How to start sculpting in Blender with a tablet

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hello guys in this video i will show you how to start from scratch sculpting in blender especially with a pen tablet i have uh one by wacom tablet which is one of the cheapest wacoms and i kind of sculpted this head in this video in front of you i will do it and you will see and i will show you all the brushes i will show you all the shortcuts i will show you all the settings that you need they are not too much to start sculpting from scratch even if you don't know blender at all if you never have opened blender in your life you can start sculpting in blender after you watch this video so good luck and let's do this so guys when we start blender we will see this screen of course without this guy in the bottom left but don't worry about him we will see this screen except for the first time we start blender after installing because then we will have another screen in which we have to just press save or okay or whatever to get rid of it and this screen we also get rid of it by just clicking out of it somewhere out of it then we left mouse click and drag with our mouse around the camera light and the box and we press delete or plus press also x in the keyboard and delete and now we are left with this very sad grid and now we have to add something here how to add objects in the scene is the first thing you maybe want or have to learn so first thing will be to press shift a when you press shift a this add menu will appear wherever your mouse is which is very convenient and shift a is one of the main shortcuts that you have to remember always also you can go up here in the top left corner it's not exactly corner but top left and up from here cannot message curves uh surfaces metaboltex whatever volume cameras lights cameras here lights in here a lot of things you can add from there but we just want to press shift a mesh and go to uv sphere don't worry it's about uv sphere it's just a sphere we just need the sphere so we just press it like this and we have this sphere now so the purpose of this video is to to teach you how to use pen tablet with blender of course there are many videos that are using how to navigate blender with the mouse which is okay but now we will learn how to use it with pen so there are few things we have to do before we start sculpting with our pen first we have to click few options in edit preferences so go to edit in the top left this time preferences and i'm sure you don't see edit that's why i will just have to move my screen a little bit more down like this you probably now see it okay edit preferences and here we have to go to input and press emulate three button mouse this is so we can use the shortcuts that i use with the with the pen tablet but let's just trust me on this just click it then we can go to navigate navigation just below it input and navigation i just um one below and above another we go and click orbit around selection what it does is using the selection so when you're sculpting and rotating the camera the camera will rotate around the point where you sculpt which is very convenient and this is how zbrush works by default and this is how i like to use blender 2 so orbit around selection very important thing and that's it you just close this and it's over with this very easy okay the next thing now you will notice that we have here layout modeling sculpting uv editing texture paint shading different tabs here uh above in the in the top corner in the top part of the screen so layout is the first then we need sculpting that's where we'll go we'll go to sculpting straight away we go to sculpting and the sculpting is here amazing very nice in the sculpting we have our sphere and we have a lot of brushes here it's very scary we have a lot of brushes i will just pull the side of the brushes a lot so pull it once and you'll get all the brushes in two rows and pull it one more time to see the brushes with names we will leave it like this because when i'm telling you the brushes you can see their names exactly uh near them so it's okay so first thing we have to do also when we start using the sculpting is to press here x for symmetry we need the symmetry basically we cannot work without symmetry so we have to use the symmetry don't forget to click x here in the top can or right of the screen to have symmetry if you don't do this ah you will lose a lot you always have to sculpt with symmetry so this is one of the things and we basically can start sculpting with my favorite brush that i start always in z brushing here which is the move brushing zbrush and here it's the grab brush you see it here grab the grab brush is one of the most used brush for me in the brush and also in in blender so the shortcut for the grab brush is g so shortcuts in blender are very important this is the bread and butter for the program so uh let me show you a few shortcuts i mean the most of the shortcuts that we will use uh by when sculpting are those shortcuts that are on the screen so here on the top you see are the shortcuts for viewport navigation so this is for zoom move and rotate so tablet draw means when you press with the tablet and start moving this is the tablet drone so control alt and tablet draw will uh control out and tablet draw will zoom in and out shift alt and tablet draw will move your model and just alt and double draw will rotate your model which is great the next the next pack of shortcuts is for the brushes so the most important brush for me is g grab brush the next brush is x which is just a normal brush i will show you the next two brushes are with shift space and one shift space and two which i don't like and we will change their shortcuts very very easy so for the draw sharp which is also one of the very important brushes we will just right click on the brush just right click with your mouse and then assign shortcut