Top 10 Tips for the Perfect Pizza Launch Into Your Pizza Oven

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[Music] hello my name is Kevin and I'm the experience manager at Finny and a question that we get from people when they first start making pizzas is about getting the pizza off of the peel and into their oven this is what we call launching and if it sounds like something that you've found tricky before don't worry it really is an easy skill to master as well as getting lots of practice and just naturally getting better at launching your pizza I've come up with a few tips that will get you off to a great start I'm going to use one surface for everything I do today I'll use my Unni peel to stretch my dog add toppings and want my pizza into e if you're using a wooden peel or a perforated peel or if you're prepping on an entirely different surface all the tips that I share with you will still be useful and we're going to start by looking at the flour that you use we always use high-quality zero-zero flour and I recommend you do too this is a finely milled Italian flour and is the gold standard for pizza dough and makes dough that's easy to work with stretches beautifully and has a great texture and flavor and now that you have the right flour you need a great recipe to match with some recipes you can end up with a dough that is too wet and that will cause your dog to stick to the peel the unique classic dough recipe is simple and delicious I follow every single time I make pizza and it has the perfect consistency and texture after you've made your door it's time to start stretching pizza dough is easiest to stretch at room temperature and so if you've cold proved your door give it at least four hours to get back up to temperature if those too cold it'll be hard to work with and it'll spring back on itself on the other hand if your dough is too warm it begins to sweat which acts like a glue between your peel and the door itself you'll also find that warm those stretches really far and that's when holes and tears will appear on that note my next step is to keep your peel and your ingredients at room temperature I actually used two different peels when I make pizza I have a prep peel and they have another peel that's the warm peel for turning and removing Pizza from any this just means that my prep peel is always at that perfect temperature to get the next pizza in the oven no you're all set up and ready to stretch our beautiful pizza before you do is important to flavor your hands and the surface you're working on I like to use a generous sprinkling of flour on my peel the most common reason for dough sticking is that there's moisture between the door itself and your peel so before you add any sauce just check that there aren't any holes in your door if there are you can simply pinch them together and close any gaps when you get to this point and you think that you're ready to add your sauce and toppings just stop you can admire your beautifully stretched pizza but it's also the time to make sure that it's moving freely on the peel so when you get to this stage always always pick up your peel and give it a sugar that's just Scottish for shake if it's moving freely you can start making your pizza if it's not you simply pick up and add a little bit more flour to the peel and now you are ready to add toppings we always say that less is more here at uni HQ and I love really light toppings it's easier to get your pizza off of the peel when it's not being weighed down by heavy ingredients when you are adding sauce just be careful you don't want any of it to get onto the peel to act like that glue know that your pizza is stretched and that has your beautiful toppings it's time to get to inter uni at this stage just be conscious of the fact that if the door sets out for too long it will begin to stick this is just because the sauce begins to seep through the door and or cause a glue your face there's no need to rush or panic but just stretch out your pizza when both you and uni are ready to cook last but not least we have the hovercraft technique I do this every single time I make pizza because it helps the door get right off that peel and onto the stone with ease to do this you want to lift one side of the base and give a gentle blow of air you can see that it creates some air pockets underneath the door and also helps excess flour to reach those areas that are sticking the hovercraft technique is my secret to the perfect pizza and that's all there is to it you will now be a master at launching your pizza just remember to use the right flour with the follow our recipe get everything at room temperature before you start stop check and shake your pizza before you add any toppings and then if all else fails you can use a hovercraft technique to lift your door off its appeal if everything fails you can always make a recovery calzone [Music]
Channel: Ooni
Views: 291,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizza, wood-fired, calzone, cooking, Italian, wood-fired pizza, Ooni, Uuni Pro, Uuni 3, pizza oven, how to launch pizza, what is pizza launching, how do I launch pizza into pizza oven, why my pizza won't slide of the peel, launching pizza with pizza peel
Id: F7kIjZh2rxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 50sec (290 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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