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[Music] foreign hey guys welcome back to another video today we're going to be showing you how to open pizza [Music] if you checked out our first video in the series we showed you how to make dough uh we've just loaded another one last week which is how to sort of shape perfectly round ovals you'll end up with this so these are dough balls that we did about three to four hours ago you'll see they kind of begun to spring to life they've got nice little air bubbles in and they've begun to rise we're going to take you through right now how to take the dope balls out of the dough tray and then we're going to show you how to stretch the pizza by hand no rolling pins cheats method we don't do it and it knocks all the air out of it if you want big crust it's probably done with these bad boys these ones as i said we made about two to four hours ago and what we're looking for is life in the dough when you first put them in there they would have been round and kind of large like this they then relax and then they start to grow up again so these ones are in that kind of like perfect stage if the dough balls aren't rising quick enough then what you can do is a bit of a cheats method just put them in a warmer place under kind of a sunny window above or next to a radiator again you're going to get that prevalent with faster so here we've just got a mix of semolina flour and regular double zero flower just to help us get the labels out so what we do is we take a pinch we go over the top of the dough ball around the edges and then down that dividing line take our spatula we want to get underneath it but maintain the shape give it a dunk in the flower and out onto our countertop and at this stage what we're trying to do is make sure that we leave as much of a crust as possible and keep the shape as much as possible as well so it looks pretty so if rather than using a dough tray you've used a cereal bowl which is a good way to make sure that your dough ball is perfectly round what you want to do again is just make sure that you kind of ease it out of the bowl as gently as possible again just to always make sure that you're keeping the shape of the dough ball as much as possible we'll start with just two fingers and go starting at the top press out around and down the pizza to see you can see now around there i've left pretty much a one inch border so now once we've done that first round the edge we go back up through the middle using more of our hands same thing again back up through the middle this stage just give it a nice quarter turn same thing again and you can see we've got kind of now we've gone from dough ball to kind of halfway open pizza we're going to do is just give that sprinkle of flour on the top because this top edge is going to be sticky and now i'm going to start stretching it by hand on the table effectively what i'm using is one hand to push the dough out and one hand to kind of hold the rest of the dough in place this holding down this one pushing it pushing it pushing it i'm always leaving the one inch board around the outside this stage you can see there's lots of flour on the top and it's uh but it's almost like full pizza size so what we're going to do now is we're going to get it up onto our hands what i do is i pick it up put it on one hand and pass it from hand to hand so hands on and i'm going to pass on to my left knee and pass on to my righty and every time i'm doing that it's a quarter turn on the dough so at this stage it's actually too big for the oven but just to show you you can keep stretching it because it's double zero flour it's super elastic so just to show you again pick it up on the righty pass it pass it and what you want to do is make sure that when you're passing from hand to hand your fingers are facing down not up if they're up like this they're going to go through the base of the pizza it's just giving a bit more support once you think it's the right size brush off the flower off the table pop it down like that just to show you another couple of the techniques that you can do what's the quite famous one is uh called the napoli slap and effectively what they're doing there is they're flipping it up onto top of this hand and then slapping it back down like this put all on the table top so let's take it flip it up and hit it back down and as you're doing that you see i kind of twisted it pick it up flip it down and you see there now you've got a roundish pizza so the final way that you can do this is uh to get it up on your knuckles and give it a little turn and a flip like that to really we're going to get it up on our knuckles just give it a flip and a pass you can see it stretches really quickly and so it's not generally a way that we would use in the restaurant again because what you can do is it just really stretches the dough quickly you end up with a really thin base but uh yeah it's it's quite an easy way to learn to do it as well all right then guys thank you so much for watching please do remember give us a subscribe on the video give it a like as well let us know anything that you want us to do that says today taking you through how to open pizza ready for our next video which is going to be showing you how to do frying pan pizza and also cooking in a conventional oven at home you
Channel: Crust Bros Pizza
Views: 182,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best dough stretching, best dough opening, Crust Bros, easy pizza stretching, easy pizza stretch, easy pizza opening, homemade pizza stretching, how to open neapolitan pizza, how to stretch pizza dough, Italian dough stretching, neapolitan pizza stretch, neapolitan pizza opening, neapolitan pizza stretching, Pizza stretch, Pizza stretching, pizza opening masterclass, pizza napolitana stretch, pizza napolitana open, pizza open, Pizza opening
Id: 5kpNGoXszUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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