it's very easy assign and then just press one this will be our one brush clay strips this is the fourth brush here but we'll make it brush two so right click assign shortcut two and the next is scrape brush i will show you each of those brushes i will show you exactly when i use it and when you probably would want to use it so right click assign shortcut and press three now we have our brushes now we have almost everything and we can start sculpting of course the next thing is for masking here we can unmask all we can invert mask mask options mask options is with a by the way when we press a we can invert here clear mask shrink sharpen grow increase contrast smooth mask all the things mask related we can do from the a menu which is very easily acceptable with accessible with our left hand the next thing is uh some other things that i will just show you a little bit later so let's start i will press g to go to my grab brush and i will increase the size of my brush with the bracket keys so remember increase and decrease the size of your brush with bracket keys there are another there are other ways for example here with radius on the top you can increase the radius or decrease it with your mouse here but it's very inconvenient with the bracket keys is very easy because this is the way you increase and decrease your brush size in photoshop and also in zbrush so it's kind of intuitive already for most people so now i'm starting to kind of grab and pull a little bit and this will be just with the grab brush but remember i'm pressing alt and i'm rotating my model so the most important thing for beginners this is the bracket keys by the way here you can see which buttons i'm pressing but except for the bracket keys they are not shown there i'm not sure why but um yeah for the beginners it's very difficult to sculpt because they uh don't they tend to not rotate and move their model enough they kind of start sculpting with just one view and not going to other views which is not ideal for the most part you need to change your views constantly in order to get the most of your sculpt but this will come in time you just have to get used to the interface you just have to go and practice a lot it took me around like maybe five or six hours to get used to this blender and start to kind of intuitively move zoom and rotate you see so you see in my keys here alt control alt left mouse button which is dragging with the tablet by the way in this case left mouse button here is dragging with tablet because is the same i'm zooming with shift alt i'm moving and with just alt i'm just rotating which is the rotating by the way is the most important thing so with the move brush or grab brush i can call it move brush and probably you will notice that this is the grab brush because i come from zbrush i have over 10 exp 10 years of experience in zbrush so i'm a little bit used to move brush but here this is grab brush so i kind of you know call it move brush sometimes so we will make a kind of a basic female head in the beginning this is what we get before we remesh this is not zero mesh this is remesh so now we have to remesh how to do it there are couple of ways and in my previous videos the guys helped me a lot some guys they made some suggestions and they show me some short case which is great i thank them for that which is this is very nice and you see every mesh is here in the top you can change the voxel size the lower it is the the more polygons your model will have this is the density by the way i mean the size of the voxels the size of the polynomials the lower it is the smaller the polynomials are logically and then you can press remesh but instead of doing that it's very much more convincing to just shift r press shift r which by the way i have in my in the in the short case and then go with the tablet just move it left and right until you go to 0 0 five this is where i start zero zero five after i've done this after i done the very very basic things for the head i go to zero zero five and then control r control r will um remesh it and now i uh yeah i hold ctrl i or a little bit and it just i thought it will crash but it didn't so yeah now with shift i'm smoothing so remember with almost every brush you use shift is smoothing so you're using the brush the grab brush for example you're using it you're doing some things and then you want to smooth just shift press shift hold it and drag with your tablet and it will smooth it now i just um do some traps here i will adjust the back of the neck you notice how the neck is pretty thin because this is a female if it was a male the neck would be much much bigger but for the female it's thin so for now up to this stage i have used only the grab brush and the smooth brush of course but the smooth brush we don't care about it's um it's just shift we press shift and it's it's there but you notice that i'm not going to make any uh face features until i feel my head is in a good shape although like the forms so i spent a lot of time doing the forms of the hit so i make sure that it's kind of nice and then i continue from there the next thing i want to do is start using the normal brush which is the draw brush in this case the first one here in the list and we will use it by pressing the x key like you can see here x is the draw brush at some point i probably will remove this list so but you every time you want to see or kind of to see what kind of shortcut you may use if you forget it of course it's normal to forget it i always forgot them you can come to this video you can bookmark this video you can come to this video just click on the beginning of this video and you will see all of your shortcuts here the next thing i want to do by the way it's very important and i advise you to do it every time because every time i restart blender it's kind of restar reset i go to n and with n i get this right menu here and in this menu i