i dare you to do that again so i would look through trash bins find whatever bottle i could and attack with that nasty water or the mix of unknown juices who knows maybe somebody could have peed in one of them it was dirty play but it ended with our side winning eventually i was climbing the top of the monkey bars right but i accidentally slipped through the hole of the ladder instead of falling my arms just hung from each side with my armpits on two bars of the ladder when that's the only support of your body that hurts and it wasn't like i could fall off either because my body just wasn't allowing it my brother was just sucking on his lollipop and watching because he was too young to do anything back then so i lost hope at that moment my life was flashing before my eyes thinking this is it i'm gonna lose my arms i'm not gonna be able to draw or play sports anymore but then i actually thought of that and i was thinking i'm not doing that and i yelled from the top of my lungs until an adult came to bring me down i probably missed a lot of topics like jungle gyms getting tons of scars from playing too much and fighting climbing playground roofs and other things but this is what i can briefly remember for now at least from what i did as a kid side note to every single person who attended the fanmeet you just have no idea how happy we were to see you guys there even though i don't really sound like it you guys filled up the whole space and people were still waiting outside that's crazy so i just want to say thank you to everyone who came to this meetup and thank you to everyone else who couldn't come but wanted to and still supported us from the sides you're all amazing you know that
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 8,756,306
Rating: 4.9490647 out of 5
Keywords: playing in the playground, childhood stories, running around, funny playground stories, stories in the past, when I was a kid, having fun, drawing, animation, animatic, cartoon, satire, humor, storytime, mamamax, stories as a child, video by tabbes
Id: lpkXBCK-dqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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