How to avoid Thin Pizza Base in the Middle & Stick to the table. all tips , and techniques

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thank you good day guys hope you have a great day today back to the market and today's video I wanted to talk about film base in the middle and pizza stocks on your table which has been a big issue for a lot of you and I've done so many video in the past regarding that so I'm gonna make one more video regarding the wrong stretching The Wider Pizza stuck to the table so I'll give you all the details I wouldn't do more video like that for now because we got a video to publish so we're gonna make this video today hopefully it's gonna help you to improve those issue I understand we all have this mistake in the past so we're gonna talk the topics is about the theme theme base in the middle why it's happening what is wrong what pizza Stacks to the table are to rescue hard to avoid the stacks or your table so instead of wasted and stuff I know sometimes it's ready through Straight to found this issue on your or when you are making pizza so we all learning every day so hopefully this video is gonna really help you we're gonna start it now and uh you have to leave me all the comments below if for any question about it but that's gonna help you a little details gonna tell you today guys be ready we're starting now okay guys so one of the problem is which you are receiving the comments it's the thin base on the middle of your pizza base which you officially when you're gonna do the toppings more just broken so I'm gonna show you possibly the reason why your pizza is thinner the middle obviously it's the stretching it is wrong so I'm gonna show you the right stretching at the front stretching so probably gonna realize why he got that issue with the stretching okay so you cover fast so all about the stretching and they're very important can you become close to the camera because if people want to really understand so always the first step is the middle to the H you know you can put upside down again trying to create the shape of the Cross first so okay you can do a couple of times if you like so thus that's gonna be the last time I'm gonna touch the middle side of the pizza base so now I work only with the fingers tips and my Palmer so that's that because I turn in like that keeping the the finger Still Point down close to the cross okay and when I turning I'm pulling as well okay so always keeping like that so keeping your fingers so you're controlling you guide your pizza by your fingertips and Palms so never touch the middle sides because otherwise I show you when you don't do mistakes in that okay so now I remove the flower and you always want to check if it's see for the same for now I notice there's a little bit there's a little bit hole here it's all the big check-in if it's any old squeezing and turn okay so as you can see oh this is a little bit old now there but the pizza it's not an ultra thin in the middle so it's quite even okay so that's the way the problem is I show you what's the mistakes that happen to the people when they're stretching why the pizza comes in at the middle so that's exactly the same but there is there is little things change here so do exactly the same stretching like that so now if you don't keep the fingers close to the cross for example most Lolly back so I'm not keeping straight on close to the Cross I'm stretching like that which I see many people doing this so you can see you push the a little bit crosstier the middle so don't skip straight one like that the half fingers is not straight close to the Cross or leave the here you can see because I'm doing wrong already the pizza start to making holes have come very thin so the risk to stack on the table when you put your sword your toppings it's probably gonna stack 100 so now because I'm stretching wrong it's a very risky the holes it's thick thick on the side like too thin as you can see it's too thin uh the middle So to avoid that always keep the fingers close to the Cross when stretching points down and shut up avoid us so now so that's the first steps why your pizza comes very thin at the middle the stretchings are right you're you don't stretch in even keeping the hand close to the Cross instead to moving okay so now the second things now wipe the pizzas stick on the table so first you have to check if it's not any hole if the pizza stay too long at the table then it risk to to start so if you are too slow in the table so you can see the pizza is not stuck so food table as well could be good for you it's more less humidity or but if you want to use marble or aluminum table you know if you are careful it shouldn't stick anyway so now sticking the table why okay the reasons maybe it's a hole or maybe it's too stick in the dough when you touch your pizza you shouldn't feel sticky so you cut them cover wrap with the flour both sides you remove the flowers even they said it was a little bit too thin I managed to to put the sauce in obviously this sauce it shouldn't go over the cross because if we go over it's gonna stick to your pizza if this happened spatula a little bit say Morita keeps going over it's trying to squeeze also if you're not sure you move it and you can see the pizza it's not stick anywhere so she'll stick in your table so check the tables you can also give spring of flour if it's the case for you I don't do that but if you panic a little bit just a little bit of semolina flour on the table just to avoid that if it's really stuck if you're stuck in the table like let's make a sample now uh we're gonna make like a hole so I make little holes here as you can see sometime when you are busy stuff you don't realize the little hole so you put the sauce in and once they saw score under the table it definitely gonna stick your pizza pillow gonna stick on your on the table so the rescue is which I showed you many times if you just not notice that then oh yeah and you can see it see here see the sauce is stuck in the pizza field so this one oh it's gonna broken inside the pizza oven oh you're gonna stick here so you wanna save as much as you can normally I could use a pizza plate I don't have pizza plates so I'm gonna use to see all the white here so you try to call that just put a little bit semolina the humidity parts so it should cover the holes as well so it's quite thin pizza base so very risky shouldn't do that and then gonna back on on the table okay always check this one is green so both where's the cloth Yeah clean it is wet here pull the table nice and clean you fix it again you move it basically it's moving nicely it's a little bit so we can go straight to the oven and you rescue your pizza this nail is to be a stack it save at least the topic so list the mozzarella you can save you can't save the sauce that is transfer the amoxide the mozzarella the toppings another pizza so look spin a couple of minutes here now you do can do that you can see that pizza is not stuck also check always here's where it is not any sauce any foil or some people will stick and then it's actually stick as well so that was a couple of tips guys to avoid thin pizza at the middle it's stuck on the table because you have to be quick as well if you're too slow um and you can see the pizza as well it's cooking nicely it's moving it's not and you see you can see us where the cross is nice and puffy as well you know uh so pretty cool thing this is me risky safe always double check if it's got any holes in the pizza if there's a little hole you really can mess up your your pizza gonna stuck on the table on the oven as well so that's that kind of information receipt I want to give it to the guys because I know it takes time you can't get right you don't make a mistake I wanted to show you at the bottom as well as you can see look it's completely safe let's see the whole Air Base we save the pizza so very just don't go panicking check no holes don't have to feel sticky your pizza when you stretch it or put in the table if you stick it just keep a little bit covered with the flour I don't even use a lot of flowers whatever you need a little bit cover up and keep the fingers always close to the Cross avoid this movement like that so guys hope you understand this little tips thanks for watching please subscribe if you are new to the channel and leave us comment below for any question and thanks for watching and see you on the next video cheers
Channel: Massimo Nocerino Pizza Massimo
Views: 56,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massimo nocerino, pizza massimo, how to avoid fine pizza base in the middle, how to avoid pizza stick to the table, techniques, pizza techniques, london pizza, street food pizza, pizzaiolo, london pizzaiolo
Id: 2kifB8eGRA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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