go to view and i change my focal length 50 millimeters is too much it's too big of a perspective it's not good for sculpting for sculpting i use like 100 100 is pretty nice for sculpting and i zoom out and then i press n to remove this menu this menu is used for also other things but in this case in this video we will not get too much into this so now i will go to x which is my first brush and the draw brush and with ctrl i will dig with just the brush i will add geometry so adding geometry with just the brush and with control i dig so control in blender is the alt version of the brush so the opposite version of the brush if the brush is pulling the geometry like this is doing the the control version is when you press ctrl it's pushing it so it's the opposite which is great and you have to remember that because we use it all the time now i'm using the control and then i'm using just this and then i will use it with control to make the eye sockets but i'll be careful not to dig too much then i will dig also here because from the side view you need to have the forehead and then to go very very slightly to the nose and i will pull with the g the grab brush like this and i will have something like a nose so you notice up to this point we have something like like uh like head a little bit i'm using only two brushes basically i'm using the grab brush and i'm using the draw brush so with two brushes you may kind of go a long way if you know how to use them of course it's not a big deal but the thing is yeah now i used another brush without noticing but it's not mandatory i used the clay strips brush it's it's just a personal preference you may use the draw brush instead and then just smooth it but yeah so two brushes can get you a long long way if you know what you're doing of course but to know what you're doing you have to practice it and to practice is not just open the program and start sculpting without anything in your head you have to know what you want to do and you have to have references for that and references i cannot emphasize enough you have to use references you have to always use reference if you use references you will learn you will enrich your visual library if you don't use your references you will just uh yeah you will get better with the program probably a little bit better with a problem which is also good but it will not be enough so next thing i want to do is to press one to get to the draw sharp brush draw sharp brush is my friend and i use it a lot but joshua brush has a little bit of a different in the uh in the normal side of this brush in the normal position of this brush it's digging when we press ctrl it's uh pulling the geometry which is uh opposite of the all other brushes so i go here in the top and i you know all the other brushes are having plus and this one is with minus by default so i press plus and that's what i do with this i don't care anymore by the way you may notice that when i change brushes 1 2 3 or g or x my brush size remains constant it doesn't change if you want this for your sculpt which i prefer a lot you may want to click here if it's not clicked this radius here this uh here if you see my mouse where it is in the right position of the screen there is a some brushes a paintbrush and a paintbrush yeah two brushes if they are not blue if they are not clicked sometimes when you change brushes your brush size will change with the brushes which is annoying so make sure this is blue and we continue to sculpt with our uh grab brush so now what i want to emphasize also a lot so listen with all your ears if you have just one ear listen with it if you have two or more listen with them the thing is you always want to squeeze the most of your current geometry so now my geometry is pretty low but i will try to squeeze it as much as i can i will try to make the nose as much as i can the forms of this of the of the cheeks and the eyes a little bit i will try i will try to fix the eye sockets to make them a little bit better for the forehead i will make even uh the ears and you will see that i will make the ears and i will show you but let's wait a little bit more so i'm making all those things before i go to the next level which i will show you how to do of course you already know that probably but in order to make the ears what i do pay attention i will make the ears so many people are doing this they are taking for example one standard brush and just doing this which is awful don't do this ctrl z okay now i will press m for my mask brush which is very intuitive m is for mask brush i is for inflate brush g is for grab brush and x is for draw brush yeah not that intuitive but m is for mask brush which is intuitive and just when i press m i just make this kind of a you know mask then i have to invert this mask you can invert this mask by pressing ctrl i which is invert of course but sometimes i use just a which is the mask options and just move my mouse to the to the left so uh if i kinda a mouse to the left just fast you know and this is very convenient when you get used to this method you will be super fast with your scope and now i will use my grab brush to just grab it and move this ear away from the head and you see she will become with very very big ears but it's not a problem after i'm ready with those ears after i sculpt them i will easily pull them back into the head but in the beginning i want them to be further away from the head now i will clean the mask how press a and then clear so the left clear the mask or you can press of course alt m but out m is kind of combination which is further away it's more difficult to do you can get kind of a pains here in the in the in the hand so it's better to press a and just use something of these options and the most options that i use is invert mouse and clear mask from here so just left or right it's very easy okay so now with the with the g with the groom brush