Neapolitan Pizza at Home 7 Mistakes & Tips to Perfection

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oh hello guys my name is welcome back to my channel so what we have here what we have here pizza good pizza not good it's a good pizza pizza good now if it's not good here is i'm here to show you i'm going to show you this like the tarot says the seven essential mistakes no the seven and another essential the seven uh the seven mistakes that you did and the seven essential tip that maestro with your copy is going to teach you how to make this piece of pizza and not this this is like a frisbee go ahead check out the you check out this video until the end support this channel by sharing this video with friends and listen to this soft and crunchy in the same time boom boom baby from maestro vidoyako peli welcome and enjoy this video pizza it's a serious thing it's not just pizza [Music] voila guys so the error number one it's that's how we start this is the dough we don't want to start ready wrong that's the most common error that i've been seeing from uh a lot of people so the error number one is taking out the dough not properly from the dough box most of you guys don't have a spatula the spatula is the most important tools when you make the pizza make sure buy one of these amazon or internet you'll find it this is a the mistake so take a look so you cannot take in the dough out from the pizza box with your hands like that because i want to show you what happened so if you're going to take in the dough like that see you're taking out and then you're thinking that you put it there and then what you do is you put a little bit of flour like that right there and then you make the pizza so this is a mistake because when you're going to take the dough out from the box you touch it too much when you take it out from there so what happened is that it's going to be impossible to stretch look at this so when you're going to stretch you're going to make the pizza too teen or too thick in in the in the side so see what happened take a look it's not properly stretched we have tick here uh too tinier and then you can easily make a hole so and then also the dough is too nervous and gets back and forth back and forth see so when you stretch it take a look when you when you're when i'm going to stretch it see it gets it gets back inside so that's why it gets nervous so you're not gonna be able to make the properly pizza how do you resolve that this is the tip also guys don't throw away this dough when you when you make mistakes it's easy get it back and re-boil it try to not put too much flour that's why i didn't put too much flour so re-boil it and this dough is gonna be ready in one hour again this is the tip and this is how you resolve this issue little bit of flour on top of the dough that you want to take out and right away get the the plate or the flour next to the where you're gonna place the dough so this is a put a little bit of a flour even on the spatula and then you go little by little little by little a little bit you know and then put a little bit more extra flour you want to be really careful when you take the dough because when you take the the dough out from the dough box the dough it's like a warmer so you need to treat there really well and smooth gentle be gentle then one shot tuck then boom out then right away take a look what i do right away upside down on top of the flower just boom voila go ahead and just go ahead and put it in the flower voila let's go on the error number two now the error number two is using too much flour you know it's not bad to use the flour but it's bad if you use too much flour so i saw people that stretch the pizza like that in the flour which is okay and but after look at this they put and then they put too much flour on the bottom because they are scared to uh that the pizza gets stuck look at this this is when you stretch with too much flour see we have a lot of flour there basically we make the pizza and then let's pretend that we have the pizza here then we have a lot of flour here so see let's take it out i pretended that this is the the oven so when i'm going to get the pizza and then put it in the oven hola so what happened with the even if you have the pizza with the whole the pizza peel with the whole the flour still there take a look see we have all this flour let's say also that we don't have this flour right there but we have all this flour here what happened that this flower is gonna burn and then it's gonna make the pizza the color of yellow which is not really healthy it's gonna make the pizza taste really bad so how do you resolve that clean up everything you don't want the flour at all that's why we use a container like this one so everything starts right here so when you take it out from the the box you're gonna go ahead and put a lot of flour in this point and then at this point you go ahead and put it there and take off all the flour and then put it down once you stretch so you stretch it then put on your hand one end and then take off the flour or maybe do even like this take off the flour and then put it back on the floor and then you'll see when you're going to put it in the oven and then also use the peel with the holes this way when you move it a little bit all the flour gets down now let's pretend that this one is the pizza we're gonna go back in the oven and then voila we put it in the oven and then take a look voila see there's no flour on the floor and the pizza is not stuck voila the error number three basically you stretch the pizza and this is the this is the most common arrow here not having all the ingredients ready once you have the pizza already stretched i'm going to prep all the ingredients while the pizza is there seating but i want to show you what happened that's why it's a mistake voila this is the most common error to prep the ingredients when the pizza is already stretched you want to make sure that you have all the ingredients ready to go one before stretching the pizza so the pizza is in the box but whoa you prepare everything where you want to make the pizzas and then boom take it out and then stretch the pizza