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[Music] Wow that guy's voice is just phenomenal seriously his vocal ranges are no joke it's basically life-changing what a [ __ ] [ __ ] the situation right here is all too familiar especially for those who try to present their content with the world and they're really proud of it you know generally speaking from what I've seen people are pretty supportive about it but in the midst of that whole crowd there's one special snowflake oh wait let me just look at every single detail about this person's I can find something to criticize you know just because I want to make that person feel bad somehow get any of the good stuff does my face suck today my intention for making this in the first place was for the content creators to not be discouraged by these type of comments or in this case insults let's clear up a few obvious things you're more likely to be insulted online than in real life because these people don't know you personally and assume they probably won't ever meet you face to face there are no consequences because of that and they know they'll get off easily by hiding behind that screen if you're to be insulted seriously in real life it would be because you've done something wrong in that person's eyes even if you may not think so but this is completely rich coming from me right I throw shade all the time hell we all do it from time to time but there's a thing called deliverance you know if you're purposely just saying these things to make someone feel bad that's just shitty most of the time when we do poke fun at people you kind of let them know it's a joke and nothing really serious so that they won't take it to heart but if it's just an insult without context people may just end up taking it the wrong way I know there are a bunch of creators online that post videos art stories or whatever creation and it's kind of inevitable but they get hated on and yes sometimes it gets to you well I'm here to tell you now that there's no reason to be offended some people are just more immune to insults ain't good for them however out of some of those people I've heard a certain argument saying something along the lines of since I'm not easily offended it's pretty much okay to say whatever the [ __ ] I want to people racial slurs vile slang you name it no no no no no that's how you get an early death wish for real though complete [ __ ] logic right there you cut the world doesn't revolve around your ass and that's some great friend repellant right there meanwhile we also have some people who think it's okay to say whatever they want as long as they add in it's a joke it's a joke just a joke learn common sense know your boundaries like it's pretty different if your best friend insults you compared to someone you don't know as your best friend could be like hey I saw a piece of [ __ ] on the ground today and they reminded me of you yeah well that piece of [ __ ] probably gets more looks from people than your gremlin-looking ass and everyone just finds that acceptable but if it's someone you've met once or never before things just get awkward two wrongs they'll make it right use your parents as an example but the only way you'll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait excuse me you're so ugly when your mom dropped you off at school she got a vine for littering you finished it you must have been born on a highway because that's where most accidents happen all right that's it pull me back there are people who purposely just do this to get on your nerves don't fall into it that's the reaction they want they want to see you get triggered and then laugh about it instead you should do these following things firstly you just ignore them isn't that the hardest thing to do though you have the need to prove these people wrong and justify yourself but you don't have to chances are you try to have a civil talk with them and they just get a hoot out of it you don't have any reason to give those people attention when usually their comments are half-assed and took almost no thought into it just look at those people as crying babies that want your attention and they won't stop until you give it to them don't give it to them don't give them that milk let them baby starve starve them um I mean that was a horrible analogy secondly you should joke back with them it's weird but these same people usually tend to respect you more if you come back at them with a joke rather than being annoyed or telling them to stop for instance I usually have a lot of people telling me wow your voice sounds like you want to kill yourself or here's another one you sound like a school shooter and it's not something I can really change since that's the voice I was born with you know what I'm saying alright but just give me a second I kind of want to dispute that school shooter comment even though I said just to ignore it but it's just ridiculous to me but also kind of funny how how the hell do you know what a school shooter sounds like do you talk to them on a daily basis have you gotten that grasp of a stereotypical school shooter voice I'm just a little bit concerned 9 on an arm playing I know you just said it like that to make me feel bad but yeah still a pretty messed-up thing to say so once again you try to justify yourself to them those same people will try again on you joke back at them since their thought process will be like oh this person gets it they know how to joke around the second possible response would be ah this is not fun anymore they're not reacting the way I want them to and they just end up leaving you alone that doesn't mean you should make a try-hard response otherwise it makes you look bad you guys remember this won't come back everyone used to use in like middle school one kid would be like your [ __ ] and then that person would respond with well you call me a [ __ ] right so a [ __ ] is like a female dog and dogs bark bark comes from a tree and tree is Mother Nature and Mother Nature is beautiful so you just called me beautiful thank you how [ __ ] pretentious and then they just act like they erect you flip their hair and walk away just saying I think that comeback was [ __ ] [ __ ] as hell you didn't own anyone with that come back you just look [ __ ] lame it was just flat-out cringe if you're a really vengeful person like me I just add you to my hit list I mean I'm just the type of person that likes to prove people wrong through my own actions but I won't harm anyone you know I I would never do that honestly though these people did get to me a while ago but feeling stressed about it won't do much for you if you're a creator and people compare you to another creator let him do that you don't have to explain yourself it's not what you mean to do there are people willing to give you some nicely constructive feedback and criticism rather than just comments like you suck better to actually just consider those and keep them in mind they're just trying to help you out you'll know the difference between a blatant hate comment versus actual constructive criticism it's not meant to offend you but it's to better yourself be unoffending just remember that words don't have any meaning if you don't let it have any [Music]
Channel: Tabbes
Views: 4,518,771
Rating: 4.9589171 out of 5
Keywords: insults, comebacks, comeback, argument, comments, youtube comments, constructive criticism, animation, animatic, cartoon, drawing, doodle
Id: dFqnssXkd-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2017
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