i would say but it's not groom it's it's a grab brush so the grab brush i'm just using it here uh you see the polygons here are much bigger but i don't care the next level of my um myri mesh will kind of clean this off and it will be nice i'm trying to make the overall form of the head the cheekbones the cheek fat and everything up to the point that i'm happy with it and i'm kind of happy now hopefully i kind of said most of the things that you need to know to start sculpting in blender of course i will continue with the information now so what i'm using now is the standard brush the draw brush it's called standard version in zebras the equivalent is called standard version so that's why i'm saying that so grab brush just move things a little bit and then i want to make the mouth so i always start them out with the draw sharp brush which is a downstandard brush in zero but you don't care about that and i just go from the corners to the middle like this and then with the grab brush i will make the upper lip big the lower lip round and be careful from the side view you always kind of want the lower lip to be a little bit behind a little bit more inward than the upper lip the upper lip to be more on top uh that's kind of better especially for the character that i'm doing i'm doing uh you will see what i'm doing if it kind of starts to look like her it's not gonna be exactly a good replica of this particular character because i don't have a lot of time you know my videos are around an hour long most of them and for for likeness an hour is pretty much not enough of course i've talked with some artists that are doing likenesses and they told me that between 10 and 20 hours you have to put in one hat especially but if you know what you're doing to start looking like the character of course in the beginning you have to pick your references you have to know your references and they have to be good so i'm kind of happy with my result for now i'm not let's say i'm not super unhappy with it i kind of like it so what i will do is shift r again which is remesh and let me open remission here so you can see what i'm doing so shift r and i'm dragging away until it's 0.01 or a little bit below so 0.009 for example yeah and then click and now see this option here changes it was 0.05 and now it's 0.009 which is the the the next step the next geometry step some people are saying why don't you use um when you go here add modifier multi-resolution multi-rest modifier that they say uh i've been there done that it's not working for me multi-rest modifier you add only if you have a good nice topology on your face if you have stretch topology or not very good topology you have triangles or something if you add this modifier there will be places that your model will look like something from behind it's not good so i will not use it uh i use only the remesh modifier which is almost identical to the dynamesh in zbrush which is cool i mean i always use the animation zbrush if you don't know what zbrush is it's okay okay now g for moving and now if i want to remesh i press here remesh or i press ctrl r which i do which is better i mean press ctrl you see the model became a little bit but with shift i smooth everything but i go easy with the smoothing because if i smooth it hard i will lose the features so i go easy with the smoothing just to smooth out this kind of squares or polygons that are left behind and now we have kind of a nice face and then the magic will start to happen with our draw sharp brush i will make it small and i will do this from here i'll do this in the mouth and you see starting to look nice then i will kind of very very easily go here and here and i will do some stuff with only this brush i will do the nose nostrils and you notice how i'm navigating the viewport i'm always rotating and moving around and doing stuff i'm not just staying in one position and sculpting because this will be a mistake if you do that then i will go to x again x gonna give it to you and yeah this is the upper lip it's starting to take shape i will make it a little bit bigger probably it will be better for us in our case then again i will go to this brush which is uh in our case it's the shortcut is one by the way i i didn't show you but but but by default with shift space shift space bar you can get all your brushes here and you can choose from them or see space for example 4 will get to this brush shift space p will get you pinch brush and stuff like this which i find a little bit difficult to to do i mean i don't like it that much so i will try i'm not using that and i show you what i use i use only like eight brushes all of them are in here in the shortcuts i will remove those shortcuts by now we don't need them at least for now and yeah you already saw them but i'm using only those like eight brushes maybe no more especially for basic sculpting like just making a head something like this we don't need a lot of brushes we don't need all we only can do it even with two or three brushes it's just that easy but of course if you can if you can know what brush you might want to use it will be easier for you so now it's starting to look kind of funky of course when we make the eyes you maybe will notice what character i'm doing but for now let's keep it a secret and uh of course you can go forward into the video and see what happens what the end result is and if it looks like something familiar to you let's make the ears so even now the geometry is a little bit bigger for the ears so i have to struggle a bit so i noticed even for myself i skipped for over 10 years digitally so even for myself if i go a little bit earlier two more polygons that i need uh before i squeeze the polygons uh as much as possible i kind of feel a little bit more difficulty doing the sculpt so if you are beginner especially you have to always squeeze the resolutions just work on the lowest resolution possible