How to Stretch Pizza Dough - 4 Super Easy Steps Revealed

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[Music] hi I'm Christine founder of warning today I'm going to talk you through four different stages for stretching pizza dough that are really easy to pick up these are the steps we teach all our new staff here at HQ and they're perfect for beginners who are new to making pizza once you've nailed making your dough using our classic pizza dough recipe stretching is the next element of pizza making to work on stretching your pizza dog properly can make a real difference to the texture and a feel of cooked pizza but don't be intimidated you don't need to be stretching super fast or tossing Pizza high up into the air like a Neapolitan beat Tyler in order to make your pizza fantastic just follow these handy tips before you get started it's a good idea to remove your watch and rings while the dough isn't too delicate they can tear it easily and finally before you start stretching always dust your work surface and your hands generously with either flour semolina so the first technique is what we call the finger press this is the first step with stretching so start with your unstretched ball of dough you want to keep the dough ball on your work surface and gently press into it using your fingers keep pressing into the dough ball to flatten it gently pushing your hands away from each other to help stretch the base outwards be sure to try and keep your shape a circular specifically at this point it's good to define the crust of your pizza by leaving around one centimeter of go untouched around the edges of the base once your dough is flattened out into more of a disc the next step is to DJ deck here you're going to put both hands onto a flat disc of dough and rotate the dough as you're pulling your hands away from each other feel free to turn the pizza which ever way feels more comfortable for you the main thing is that your hands are pulling in the opposite directions as you turn the base this helps make the bass speaker and to flatten out any lumps so you get a smoother face next up is the steering wheel this is where we get gravity involved to help us get the pizza base even bigger and thinner simply pick up your pizza base by the edge and let it hang down like a curtain and gently pinch along the edge of the door as you rotate the base around don't be scared of picking up the dough it has a surprisingly strong shock so as long as it's not paper-thin when you start the steering wheel is unlikely to rip depending on how big you would like to make the base you can either pinch right from the edge or handle a wider part of the base from closer to the center of the door this will also give you more control over how high the crust will be once it cooks off in the oven at this point I start to check that your dough is evenly stretched hold the stretch face up to your life or Neapolitan style pace you want it quite thin so you should be able to see the light through it finally we go in with the parachute we call it this because of the action you're going to make with your hands it's like a parachute opening up so with your hands curved as if you were holding your mug place one over the other so they fit together then at the same time lift both of your hands up and out with the stretch dough covering the top of your hands you want to do this slowly and gently to keep opening up the door it's good to do this as the final step so you can focus on any parts of the dough that need extra stretching and aren't thin enough yet if at any point you always stretch the dough and find any small holes or tears simply pinch these two paths together the main thing we can't stress enough is to relax and have confidence stressing dough takes practice so have fun whilst learning the craft good luck and happy pizza maker [Music]
Channel: Ooni
Views: 523,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, wood-fired, calzone, Italian, cooking, wood-fired pizza, Ooni, Uuni Pro, Uuni 3, pizza oven, how to stretch pizza, stretching pizza, simple way to stretch pizza, stretching pizza without rolling pin, stretching pizza by hand, hand stretched pizza
Id: Entzcl8q7H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 29 2018
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