and then you have already the the the ingredients ready because what happened if you're going to to do the mistakes the pizza stocks get stuck see the pizza is stuck and then what happened it gets even worse and then you're not going to be able to to take it out or maybe you're going to make a hole and maybe you make a mess because it gets too long or thin so how do you solve the issue what i suggest to you is get a little bit of flour the spatula and then get a first of all make sure it's not stuck so the pizza is stuck see then second of all try to get the pizza close like that not too much try to make the pizza close then with a little bit of flour right there go ahead and try to put the flour under and see feel where the pizza is is stuck so there we go see i feel it right there that is stuck i put a little bit more extra flour there we go so now put a little bit of flour right there in front and then pinch it finger under and then twist twist the piece until it's detached then put the pizza on top of the flower and then put it back also you can do this get the pizza that with the peel move it a little bit put a little bit of flour on the floor a little bit not too much then put the pizza directly on the uh on the counter this is this is how you save the dough and now we are able to make the pizza voila now you can put tomato sauce and then of course we're gonna go ahead and see the error number four well uh guys i'm laughing because uh i'm gonna i'm gonna save your life right now because sometimes what happens that you made the pizza and she said oh how can i put the pizza in the oven so the mistake here number four is not having a pizza peel i mean today everyone makes the pizza home get the peel from online it's super cheap even if it's not this one super expensive get another one that is cheap i mean wood whatever but but the maestro is here to save your life guys so make sure subscribe and watching tv and please guys share this video with friends so here i'm gonna save your your life because pizza it's life guys if you don't have a pizza peel it's a way to save the pizza grab some parch paper voila this plastic wrap here or maybe it's a different box don't pay attention the box uh you need some paper for putting the pizza in the oven so watch these guys pay attention pay attention put the pizza put the paper here next to it then flip it over and a half get the pizza and then put it on top then little by little gentle gentle try to bring the pizza on top of the paper see or also you can do flip it over one more time and then it's gonna be more easy all the from here and then pull gently the parched paper on top of there and then watch this voila guys i mean this is the pizza that i've been working with so that's why it's like this so voila we have the we saved the pizza even if you don't have the pizza peel i mean voila now easily we can go ahead and put it in the oven but to be careful of course if you go by hands it's gonna be hard use something to get the something like this and then go ahead and put it in the in the [Music] in the oven like that just leave it until it gets cooked a little bit and then we're gonna go ahead and transfer the pizza on there so it was super easy this is how you do it without the peel voila guys so that's what we learned in this uh mistake that you have to have appeal i mean if you make pizza here and there sometimes just just get one peel this is because it's much easier to make the pizza you pinch and then boom boom boom on top uh and then you have it on top of the peel easily and fast and you don't make any mistakes and also we learned that we need to have a spatula the spatula is the most important equipment in when you make the pizza let's go ahead and see the next arrow okay guys error number five we change location is regarding the pizza oven or basically the bottom of the pizza we all want the pizza cooked really nice crispy on the bottom so the error number five is uh just warming up the pizza oven you you see you have the pizza stone or the pizza steel whatever you have in the oven to cook the pizza she is there the mistake here is when you go ahead and pop you go bake you set up the temperature boom you go ahead and make the pizza i know your wife is gonna say why you turn it on the oven one hour before well this is the mistake you cannot just go turn it on the oven and then go and make the pizza because the the stone on the bottom or the seal it needs to warm up in in temperature if you do these mistakes you're gonna have the pizza really raw on the bottom it doesn't cook properly you can make a hole you can the pizza doesn't come out right so you wanna you wanna do it proper way that's why we are here today this channel is no secret so this is i'm here to teach you all the secret from my 25 years of experience so this is how you do it what i usually do i set up the oven at the high on broil then i live like this for about 30 to 40 minutes this way the we have the stone the the broiler on directly to the stone the steel here so since we have the the broiler on the steel here has been already 40 minutes on so let's check out the temperature of the pizzas still right there see hold on see it's about uh i can see it's about 500 550 500 yeah 550. we live like this we turn it on the oven we let it stay for 40 minutes in the oven then you'll see that the bottom uh the bottom of the where you're going to cook the pizza is going to be uh it's ready when it's going to be around the 450 500 fahrenheit and then you can go ahead and make the pizza to have the nice crispy touch see that's why you need something like this to measure the to have the pizza uh properly made uh one more thing if you don't have a pizza stone or you don't have a pizza steel i saw a lot of people making the pizza in the in the pan but still the bottom of the pizza doesn't cook so if you want to cook the pizza on the pan it's better if you get the pan you put it in the oven warm it up a little bit and then you go ahead and cook the pizza on the pan if you don't have a stone or if you don't have a steel i think we are ready to make the pizza everything is ready so let's go ahead but i have