as much as possible of course you cannot stay in the lowest resolution like hour or so it's it's useless for me it's you saw how i use it for like few minutes or something but i'm pretty fast when sculpting so i'm not exactly you know you cannot see me as an example on a super right example for you in this okay now let me just do a few just just i want to do it you know just a little thing here here here here just a few things just to make it more interesting inflate brush with i just inflate a little bit here all right it looks good enough i will smooth it here and maybe the chin is a little bit big i will move this down okay yeah the change should be like this just using the grab brush of course you can even make one model only with the grab brush it will not be that hard but it will be harder than using most of the brushes but grab brush for me except especially for me it's just the the most used brush i use it a lot the grab brush now i'm using of course the normal brush the draw brush and just very easily smooth and use it and smooth and use it and smooth and also sometimes use it and smooth okay let's not get too much so the the nostrils are not looking good for me i don't like them so i will kinda try to make them better with the grab brush from the side view and with some other brushes maybe but with the grab brush mostly and then i can go and sculpt a little bit here so you see the details of the face you cannot just draw them over the face you have to sculpt them inside the face the nose is kind of inside the face the mouth of course is very much inside the face so everything is inside the face you cannot just draw it over it most beginners i see are just trying to draw over and it's awful i mean it's not happening very good so now let's do this and by the way when we do this just from the corner of the eye down and away and then smooth it a little bit and it's starting to look more alive let's make the eyes oh i have no patience i have to do the eyes but first the eyebrows a little bit like this this is the eye ridges it's the not the eyebrows themselves but i will include one brush here which i like which is the scrape brush the equivalent in z brush is the high polish brush is polishing the surface it's making it flat which in most cases are it's very good for some forms to make them more like nicely looking to make them just more flat it's very good and they're smooth of course i always kind of use the smooth after those kind of things we will make the the eyes a little bit later but for like less than 30 minutes this is looking promising course every artist zbrush or some which who knows what they're doing can make this kind of thing in this time probably i will not say that this is my first time doing this character i did it maybe let's see not 10 but around 10 times in the last few days i did her so i kind of know what i'm doing even if i'm not looking at the references although i like to look at the references because it's kind of more convenient shift c by the way is the crease brush and i can use it to just kind of make this uh nicer lines and then smooth of course again and then i crease here also and a nice smooth and then we have something that's looking good i can crease also in here which i'm not sure i need but whatever so what i want to say is that you need to practice i practiced a lot now you see i'm starting to see labels i have to alt and tap and alt and tap again and now it disappears sometimes it just get backed zbrush is the same by the way so let's make our eyes this is something like the eyes yes i've seen representations of this character around the internet the last month or so people are always doing her and i say why don't i do it in my style just for just for a few minutes like an hour or so of course it's pretty ambitious it's almost impossible even for me so yeah but uh i will just try you know in the beginning it will not look at that good but maybe with a little bit more time we can make it so you notice if you noticed i'm working with the move brush a lot and sometimes i'm using also x for the draw brush i'm using yeah g for the move brush x for the draw brush and some other brushes too i'm using a few brushes but not too much i'm not using uh like many brushes which is good i mean which is good for you because you don't have to remember a lot of brushes this means you don't have to remember them it's just just a few brushes and their shortcuts are very easy g for them for the grab brush x for the draw brush and some other brushes so now yeah one uh because we made the shortcut for the draw sharp brushes one clay strips at two and scrape brush at three and inflate brush sometimes we use with eye inflate and that's mostly it i mean we don't use that much brushes we are using just a few so i may show you also how to make a hair but in the last video some guy told me that yeah the model is okay but the hair is awful and i i'm just a little bit you know should i make a hair or something i'm not sure maybe i shouldn't make a hair because it will be awful definitely will be because but maybe we can make something like the hair and then in the final thumbnail of the video i can just remove the hair i can just say okay not here all right it's fine without hair it's fine we'll see we'll see but this time the this way i will show you how to make different things how to add objects to your model not just the one head or one whatever you are doing just to add more things which will be nice yeah she is looking like a man a man now which is not good because she's kind of sexy the actress it's kind of nice looking i like her but i kind of can't do her now not can't do her cannot sculpt her good enough although i'm trying you see i'm kind of trying i'm trying hard it's not exactly working well yeah the nose is not exactly right even the the jaw is not exactly correct and there are a lot of things that are not