How to Stretching a Pizza with the Master Pizzaiolo ( Massimo Nocerino)

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hello guys welcome back to the channel hey today we're gonna talk up to stretch the pizza i had a lot of people call me to make another video to to show more specific to how to make stretching the pizza and today i'm gonna show you another video right okay first first important things your spatula sunflower or semolina make sure you scoop nicely you put on the flower cover up with the flower okay and then i'm gonna start from the middle down then i move to the edges okay some middle to the hinges i want to leave this kind of centimeter across all around so i can put upside down again i start from the middle cross my fingers together and then on the sides okay you can do it again like that and stretch it so don't try to avoid that little cross you want a nice little cross all around so now i'm gonna put my thumb down come down and pull it and stretch it a bit so pull it and stretch slowly just do slowly and stretch okay your feet are getting larger okay your fingertips also helps you to control in your cross so put your fingers putting down like that okay and your pizza is really ready now i'm gonna remove the flower you can do this slap okay i'm gonna do last stretch before put the topping on because your pizza is down so i'm gonna do one more dough to recap everything right so very important when you scoop with your spatula if it's the shape is range like that like that so trying to you fix it again so important is this round one you have to make nice shape cover with the flower upside down and again from the mid middle to the edges just like that pressing the palm okay and now the palm is pulling down one panna put like that on one hand like that pull it fingers pulling down close to the cross okay one very gentle don't be rushed especially on the beginning okay so your fingers works leave your this middle side untouched so just just pull it like that okay that's down the flower there's no more flower here and then you're ready to to do it as well so also i'm going to show you one last thing so for some people maybe it's easy because you can do this as well before start if you like with your fingers you start to make a shape of your cross if you like it there's a different way to stretch your pizza up a very doing simple way then it's already once you see this it's already the first step and again then now just keep your hand inside just limits here always don't touch the cross of cornichon i'll be called in italian okay because your pizzas ready thus i think it's one of the best simple steps to stretch your pizza that's it for today guys hope you like this video please don't forget to subscribe leave a comment below and see you at the next video thank you
Channel: Massimo Nocerino Pizza Massimo
Views: 336,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massimo nocerino, how to stretching pizza dough, pizza, london, pizza massimo
Id: HoX0Pkyc8C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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