another another few errors so let's go ahead and let's see the next error voila guys so the error number six here is having the pizza putting the pizza in the oven with the cheese inside it's a huge mistake because the pizza is going to be like a cookie hard and then we are going to burn the cheese so i want to show you to you what happened in a few minutes and then we get to the to the tip what to do stay tuned and then see voila the pizza is ready but check out what happened did you see see that the pizza is like a cookie or it's like a frisbee we can play around but the most important thing is here the the huge mistake here is that the cheese it got completely burned you can see it this doesn't trust me it doesn't taste the best we can make 10 times the pizza better but also see the bottom is cooked it's cooked perfectly but the pizza come out too flat not puffy at all because again we didn't do the proper job so this is how we do the proper job and then what you're gonna do here is to get the dough i'm gonna show you the whole process in one second get the dough in the flour we stretch the dough pressing the air to the crust this is the tip so put the tomato sauce now voila easily so this is the tip here so let's we have to pre-cook the dough without the cheese because i'm going to show you the huge difference between these and this one so let's go ahead and let's cook it basically we're going to pre-cook the pizza so wait until it gets a little bit of a lightly gold color and then we're gonna take it out and show you what what's next voila the pizza oh my god what a huge huge huge difference i mean take a look take a look at this pizza outstanding crust i mean go ahead get a brush or your finger and then put a little bit of olive oil in the crust so it's like a go painting when you make the pizza this is art is not it's not just pizza guys this is a piece of art when you make the pizza wow we finished the picasso almost so at this point is when you go ahead and put the cheese and also you can put even more cheese so because it's not going to burn there we go then we put a little bit of a little bit of olive oil olive oil helps the pizza to cook faster now we can go ahead and put the pizza in the oven at this point is when you wait that the mozzarella starts to bubbly when starts to bubbling the pizza it's ready i mean guys you'll be you'll be shocked of this pizza i mean take a look how this pizza looks like honey me let me get the focus there i mean tell me what do you think in the comments of this of this this beast take a look at the bottom perfect cook but here we are looking for the mistake not for the pizza let me let me put it side by side that's what happened when you have the pizza when you don't make the pizza properly see that's why we put the cheese after to have this texture to have the cheese nice and properly cooked and not burn like this one and also the pizza comes out too flat let's see the final error so leave a thumbs up right now and support this channel thank you so much the final error is the temperature of the pizza oven it's a mistake having the pizza oven too low in temperature or also it's a mistake to have a two hot pizza oven so usually all moving it can not it cannot be too hot because it doesn't reach the temperature but if you are going to cook the pizza in the regular home or in a regular uh whole thing with the flame or with wood of course it's a really huge issue cooking the pizza with a high temperature it makes the pizza uh too soggy well this is not soggy but makes this the pizza too soggy you have to eat it with fork and knife that's why naples they make the pizza cook with the high temperature only in the 60 second it's because 60 to 90 seconds only because they want the pizza to be a vampata we say like the nice shot of heat and then you get that texture it's an apolitana it's a typical like that you you that's why they eat it with a fork and knife so now what happened if you're cooking the pizza with the low temperature too low temperature like we saw in the other errors you're going to have the pizza also to uh to like a cookie too hard and then you're going to burn all the ingredients that is on top so we want something in between so how do you know properly temperature if you're cooking a home oven it's easy set up the pizza oven at the max temperature and of course remember the other error so you have to have the the stone warm so set up the oven at the max temperature and leave it for 40 minutes to one hour and then you make the pizza that's the perfect temperature the the bottom part needs to be around 500 so if you're cooking in the high temperature like a other pizza oven the with the flame or gas or wood you have to have the oven around i don't want to bring it too much like i 800 degrees i like always to keep it to 750 fahrenheit so and also the bottom of course that's important you want to keep around 500 550 fahrenheit to be good also 76 also 600 it's it's good to cook the perfect pizza that's how we want the bottom of the pizza nice nice and cook see it's perfect it's perfectly made this pizza i'm gonna go ahead eat this lovely pizza and thank you so much for watching guys i did this video with my art to for you so thank you so much for being here and watching all the way guys i'll see you every week with a new video a lot of surprises are coming thank you so much for the support and i'll see you next week ciao from my studio copy
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 1,454,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vito, iacopelli, pizzatv, neapolitan, pizza, napoletana, how, to, come, fare, vice, VITO IACOPELLI, pizza napoletana, pizza at home, pizza dough, how to make pizza, errors when making pizzas, issues pizza, errors and tips about pizza, mistakes and tip when making pizza, making pizza at home, 7 mistakes on pizza, tips to make best pizza, neapolitan pizza, pizza dough recipe, pizza recipe, tips to make perfect pizza, 7 mistakes when making pizza vito, 7 mistakes and tips neapolitan pizza
Id: ouPQkDeumwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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