super super nice and exactly that's why those things take time because you have to go over everything and just make sure it's exactly the right proportion exactly the right forms and everything in order to make it work otherwise it will just be a gen generic hit or something which not everybody can do but it's not the thing you want it's not the thing you want so for the let me see what is the nose okay it has to be a little bit i'm looking at my other window a little bit over references yeah i'm just with the grab tool i'm just working here from the side view it's not looking super bad breaking bad by the way breaking bad if you haven't looked at this tv series or whatever i'm not sure how it's called in english show tv show breaking bad yeah i saw it few few years ago uh all like i'm not sure how many seasons were like eight or nine seasons i'm not sure and it was amazing and i will soon probably look at it again it's amazing just one of the best tv shows in the rank of friends and house but it's better cinematically it's very well made so um you see my geometry in the right and the left it's not exactly the same it's a little bit different so what i do is go here up with this butterfly but go to this little tiny arrow in here and just on the bottom symmetrize and now they are the same so yeah you may not want to for your geometry to be exactly the same but i want it to be the same it's easier for me to to get better control over everything and i'm control freak i like to control everything most of us like to con like the control you know which is absolutely normal when we are in control we feel safe when we are not in control we feel threatened threatened that's why by the way the virus is confusing for many people and me included yeah you see using the the normal brush the draw brush using everything i'm using the grab brush now i will make the neck a little bit longer and thinner although it shouldn't be ultra long and ultra thin because it will look like a cartoon character problem so we have to be careful about that the eyes are kind of nice i mean yeah it's they're okay they will do most likely let's make some basic bros arrows around this area yeah the brows are giving her a little bit more life i would say and she's looking a little bit like the actress um but not too much maybe like this the chin should be more squarish and i cannot say the name of the actress because it's difficult for me to remember it i don't remember it basically but she is from squid games squid game which series by the way is like everybody says this is amazing series just though everybody should look at it i haven't watched it yet because i don't have netflix subscription yeah i know it's uh it's absolutely shame the thing is that i have kids i have also work and i also have to practice for my youtube videos and i also sometimes have to start my newest course which i haven't yet so that's that and the netflix will kind of interfere with those things so if you want things done you probably want netflix out of your life for the time i mean that you are doing things because netflix has a lot of interesting things and they will kind of not boost your creativity and your moral or whatever it will interfere i think with everything okay so it's she's starting to look a little bit but the thing is that it's not enough but it's kind of we're kind of getting there a little bit maybe this is kind of enough we are 45 minutes into this video and i've shown you a lot of things i think hopefully this video is pretty useful because a few months not few months when i started sculpting in zbrush in blender in blender it was maybe a two weeks ago i started more seriously like started really to want to sculpt in blender and i needed a video like this but i couldn't find exactly a video like this which showed me the brushes how to use them what to do with them and stuff like this yeah and i will show you one more thing if you happen to watch this video until this point you will see something interesting sometimes you may just by accident do control space and when you will control space it's very nice because you kind of go away your your interface goes away which is fine but it's not exactly nice if you don't know how you did it and i did it once and it was like wow everything disappear where is you can go back to previous here in the top left back to previous or you can press ctrl space again so it's not a very kind of thing that will kill you it's not it's okay you can you can deal with this so for this no i press x and just a little bit do this more feminine yeah maybe the nose is too big let's make it a bit smaller yes maybe that's the thing oh there are tiny things that we have to do in order to make her in order to make her look like yeah so now i will stop working on her face uh because for now it's fine if you if you want more detail you of course can go shift r for the voxel size and go even lower like point zero zero seven or something or even lower and control r but when you control r you see some things are happening some artifacts are starting to appear and i will go even lower since i have already this artifacts i don't care so ctrl r and i wait and even with my computer which is pretty good i have to wait a little bit until i get the result done which is okay i mean blender is a great program since it's cheap free yeah and some guy tell in the in the comments of the previous video he said yeah but you have a zbrush core mini or something which is free yeah but what can you do with it i mean blender can be used for production and blender you can make real game characters with clothes and hair and everything in blender basically sculpt them and you uv them here and texture them here and you can do everything in blender if you are you know good with blender and with characters in is in z core mini which is free you can do basically nothing almost i mean you can do just one