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how are you guys now - no enjoy your copilot so for the guys they they don't know me - to be to your property and then I teach how to make the pizzas so subscribe on my channel alright subscribe so today I'm going to show you how to stretch a pizza Neapolitan style we see standing up it's a napolitana a lot of chemicals our first step to make sure gloves part of a clip so if you throw it that's how you clean nice and clean spot la first day like I said this open the box we have a special door really sort of well so what we do get some flour or like this or you can go by so the first one then we take is from the box we take this one on the angle but I thought be careful and follow the video so you need to add flour and make sure with the spatula to take a uniform the dough ball out like in the video then you put it in the flour this way is not sticky make sure it's not sticky no more no water no humid make sure the count the counter is a dry now wet then put some flour on the center where you're going to stretch and then you put the dough ball on the center of the flour that you put it on the counter then you fix it you make sure it's a circle then you are going to stretch easy the air to the cross so start from the bottom then you go to the top follow the shape of the dough the ship of the dough ball and press all the air to the cross no stretch just press just follow the video exactly press then you take all the flour out and put it down on the opposite start to press with your right end and very gentle stretch with your left hand so press with your right now from the center but from the sides of the dough ball press and pull with your left press with your right and pull with your left hand press with your right and pull then you put on your right hand with your left hand stretching slowly you find the location where you want to put the Pizza and you live it there stepmother again okay so let's go back out of here out of here out of here make sure it's some flower right here make sure this one stay like that straight then flip it over in the flower are you so first thing to do this is a mistake the mistake is this don't do this don't do this make sure that dough doesn't go in this is a mistake so you need any flower data here voila that's how you take it out it's really important how you take the door okay let's do this again together press the air to the cross just press no stretch then you turn it same thing press with your right take it off all the flour then you press with your right and pull with your left pull from the sides now from the center of the dough press with your right hand now use your left to pull like that then press the air to the cross and pull with your left practice all the time like then practice practice practice and then you'll see that you get like that then you pull with put the dough on your right end and then take it with your left and find a spot just make a circle okay guys now I'm going to taste it and see the crust how we came I'm going to make a solution with tomato sauce to sit across a lot so now we are going to put it in the oven in tasty how I came across painful Tuffy from my helper my card was full so I stopped it for a moment so this is the pizza what do you want on the pizza Eason he said the air here to the pros so it's good that this yeah this year voila no dough ball here thank you so much for the view if you have any question please comment below I will answer to you as soon I can okay if you want to know other tips other clips out to cook the pizza so to clean the window and how to put the tomato sauce anything about the pizza we only can a real number style whatever you want to call entire style just subscribe on my channel okay Tom something you so much and if you want to come and visit me a mirror approval in West Hollywood no beat city there are two Pizza the link is right here okay thank you so much HR from my studio go baby ciao
Channel: Vito Iacopelli
Views: 1,289,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to make pizza, pizza neapolitan, pizza napoletana, how, come fare, stesa pizza, tecnica, vito iacopelli, master pizzaiolo, pizza chef, prova pizzeria, best pizza, how to stretch a pizza, best, porn, food, pizza shool, recipe, pizzeria, 怎麼做, 作り方, كيف تصنع, بيتزا نابولي, 那不勒斯, ナポリピッツァ, ポルノの, 色情, 比薩, ピザ, البيتزا, pizza neapolitan style, how is made pizza, wood oven, best pizza in the world, food networt, best porn
Id: s4lL5I-UYbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2016
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