mesh like this just character which is i mean it's basically nothing so uh don't compare one thing with another because they're incomparable you know with blender you get much more value for your money than with zbrushcore mini we can say that yeah blender gives you much more value for your money so uh if you learn how to sculpt in blender it will be more more useful than to learn how to sculpt in zbrushcore or whatever by the way if you learn how to sculpt in zbrush itself it's also useful because zbrush is industry standard and it could visible the industry standard for much more many much many years it will not change this will not change uh you know in one night or whatever it will still be industry standard but the blender is catching up a little bit a little by little little by little blender is catching which is good and i kind of wanted to hop on this blender train and hopefully i will help you to hop on this blender train too with those shortcuts which are default in blender of course most of those shortcuts that i shown you this ones are default in blender they are not i didn't make them up or something those are the shortcuts i'm just changing a few few of those just few brushes and if you want to be fast in blender you should change them too so let's press ctrl shift which is kind of masking and let's just mask parts of her head and just uh just basic you know and then we can go to mask mask extract that's why i do it that's how i do it i mean this may be not the way but i do it mass extract then just och which is okay yeah ok is okay i will remove this short keys and then what we'll do is we're not in sculpting mode anymore we are in the sculpting tab but we don't have the brushes here which is very scary but we're in object mode we can go here and go to scope mode we can go back to object mode because we need to you can change that with control tab too control tab object mode scope mode object mode scope node and other modes but i use those two the most when i uh use polygon modeling in blender which i use i go to edit mode sometimes with just tap pressing tab it's easier but now we need to be in object mode so we're here we go to this wrench icon here in the right part wrench because by default we are here in the range and just apply this modifier because this is a mask extract modifier something that is we have to apply it so ctrl a but ctrl a doesn't work that much so i will just go from this arrow and apply the arrow and apply and then i will go ctrl tab down scope mode and now i will clear the mask or just remesh with shift r i will go down 0.03 and then ctrl r so shift r and then moving left and right to kind of choose your destiny and then ctrl r to apply the remesh and in my opinion as an as a digital sculptor for more than 10 years this is the best way to start your sculpt at some point when you basically remesh when you remesh your model i mean when you re-topologize your model you can of course go and do something else with it so now i will show you how to do here with the draw sharp brush so press one to go to the draw sharp brush because our shortcut is one or just press here and then you can go like this and then with control like this now you can go like this and control and then like this and control and then just s curves and you are kind of fit you are okay those s-curves so she's looking a little bit like the the character or the actress i'm not super happy with the result of course but i'm never happy with my result almost never especially the likenesses i never can quite do them that's why i'm not trying that hard to do likenesses this was just a gimmick this was just a kind of you know just to to try myself and to kind of do something more interesting than the usual random faces that i do of course the hair for the character is not exactly like this she has some hairs like here let's make them as one maybe as one here one kind of a bulk book here and it will look awful i tried it already i know but i just wanted to show you how to make something else another mesh for example and i will show you also how to make a body if you want even now i will show you hopefully we'll have a little bit more time yeah we'll have five more minutes maybe this video can get a little bit longer than an hour which is not good for the youtube algorithms because longer videos are not very well recommended but i don't care until this video is kind of useful and people are people are getting useful information out of it which i think most of my videos are and that's what i'm trying to achieve i'm not trying to achieve the to be better with the algorithms or something i don't care about that that much i care of course because i want my channel to be viewed by most more people and they those people to buy my courses and that's that's making me money you know i kind of live with that a little bit although i'm working of course as a 3d character artist full time but still i can use those money for the kindergarten for example of my kit you know so here we can just with the grab brush do this then with this we can go here but if people are finding those useful those videos that i'm doing they probably will buy my courses even so now if i want yeah the hair is awful i know but it's just something so if i want to go back to my head how to do it let's try from here it's not going to work i mean now i'm working still even the head seems like it's selected i'm working on the hair so if you want to easily change between the meshes here you have to go to edit and this option here lock object modes just unclick it and now it's unclicked so now we have to go we can change between meshes and the sphere when we go to the to the here which is mesh here and the sphere is over here okay we are in sculpting mode if we go to our sphere the head we are in object mode we can easily just control tab and go to scope mode and now when we change we are in scope mode with both so we can change between them now i just want to just this chin is not looking particularly nice yet and it probably won't never look particularly nice but it's the way it is it's just the way it is things will never be the same all right the ear is not exactly her ear her ear but it's looking nice i mean now if we make a texture or poly paint or whatever and we make a nice hair nicer hair she will look almost exactly as the player 6 0 67 i think was in the squid game movie in the squid game series let's go to the here and just okay and this here is just well okay if we want to make the body we have to uh because shift a now will not work shift a is just uh masking uh by something it's not working here we have to go to object mode so control tab object mode ctrl tab four or ctrl tab and just uh go faster on the left with your mouse and now we can use ctrl a to add uv sphere then we can press g to move it and before we drop it somewhere or press with our tablet we press z to move it only on the z axis and then we drop it here and then we can control tab scope mode and yeah we have symmetry make sure we have x here selected to have symmetry and then we can grab it and move it and start doing our body of course this is uh i will not show you how to do the whole body or something i'm just showing you that you can just do those things if you need to this is the body and yeah it will have some i control r when my polygons get very well stretched ctrl r and then continue working on the thing you see it's pretty easy if you know what you're doing of course using some brushes using some stuff and then you are kinda okay and then you can of course change between them by just clicking on them yeah if something is not in scope not you can go here and scope mode or control tab down and you will be in scope mode and then you can with the grab brush yeah we have to select this with the grab brush you can move it around you can make it as a tentacle which is now and then if something becomes very thin like it is here now i can go to inflate inflate brush with eye and just inflate it a little bit and it's it's done i mean don't be afraid to do this kind of things if something becomes like this and then with the shift brush when you're smooth especially things like hands or legs they will get thinner and then you can inflate them again if you need to like this maybe inflate them at some points and then we can grab brush and do this ctrl r again and try to do something like a palm here and this of course is not mandatory at all i'm just showing you how you can continue your scope to make a full character if you want control r will always help you retain some level of polygons even if your polygons are starting to get super stretchy when you want to make legs for example just ctrl r and then inflate them because here the thighs are pretty big and then do this and that and for example if you want to make the ass just inflate this area to have some polygons to have some volume here and then with g just move it around just do what you kind of want and yeah that will be it i will hide this because this is just uh we don't want this i was just showing you and i will probably hide also the hair i will alt m and i will leave only this because the other things were just to show you they are just gimmicks and maybe if people want i can show you how to use the let me show you very quick how to use one other thing which is pretty cool here in blender which i don't think other softwares have so this i'm not sure exactly where it was i will yeah with pencil blank then we go to excuse me a little bit i'm a yeah material new this is solid then we have to go to pen no this is annotation not here we can go to draw radius and everything we start no yeah this is a little bit awkward because i'm not exactly sure how to do this origin is a surface and it's very small like this yes and now notice how we can do it we can do ice i don't know if we have symmetry with this by the way it will be nice if we have but probably we don't have so i will do the eyes by the way the the perspective here is huge so let's see oh yes it's 50 millimeters again make it a hundred uh yeah we can go to the erase brush and erase it then go to the brush again we can make eyebrows yeah i know this video is becoming super large but um i just want to show you it's very cool the grease brush is very nice the grease pencil i mean it's very cool hopefully it will be visible you can do those things and then at some point at some point you can kind of disable the head and then you will have just a three-dimensional drawing which is amazing but let's see if we can do it or it will look very ugly probably it will but whatever i don't care i haven't tried it exactly i tried it try i have tried it with here i have tried to make here with this grease pencil it kind of works a little bit over the the other mesh of the hair but it's not exactly right so yeah so we have to do these things here otherwise it will not work it will not be a three-dimensional shape now probably it won't be too but whatever we'll see yeah let's see it without the sphere yeah it's uh it's interesting by the way you can do interesting things with this grease brush but whatever uh i can show you if you're interested uh knowing how to do it but this is how you start sculpting in blender thank you for watching and uh yeah you can find my courses for anatomy and other things mostly in zbrush below and for now i will just use a little bit more this grab brush here yeah the nose is odd the nose is pretty odd but for now i will tell you goodbye and this video became pretty long but hopefully you like it bye for now
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 437,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: irWAjPQyYzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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